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A. Constitutions
a. Incumbent Constitutions

Initial Format: Abbreviated state or country, Constitution, pinpoint citation

Illustration: Phil. Const. art. VI, S2

Note: Constitutions must always be cited in full even in subsequent citations.

Supra and Ibid should not be used.

b. Repealed constitution

Format: Year of adoption Abbreviated state/country, constitution, pinpoint cita-


Illustration: 1935 Phil. Const. art. I, S2 (superseded 1973)

1973 Phil. Const. art VI (superseded 1987)

Note: Should always be cited in full even in subsequent citations. Supra or
id should not be used.

c. Records of Constitutional Commissions

Initial Citation: Volume No. (if any written in Arabic numeral) O cial Title of the Record
or Journal, Session No. (if any), pinpoint citation, year, Abbreviated State or country)

Illustration: Journal of the Constitutional Convention, No. 91, at 1033 (1986)

Note: There is no need to indicate the country if it is a Philippine Constitutional
Proceeding. Supra should not be used but id. may be used when necessary.

B Codes and Statutes

a. Codes

Initial Citation Format: Full title, Short Title, statute No. pinpoint citation, pinpoint cita-
tion if not published by state o cials, year, abbreviated state or country.


An Act to Ordain and Institute the Civil Code of the Philippines (Civil Code), Re-
public Act 386 (1950)

For subsequent citations, use: Short title and pinpoint citation, as:

Illustration: Civil Code, art. 111

Note: There is no need to indicate the country if it is a Philippine Code

Supra should not be used but id. may be used when necessary.



C. Reported Cases
Initial Citation Format: Case title, (volume no.) (abbreviated name of reporter)
(first page of the report, pinpoint citation
Illustration: De la Cruz v. Republic, 700 SCRA 2 (2014)
* Cite only the name of those first listed on the contending side
*If case cited is a consolidation of two or more cases, cite only the first
*For subsequent citations , follow the format:
Abbreviated title, vol. no., abbreviated name of reporter, pinpoint citation.
Illustration: De la Cruz, 700 SCRA 2
Note: Supra should not be used but id. may be used when proper.

D. Unreported Cases
Initial Citation Format: Case title, case/docket number, deciding court or agency, year,

Illustration: Marie Tan v. Lido Mills, Case No. 12345 (2018) (unreported)

E. Cases Available Online under O cial Domain Names

Initial Citation Format: Case title, case or docket no., date, pinpoint citation, available
at internet address, last accessed date, abbreviated state or country.

Illustration: Mary Grace Poe-Llamanzares v. Commission on Elections, GR No.

221697, Mar. 8, 2016 at 21, at le=/ju-
risprudence/2016/221697.pdf (last accessed January 13, 2019).

F. Legislative Materials
1. Legislative Bills

Initial Citation Format: Title (if needed) H.B. or S.B. No., pinpoint citation (if any) legis-
lature, session, year.

Illustration: HB No. 23 S 7 16th Congress, 1st Reg. Sess (2013)

Subsequent citations: H.B. or S.B. No., pinpoint citation

Supra is not used for subsequent citations but id. may be used when proper.

2. Committee Reports

Initial Citation Format: Title of Relevant Bill (if needed), Committee, H or S Rep. No.,
Legislature, session, year.


H.B. No. 1234, Committee on Education, H Rep. No. 2, 16th Cong., 2nd Reg. Sess.

Subsequent Citations: H or S Rep. No., pinpoint citation

Illustration: H. Rep. No. 21



Supra is not used for subsequent citations but id. may be used when proper

G. Rules of Procedure within the Rules of Court

Intial Citation: Year, Title of Rules, rule number, pinpoint citations

Illustration: 2000 Revised Rules of Civil Procedure, rule 110, S 4


Note: Sources of information which help explain, comment on or analyze the
law. These are not binding statements of law but may be pursuasive.

A. Books and non-periodic Materials

Single Author

Initial Citation Format: Author, year, Title of Book, (Place of Publication: Publisher)
Year of Publication or edition number, page


Hernando B. Perez, 2018, Quizzer and Review on Transportation Laws, (Manila:

Central Book Supply) 14

Note: If the book has:

a. Two authors, use “&” to separate their names.

b. Multiple authors, write the name of the rst author followed by et. al.

For subsequent citations, use supra. Id. may also be used when proper.

B. Journal or magazine

1. Journal
Initial CItation Format: Title or article in quotation marks, underline the name of journal/
magazine and comma, Volume number enclosed in parenthesis, month & year pub-
lished comma and page number

Juan de la Cruz, 2016, “Does the President Need Emergency Powers”, Lawyer’s
Review, VI: (2), January 2016.

Note: For subsequent citations, use supra. Id. may also be used when proper.

Magazine Articles
Initial Citation Format: Author, Title, Name of Magazine, date, month, quarter, period or
year, pinpoint citation.

John Snow, The Year of the Dragon, Newsweek, Apr. 1, 2019, at 16-17.


Note: For subsequent citations, use supra. Id. may also be used when proper.

C. Internet Sources

In citing material read on the Internet, it is not sufficient to indicate the website
alone. Information about author, title (if available), and date of the document must also
be cited.

Internet Sources in General

1. Initial Citation: Author or organization, if any, Title, Description of Material, if

necessary, pinpoint citation (if possible), internet address (date last accessed).


Michelle Maiese, Human Rights Violations, available at https://www.beyondin-, (June 10, 2019).

Note: For subsequent citations, use supra. Id. may also be used when proper

2. News Articles Online

Initial CItation: Author, if available, Headline, Abbreviation of Newspaper, date of Publi-

cation or report, internet address, (access date).


Frances Mangosing, Recipe for disaster: Intel O cial warns versus China backed
Telco in PH, Phil. Daily Inquirer available at
recipe-for-disaster-intel-o cial-warns-vs-china-backed-telco-in-ph, (last accessed
Sept. 17, 2019).

Note: For subsequent citations, use supra. Id. may also be used when proper.

3.. Social Media

Author, Username (if available), Description of Content (if any), Date of Posting,
Time of Publication (if available) Social Medium, Internet Address, (date accessed).


Lian Buan, @lianbuan, Sept. 17, 2019, 2:00 pm, Twitter, available at twitter.-, September 17, 2019.

Note: For subsequent citations, use supra. id. may also be used when proper.

D. . Thesis and Unpublished Materials

Intial Format: Author, Title, pinpoint citation, date, type of work, institution which
awarded the degree, physical repository.


Ronaldo M. Corales, Harmonizing the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and Writ

of Kalikasan in Relation to the Application of te Precautionary Principle in GMO Field


Testing and Propagation at 5 (March 15, 2019) unpublished JD Thesis, University of

Batangas (on le with the UB College of Law Library).

Note: For subsequent citations, use supra. Id. may also be used when proper

E. Interviews Conducted by the Author

Initial Citation:

Interviewee, location of interview, medium of interview, date of interview


Interview with Speaker Allan Peter Cayetano, in Batasang Pambansa, June 21,

Interview with Senate President Vicente Sotto III through Skype (June 21, 2019)

Note: For subsequent citations, follow the format: Interviewee, supra note
(footnote number of the intial citation) Id may also be used.


Interview with DOTC Senator Vicente Sotto III, supra note ___.

F. Perez, M., & V. Cortez. (2003). Professional Ethics, Paper presented at the IBP
Regional Convention

G. Speeches

Initial CItation Format

Speaker, title and institutional a liation (if any), Title of Speech (if any), Address/
Remarks at event or place of address, date of address


Menardo Guevarra, Secretary, Department of Justice, Commencement Address

at the University of Batangas 57th Commencement Exercises (July 3, 2019).

Note: For subsequent citations, use supra. Id. may also be used when proper

Illustration: Guevarra, supra note ___.

H. Founding Documents

1. UN Charter and League of Nations Covenant

Initial CItation:

U.N. Charter/League /League of Nations Covenant, pinpoint citation


U.N. Charter, art. 45 1

League of Nations Covenant art 10

These two founding documents must always be cited in full. Hence supra
should not be used in subsequent citations. Id. may be used for these docu-
2. Bilateral Treaties

Initial Citation Format

Name of agreement, abbreviated names of parties to agreement, pinpoint cita-

tion, if any, date of signing, treaty compilation.


Protocol Between the Government of the United States of America and the
Government of Republic of the Philippines Amending and Supplementing the 1982 Air
Transport Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and
the Government of the Republic of the Philippines, Phil-USA, Nov. 20, 1991, 2466
U.N.T.S. 106.

3. World Court Cases Available Online

Initial Citation Format

Case title, abbreviated names of the parties, matter of decision (if relevant) tyoe
of court document, pinpoint citation, date, internet address (date last accessed)


Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay (Arg. v. Uru.) Judgment, 56 (Apr. 20, 2010, avail-
able at les/13515877.pdf (last accessed Sept. 24, 2011)

Note: The type of court document being cited, e.g. judgments, must always be
indicated if the case was cited online, even if irrelevant to the text referred to by the ci-

For subsequent citations, follow the following format. Supra should not be
used, id. may be used when proper.

Short case title, ICJ type of court document,, pinpoint citation.


Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay, ICJ Judgment 35


In citing a secondary source, acknowledge the source you have and, indicating that
it is a secondary source. This demonstrates that you have not read the original source
but read about it from a secondary source. Whenever possible, use the original


These are used for subsequent citations of previously cited authorities.

1. Id.
Used when citing exactly all the authorities, in exactly the same page numbers or
a. in the immediately preceding authority within the same footnote; or,
b. in the immediately preceding footnote.z
2. Supra


Used to subsequently cite an authority which has been fully cited previously.
Surname of author, supra note__, at _____


For short quotes (less than 40 words, enclose the quoted part within double quo-
tation marks; for longer quote, use the block form ( free standing) with no quotation
marks, and in double space. Include the page number in the citation. ( Note: quoting
directly from a work should be done sparingly).


Present the bibliography on a separate page. Include all relevant sources used
in the research arranged alphabetically by the surname of the author. (Unlike the foot-
note reference, the surname is shown first, set off from the rest of the information.) The
information required are the following: author, title, place of publication, publisher and
date of publication.
Separate primary from secondary sources.

1. Methods of Research and Thesis Writing by Laurentina Paler-Calmorin and Melchor
2. Ateneo Law Journal, Legal Citation Guide

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