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Ryan T.

Hilario March 2, 2023

BEE 1 –A/ T, W, TH Module 1

This example shows how far technological and scientific developments have advanced. Currently, our
smartphones effectively provide us with access to every aspect of our life, including job searching and
schooling. Nowadays, a substantial portion of our satisfactions are delivered through our smartphones. As a
result, many members of the next generation will be born with gadgets in their reach. Moreover, as
technological, and scientific developments progress, more resources are needed to generate these goods. The
more of these goods are manufactured, the more probable that the rate of environmental degradation will
continue to increase. In addition to everything negative that was just mentioned. Science and technological
advancements are beneficial to our everyday requirements, such as watching the most up-to-date news,
connecting with someone on other parts of the globe, and to using the maps in our phones to navigate.
Another one is how many medical experts have made fascinating breakthroughs on how to treat diseases that
were previously impossible. To conclude if technological and scientific advancements are made, there will
always be an effect and a profit on both sides of such advancements.

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