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Lembar Kerja 1


Nomor Kartu Prakerja : 3552 2023 1388 4822

Hello, Good morning all management colleagues.

today I will explain about our target market,

about target background, target segmentation, and PIC identification

the first I will explain about the target background.

In a post-pandemic situation like this, several companies have started working from the
office, with a sales target of 1,000 servings in one month. We can look for targets with a large
number of employees and early morning hours when employees usually don't have time for

the second I will explain about segmentation and target identification.

by looking at the first point earlier, we will choose what kind of company segment will be our
here I propose my target is:
- Financial services such as banks, BUMN, fintech
- manufacturers such as astra, unilever, holcim
- government such as ministries, local government
after we get the target segment, then we can try to provide attractive offers to the company's

in some of these companies, of course we will negotiate with several PICs owned by these
here I will explain some PIC of the company.

- Financial services: maybe we will negotiate with PIC Procurement and PIC Administration
- Manufacturing : it is possible that we will negotiate with the decision-making PIC and the
Administration PIC
- Government : maybe we will negotiate with PIC Procurement

Thus my short presentation, hopefully it can be taken into consideration in this company.
Thank you for your time.

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