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- People across the globe can connect with anyone to share their thoughts, photographs and life

Social network is actually a miniature world but more convenient because it is almost
unencumbered by geographical distance. Besides, users themselves can easily find new friends
with the same interests, thoughts and opinions, experiences in life. For example, when social
media users love to take and post pictures of outdoor scenes, animals and plants, they often
want to share that these with people who have common interests, so they will seek out groups
with similar hobbies and experiences, as well as having fun chattings about views, photos, even
how to take a beautiful picture for the post. From there, it can be realized that relationships with
the same points or interests are easily connected to each other, people all around the world,
creating long - term durability and leading to closer and closer. relationships.

- Being constantly online cuts people off from their immediate surroundings and disrupts face -
to - face communication.
Users spend most of their time on social networks, besides neglecting study and work,
even having symptoms of social network addiction, also reducing the ability to interact with
relationships, leading to separation from friends and relatives in external reality. Social network
users only know that their days are to start staring at the phone screens, they begin to confine
themselves in the virtual world, virtual pictures, virtual compliments, virtual games or information
that has not yet been verified as real or fake are posted all over the internet. While seen as a
more convenient tool to help people communicate with each other, technology is making us
isolated from real world interactions and making us more insensitive with people around...

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