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Ryan T.

Hilario April 13, 2023

BEE 1 – A Science, Technology, & Society (Activity 7)

1. How is moving towards a good life the same as moving towards progress in science
and technology?
 Many of us have a good life in this day and age because of all of the necessities we use every day, like
our; phones, laptops, television, the Internet, and a lot of other things Humans now have a much
simpler way of life as a result of advancements in science and technology. As these advancements
occur in the field of science and technology, so does our way of life. It makes our lives easier by
assisting us in tasks like finding information and resolving human issues. Furthermore, as innovation
helps us in our exercises, it additionally makes our lives simpler.

2. Does science and technology advancement always lead to a good life? Why or why
not? Cite examples to illustrate your point?
 Progression of science and technology has been demonstrated to carry on with an impactful existence
why? Since science and technology helps us in our exercises and makes the most common way of
making something all the more quicker. An illustration of this is that back in the mid nineteenth
century when forensic science was not yet completely developed, individuals use to take photos and
actual estimations of the scene. These days as forensic science have gone along way, individuals can
now distinguish who is a suspect in a given crime location by utilizing DNA left from said crime location.
The invention of the phone is another innovation that has improved people's lives. Before, messages
were transmitted by letters delivered by the mail service, which may take days or even weeks
depending on how far away the recipient is. Because of the development of what is now known as a
smartphone, which offers not only messaging and calling but also a form of entertainment, GPS, and
the ability to browse information, people's communication has drastically grown more swift and wide.
Also, as you can see from my argument, advances in science and technology have improved people's
lives by simplifying our daily activities and changing how we work.

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