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Set 1

1. acidulous \ə-ˈsi-jə-ləs\ somewhat acid or harsh in taste or manner

2. barrage \ˈbär-ij\ a dam placed in a watercourse to increase the depth of water or to
divert it into a channel for navigation or irrigation
3. chic \ˈshēk\ fashionable style
4. douche \ˈdüsh\ an object used to squirt such a liquid into the body
5. effete \e-ˈfēt, i-\ lacking strength, courage, or spirit
6. faith \ˈfāth\ strong belief or trust in someone or something
7. fate \ˈfāt\ a power that is believed to control what happens in the future
8. thespian \ˈthes-pē-ən\ relating to the drama
9. weary \ˈwir-ē\ lacking strength, energy, or freshness because of a need for rest or
10. abstemious \ab-ˈstē-mē-əs\ not eating and drinking too much

Set 2
1. roe \ˈrō\ the eggs of a fish especially when still enclosed in the ovarian membrane
2. enthrall \in-ˈthrȯl, en-\ to hold the attention of (someone) by being very exciting, interesting, or
3. agile \ˈa-jəl, -ˌjī(-ə)l\ able to move quickly and easily
4. staunch \ ˈstänch\ very devoted or loyal to a person, belief, or cause
5. mangle \ˈmaŋ-gəl\ to injure with deep disfiguring wounds by cutting, tearing, or
crushing <people… mangled by sharks
6. façade \fə-ˈsäd\ the front of a building
7. gneiss \ˈnīs\ a foliated metamorphic rock corresponding in composition to a
feldspathic plutonic rock (as granite)
8. habitué \hə-ˈbi-chə-ˌwā, ha-, -ˌbi-chə-ˈ\  a person who is often at a specified place
9. imbroglio \im-ˈbrōl-(ˌ)yō\  a complex dispute or argument
10. impious \ˈim-pē-əs, (ˌ)im-ˈpī-\ feeling or showing a lack of respect for God : not pious

Set 3
1. piquant \ˈpē-kənt, -ˌkänt; ˈpi-kwənt\  having a pleasant, spicy taste
2. bard \ˈbärd\ a tribal poet-singer skilled in composing and reciting verses on
heroes and their deeds
3. laconic \lə-ˈkä-nik\ using few words in speech or writing
4. garrulous \ˈger-ə-ləs, ˈga-rə- also ˈger-yə-\ tending to talk a lot : very talkative
5. soiree \swä-ˈrā\ a formal party that is usually at night
6. philatelist \fə-ˈla-tə-list\ a person who studies or collects postage stamps
7. sagacious \sə-ˈgā-shəs, si-\ having or showing an ability to understand difficult ideas and
situations and to make good decisions
8. modicum \ˈmä-di-kəm also ˈmō-\ a small amount
9. aplomb \ə-ˈpläm, -ˈpləm\ confidence and skill shown especially in a difficult situation
10. charlatan \ˈshär-lə-tən\ a person who falsely pretends to know or be something in order to deceive

Set 4
1. oblanceolate \(ˌ)äb-ˈlan(t)-sē-ə-ˌlāt\ inversely lanceolate
2. coquettish \kō-ˈket-tish\ a woman who likes to win the attention or admiration of men but
does not have serious feelings for them
3. sovereign \ˈsä-v(ə-)rən, -vərn also ˈsə-\ one possessing or held to possess supreme
political power
4. ruffle \ˈrə-fəl\ to move or lift (something) so that it is no longer smooth
5. glide \ˈglīd\ to fly without engine power
6. gusty \ˈgəs -tē\ a sudden brief rush of wind
7. frisk \ˈfrisk\ to pass your hands over (someone) to search for something that
may be hidden in clothing
8. verdant \ˈvər-d nt\
green with growing plants
9. chokeberry \ choke -ˌber-ē\ any of a genus (Aronia) of North American shrubs of the rose
family that bear chokeberry
10. mischievous \ˈmis-chə-vəs, ˈmish-; ÷mis-ˈchē-vē-əs, mish-\ causing or tending to cause
annoyance or minor harm or damage

Set 5
1. paragon \ˈper-ə-ˌgän, -gən, ˈpa-rə-\ a model of excellence or perfection
2. pugnacious \ˌpəg-ˈnā-shəs\ showing a readiness or desire to fight or argue
3. fortuitous \fȯr-ˈtü-ə-təs, -ˈtyü-, fər-\ having or showing good luck
4. scrumptious \ˈskrəm(p)-shəs\ very pleasant to taste
5. scrupulous \ˈskrü-pyə-ləs\ careful about doing what is honest and morally right
6. inundate \ˈi-(ˌ)nən-ˌdāt\ to cover (something) with a flood of water
7. purported \pur -ˈpȯr-təd\ said to be true or real but not definitely true or real
8. blithe \ˈblīth, ˈblīth\ happy and without worry
9. lachrymose lach·ry·mose \-ˌmōs\ tending to cry often
10. irascible \i-ˈra-sə-bəl\ becoming angry very easily

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