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Fast production of HCB business proposal 2012

Excusive summary

Hollow concrete block is an important addition to the types of masonry units available to the
builder and its use for masonry work is on constant increase in our country. Fast production of
HCB Company will construct at the location of eastern Hawassa particularly tabor sub city
and produce high grade quality ‘A’HCB for Hawassa city and its surroundings. The main
objective of Fast production of HCB is to produce economically viable hollow concrete block, to
produce safe and durable HCB and produce technically sound replicable HCB for builder .This
hollow concrete block Construction Company will be the first choose by the builders or construct
or because this HCB is reduce mortar consumption, light weight and greater speed of work
compared to brick masonry. Fast production of HCB also consider with the quality in case of
good weather resistance, safe and durable Hollow concrete blocks by identifying qualified
ingredient of HCB construction materials. Since many builders in this country are yet to become
familiar with the use of concrete blocks, guidance in the form of a code of practice will help
them to appreciate the essential constructional details and adopt hollow concrete block masonry
in a larger scale wherever it is economical.

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Fast production of HCB business proposal 2012

1. Introduction
1.2 General company description
1.3 Objective
1.4 Mission
1.5 Vision
2. The product and service
3. Operational plan
3.1 Manufacturing technique/ methodology
3.2 Mix ratios
3.3 Moulding the concrete
4. Market analysis and potentials
4.1. Market analysis
4.1.1. Factors influencing concrete quality
4.1.2. Manufacturing process:
4.1.3. Location, Land and Building:
4.1.4. Machinery & equipment:
4.1.5. Installed capacity of production
4.2. Scope and Market Potential:
5. Business strategy and implementation
5.1. Organization structures
5.2 Production capacity
5.3. Utility for the product
CHAPTER SI…………………………………………………………………………
6. Financial plan
6.1. Capital cost
6.2. Profits of the company
CHAPTER SEVEN……………………………………………………………………18
7. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………………18

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Fast production of HCB business proposal 2012

List of figu
figur2.1-sample production of concrete blocks…………………………………………….3

Figure3.2-Measuring of mixtures…………………………………………………………...7

Figure 6.1-cash flow diagram ……………………………………………………………...16

List of table

Table6.1- land &building…………………………………………………………………...14

Table6.2- Machinery & equipment ………………………………………………………..14
Table6.3- Salary & wages (per month) …………………………………….……………...15
Table 6.4-Raw materials …………………………………………………………………...15
Table6.5- Utilities (per month) …………………………………………………………….15
Table 6.6- Sales turnover (per year) …………………………………………………..…..16

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