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Bowen EHS, Inc.

ASP/CSP 01 Introduction Study Solutions

1. Which calculator is not acceptable for the CSP exam?

A. Casio FX-300
B. TI – 30
C. HP 9

2. List three references appropriate to use in preparing for the CSP exam.

A. Safety and Health for Engineers,, Cartoon Guide to

B. Noise Manual, MS PowerPoint, Chemical Protective Clothing
C. MS Excel, Radiation Protection, MS Word
D. Book of Risks, Epidemiology, Insurance Manual

3. Select the best definition for safety.

A. The state of being relatively free from harm, injury or damage.

B. A workplace with no accidents.
C. The probability and severity of an event.
A. A condition unlikely to cause a negative event.

4. How many questions are on the CSP exam?

A. 100
B. 150
C. 200
D. 250

5. A CIH, a PE, and a CSP are sitting in a room. Which one is most strictly

D. They are all equally regulated.

6. Which is the greatest risk of death for the average American worker?

A. Motor vehicle accident

B. Fall
C. Homicide
D. Asbestos

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Bowen EHS, Inc.

7. Which is the greatest risk of death for the average American?

A. Motor vehicle accident

B. Fall
C. Homicide
D. Cancer

8. Define the basis of most worker compensation regulations in the U.S.

A. Workers must compensate employers for damages to their property.

B. Workers’ comp is a no-fault insurance. All work related injuries are
covered. The amount of compensation is fixed for each injury.
C. State governments fund an insurance company to indemnify workers for
work related injuries.
D. None of the above.

9. What did the Williams-Steiger Act establish?


10. Name 3 reasons why you want to become a CSP.

A. Prestige, Career Opportunities, Increased salary

B. Cool looking stamp, Prove my intelligence to other workers, walk around
with an air of superiority
C. Like to take standardized tests, Enjoy sense of frustration, Great excuse to
avoid going to the office party because your studying for the exam
D. Increased salary, like taking standardized exams, desire the authority to
tell other people how wrong they are

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