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Useful Classroom Management Practices

Jeraizha Rose Galang

Raven Bianca L. Mallari

Motivating Students to Learn.

Burden, P. R. (2000). Powerful Classroom Management Strategies. Google Books.
Classroom management refers to the actions and strategies that are used to
maintain order in the classroom. Getting organized—organizing your classroom and
choosing and implementing rules in your class—are the only things you need to do to
apply them. preparing for management includes preparing motivation, planning to
accommodate student diversity, and planning for instruction with management in mind.
Lastly, managing the class by creating a responsible and cooperative class. Organized
class makes them motivate to have a effective classroom management

Strategies to Improve Student and Classroom Management.

Davis, H. A., Summers, J. J., & Miller, L. M. (2012). Strategies to Improve Student and
Classroom Management. Google Books.
We want to share with you what it means when it comes to strategies to
improve your class and how to think about each dimension of our instruction. When
teachers and students openly discuss the purpose of how they communicate as well as the
classroom's culture and atmosphere, development and learning are fair.

Discipline Management
Garett, T. (n.d.). Essentials (Discipline Management.)
When you ask a teacher to respond to a question “What word comes to your
mind when you hear the phrase classroom management?”, they will anwer it by using the
terms like "control," "order," and "discipline." The fundamental focus of classroom
management is discipline. It is definitely an important component of classroom
management. The challenge is that a productive learning environment tends to be noisy
because learning is not a passive activity and requires talking, sharing, discovering,
experimenting, and questioning, and all of that can create a noisy classroom. Teachers
usually believe that a well-managed classroom and well-disciplined students are
equivalent to an orderly and quiet class environment, but the problem is that a productive
learning environment can typically be noisy because learning is not a passive activity and
requires talking, sharing, discovering, experimenting, and questiong

Similarities of Research variable and Methodologies.

Motivating students to learn, Giving them the strategy to improve student engagement
and giving them discipline can gained a students not only a variety on what the students
can give, as well as developing genuine relationships and an inner sense of worth as an
individual, may encourage students to take risks in their academic pursuits.

You can implement effective classroom management by setting up your classroom,

looking for teaching rules and procedure, preparing to deal with every kind of students,
and finally doing the class by establishing an open and responsible classroom,
encouraging and reinforcing good behavior. Motivating students can give them more
likely to participate in activities and less likely to get off task and contribute to disordered
behavior, subsequently, we have the Strategies to Improve Student and Classroom
Management, Our objective is to have the classroom ready for these changes in advance
of time in order to minimize damage. What do you think is the primary focus?
Relationship management or individual student management? Well, the answer is
somewhat complex doing this requires more than simply comprehending the variety of
needs or goods that each student brings to our classroom, but also establishing genuine
relationships with them that are based on shared goals to acquire knowledge and
improvement. The discipline, self-control, and proper discipline provided to that student
could boost their self-worth and confidence by allowing them to work around their
weaknesses and enhance their will to achieve.

Differences of the papers

The procedures to motivate your student is to start you day with greetings, Personal
greetings have an important role in developing a supportive learning environment in the
classroom. According to studies, how professors welcome their students can have an
impact on how engaged and attentive they are during class. By introducing yourself to
your class at the entrance and setting a good tone for the day, you may encourage your
students' feeling of belonging, boost their academic participation, and minimize
behaviors that are disruptive.The teacher's order and preparation for motivation to handle
the diversity of students may result in effective classroom management. Being organized
with the teaching rules and regulations gives them the boost they need to get done that
one thing.
What if we focused a greater amount of time managing connections than managing
individual students? That doesn't mean we should just focus on what every student may
bring to the class; I believe we should also work on building genuine relationships with
students in order to enhance their interest to learn and develop as a group and to improve
classroom management.
You'll have a good and simple teaching experience if you use to those three basic
subjects. The distinction between classroom management and student improvement
strategies and other problems is that this one focuses on the technique for creating
successful classroom management. A method to make this clear is to question, "What is
the primary focus that we need to do?" whether it be managing relationship or managing
individual student. Your ability to successfully run a classroom depends upon how well
you're able to motivate learning in your pupils. It motivates children to learn and develop
as the word "motivate" itself does so. Consider that a pupil of yours seems not really
interested in that subject. If the student exerts minimal effort on class activities, projects,
seatwork, homework, and tests, the student gets off task easily, bothers other students,
and disturbs classroom order. That's why motivating your students can help them
motivate themselves to study. Finally, the discipline management This is a very huge
difference between managing and doing the strategy. You can successfully and
successfully control your classroom by using discipline. Children can be disciplined
without having to sit still and pay attention to what the teacher is saying if they
participate in class in a polite manner for their classmates. All of your students will be
able to participate in the lesson you are teaching if you take away the distractions that
come from disruptive behaviour. encourage control, give responsibility, and support them
in making careful choices.

Conclusion based on your readings

To implement effective classroom management and to discipline the students about their
behavior because teachers believe that a well-managed classroom and well-disciplined
students are equivalent to an orderly and quiet class environment. And motivation is one
of the most important parts of effective classroom management. By using the word
motivation, you are motivating them or giving them a strategy to improve engagement
and giving them discipline that can be gained, as well as developing genuine relationships
that may encourage students to take risks in their academic pursuits. And share their
knowledge and improvements with other students like them. The goal, or the important
part of this, is to improve the students' attitude or behavior and boost their self-esteem
and confidence by allowing them to work with their weaknesses and enhance their will to
achieve. Teachers usually think that benefits and punishments are the foundation of a
successful classroom management strategy. built with a behaviorist approach using active
programs that are externally controlled. to provide something that supports both
intellectual and emotional growth. Understanding what constitutes good classroom
management is important. For successful, powerful, and successful classroom
management, we strongly suggest teachers to use these three things: initially study the
strategy to improve your student management; secondly, know how to motivate your
students to learn; last but not least, know how to do discipline management not only for
those students but also for teachers.

Research GAP

Some teachers are using those kinds of strategies, but even if they have implemented
rules and regulations in the classroom, some or perhaps even one student is going to
ignore the rules and regulations that you have instructed them to follow. They still don't
get or fix the classroom management even though they have done the rules and
regulations in the classroom, and if you have twenty students some or maybe one
students will not follow the rules and regulations that you have said to the them. And the
goal is to improve classroom management and students attitude or behavior and improve
their self confidence if one of the students in classroom is bully

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