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Medical Scenario #2

P: Good Evening my name is Dr. Koothrappali I am the surgery resident on call tonight what brings
you to the ER?

L: Hola doctor yo me llamo Miguel Fernandez pues mire doctor es que desde ayer me comenzo un
dolor en la parte baja de la panza y hoy me sigue doliendo, pero más fuerte.

P: I understand at what time did the pain start?

L: Como a eso de las 5 de la tarde doctor.

P: And is it a like burning pain, acute pain, dull pain?

L: ¿Qué es eso de dolor sordo?

P: Dull pain is like a pain that is hurting you know it is there, but it is not severe and usually it doesn't
go away after several hours.

L: Si, si asi mismo es es un dolor sordo.

P: Ok and how about nausea and vomit?

L: Si doctor como a eso de las 5 o 6 de la tarde me sentia todo mareado y vomite.

P: What about fever do you have any fever?

L: Pues no se doctor no me he tomado la temperatura, pero me dijo mi esposa que ella me siente
caliente la frente.

P: Ok and when was the last time you had something to eat?

L: Desde ayer no como nada doctor.

P: When was the last time you had something to drink?

L: Pues como a media noche me tome un vaso de agua.

P: Ok I am going to check your blood pressure, temperature and feel your belly is that ok?

L: Si doctor está bien.

P: Well, your blood pressure seems fine 120/80 but your temperature is high 102 degrees. I'm going to
feel your belly right now.

L: Ok doctor esta bien.

P: Does it hurt when I push here?

L: No

P: What about here?

L: No

P: And here?

L: Mas o menos

P: And here?

L: Igual más o menos doctor.

P: And here?

L: ¡Ay! ¡Ay! ¡Ay! Ahi si, ahi si doctor duele bastante.

P: I see, well Mr. Fernandez your symptoms make me suspect a possible appendicitis we are going to
do some blood work to see if your white blood cells are normal or elevated. Also, we might like to do
an ultrasound to see if you appendix appears to have signs of inflammation and infection.

L: Ok, doctor.

P: Do you have any questions for me right now Mr. Fernandez?

L: ¿Pues si doctor quería saber si es posible que me operen?

P: Well, it depends Mr. Fernandez on what the results of your ultrasound and blood work indicate us. If
you have complicated appendicitis, then we will have to conduct an appendectomy that is the surgical
removal of your appendix in order to avoid further complications.

L: Ok, doctor solo queria saber eso.

P: Well, Mr. Fernandez if you don't have any further questions I will come and see you in a while when
the test results are back to make a decision for your treatment.

L: Ok doctor esta bien.

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