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America is a country that is visited by many immigrants from several foreign countries.

one day you study in America or another country you will experience culture shock in
general that happens to someone who is just starting to adapt to the destination country.
Culture shock is a natural thing for immigrants because we will experience drastic cultural
and linguistic differences and the impact given is enough to make us stressed for a long time
if there is no effort to reduce the sense of culture shock. So it is recommended that before you
visit a country you should prepare and learn everything that will be needed in the destination

If you experience culture shock you will feel like frustration, homesickness, and
prolonged discomfort. But if you continue without any effort to reduce the sense of culture
shock, then you will not thrive and experience severe stress. The most important way to
reduce the feeling of culture shock is to be open-minded. Try to see cultural differences as
part of a new path of learning and experience. Stop comparing your culture to theirs and think
outside the box. Then don't be shy, try to interact with people from your home country and let
them know that you are new to that country. And this last method is often done by people
who experience culture shock, which is to always lock themselves in their room because they
experience insecurity when meeting other people even though this is a mistake, so try to get
out of the house and try to blend in with the environment and people around you, such as
relaxing in the park, watching movies, or join the organization.

From the tips that have been described can help you reduce the sense of culture shock
in the destination country. Don't despair and feel inferior because it will make you more
stressed, if you have aspirations to go to another country, let's start preparing and learn what
is needed so as not to experience prolonged culture shock.

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