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Nama Lengkap : IFAH MAIMUNAH

Nomor Kartu Prakerja : 3550202358406594

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, good morning everyone.

I, as a sales staff at this catering company, would like to share a little information about the target
market that we are aiming for this month. As part of the sales team, we have a target to receive orders
of 1,000 portions within one month.

First of all, let's look at the background of our target market. Our catering company focuses on providing
food for various events, from formal events such as seminars, business meetings, to informal events
such as birthdays and family parties. Currently, we also provide catering services for corporate events.

We have segmented our target market based on the type of event held. The first segment is formal
events, such as seminars and business meetings, where the food we provide is usually more elegant and
served in a variety of dishes. The second segment is informal events, such as family parties and
birthdays, where the food we provide is usually more relaxed and suitable for sharing with friends and

Apart from that, we also identify the person in charge of choosing the catering for their event, which is
commonly called the PIC (person in charge). In formal events, usually the PIC is the event manager or
committee appointed by the company. Meanwhile, in an informal event, the PIC is usually a family or
friend who plans the event.

In an effort to achieve the target of 1000 servings this month, we will target these segments with
different marketing strategies. For formal events, we will offer elegant meal packages with attractive
presentations, while for informal events, we will offer more relaxed meal packages at affordable prices.

Thus a brief information from me about the description of our target market. Thank you for listening, if
you have any questions please talk to me after this presentation. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi

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