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Copyright © 1970 by The Williams & Wilkins Co. Printed in U.S.A.



Pelage and vibri sal follicle development was examined in experimental combinations
of embryonic epithelial and mesodermal tissues isolated from the snout, dorsum and
plantar surfaces of the foot plate. Following separation of the tissues by cold tryptic
digestion, experimental and control explants were grafted to the anterior chambers of
homologous adult eyes. When mesodermal tissues from follicle-bearing areas are
combined with glabrous epithelium from the foot plate, hair follicles and sebaceous
glands are induced. Complete and harmonius development occurs in the intraocular
grafts. Experimental exchanges of tissues between the two hair-bearing regions indicated
that epithelium from the snout and dorsum can participate with homologous and
heterologous follicle-bearing mesoderm to produce hair follicle . These data proYide con-
clusive evidence for the inductive role of the dermal papilla during the ontogeny of
pelage and vibrissae follicles.

Investigations of the factors responsible for me odermal components from various body sites
the initiation and maintenance of hair growth can be experimentally recombined to test the
generally support the notion that dermal con- developmental capabilities of the tissues. Thus,
den ations and dermal papillae are obligatory when embryonic snout epithelium was combined
determinants of development (1-6) . The view with heterologous mesoderm from the dorsum,
that the dermal papilla induces skin differentia- follicle developed. However, the reciprocal com-
tion i a derivative of the classic work of Lillie bination did not result in hair formation al-
and Wang (7, 8), Wang (9), Cairns and Saun- though the epithelium remained viable. More-
ders (10), and others (11, 12) who have demon- over, the follicle structure formed were vibris-
trated and defined the tissue interactions oper- ae-like and suggested that the specificity for the
ating in the embryonic avian integument. integumental derivative resides in the snout epi-
Briefly, thi notion suggests that the initiation thelium, at the ages tested. Furthermore, the e
of pelage and vibrissae primordia i the result of follicles were produced in response to the induc-
inductive epithelia-mesenchymal interactions, tive stimuli of dermal condensations in the men-
and that in post natal organism hair follicles oderm of the dorsum.
are maintained by the continued, if poorly un- These suggestive data notwithstanding, the
derstood, activities of dermal papillae. experimental design did not provide an unequiv-
In an earlier report (13), the advantages of ocal demonstration of the inductive nature of
attacking this problem in embryonic skin were the dermal condensations present in the meso-
di cus ed. The po sibility of obtaining uncon- dermal components. The most serious shortcom-
taminated beets of epithelium and mesoderm ing wa the choice of epithelia and mesoderm
containing the anlage of hair is increased during from two follicle-bearing body sites for the re-
the early stages of development. In addition, ciprocal experimental combinations. Rather, ti -
embryonic rudiment can be cultured in vitro or sue interactions between glabrous skin compo-
can be grafted to advantageous explanation nent and haired skin provide the ideal experi-
ite . Finally, following separation, epithelial and mental approach analogou ~ to the demonstration
. Received June 29, 1970; accepted for publica- that dermal condensations of embryonic feather
twn July 20, 1970. follicles can initiate feather development in ap-
This study was supported by American Cancer
Society Institutional Grant In-41 J. terous regions of the avian integument.
The author thanks Grace R. Baird for her com- Thi paper describes the results of experimen-
p tent assistance.
*¥rom th~ Departl'!lent of Anatomy, The Uni- tally exchanging the tissue components of gla-
ver 1ty of Chicago, ChiCago, lllinois 60637. brou plantar surface skin with the component

from the nout and dorsum of embryonic mice. ciprocal combinations of epithelium and me oderm
Hair follicles are induced by the dermal conden- derived from the snout and dorsum.
The explants were harvested after 1-2 week in
sations in the mesoderm from haired regions in-
the intraocular site. The tissues were fixed in
dicating that these condensations, the anlage of Zenker's-acet ic acid, serially sectioned, and stained
the dermal papillae, act inductively and elicit with hematm:ylin and eosin.
new developmental expres ion from hairless epi-
thelium. RESULTS

The development of pelage and vibrissa! hair

follicles has been described in several recent
Embryonic C5d 10 mice were used. Develop- publications (13, 15, 18, 19). Despite minor dif-
mental ages were determined by the appearance ference , the two follicle types share similar on-
of a vaginal plug and the staging criteria of Grune- togenetic sequences. The epithelium invades the
berg (14).
Skin containing the mystacial vibrissae pri- mesenchyme in association with an aggregation
mordia was excised from the snouts of 11- to 13- of mesodermal cells, the dermal condensation,
day old embryos. The mid-dorsal skin was re- and eventually incorporates these mesodermal
moved from 13- to 15-day old embryos. Plantar cell as a dermal papilla into the base of the
surfaces of the posterior foot plates were dissected
elongated epithelial follicle. Cytodifferentiation
from 14- and 15-day old embryonic mice. Posterior
foot plates were used exclusively in the experi- results in the formation of a keratinized hair
ments reported here because pilot experiments in- haft. This typical association of epithelium and
dicated that plantar skin isolated from anterior mesenchyme is particularly obvious in snout
limbs was easily contaminated with hair-bearing kin following trypsinization (Fig. 1). The activ-
skin from the lateral aspects of the foo t plate.
Careful trimming of the plantar skin and selection ity of the trypsin permits separation of the two
of the central portions of the posterior foot plate tissue components at the level of the basement
resulted in uniformly follicle-free control explants. membrane.
Th e method of stripping epithelium from meso- In contrast, the plantar surface of the foot
derm in these tissue fragments has been described does not develop follicle downgrowths into the
elsewhere in detail ( 13, 15, 16). The tissue was
treated with a 1% solution of trypsin (Bacto- me enchyme. Rather a thickened, heavily kera-
Difco, 1 :250) for 1-2 hours at 4° C. Following this tinizing, glabrous epithelium develops on the
t reatment, the tissues were separated and stored plantar surface. The foot pads are specialized
until recombinations were constructed. regions characteristic of the plantar surface
Early attempts to culture recombinations in
(Fig. 2).
conventional culture systems such as plasma clots,
roller tube cultures, agar-solidified complex me- The isolated epithelium and mesodermal com-
dium, etc., did not yield consistently satisfactory ponents do not develop independently; the iso-
results. Instead, the intraocular anterior chamber lated ti sues must be as ociated with each other
was used as an explantation site for long term if typical morphogenesis is to proceed (13, 15).
Experimental and control ti sue combinations On the other hand, trypsin mediated separation
were prepared and cultured for 1 or 2 days on me- does not severely impair development; when the
dium ( 17) composed of Eagle's basal medium sup- two component are re-associated before cultur-
plemented with 10 % fetal bovine erum, 1% gluta- ing, pelage and vibrissae follicles (Fig. 3) de-
mine, penicillin-streptomycin (50 units each / ml) , velop in control recombinant of homologously
and 0.4 % agar (Grand Island Biological Com-
pany). Recombinants were allowed to cohere on derived component from the same body Eite
this medium in a humidified atmo phere of 5% (13). Similarly, plantar epithelium and meso-
C02 in air at 37° C. Following thi incubation pe- derm continue to develop (Fig. 4). In this case,
riod, the explants could be tran ferred safely tc however, the epithelium of these grafts keratin-
the anterior chamber of homologou adult mice.
Four categories of explants were constructed:
izes heavily as is characteristic of this epithelium
(i) control explants of homologous tissues recom- in situ; hair follicles do not develop in homol-
bined immediately following trypsinization and ogous control explants derived from the plantar
separation; (ii) experimental heterologous recom- surface of the posterior foot plate.
binations of mesoderm from he hair-bearing snout Plantar epithelium al o heavily
or dorsum with epithelium from the plantar sur-
when experimentally confronted with mesoderm
face; (iii) reciprocal experimental recombinations
of mesoderm from the plantar surface with epi- from the hair-bearing snout or dorsum. In addi-
thelium from the snout or dorsum; and (iv) re- tion, however, in the presence of thi. mesoderm

Fro. 1. Section of two vibrissae follicles in the process of being freed from the mesenchy-
mal bed of 13-d.ay embryonic snout skin. The tissue was subjected to cold trypsinization
and fixed before complete separation of the epithelium and mesenchyme occurred. X 382.
Fro. 2. Epithelium released from a posterior foot plate of a 15-day embryo following
trypsinization. X 153.
Fro. 3. Advanced follicles in an explant of snout epithelium recombined with homologous
snout mesoderm immediately after separation of the two tissues. This explant was harvested
after two weeks in the anterior chamber. X 382.
containing dermal condensations, posterior foot condensations in the mesoderm. The initiation
plate epithelium participates in hair follicle de- and maintenance of advanced stages of hair fol-
velopment. Large numbers of histotypically per- licle and sebaceous gland differentiation from the
fect follicles are formed in these combinations. usually glabrous plantar epithelium provides an
Advanced states of hair shaft formation and se- unequivocal demonstration of the inductive role
baceous gland development are characteristic of of the dermal papilla.
these explants (Figs. 5 and 6). These data are supported by a similar finding
The reciprocal experimental combinations of in experimental confrontations between snout
epithelium derived from the hair-bearing regions mesoderm and the enamel organs of embryonic
and mesoderm from the plantar surface never mouse tooth germs (20). The enamel organ, a
participate in hair follicle development. The derivative of the oral ectoderm, is a follicle-like
basal layer of the epithelium is thrown into folds structure responsible for enamel secretion during
and large amounts of keratin are formed. These tooth differentiation. When the isolated enamel
observations are typical of homologous or heter- organ is experimentally combined with heterolo-
ologous epithelia supported by mesoderm from gous snout mesoderm, regulation occurs and the
the plantar region. Significantly, follicle and dental epithelium develops as a keratinizing epi-
glandular elements are consistently absent (Fig. thelium resembling surface epithelium. Hair fol-
7). licles and sebaceous glands are induced in the
Finally, heterologous combinations of snout reorganized epithelium. Similarly, follicles are
and dorsum components were of interest since obtained when mesoderm from the dorsum is
these explants were grown in the nutritionally used. Thus, epithelia obtained from very dif-
advantageous explantation site provided by the ferent sources and with seemingly disparate onto-
anterior chamber. Previous data from an organ genetic repertoires can respond to the inductive
culture study (13) indicated that snout epithe- cues provided by dermal papillae of snout and
lium and dorsum mesoderm were able to partici- dorsum mesoderm. Of course, the manner in
pate in hair follicle morphogenesis. The present which the dermal condensations are formed,
study confirms these data. Snout epidermis from their source, and unique properties are of special
the vibrissa! area produced large, well-formed, interest (21, 22). For example, it is not clear
follicles and associated sebaceous glands after whether the inductive cells present when the
one week of explantation (Figs. 8 and 9). Con- mesoderm is isolated function or whether new
trary to our earlier finding, hair follicles did cells arise de novo after recombination of the
develop in reciprocal combinations composed of isolated tissue components. These intriguing
snout mesoderm and epithelium from the dor- problems await future examination.
sum. However, fewer follicles developed in these Nevertheless, it is clear that the epithelium
explants especially when the dorsum epithelium remains responsive to the inductive cues late
was isolated from 15-day old embryos (Fig. 10). into the murine fetal period. The ability of the
plantar epithelium to respond to dermal papillae
reported here is supported by our recent finding
Hair follicles develop as a result of inductive (20) that this epithelium can be induced to form
interactions between the epithelium and dermal histotypically normal teeth. Plantar epithelium
FIG. 4. Epithelial keratinization in a control recombinant of plantar epithelium and
plantar mesoderm after one week in the anterior chamber. X 153.
FIG. 5. Follicles (F) and a sebaceous gland (SG) induced from 15-day embryonic plantar
epithelium by 12-day embryonic snout mesoderm after one week in the anterior chamber.
X 382.
FIG. 6. Follicles induced from 15-day embryonic plantar epithelium by 14-day embryonic
mesoderm from the dorsum after ten days in the eye. X 382.
FIG. 7. Heavily keratinized epithelium devoid of follicle or glandular elements in an
explant of dorsal epithelium from a 14-day embryo and mesoderm from 15-day embryonic
foot plate. X 382.
FIG. 8. Ten days after explantation, follicles are developing in a recombinant of 12-day
embryonic snout epithelium and 13-day embryonic mesoderm from the dorsum. X 382.
FIG. 9. Well developed follicles in another explant of 12-day embryonic snout epithelium
combined with 13-day embryonic dorsal mesoderm. X 153.
FIG. 10. Follicles developing in an explant composed of 15-day embryonic epithelium
from the dorsum and 12-day embryonic snout mesoderm after one week in the eye. X 382.

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