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Area: Teachers: Grade/Course: Subject: Education:

4th English

Weekly course No. of working Learning evaluation and unexpected issues Total class weeks Total
load hours periods

OG.EFL 1 Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other countries in a thoughtful and inquisitive manner,
maturely, and openly experiencing other cultures and languages f rom the secure standpoint of their own national and
cultural identity.
OG.EFL 2 Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and tolerance towards different cultures to comprehend the
role of diversity in building an intercultural and multinational society.
OG.EFL 3 Access greater flexibility of mind, creativity, enhanced linguistic intelligence, and critical thinking skills through
an appreciation of linguistic differences. Enjoy an enriched perspectiv e of their own L1 and of language use for
communication and learning.
OG.EFL 4 Deploy a range of learning strategies, thereby increasing disposition and ability to independently access further
(language) learning and practice opportunities. Respect themselves and others within the communication process,
Objectives of the Area cultivating habits of honesty and integrity into responsible academic behavior.
OG.EFL 5 Directly access the main points and important details of up-todate English language texts, such as those
published on the web, for professional or general investigation, through the efficient use of ICT and reference tools where
OG.EFL 6 Through selected media, participate in reasonably extended spoken or written dialogue with peers from
different L1 backgrounds on work, study, or general topics of common interest, expressing ideas and opinions effectively
and appropriately.
OG.EFL 7 Interact quite clearly, confidently, and appropriately in a range of formal and informal social situations with a
limited but effective command of the spoken language (CEF R B1 level).

O.EFL 2.1 Identify some main ideas and details of written texts, in order to develop an approach of critical inquiry to
written and oral texts.
O.EFL 2.2 Assess and appreciate English as an international language, as well as the five aspects of English that contribute
to communicative competence.
O.EFL.2.3 Independently read level-appropriate texts in English for pure enjoyment/entertainment and to access
Objectives of the level / course information.
O.EFL.2.4Develop creative and critical thinking skills to foster problem-solving and independent learning using both
spoken and written English.
O.EFL 2.5Use in-class library resources and explore the use of ICT to enrich competencies in the four skills.
O.EFL.2.6 Write short descriptive and informative texts and use them as a means of communication and written
expression of thought.
O.EFL 2.7 Appreciate the use of English language through spoken and writtenUNIT literary
1: texts
as poems, Learn
chants, riddles and songs, in order to foster imagination, curiosity and memory, balance
while and
a taste for literature.
O.EFL 2.8Demonstrate a living relationship with the English language throughUNIT interaction
2: Science-
with written
Learn about
and spoken
food andtexts,
in order
UNIT 1; to
explore creative writing as an outlet to personal expression. nutrition
UNIT 2.9Show
Be able
to interact
for decisions
in English
of others
in a simple way using basic expressionsUNIT
and 3short
: Science-
in familiar
bones and to
UNIT Showofempathy
a concrete
provided others talk slowly and clearly and are
prepared to help..
UNIT 4: Show awareness of how others feel UNIT 4: Science- Learn about plants and
UNIT 5: Sharing and listening to others how they grow
4. TRANSVERSAL AXES : UNIT 6: Team work and respect for the ideas of CLIL COMPONENTS: UNIT 5: Science- Learn about properties of
others different materials
UNIT 7: Respond appropriately to other people´s UNIT 6: Social Studies- Learn about maps
emotional state and symbols
UNIT 8: Show awareness of how others f eel UNIT 7: Social Studies- Learn about
UNIT 9: Manage emotions when upset archaeology
UNIT 8: Social Studies- Learn about cities,
towns and villages
UNIT 9: Physical Education- Learn about
5.    DEVELOPMENT OF PLANNIN G UNITS* hat to take on a hiking trip
Unit No.: Intro Name of Unit: WELCOME TO DIVERSICUS
To recognize and name the course characters
To greet people and introduce others
To describe people
Unit Specific Objectives To ask and answer Who`s got?

Evaluation Content/Skills

Curricular Thread 1: Communication and cultural awareness

EFL.2.1.1. Exchange basic introductions and limited
CE.EFL.2.3. Make use of basic personal personal information in class using simple present tense
Learners can use basic personal information and in order to get to know their peers. (Example: where one
information and expressions of politeness in expressions of politeness in short dialogues or
order to introduce oneself and participate in a lives or goes to school, etc.)
short conversation. conversations. (J.2, J.3)I.EFL.2.3.1 Identify the characters and learn how to introduce
yourself/ What is diversicus

Curricular Thread 2: Oral communication

EFL2.2.3. Recognize familiar names, words, and short
phrases about simple everyday topics whether heard in
isolation or within short, simple spoken texts describing
people and objects. (Example: vocabulary about self,
CE.EFL.2.7. Listening for Information: Follow family,
short and simple spoken texts that include . Learners can understand short and simple spoken friends and
Display immediate
flashcards of thesurroundings at school
story characteres andand home,
familiar vocabulary and are set in everyday texts well enough to be able to pick out key items of adjectives for color
comprehension and size,description
of clothing etc.)
contexts. Identify key items of information information and record them in writing or drawings, EFL.2.2.4. Identify items of specific information within
within the text, and record or act upon them. or physically act upon them. (I.3)I.EFL.2.7.1 simple messages or from short and simple descriptions
about familiar contexts, especially if visual support is
provided. (Example: letters of the alphabet, numbers,
prices and times, days, dates and months, etc.)
Act out the story Diversicus using gestures and movement

Curricular Thread 3: Reading

Create activities that fullfill this curricular (I's) content
thread and select the criteria accordingly
Curricular Thread 4: Writing
Create activities that fullfill this curricular (I's) content
thread and select the criteria accordingly
Curricular Thread 5: Language through the Arts
Create activities that fullfill this curricular
thread and select the criteria accordingly
*Recognizing and naming the course characters
*Greeting people and introducing others
*Describing people
*Asking and answering "Who`s got…?"



Unit No.: 1 Name of Unit: PRACTICE TIME

To tell the time
To understand and make questions in the present tense
To use action verbs
Unit Specific Objectives To use could and couldn`t to describe abilities in the past
To extract specific information from a reading text
To read about the life of a child who`s part of a circus
To compare and contrast what they read with their own lives
Evaluation Content/Skills
Curricular Thread 1: Communication and cultural awareness
EFL.2.1.8. Exchange basic personal preferences with peers
CE.EFL.2.4. Develop skills of collaboration by . Learners can select pictures and/or short phrases in order to express likes and dislikes.
working together on projects and sharing
materials while expressing per- sonal that relate to collaborating and sharing and express
personal preferences. (J.2, J .3, S.4)I.EFL.2.4.1
preferences with peers. Read the story "The circus child" and talk about the
Curricular Thread 2: Oral communication importance of perseverance when you want to achieve
EFL.2.2.1. Understand meanings expressed in short
dialogues on familiar topics, as well as basic spoken
instructions and simple questions about self , people,
animals, or things, especially when spoken slowly and
clearly. (Example: greetings, short phrases, basic range of
classroom instructions,
CE.EFL.2.6. Listening for Meaning: Learners can understand the main ideas in short Listen to the
common audioinformation
personal about mealsquestions:
and meal times
What’sand act
Understand the main ideas in short simple simple spoken texts and infer who is speaking and out theetc.)
name? actions/
EFL.2.2.7. Practice telling
Be comfortable takingtime
meaning from spoken
spoken texts that include familiar vocabu- lary what the situation is, without decoding every word. texts containing words or sections which are not
and are set in everyday contexts. (I.3)I.EFL.2.6.1 understood. Be aware that understanding spoken texts
does not require decoding every word.

Describe the actions from the song to your partner

EFL.2.2.11. Produce simple, mainly isolated utterances

using very short phrases and sometimes individual words,
possibly with slow and/or hesitant delivery. (Example:
words, phrases and short sentences about people,
CE.EFL.2.9. Production - Fluency: Utterances Learners can express basic ideas, initiate animals, things, etc.)
are sometimes produced slowly but use conversations, and respond to simple questions using Sing the song doing the actions
appropriate words and phrases to express appropriate words, phrases, and short sentences.
basic ideas, initiate conversations and Responses may be slow though pauses do not make EFL.2.2.12. Respond to simple questions in quite a short
respond to questions, including some chunks the interaction tedious or uncomfortable for time and initiate basic interaction spontaneously when
of language and short sentences. participants. (I.3)I.EFL.2.9.1 there are opportunities to speak. Speech is produced a
little less slowly and hesitantly.
Talk to your partner about your daily schedule
Curricular Thread 3: Reading
EFL.2.3.4. Understand the content in simple short written
CE.EFL.2.13. Understand the content in a Learners can understand a short simple environmental environmental print text types, using artwork, symbols,
variety of well-known text types, both print print text type and successfully complete a simple and layout for support. (Example: price tags, signs, notices
and online, using the layout and artwork for (No eating, etc.), candy wrappers, etc.).
task. (Example: a sign, notice, menu, etc.)
support; recognize typical signs and symbols (I.3)I.EFL.2.13.1 Read the about Diversicus and answer the questions/
found in the text types. Read the text about the Russian athlete and complete the
mind map
Curricular Thread 4: Writing
EFL.2.4.5. Write simple sentences on familiar topics to
CE.EFL.2.19. Convey some simple ideas, facts Learners can produce a short simple sentence and a communicate basic ideas.
or opinions in a simple sentence or short paragraph – with ample support - on a variety of Think about when you were four, write three sentences
paragraph, using basic vocabulary and topics, and some learners can do so with only limited about whatWrite
EFL.2.4.6. you could and
a short couldn`t
simple do
paragraph to convey some
structures. support. (I.3)I.EFL.2.19.1 simpleatfacts about people, animals, places, things,
Look the picture and write two sentences about it,
Curricular Thread 5: Language through the Arts compare them with your partners
CE.EFL.2.22. Describe and write about EFL.2.5.6. Generate and expand ideas by responding in a
emotions and responses to literary texts Learners can report emotions and compose short
through words and images, or other media responses to literary texts through words and images, fun and playful manner to oral and written texts in order
(video, audio) on class or school bulletin to increase enjoyment of the language through TPR,
or other media (video, audio). Learners can generate playground
boards and expand on ideas and responses and expand on personal opinions and responses to games, and songs and chants.
to tex ts read/seen/heard in by participating oral and written texts through TPR, playground games, Present and perform your warm-up activity
in songs/chants, TPR activities and and songs. (I.3, S.3)I.EFL.2.22.1
playground games.
*Telling time
*Understanding and making questions in the present tense
*Using action verbs
*Using could and couldn`t to describe abilities in the past
*Extracting specific information from a reading text
*Reading about the life of a child who`s part of a circus
*Comparing and contrasting what you read with your own life
*Presenting a warm -up routine to the class

Unit No.: 2 Name of Unit: WHAT`S FOR BREAKFAST

To talk about food and drinks
To understand and use relative clauses with who, which, and where
To use past simple of irregular verbs
Unit Specific Objectives To use the past simple in complex sentences with when
To evaluate the nutritional value of different foods
To read and interpret the message behind a traditional story
Evaluation Content/Skills
Curricular Thread 1: Communication and cultural awareness
EFL.2.1.10. Recognize when to speak and when to listen
while working in pairs or small groups in class by following
classroom instructions and simple commands.
CE.EFL.2.5. Model turn-taking and way s to Learners can apply turn-taking and ways to express to
express to others when something is not
understood to improve comprehension others when something is not understood in short Read the story "The old man and the small fish" and talk
conversations. (J.3, S.1, S.4)I.EFL.2.5.1 about howCommunicate
EFL.2.1.9. you can showto
respect for the
peers and decisions
teacher whenofso-
and/or intelligibility in conversations.
mething is not understood in class through the use of sim-
ple basic questions.
Share your ideas about the story with the class, express
Curricular Thread 2: Oral communication what makes you sad or happy
EFL.2.2.1. Understand meanings expressed in short
dialogues on familiar topics, as well as basic spoken
instructions and simple questions about self , people,
animals, or things, especially when spoken slowly and
clearly. (Example: greetings, short phrases, basic range of
CE.EFL.2.6. Listening for Meaning: Learners can understand the main ideas in short classroom
Repeat theinstructions,
chant and point what they like for breakfast
Understand the main ideas in short simple simple spoken texts and infer who is speaking and common personal information questions: What’s your
spoken texts that include familiar vocabu- lary what the situation is, without decoding every word. EFL.2.2.6.
name? Enjoy extensive listening in English. (Example:
and are set in everyday contexts. (I.3)I.EFL.2.6.1 listen to stories, watch short movies, experience song
lyrics or poetry, etc.)

Listen to the song and do the actions

EFL.2.2.11. Produce simple, mainly isolated utterances

using very short phrases and sometimes individual words,
possibly with slow and/or hesitant delivery. (Example:
words, phrases and short sentences about people,
CE.EFL.2.9. Production - Fluency: Utterances Learners can express basic ideas, initiate animals, things, etc.)
are sometimes produced slowly but use conversations, and respond to simple questions using Describe the picture to a partner use the words on the
appropriate words and phrases to express appropriate words, phrases, and short sentences. picture
basic ideas, initiate conversations and Responses may be slow though pauses do not make EFL.2.2.12. Respond to simple questions in quite a short
respond to questions, including some chunks the interaction tedious or uncomfortable for time and initiate basic interaction spontaneously when
of language and short sentences. participants. (I.3)I.EFL.2.9.1 there are opportunities to speak. Speech is produced a
little less slowly and hesitantly.
Talk about what do you like to wear for parties
Curricular Thread 3: Reading
FL.2.3.7. Read and understand the main ideas in a short
CE.EFL.2.16. Understand the main ideas in Learners can understand the main ideas and some simple text on a cross- curricular topic. (Example: art,
short simple written texts on cross-curricular basic details from a short simple cross-curricular* text music, history, etc.)
subjects, both print and digital. (Example: art, and successfully complete a simple task, as well as
science, music, math, history, etc.) acquire subject-specific lexis. (I.2)I.EFL.2.16.1
Read and choose the words to complete the text/ Read
Curricular Thread 4: Writing the paragraph and answer "Where is the breakfast from?"
EFL.2.4.4. Write simple words, phrases, and sentences for
CE.EFL.2.18. Writing in order to perform Learners can write short simple phrases and controlled
Write threepractice of language
sentences items.
about what you did yesterday
controlled practice of vocabulary and sentences to show that they know how to use simple using when
grammar items grammar or vocabulary items. (I.3, I.4)I.EFL.2.18.1 EFL.2.4.3. Write simple words, phrases, and sentences
with correct useabout
of standard writing mechanics. (Example:
Write a review your restaurant
Curricular Thread 5: Language through the Arts
EFL.2.5.8. Produce short, creative texts using ICT and/or
other resources at home or at school in order to recreate
CE.EFL.2.24. Communicate ideas and Learners can communicate thoughts, feelings, and/or familiar scenes and themes.
experiences and create short original texts personal experiences and create short original texts
through a range of resources and other through a range of resources and other media,
media, including ICT. including ICT. (I.2, I.3, I.4)I.EFL.2.24.1 Write a revier about the restaurant you visited

*Talking about food and dring

*Understanding the use of irregular verbs in the past
*Using the past simple in sentences with when
*Evaluating the nutritional value of food
*Reading and interpreting the message behind a traditional story
*Showing respect for the decisions of others
*Preparing a review about a restaurant and sharing it with your classmates



Unit No.: 3 Name of Unit: A HEALTHY BODY

to talk about parts of the body and health problems
to understand and use comparatives and superlatives including as….as
Unit Specific Objectives To use want to
To use need to to give advice
To read about bones, joints and yoga
To read and acout out a short play
Evaluation Content/Skills
Curricular Thread 1: Communication and cultural awareness
EFL.2.1.7. Collaborate in a friendly manner by sharing
CE.EFL.2.4. Develop skills of collaboration by classroom materials and personal objects while
working together on projects and sharing Learners can select pictures and/or short phrases that participating in games and activities in class and on the
relate to collaborating and sharing and express playground.
materials while expressing per- sonal personal preferences. (J.2, J .3, S.4)I.EFL.2.4.1
preferences with peers.
Read and act the play "Too too moo and the komodo
dragon" talk
EFL.2.1.10. about empathy
Recognize when to speak and when to listen
while working in pairs or small groups in class by following
classroom instructions and simple commands.
CE.EFL.2.5. Model turn-taking and ways to Learners can apply turn-taking and ways to express to
express to others when something is not others when something is not understood in short
understood to improve comprehen- sion Write a summary of the story, share your ideas with your
and/or intelligibility in conversations. conversations. (J.3, S.1, S.4)I.EFL.2.5.1

Curricular Thread 2: Oral communication

Create activities that fullfill this curricular thread and select the criteria accordingly
FL2.2.3. Recognize familiar names, words, and short
CE.EFL.2.7.Listening f or Information: Follow Learners can understand short and simple spoken phrases about simple everyday topics whether heard in
short and simple spoken texts that include isolation or within short, simple spoken texts describing
familiar vocabulary and are set in everyday texts well enough to be able to pick out key items of people and objects. (Example: vocabulary about self,
contexts. Identify key items of information information and record them in writing or drawings, family,
or physically act upon them. (I.3)I.EFL.2.7.1 friends and immediate surroundings at school and home,
within the text, and record or act upon them.
adjectives for song
Listen to the color and
and size,
the body parts
EFL.2.2.11. Produce simple, mainly isolated utterances
CE.EFL.2.9. Production - Fluency: Utterances Learners can express basic ideas, initiate using very short phrases and sometimes individual
are sometimes produced slowly but use conversations, and respond to simple questions using words,possibly with slow and/or hesitant delivery.
appropriate words and phrases to express appropriate words, phrases, and short sentences. (Example: words, phrases and short sentences about
basic ideas, initiate conversations and Responses may be slow though pauses do not make people, animals, things, etc.)
respond to questions, including some chunks the interaction tedious or uncomfortable for
of language and short sentences participants. (I.3)I.EFL.2.9.1 Retell the story using the words best, island, high

Curricular Thread 3: Reading

EFL.2.3.2. Read a short simple text (online or print) and
. Learners can understand a short simple text on an demonstrate understanding of the gist and some basic
CE.EFL.2.12. Understand the gist and details everyday topic and successfully complete a simple details of the content.
in short simple written texts (online or print). task to show that they have understood most or some
of it. (I.4)I.EFL.2.12.1 Read the text and match the body parts/ Read the text
and follow instructions
Curricular Thread 4: Writing
EFL.2.4.1 Know how to spell simple English words
correctly, demonstrating awareness of sound-letter
relationships. (Example: sea, mean, bee, etc.)
CE.EFL.2.17. Write simple words, phrases, and Learners can write words, phrases, and short simple
sentences to demonstrate knowledge of sentences using the correct conventions (spelling, Write questions and answers using but
spelling, punctuation, capitaliza- tion and punctuation, capitalization, and handwriting or EFL.2.4.3. Write simple words, phrases and sentences
handwriting / typography, and identify their typography, etc.), for making simple learning with correct use of standard writing mechanics. (Example:
meanings. resources. (I.3)I.EFL.2.17.1 spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and writing by hand
or on the
Write computer.
instructions about how to complete the pose
Curricular Thread 5: Language through the Artsshown on the picture
FL.2.5.9. Use creative thinking skills to learn how to share
and respect all ideas through brainstorming activities and
CE.EFL.2.25. Implement a range of creative Learners can utilize a range of creative thinking skills pair work in class.
thinking skills to show a respect for sharing to show a respect for sharing and accepting different
and accepting di erent ideas in brainstorms ideas while working in pairs and through brainstorms.
and pair work. (J.3, S.4)I.EFL.2.25.1 Present a poster about your health advise to the class

*Talking about parts of the body and health problems

*Understanding and using comparatives and superlatives
*Using want to and need to
*Reading about bones, joints and yoga
*Reading and acting a short play
*Preparing a health plan program and sharing it with the class



Unit No.: 4 Name of Unit: FUN IN THE JUNGLE

To talk about natural features
To understand and use adverbs of manner
To use the past simple of irregular verbs
Unit Specific Objectives To understand and use comparative adverbs
To learn about how plants grow and about carnivorous plants
To read a story from an Indian epic poem
To show awareness of how others feel
Evaluation Content/Skills
Curricular Thread 1: Communication and cultural awareness
Learners can classify everyday objects and familiar EFL.2.1.4. Express curiosity about the world and other
CE.EFL.2.2. Catalog everyday objects and cultures by asking simple WH- questions in class after
places in dfferent cultures and recognize ways places. Learners can compare objects from different reading and/or participating in presentations or other
to act responsibly towards one’s environment cultural contexts. Learners can say and recognize ways group work.
to take care of the environment and one’s
and surroundings. surroundings. (J .3, S.1)I.EFL.2.2.1 Read the story of Rama and Sita and talk about the
EFL.2.1.3. of helping others
simple basic questions in class about the
world beyond one’s own immediate environment in order
CE.EFL.2.1Diferentiate between di erent living Learners can recognize differences between where to increase their understanding of different cultures.
situations in a variety of surroundings and people live and write or talk about their own
express curiosity about the world through surroundings, as well as ask questions about how Answer the questions of how do you think the characters
simple questions. other people live. (I.2, S.2)I.EFL.2.1.1 feel in different parts of the story

Curricular Thread 2: Oral communication

Create activities that fullfill this curricular thread and select the criteria accordingly
EFL.2.2.14. Ask and answer basic personal information
CE.EFL.2.10. Interaction – Interpersonal: . Learners can interact effectively using basic questions, as well as simple questions about other
Participate effectively in basic interpersonal functional exponents for interpersonal conversa- tions people, animals, and possessions, provided the
interactions in everyday contexts, provided in everyday contexts, providing speech is slow and interaction is slow and clear. (Example: Where do you
the interlocutor speaks slowly and clearly. clear. Learners can request repetition or clarification, live? Do you have a bicycle?, etc
(Example: requesting, introducing, and can begin to react appropriately to basic Sing Diversicus song understanding adverbs of manner
responding, etc.) responses received. (I.3) (ref. I.EFL.2.10.1)

EFL.2.2.9. Spell out key vocabulary items using the

Learners can pronounce most familiar vocabulary English alphabet. (Example: names, colors, animals,
E.EFL.2.8. Production - Pronunciation: items accurately, and can therefore usually be easily possessions, etc.)
Produce individual words and short phrases understood. They can also produce some phrases and
clearly enough that other people can usually short sentences clearly, and may approximate English
understand them easily. rhythm and intonation in longer utterances.
(I.3)I.EFL.2.8.1 Play a memory game covering part of the song and guess
the past tense of the verb
Curricular Thread 3: Reading
EFL.2.3.9. Identify the meaning of specific content-based
words and phrases, with the aid of visual support.
CE.EFL.2.16. Understand the main ideas in Learners can understand the main ideas and some
short simple written texts on cross-curricular basic details from a short simple cross-curricular* text
subjects, both print and digital. (Example: art, and successfully complete a simple task, as well as Read about plants and answer the questions/ Read the
science, music, math, history, etc.) acquire subject-specific lexis. (I.2) I.EFL.2.16.1 sentences and match them with the pictures

Curricular Thread 4: Writing

or questionnaire by providing personal EFL.2.4.9. Write a variety of short simple text types,
details. Write a variety of simple written text . Learners can write information in a simple survey commonly used in print and online, with appropriate
types, used in print or online, with form or questionnaire, and can type or write some Create your own carnivorous plant and write f acts about
appropriate layout and language. (Examples: simple digital text-types, such as a URL and an email itEFL.2.4.8. Complete a basic survey or a questionnaire by
message on a greeting card, name and address. (I.3).EFL.2.20.1 providing
Read personal
the story details.
of Rama and Sitan and answer the
address on an envelope, an email address, questions
Curricular Thread 5: Language through the Arts
EFL.2.5.7. Create picture books and/or other graphic
expressions in pairs in class by varying scenes, characters,
CE.EFL.2.23. Display an a nity f or a variety of Learners can demonstrate an affinity for a variety of or other elements of literary texts.
literary texts by responding within a range of literary texts by responding within a range of physical,
physical, cognitive, and attitudinal manners, cognitive, and attitudinal manners and adapt elements
and vary elements of a literary text to create of a literary text to create a new text. (I.1, Present your jungle adventure park to the class, show
a new text I.4)I.EFL.2.23.1 your brochure

*Talking about natural features

*Understanding and using adverbs of manner
*Using the past simple of irregular verbs
*Understanding and using comparative adverbs
*Learning about how plants grow
*Reading a story from and Indian epic poem
*Inventing your own carnivorous plant and describing it
*Presenting your jungle adventure park brochure
*Showing concern for others



Unit No.: 5 Name of Unit: BEHIND THE SCENES

To describe clothes and materials
T understand , ask and talk about what things are made of
To talk about the prpperties of materials and their uses
Unit Specific Objectives To make suggestions
To listen for specific information
To read a Greek myth
To empathise with characters in a story or play
Evaluation Content/Skills
Curricular Thread 1: Communication and cultural awareness
EF.2.1.4. Express curiosity about the world and other
CE.EFL.2.1. Diferentiate between di erent Learners can recognize differences between where cultures by asking simple WH- questions in class after
living situations in a variety of surroundings people live and write or talk about their own reading and/or participating in presentations or other
and express curiosity about the world through surroundings, as well as ask questions about how group work.
simple questions. other people live. (I.2, S.2)I.EFL.2.1.1
Listen to the story "The myth of Icarus" and discuss the
importance of listening to others
Curricular Thread 2: Oral communication
EFL2.2.3. Recognize familiar names, words, and short
CE.EFL.2.7. Listening for Information: Follow Learners can understand short and simple spoken phrases about simple everyday topics whether heard in
short and simple spoken texts that include texts well enough to be able to pick out key items of isolation or within short, simple spoken texts describing
familiar vocabulary and are set in everyday information and record them in basic writing or people and objects. (Example: vocabulary about self,
contexts. Identify key items of information drawings, or physically act upon them. (I.3) (ref. family,
within the text, and record or act upon them. I.EFL.2.7.1) friends
Describeand immediate
characters onsurroundings at school
the picture and guessand
is it
adjectives for color and size, etc.)
EFL.2.2.11. Produce simple, mainly isolated utterances
CE.EFL.2.9. Production - Fluency: Utterances Learners can express basic ideas, initiate using very short phrases and sometimes individual words,
are sometimes produced slowly but use conversations, and respond to simple questions using with slow and/or hesitant delivery. (Example: words,
appropriate words and phrases to express appropriate words, phrases, and short sentences. phrases and short sentences about people, animals,
basic ideas, initiate conversations and Responses may be slow though pauses do not make things, etc.)
respond to questions, including some chunks the interaction tedious or uncomfortable for
of language and short sentences. participants. (I.3)I.EFL.2.9.1 Describe an object from the song using the structure "it is
made of" and guess
Curricular Thread 3: Reading
EFL.2.3.5. Show the ability to use a simple learning
resource. (Example: a small set of flashcards, a picture-
CE.EFL.2.14. Demonstrate familiarity with . Learners can successfully use simple online and print based dictionary (online or print), or a simple word list.)
study resources (both print and digital).
(Example: a picture dictionary, some learning resources. (Example: flashcards, picture
dictionaries, word lists, etc.) (I.2)I.EFL.2.14.1 Read the situation and answer the questions with shall,
flashcards of known words, or a word list.)
could or lets/ Read about a theatre workshop and answer
the questions
Curricular Thread 4: Writing
EFL.2.4.4. Write simple words, phrases, and sentences for
CE.EFL.2.18. Writing in order to perform Learners can write short simple phrases and sentences controlled practice of language items.
controlled practice of vocabulary and to show that they know how to use simple grammar
grammar items or vocabulary items. (I.3, I.4)I.EFL.2.18.1 Read the story "The Myth of Icarus" and answer the
Curricular Thread 5: Language through the Arts
EFL.2.5.6. Generate and expand ideas by responding in a
CE.EFL.2.22. Describe and write about fun and playful manner to oral and written texts in order
emotions and responses to literary texts Learners can report emotions and compose short to increase enjoyment of the language through TPR,
through words and images, or other media responses to literary texts through words and images, playground games, and songs and chants.
(video, audio) on class or school bulletin or other media (video, audio). Learners can generate
boards and expand on ideas and responses to and expand on personal opinions and responses to
texts read/seen/heard in by participating in oral and written texts through TPR, playground game
songs/chants, TPR activities and playground I.EFL.2.22.1
games. Plan and write a scene in groups

*Describing clothes and materials

*Understanding, asking and talking about what things are made of
*Talking about the properties of materials and their uses
*Making suggestions
*Listening for information
*Reading a Greek myth and answering questions about it
*Acting out a scene of a play
*Showing empathy for others

Unit No.: 6 Name of Unit: CLASSROOM STARS

To talk about school subjects, equipment and technology
To understand and use should and shouldn`t
Unit Specific Objectives To use be good at with nouns and verbs
To read about maps, geographical symbols and natural features in Turkey
To read a poem based on a legend from Turkey
Evaluation Content/Skills
Curricular Thread 1: Communication and cultural awareness
EFL.2.1.9. Communicate to peers and teacher when
something is not understood in class through the use of
simple basic questions.
CE.EFL.2.5. Model turn-taking and way s to Learners can apply turn-taking and ways to express to Make predictions of what the narration "The Project" is
express to others when something is not others when something is not understood in short going to be about
understood to improve comprehen- sion
and/or intelligibility in conversations. conversations. (J.3, S.1, S.4)I.EFL.2.5.1
EFL.2.1.10. Recognize when to speak and when to listen
while working in pairs or small groups in class by following
classroom instructions and simple commands.
After reading "The project" answer why the project was a
Curricular Thread 2: Oral communicationsuccess, when do you work in groups. Talk about the
Learners can pronounce most familiar vo- cabulary EFL.2.2.9. Spell out key vocabulary items using the
CE.EFL.2.8. Production - Pronunciation: items accurately, and can therefore usually be easily English alphabet. (Example: names, colors, animals,
Produce individual words and short phrases understood. They can also produce some phrases and possessions, etc.)
clearly enough that other people can usually short sentences clearly, and may approximate English
understand them easily. rhythm and intonation in longer utterances.
(I.3)I.EFL.2.8.1 Spell out school subjects
EFL.2.2.14. Ask and answer basic personal information
CE.EFL.2.10. Interaction – Interpersonal: Learners can interact effectively using basic functional questions, as well as simple questions about other
Participate e ectively in basic interpersonal exponents for interpersonal conversa- tions in people, animals, and possessions, provided the
interactions in everyday contexts, provided everyday contexts, providing speech is slow and clear. interaction is slow and clear. (Example: Where do you
the interlocutor speaks slowly and clearly. Learners can request repetition or clarification, and live? Do you have a bicycle?, etc.)
(Example: requesting, introducing, can begin to react appropriately to basic responses
responding, etc.) received. (I.3) (ref. I.EFL.2.10.1) Ask and answer questions about what they should and
shouldn`t do in classes
Curricular Thread 3: Reading
FL.2.3.6. Understand the content of a simple graphic
CE.EFL.2.15. Learn to read graphs, diagrams,
. Learners can use simple graphic organizers to show organizer (online or print). (Example, Venn Diagrams,
charts, and other kinds of graphic organizer. that they can understand a short simple text. charts, and labeled diagrams.)
Demonstrate understanding of a text
presented in the f orm of a graphic organizer (Example: maps, diagrams, bar charts, Venn diagrams, Read and complete the text with should and shouldn`t/
(both print and digital). etc.) (I.4)I.EFL.2.15.1
Read the information about maps and Capadocia
Curricular Thread 4: Writing
EFL.2.4.1 Know how to spell simple English words
correctly, demonstrating awareness of sound-letter
relationships. (Example: sea, mean, bee, etc.)

CE.EFL.2.17. Write simple words, phrases, Learners can write words, phrases, and short simple Write four sentences about what Paul should and
and sentences to demonstrate knowledge of sentences using the correct conventions (spelling, shouldn`t do
spelling, punctuation, capitaliza- tion and punctuation, capitalization, and handwriting or
handwriting / typography, and identify their typography, etc.), for making simple learning EFL.2.4.3. Write simple words, phrases and sentences
meanings. resources. (I.3)I.EFL.2.7.1 with correct use of standard writing mechanics. (Example:
spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and writing by hand
or on the
Write computer.
sentences about what your friends are good at

Curricular Thread 5: Language through the Arts

(EFLEFL.2.5.1. Identify key information such as events,
characters, and objects in stories and other age-
appropriate literary texts
if there is visual support.
CE.EFL.2.21. Distinguish key information in Learners can recognize, through pictures or other
stories and other age-appropriate literary media such as ICT, key aspects of a story or literary
texts, both oral and written. text (both oral and written). (J.1, I.2)
In groups give your prizes to the classmates of other
groups telling why are you giving them

*Talking about school subjects, equipment and technology

*Understanding and using should and shouldn`t
*Using be good at with nouns and verbs
*Reading about maps, geographical symbols and natural features
*Reading a poem based on a legend
*Showing recognition to your classmates efforts
*Understanding the importance of team work and showing respect for the ideas of



Unit No.: 7 Name of Unit: WHEN I GROW UP

To talk about jobs and describe people`s personality and appearance
To understand and use the zero conditional for things that usually happen
Unit Specific Objectives To use look like and be like to describe people
To read about archaeology and cave paintings
To respond appropriately to other people`s emotional state
To read a play based on a famous Spanish novel
Evaluation Content/Skills
Curricular Thread 1: Communication and cultural awareness
EFL.2.1.6. Understand and use common expressions of
politeness in class while working in pairs or groups on
CE.EFL.2.3. Make use of basic personal projects. (Example: Please, sorry, thank you, etc.)
information and expressions of politeness in Learners can use basic personal information and
expressions of politeness in short dialogues or
order to introduce oneself and participate in a conversations. (J.2, J.3)I.EFL.2.3.1
short conversation. Read the play "Don Quixote, Sancho and the windmills"
and act it out. Talk about the importance of responding
appropriately and being brave
Curricular Thread 2: Oral communication
EFL.2.2.4. Identify items of specific information within
CE.EFL.2.7Listening for Information: Follow Learners can understand short and simple spoken simple messages or from short and simple descriptions
short and simple spoken texts that include texts well enough to be able to pick out key items of about familiar contexts, especially if visual support is
familiar vocabulary and are set in everyday information and record them in basic writing or provided. (Example: letters of the alphabet, numbers,
contexts. Identify key items of information drawings, or physically act upon them. (I.3) (ref. prices and times, days, dates and months, etc.)
within the text, and record or act upon them. I.EFL.2.7.1)
Name the different jobs flashcards
EFL.2.2.11. Produce simple, mainly isolated utterances
CE.EFL.2.9. Production - Fluency: Utterances Learners can express basic ideas, initiate using very short phrases and sometimes individual words,
are sometimes produced slowly but use conversations, and respond to simple questions using possibly with slow and/or hesitant delivery. (Example:
appropriate words and phrases to express appropriate words, phrases, and short sentences. words, phrases and short sentences about people,
basic ideas, initiate conversations and Responses may be slow though pauses do not make animals, things, etc.)
respond to questions, including some chunks the interaction tedious or uncomfortable for
of language and short sentences. participants. (I.3)I.EFL.2.9.1 Ask and answer about people in the song using adjectives
EFL.2.3.7. Read and understand the main ideas in a short
simple text on a cross- curricular topic. (Example: art,
CE.EFL.2.16. Understand the main ideas in Learners can understand the main ideas and some music, history, etc.)
basic details from a short simple cross-curricular* text
short simple written texts on cross-curricular and successfully complete a simple task, as well as
subjects, both print and digital. (Example: art, acquire subject-specific lexis. (I.2) I.EFL.2.16.1 Read the texts and answer the questions
science, music, math, history, etc.)

CE.EFL.2.20. Complete a simple survey f orm Curricular Thread 4: Writing

or questionnaire by providing personal EFL.2.4.9. Write a variety of short simple text types,
details. Write a variety of simple written text commonly used in print and online, with appropriate
types, used in print or online, with . Learners can write information in a simple survey language and layout. (Example: write a greeting on a
form or questionnaire, and can type or write some
appropriate layout and language. (Examples: simple digital text-types, such as a URL and an email birthday card, name and address on an envelope, a URL
message on a greeting card, name and Read the paragraphs
for a website, an and answer the questions
address on an envelope, an email address, ad- dress. (I.3).EFL.2.20.1 email address, etc.)
Curricular Thread 5: Language through the Arts
EFL.2.5.1. Identify key information such as events,
characters, and objects in stories and other age-
appropriate literary texts if there is visual support.

CE.EFL.2.21. Distinguish key information in Learners can recognize, through pictures or other
stories and other age-appropriate literary media such as ICT, key aspects of a story or literary
texts, both oral and written. text (both oral and written). (J.1, I.2)I.EFL.2.21.1 Prepare a job fair and present it to the class

*Talking about jobs and describing people`s personality and appearance

*Using look like and be like to describe people
*Reading about archaeology and cave paintings
*Reading a play based on Don Quixote
*Responding appropriately to other people`s emotional states
*Preparing a job fair



Unit No.: 8 Name of Unit: CITY BREAK

To follow and give directions in a town or city
To understand and use be going to to talk about future plans
To talk about places in a city
Unit Specific Objectives To use prepositions of movement when giving directions
To read a poem
To show awareness of how others feel

Evaluation Content/Skills
Curricular Thread 1: Communication and cultural awareness
EF.2.1.4. Express curiosity about the world and other
CE.EFL.2.1. Diferentiate between different Learners can recognize differences between where cultures by asking simple WH- questions in class after
living situations in a variety of surroundings people live and write or talk about their own reading and/or participating in presentations or other
and express curiosity about the world through surroundings, as well as ask questions about how group work.
simple questions. other people live. (I.2, S.2)I.EFL.2.1.1 Read the story "The Road to Hope", talk about how the
characters feel, what makes you nervous and the
importance of managing your emotions
Curricular Thread 2: Oral communication
EFL.2.2.11. Produce simple, mainly isolated utterances
CE.EFL.2.9. Production - Fluency: Utterances Learners can express basic ideas, initiate using very short phrases and sometimes individual words,
are sometimes produced slowly but use conversations, and respond to simple questions using possibly with slow and/or hesitant delivery. (Example:
appropriate words and phrases to express appropriate words, phrases, and short sentences. words, phrases and short sentences about people,
basic ideas, initiate conversations and Responses may be slow though pauses do not make animals, things, etc.)
respond to questions, including some chunks the interaction tedious or uncomfortable for Imagine you are going to NYC, describe what you are
of language and short sentences participants. (I.3)I.EFL.2.9.1 going to see
EFL.2.2.16. Say when they do not understand and ask for
CE.EFL.2.10. Interaction – Interpersonal: Learners can interact effectively using basic functional slower or clearer repetition where required. (Example:
Participate e ectively in basic interpersonal exponents for interpersonal conversa- tions in Sorry? Could you say that again, etc.)
interactions in everyday contexts, provided everyday contexts, providing speech is slow and clear.
the interlocutor speaks slowly and clearly. Learners can request repetition or clarification, and
(Example: requesting, introducing, can begin to react appropriately to basic responses
responding, etc.) received. (I.3) (ref. I.EFL.2.10.1) Ask and give directions about different places in town
Curricular Thread 3: Reading
EFL.2.3.8. Show understanding of some basic details in
CE.EFL.2.16. Understand the main ideas in Learners can understand the main ideas and some short simple cross-curricular texts by matching, labeling,
short simple written texts on cross-curricular basic details from a short simple cross-curricular* text and answering simple questions.
subjects, both print and digital. (Example: art, and successfully complete a simple task, as well as
science, music, math, history, etc.) acquire subject-specific lexis. (I.2)I .EFL.2.16.1
Read the chart about NYC and compare it to where your
Curricular Thread 4: Writing live
EFL.2.4.5. Write simple sentences on familiar topics to
communicate basic ideas.

CE.EFL.2.19. Convey some simple ideas, facts Learners can produce a short simple sentence and a Write directions of how to get from your house to school
or opinions in a simple sentence or short paragraph – with ample support - on a variety of
paragraph, using basic vocabulary and topics, and some learners can do so with only limited EFL.2.4.6. Write a short simple paragraph to convey some
structures. support. (I.3)I.EFL.2.19.1 simple f acts about people, animals, places, things,
yourself or others, with the support of a model text.
(Example: where
Writelive, what
a fact filethey do,a etc.)
about city, town or village in your
CE.EFL.2.22. Describe and write about country
emotions and responses to literary texts Curricular Thread 5: Language through the Arts
through words and images, or other media EFL.2.5.3. Use audio, video, and pictures to respond to a
(video, audio) on class or school bulletin Learners can report emotions and compose short variety of literary texts through online or in-class ICT
boards and expand on ideas and responses to responses to literary texts through words and images, activities.
texts read/seen/heard in by participating in or other media (video, audio). I.EFL.2.22.1 Prepare a presentation about your town and the different
songs/chants, TPR activities and playground places in it
games. *Following and giving directions in a town or city
*Understanding and using be+going to to talk about future plans
*Talking about places in the city
*Asking for and giving directions
*Reading about types of settlements and the city of New York and comparing it to your
*Showing awareness of how others feel
*Preparing a presentation about places in your town



Unit No.: 9 Name of Unit: LET`S TRAVEL

To use adjectives
To understand and use before, when and after clauses
To talk about holidays
Unit Specific Objectives To

Evaluation Content/Skills
Curricular Thread 1: Communication and cultural awareness

Curricular Thread 2: Oral communication

Present your summer camp activities to the class

Curricular Thread 3: Reading

Curricular Thread 4: Writing

Write a short description of your holiday activities

Prepare a presentation about a summer camp review



Signature: Signature: Signature:
Date: Signature: Signature:
Timeframe Duration
Teacher: Area/Subject: Grade:
Weeks Periods Start End

2. Unit Plan Unit No. Intro

To recognize and name the course characters
To greet people and introduce others
Unit specific objectives of the area To describe people
To ask and answer Who`s got?

Transversal Axes Components

Curricular Thread 1: Communication and cultural awareness
EFL.2.1.1. Exchange basic introductions and limited personal
information in class using simple present tense in order to get to know
CE.EFL.2.3. Make use of basic personal information and expressions of politeness in order to introduce oneself and participate in a their peers. (Example: where one lives or goes to school, etc.)
short conversation.
Identify the characters and learn how to introduce yourself/ What is
Curricular Thread 2: Oral communication diversicus
EFL2.2.3. Recognize familiar names, words, and short
phrases about simple everyday topics whether heard in isolation or
within short, simple spoken texts describing people and objects.
(Example: vocabulary about self, family,
friends flashcards of the
immediate story characteres
surroundings andand
at school check comprehension
home, adjectives
CE.EFL.2.7. Listening for Information: Follow short and simple spoken texts that include familiar vocabulary and are set in everyday for color and size, etc.) of clothing description
contexts. Identify key items of information within the text, and record or act upon them. EFL.2.2.4. Identify items of specific information within simple
messages or from short and simple descriptions about familiar
contexts, especially if visual support is provided. (Example: letters of
the alphabet, numbers, prices and times, days, dates and months, etc.)
Act out the story Diversicus using gestures and movement

Curricular Thread 3: Reading

Create activities that fullfill this curricular thread and select the criteria accordingly content
Curricular Thread 4: Writing
Create activities that fullfill this curricular thread and select the criteria accordingly content
Curricular Thread 5: Language through the Arts
Create activities that fullfill this curricular thread and select the criteria accordingly
*Recognizing and naming the ACTIVITY
course characters Curricular Thread 1:
*Greeting people and introducing Student's Book Level3, Activity Book with Communication and
others Online Resources Level 2, Teachers Book with cultural awareness
*Describing people DVD Level 3, Class Audio CDs Level 3, TECHNIQUE
*Asking and answering "Who`s Flashcards Level 3, Presentation Plus DVD-ROM
got…?" Level 3, Teacher's Resource and Tests CD-ROM INSTRUMENT
Level 3-4.
Learners can use basic
personal information and ACTIVITY
expressions of politeness
in short dialogues or
BIBLIOGRAPHY: conversations. (J.2, TECHNIQUE
Diamond-Bayir S., Nixon C,. & Tomlison M., J.3)I.EFL.2.3.1
(2018). Power Up. Student's Book 2.
Cambridge University Press
Diamond-Bayir (2018) Power Up. Teacher's
Book 2 with DVD. Cambrige University Press. ACTIVITY
Curricular Thread 2: Oral
Materials: communication
Pictures from Digital photo bank of a circus
tent and a circus performance, flashcards of
characters, word cards, a cardboard box and TECHNIQUE
two scarves or pieces of material for each
group of eight learners, INSTRUMENT
. Learners can understand
short and simple spoken
texts well enough to be ACTIVITY
able to pick out key items
of information and record
them in writing or
drawings, or physically act
upon them. TECHNIQUE

Curricular Thread 3:




Curricular Thread 4: INSTRUMENT





Curricular Thread 5:
Language through the ACTIVITY





Specification of Education Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied

CAUTION: to be determined by the teachers based on his/her students profile. CAUTION: to be determined by the teachers based on his/her students profile.
Prepared by: Revised by: Approved by:
Teacher: Coordinator: Vice-Principal:
Signature: Signature: Signature:
Date: Date: Date:
DINCU-Coordinaciòn de Lengua Extranjera (ACUERDO MINISTERIAL Nro. MINEDUC-ME-2015-00168-A de 01-12-2015)
Timeframe Duration
Teacher: Area/Subject: Grade:
Weeks Periods Start End

2. Unit Plan Unit No. 1

.EFL 2.1 Identify some main ideas and details of written texts, in order to develop an approach of critical inquiry to written and oral texts.
O.EFL 2.2 Assess and appreciate English as an international language, as well as the five aspects of English that contribute to communicative
Unit specific objectives of the area competence.
O.EFL.2.3 Independently read level-appropriate texts in English for pure enjoyment/entertainment and to access information.
O.EFL 2.7 Appreciate the use of English language through spoken and written literary texts such as poems, rhymes, chants, riddles and songs, in order
to foster
After imagination,
reading the storycuriosity andchild"
"The Circus memory, while
discuss developing
about how wea taste for
Physical Education- Preparing a warm up routine. Learn about balance
Transversal Axes O.EFL
can 2.8Demonstrate
achieve our dreamsa and
living relationship
value with the English language
perseverance through interaction
Components with written and spoken texts, in order to explore creative
and coordination
writing as an outlet to personal expression.
O.EFL 2.9 Be able to interact in English in a simple way using basic expressions and short phrases in familiar contexts to satisfy needs of a concrete
type, provided others talk slowly and clearly and are prepared to help..
Curricular Thread 1: Communication and cultural awareness
EFL.2.1.8. Exchange basic personal preferences with peers in order to
express likes and dislikes.
CE.EFL.2.4. Develop skills of collaboration by working together on projects and sharing materials while expressing per- sonal
preferences with peers.
Read the story "The circus child" and talk about the importance of
perseverance when you want to achieve your dreams
Curricular Thread 2: Oral communication
EFL.2.2.1. Understand meanings expressed in short dialogues on
familiar topics, as well as basic spoken instructions and simple
questions about self, people, animals, or things, especially when
spoken slowly and clearly. (Example: greetings, short phrases, basic
range of classroom
Listen instructions,
to the audio about meals and meal times and act out the
CE.EFL.2.6. Listening for Meaning: Understand the main ideas in short simple spoken texts that include familiar vocabu- lary and are common personal information questions: What’s
set in everyday contexts. actions/ Practice telling timeyour name? etc.)
EFL.2.2.7. Be comfortable taking meaning from spoken
texts containing words or sections which are not understood. Be
aware that understanding spoken texts does not require decoding
every word.
Describe the actions from the song to your partner
EFL.2.2.11. Produce simple, mainly isolated utterances
using very short phrases and sometimes individual words,
possibly with slow and/or hesitant delivery. (Example: words, phrases
and short sentences about people, animals, things, etc.)
Sing the song doing the actions
CE.EFL.2.9. Production - Fluency: Utterances are sometimes produced slowly but use appropriate words and phrases to express basic EFL.2.2.12. Respond to simple questions in quite a short time and
ideas, initiate conversations and respond to questions, including some chunks of language and short sentences. initiate basic interaction spontaneously when there are opportunities
to speak. Speech is produced a little less slowly and hesitantly.

Talk to your partner about your daily schedule

Curricular Thread 3: Reading

EFL.2.3.4. Understand the content in simple short written
CE.EFL.2.13. Understand the content in a variety of well-known text types, both print and online, using the layout and artwork for environmental print text types, using artwork, symbols, and layout for
support; recognize typical signs and symbols found in the text types. support. (Example: price tags, signs, notices (No eating, etc.), candy
Read theetc.).
wrappers, about Diversicus and answer the questions/ Read the text
about the Russian athlete and complete the mind map
Curricular Thread 4: Writing
EFL.2.4.5. Write simple sentences on familiar topics to communicate
CE.EFL.2.19. Convey some simple ideas, facts or opinions in a simple sentence or short paragraph, using basic vocabulary and Think about when you were basic
four, ideas.
write three sentences about what
structures. you
EFL.2.4.6. Write a short couldparagraph
simple and couldn`t do
to convey some simple facts
Look people,
at the animals,
picture places,
and write twothings, yourself
sentences or others,
about with them
it, compare the
support of awith
yourtext. (Example: where
Curricular Thread 5: Language through the Arts they live, what they do, etc.)
EFL.2.5.6. Generate and expand ideas by responding in a fun and
playful manner to oral and written texts in order to increase
enjoyment of the language through TPR, playground games, and songs
CE.EFL.2.22. Describe and write about emotions and responses to literary texts through words and images, or other media (video, and chants.
audio) on class or school bulletin boards and expand on ideas and responses to texts read/seen/heard in by participating in
songs/chants, TPR activities and playground games. Present and perform your warm-up activity

*Telling time ACTIVITY
*Understanding and making Student's Book Level3, Activity Book with
questions in the present tense Online Resources Level 2, Teachers Book with Curricular Thread 1:
*Using action verbs DVD Level 3, Class Audio CDs Level 3, Communication and
*Using could and couldn`t to Flashcards Level 3, Presentation Plus DVD-ROM cultural awareness
describe abilities in the past Level 3, Teacher's Resource and Tests CD-ROM
*Extracting specific information Level 3-4. TECHNIQUE
from a reading text
*Reading about the life of a child BIBLIOGRAPHY: INSTRUMENT
who`s part of a circus Diamond-Bayir S., Nixon C,. & Tomlison M., . Learners can select
*Comparing and contrasting what (2018). Power Up. Student's Book 2. pictures and/or short
phrases that relate to ACTIVITY
you read with your own life Cambridge University Press
*Presenting a warm -up routine to Diamond-Bayir (2018) Power Up. Teacher's collaborating and sharing
the class Book 2 with DVD. Cambrige University Press and express personal TECHNIQUE
preferences. (J.2, J.3,
Globe/ World map, pictures from Digital photo
bank of acrobats and Russia, including the
Russia stamp image, a schedule or weekly ACTIVITY
planner completed with daily events, character Curricular Thread 2: Oral
flashcards, Telling the time flashcards, word communication
cards, teaching clock, worksheet (teachers Learners can understand
the main ideas in short
resource book pg 14), activity verb flashcards, simple spoken texts and
photos of you as a child doing sports or infer who is speaking and TECHNIQUE
hobbies, worksheets from Mission Stage 1-3 what the situation is,
lesson, pictures from Digital photo bank of without decoding every INSTRUMENT
sports and hobbies, chalk or string to make a word. (I.3)I.EFL.2.6.1
line on the floor, pack of paper plates and a Learners can express
long piece of string for each pair of learners, basic ideas, initiate ACTIVITY
pictures from Digital photo bank of gymnast in conversations, and
training and at the Olympics, pictures from respond to simple
Digital photo bank of children performing at a questions using
circus, practice paper for Movers Reading and appropriate words,
Writing Part 6, dice, counters, digital question phrases, and short TECHNIQUE
sentences. Responses
cards may be slow though
pauses do not make the INSTRUMENT
interaction tedious or
uncomfortable for
Curricular Thread 3: ACTIVITY

Learners can understand

a short simple TECHNIQUE
environmental print text
type and successfully
complete a simple task. INSTRUMENT
(Example: a sign, notice,
menu, etc.) ACTIVITY

Curricular Thread 4: INSTRUMENT


Learners can produce a
short simple sentence and
a paragraph – with ample TECHNIQUE
support - on a variety of
topics, and some learners
can do so with only INSTRUMENT
limited support.
(I.3)I.EFL.2.19.1 ACTIVITY

Curricular Thread 5:
Language through the ACTIVITY

Learners can report

emotions and compose
short responses to literary TECHNIQUE
texts through words and
images, or other media
(video, audio). Learners INSTRUMENT
can generate and expand
on personal opinions and ACTIVITY
responses to oral and
written texts through TPR,
playground games, and TECHNIQUE
songs. (I.3,

Specification of Education Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied

CAUTION: to be determined by the teachers based on his/her students profile. CAUTION: to be determined by the teachers based on his/her students profile.
Prepared by: Revised by: Approved by:
Teacher: Coordinator: Vice-Principal:
Signature: Signature: Signature:
Date: Date: Date:
DINCU-Coordinaciòn de Lengua Extranjera (ACUERDO MINISTERIAL Nro. MINEDUC-ME-2015-00168-A de 01-12-2015)
Timeframe Duration
Teacher: Area/Subject: Grade:
Weeks Periods Start End

2. Unit Plan Unit No. 2

O.EFL 2.1 Identify some main ideas and details of written texts, in order to develop an approach of critical inquiry to written and oral texts.
O.EFL 2.2 Assess and appreciate English as an international language, as well as the five aspects of English that contribute to communicative
Unit specific objectives of the area competence.
O.EFL.2.3 Independently read level-appropriate texts in English for pure enjoyment/entertainment and to access information.
O.EFL 2.7 Appreciate the use of English language through spoken and written literary texts such as poems, rhymes, chants, riddles and songs, in order
to foster respect
imagination, CLIL
Transversal Axes Showing for thecuriosity and
decisions of memory,
others while developing a taste for literature.
Science- Learn about food and nutrition
O.EFL 2.8Demonstrate a living relationship with the English language Components
through interaction with written and spoken texts, in order to explore creative
writing as an outlet to personal expression.
2. UNIT PLAN O.EFL 2.9 Be able to interact in English in a simple way using basic expressions and short phrases in familiar contexts to satisfy needs of a concrete
provided others talk slowly and clearly and are prepared to help.. SKILLS AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA TO BE DEVELOPED
Curricular Thread 1: Communication and cultural awareness
EFL.2.1.10. Recognize when to speak and when to listen
while working in pairs or small groups in class by following classroom
instructions and simple commands.
CE.EFL.2.5. Model turn-taking and ways to express to others when something is not understood to improve comprehension and/or Read the story "The old man and the small fish" and talk about how
intelligibility in conversations. you can showtorespect for the decisions
EFL.2.1.9. Communicate peers and teacher whenofso-
mething is not
understood in class through the use of sim- ple basic questions.
Share your ideas about the story with the class, express what makes
you sad or happy
Curricular Thread 2: Oral communication
EFL.2.2.1. Understand meanings expressed in short dialogues on
familiar topics, as well as basic spoken instructions and simple
questions about self, people, animals, or things, especially when
spoken slowly and clearly. (Example: greetings, short phrases, basic
CE.EFL.2.6. Listening for Meaning: Understand the main ideas in short simple spoken texts that include familiar vocabu- lary and are range ofRepeat
the instructions,
chant and point what they like for breakfast
set in everyday contexts. common personal information questions: What’s your name? etc.)
EFL.2.2.6. Enjoy extensive listening in English. (Example:
listen to stories, watch short movies, experience song lyrics or poetry,
Listen to the song and do the actions
EFL.2.2.11. Produce simple, mainly isolated utterances
using very short phrases and sometimes individual words,
possibly with slow and/or hesitant delivery. (Example: words, phrases
and short sentences about people, animals, things, etc.)
Describe the picture to a partner use the words on the picture
CE.EFL.2.9. Production - Fluency: Utterances are sometimes produced slowly but use appropriate words and phrases to express basic EFL.2.2.12. Respond to simple questions in quite a short time and
ideas, initiate conversations and respond to questions, including some chunks of language and short sentences. initiate basic interaction spontaneously when there are opportunities
to speak. Speech is produced a little less slowly and hesitantly.

Talk about what do you like to wear for parties

Curricular Thread 3: Reading

FL.2.3.7. Read and understand the main ideas in a short simple text on
CE.EFL.2.16. Understand the main ideas in short simple written texts on cross-curricular subjects, both print and digital. (Example: a cross-curricular topic. (Example: art, music, history, etc.)
art, science, music, math, history, etc.)
Read and choose the words to complete the text/ Read the paragraph
Curricular Thread 4: Writing and answer "Where is the breakfast from?"
EFL.2.4.4. Write simple words, phrases, and sentences for controlled
Write three sentencespractice
language items.
you did yesterday using when
CE.EFL.2.18. Writing in order to perform controlled practice of vocabulary and grammar items
EFL.2.4.3. Write simple words, phrases, and sentences with correct
use of standardWrite
writing mechanics.
a review about(Example: spelling, punctuation,
your restaurant
capitalization, and writing by hand and/or on the computer.
Curricular Thread 5: Language through the Arts
EFL.2.5.8. Produce short, creative texts using ICT and/or other
resources at home or at school in order to recreate familiar scenes and
CE.EFL.2.24. Communicate ideas and experiences and create short original texts through a range of resources and other media, themes.
including ICT.
Write a revier about the restaurant you visited


*Talking about food and dring ACTIVITY
*Understanding the use of Student's Book Level3, Activity Book with Curricular Thread 1:
irregular verbs in the past Online Resources Level 2, Teachers Book with Communication and
*Using the past simple in DVD Level 3, Class Audio CDs Level 3, cultural awareness
sentences with when Flashcards Level 3, Presentation Plus DVD-ROM
*Evaluating the nutritional value Level 3, Teacher's Resource and Tests CD-ROM TECHNIQUE
of food Level 3-4.
*Reading and interpreting the INSTRUMENT
message behind a traditional story
*Showing respect for the Learners can apply turn- ACTIVITY
decisions of others BIBLIOGRAPHY: taking and ways to
*Preparing a review about a Diamond-Bayir S., Nixon C,. & Tomlison M., express to others when
restaurant and sharing it with your (2018). Power Up. Student's Book 2. something is not
classmates Cambridge University Press understood in short
Diamond-Bayir (2018) Power Up. Teacher's conversations. (J.3, S.1,
Book 2 with DVD. Cambrige University Press

Pictures of known food and drink or real food
and drink, globe/world map, pictures from ACTIVITY
Digital photo bank of China including the Curricular Thread 2: Oral
Forbidden City, real menus from local communication
restaurants or digital access to a local
restaurants website, food and drink flashcards, Learners can understand
the main ideas in short TECHNIQUE
word cards, a cup, a glass, bottle and bowl, four simple spoken texts and
blank pieces of paper for each learner, 14 small infer who is speaking and
pieces of blank card for each pair of what the situation is, INSTRUMENT
learners,photos of a place and person that are without decoding every
important to you, an object you like, pictures of word. (I.3)I.EFL.2.6.1
restaurant signs, worksheets (teachers Learners can express ACTIVITY
resource book pg 24), objects and a box or bag, basic ideas, initiate
pictures of places and people, past simple conversations, and
irregular verb flashcards, real packets of respond to simple
breakfast cereal with different sugar and salt questions using
content, photos from Digital photo bank of appropriate words,
phrases, and short TECHNIQUE
Huangshan mountains and a province in China,
sentences. Responses
restaurant reviews from newspapers or may be slow though
websites, INSTRUMENT
pauses do not make the
interaction tedious or
uncomfortable for
Curricular Thread 3:

Learners can understand

the main ideas and some TECHNIQUE
basic details from a short
simple cross-curricular* INSTRUMENT
text and successfully
complete a simple task, as
well as acquire subject- ACTIVITY
specific lexis.

Curricular Thread 4:

Learners can write short
simple phrases and
sentences to show that TECHNIQUE
they know how to use
simple grammar or INSTRUMENT
vocabulary items. (I.3,

Curricular Thread 5:
Language through the ACTIVITY

Learners can
communicate thoughts, TECHNIQUE
feelings, and/or personal
experiences and create
short original texts INSTRUMENT
through a range of
resources and other
media, including ICT. (I.2, ACTIVITY
I.3, I.4)I.EFL.2.24.1

Specification of Education Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied

CAUTION: to be determined by the teachers based on his/her students profile. CAUTION: to be determined by the teachers based on his/her students profile.
Prepared by: Revised by: Approved by:
Teacher: Coordinator: Vice-Principal:
Signature: Signature: Signature:
Date: Date: Date:
DINCU-Coordinaciòn de Lengua Extranjera (ACUERDO MINISTERIAL Nro. MINEDUC-ME-2015-00168-A de 01-12-2015)
Timeframe Duration
Teacher: Area/Subject: Grade:
Weeks Periods Start End

2. Unit Plan Unit No. 3


O.EFL 2.1 Identify some main ideas and details of written texts, in order to develop an approach of critical inquiry to written and oral texts.
Unit specific objectives of the area O.EFL 2.2 Assess and appreciate English as an international language, as well as the five aspects of English that contribute to communicative
O.EFL.2.3 Independently read level-appropriate texts in English for pure enjoyment/entertainment and to access information.
Show empathy
O.EFL with others
2.7 Appreciate the use of English language through spoken and written literary texts such as poems, rhymes, chants, riddles and songs, in order
to foster imagination, curiosity and memory, while developing a taste forCLILliterature.
Transversal Axes Science- Learn about bones and joints
O.EFL 2.8Demonstrate a living relationship with the English language Components
through interaction with written and spoken texts, in order to explore creative
writing as an outlet to personal expression.
2. UNIT PLAN O.EFL 2.9 Be able to interact in English in a simple way using basic expressions and short phrases in familiar contexts to satisfy needs of a concrete
type, provided others
EVALUATION talk slowly and clearly and are prepared to help..
Curricular Thread 1: Communication and cultural awareness
EFL.2.1.7. Collaborate in a friendly manner by sharing classroom
materials and personal objects while participating in games and
CE.EFL.2.4. Develop skills of collaboration by working together on projects and sharing materials while expressing per- sonal activities in class and on the playground.
preferences with peers.
Read and act the play "Too too moo and the komodo dragon" talk
EFL.2.1.10. Recognize when about empathy
to speak and when to listen
while working in pairs or small groups in class by following classroom
CE.EFL.2.5. Model turn-taking and ways to express to others when something is not understood to improve comprehen- sion and/or instructions and simple commands.
intelligibility in conversations.
Write a summary of the story, share your ideas with your partners
Curricular Thread 2: Oral communication
FL2.2.3. Recognize familiar names, words, and short
phrases about simple everyday topics whether heard in isolation or
CE.EFL.2.7.Listening for Information: Follow short and simple spoken texts that include familiar vocabulary and are set in everyday within short, simple spoken texts describing people and objects.
contexts. Identify key items of information within the text, and record or act upon them. (Example: vocabulary about self, family,
friends and immediate surroundings at school and home, adjectives
for color and size, to the song and point the body parts
EFL.2.2.11. Produce simple, mainly isolated utterances
using very short phrases and sometimes individual words,possibly with
CE.EFL.2.9. Production - Fluency: Utterances are sometimes produced slowly but use appropriate words and phrases to express basic slow and/or hesitant delivery. (Example: words, phrases and short
ideas, initiate conversations and respond to questions, including some chunks of language and short sentences sentences about people, animals, things, etc.)
Retell the story using the words best, island, high
Curricular Thread 3: Reading
EFL.2.3.2. Read a short simple text (online or print) and demonstrate
understanding of the gist and some basic details of the content.
CE.EFL.2.12. Understand the gist and details in short simple written texts (online or print).
Read the text and match the body parts/ Read the text and follow
Curricular Thread 4: Writing
EFL.2.4.1 Know how to spell simple English words correctly,
demonstrating awareness of sound-letter relationships. (Example: sea,
mean, bee, etc.)
Write questions and answers using but
CE.EFL.2.17. Write simple words, phrases, and sentences to demonstrate knowledge of spelling, punctuation, capitaliza- tion and
handwriting / typography, and identify their meanings. EFL.2.4.3. Write simple words, phrases and sentences with correct use
of standard writing mechanics. (Example: spelling, punctuation,
capitalization, and writing by hand and/
or on theinstructions
Write computer. about how to complete the pose shown on the
Curricular Thread 5: Language through the Arts
FL.2.5.9. Use creative thinking skills to learn how to share and respect
all ideas through brainstorming activities and pair work in class.

CE.EFL.2.25. Implement a range of creative thinking skills to show a respect for sharing and accepting di erent ideas in brainstorms
and pair work. Present a poster about your health advise to the class


*Talking about parts of the body ACTIVITY

and health problems Student's Book Level3, Activity Book with Curricular Thread 1:
*Understanding and using Online Resources Level 2, Teachers Book with Communication and
comparatives and superlatives DVD Level 3, Class Audio CDs Level 3, cultural awareness
*Using want to and need to Flashcards Level 3, Presentation Plus DVD-ROM
*Reading about bones, joints and Level 3, Teacher's Resource and Tests CD-ROM TECHNIQUE
yoga Level 3-4.
*Reading and acting a short play
*Preparing a health plan program
and sharing it with the class INSTRUMENT
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Learners can select
Diamond-Bayir S., Nixon C,. & Tomlison M., pictures and/or short
(2018). Power Up. Student's Book 2. phrases that relate to
Cambridge University Press collaborating and sharing
and express personal ACTIVITY
Diamond-Bayir (2018) Power Up. Teacher's
preferences. (J.2, J.3,
Book 2 with DVD. Cambrige University Press S.4)I.EFL.2.4.1 Learners
can apply turn-taking and
Materials ways to express to others
Globe/World map, photos from Digital photo TECHNIQUE
when something is not
bank of Indonesia including Krakatau, posters understood in short
or leaflets with health advice, copy of conversations. (J.3, S.1,
worksheet (Teachers Resource book pg 34). S.4)I.EFL.2.5.1
Parts of the body flashcards , word cards, a real INSTRUMENT
bandage, 20 small pieces of card with an
adjetive on each one, Health flashcards, 18
sticky notes with parts of the body written on
them, pictures from Digital photo bank of a ACTIVITY
skeleton or a model, real protective clothing,
pictures from Digital photo bank of a Komodo Curricular Thread 2: Oral
dragon, a bowl, a packet of rice and a packet of Learners can understand
porridge for each group of four learners , short and simple spoken
pieces of paper with health problems on them, texts well enough to be TECHNIQUE
a small box or bag, worksheet and notes from able to pick out key items
Mission Stages 1-3 lessons, posters with health of information and record
advice or websites, large piece of paper for them in writing or INSTRUMENT
each group of three/four learners, drawings, or physically act
upon them.
(I.3)I.EFL.2.7.1 Learners ACTIVITY
can express basic ideas,
initiate conversations, and
respond to simple
questions using
appropriate words,
phrases, and short TECHNIQUE
sentences. Responses
may be slow though
pauses do not make the INSTRUMENT
interaction tedious or
uncomfortable for
Curricular Thread 3:

. Learners can understand TECHNIQUE

a short simple text on an
everyday topic and
successfully complete a INSTRUMENT
simple task to show that
they have understood
most or some of it. ACTIVITY

Curricular Thread 4:

Learners can write words,

phrases, and short simple TECHNIQUE
sentences using the
correct conventions
(spelling, punctuation, INSTRUMENT
capitalization, and
handwriting or ACTIVITY
typography, etc.), for
making simple learning
resources. (I.3)I.EFL.2.17.1 TECHNIQUE

Curricular Thread 5:
Language through the TECHNIQUE

Learners can utilize a INSTRUMENT

range of creative thinking
skills to show a respect
for sharing and accepting ACTIVITY
different ideas while
working in pairs and TECHNIQUE
through brainstorms. (J.3,

Specification of Education Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied

CAUTION: to be determined by the teachers based on his/her students profile. CAUTION: to be determined by the teachers based on his/her students profile.
Prepared by: Revised by: Approved by:
Teacher: Coordinator: Vice-Principal:
Signature: Signature: Signature:
Date: Date: Date:
DINCU-Coordinaciòn de Lengua Extranjera (ACUERDO MINISTERIAL Nro. MINEDUC-ME-2015-00168-A de 01-12-2015)
Timeframe Duration
Teacher: Area/Subject: Grade:
Weeks Periods Start End

2. Unit Plan Unit No. 4


O.EFL 2.1 Identify some main ideas and details of written texts, in order to develop an approach of critical inquiry to written and oral texts.
Unit specific objectives of the area O.EFL 2.2 Assess and appreciate English as an international language, as well as the five aspects of English that contribute to communicative
O.EFL.2.3 Independently read level-appropriate texts in English for pure enjoyment/entertainment and to access information.
O.EFL 2.7 Appreciate the use of English language through spoken and written literary texts such as poems, rhymes, chants, riddles and songs, in order
to awareness
foster of how
imagination, others and
curiosity feel memory, while developing a taste for literature.
CLIL interaction with written and spoken texts, in order to explore creative
O.EFL 2.8Demonstrate a living relationship with the English language through
Transversal Axes
writing as an outlet to personal expression. Components Science- Learn about plants and how they grow
O.EFL 2.9 Be able to interact in English in a simple way using basic expressions and short phrases in familiar contexts to satisfy needs of a concrete
2. UNIT PLAN type, provided others talk slowly and clearly and are prepared to help..
Curricular Thread 1: Communication and cultural awareness
EFL.2.1.4. Express curiosity about the world and other cultures by
asking simple WH- questions in class after reading and/or participating
CE.EFL.2.2. Catalog everyday objects and places in dfferent cultures and recognize ways to act responsibly towards one’s in presentations or other group work.
environment and surroundings.
Read the story of Rama and Sita and talk about the importance of
helping others
EFL.2.1.3. Ask simple basic questions in class about the world beyond
one’s own immediate environment in order to increase their
CE.EFL.2.1Diferentiate between di erent living situations in a variety of surroundings and express curiosity about the world through understanding of different cultures.
simple questions.
Answer the questions of how do you think the characters feel in
different parts of the story
Curricular Thread 2: Oral communication
EFL.2.2.14. Ask and answer basic personal information
questions, as well as simple questions about other people, animals,
and possessions, provided the interaction is slow and clear. (Example:
CE.EFL.2.10. Interaction – Interpersonal: Participate effectively in basic interpersonal interactions in everyday contexts, provided the Where do you live? Do you have a bicycle?, etc
interlocutor speaks slowly and clearly. (Example: requesting, introducing, responding, etc.)
Sing Diversicus song understanding adverbs of manner

EFL.2.2.9. Spell out key vocabulary items using the English alphabet.
(Example: names, colors, animals, possessions, etc.)
E.EFL.2.8. Production - Pronunciation: Produce individual words and short phrases clearly enough that other people can usually
understand them easily.
Play a memory game covering part of the song and guess the past
tense of the verb
Curricular Thread 3: Reading
EFL.2.3.9. Identify the meaning of specific content-based words and
phrases, with the aid of visual support.
CE.EFL.2.16. Understand the main ideas in short simple written texts on cross-curricular subjects, both print and digital. (Example:
art, science, music, math, history, etc.) Read about plants and answer the questions/ Read the sentences and
match them with the pictures
Curricular Thread 4: Writing
EFL.2.4.9. Write a variety of short simple text types, commonly used in
CE.EFL.2.20. Complete a simple survey form or questionnaire by providing personal details. Write a variety of simple written text print and online,
Create withcarnivorous
your own appropriateplant
language and layout.
and write (Example:
facts about it
types, used in print or online, with appropriate layout and language. (Examples: message on a greeting card, name and address on write a greeting on a birthday card, name and address on an envelope,
an envelope, an email address, etc.) EFL.2.4.8. Complete aabasic survey
URL for or a questionnaire
a website, an by providing
Read the story of Rama personal
email details.
Sitan and
etc.answer the questions
Curricular Thread 5: Language through the Arts
EFL.2.5.7. Create picture books and/or other graphic expressions in
pairs in class by varying scenes, characters, or other elements of
literary texts.
Present your jungle adventure park to the class, show your brochure

CE.EFL.2.23. Display an a nity for a variety of literary texts by responding within a range of physical, cognitive, and attitudinal
manners, and vary elements of a literary text to create a new text

*Talking about natural features ACTIVITY
*Understanding and using adverbs Student's Book Level3, Activity Book with Curricular Thread 1:
of manner Online Resources Level 2, Teachers Book with Learners
Communicationcan classify
*Using the past simple of irregular DVD Level 3, Class Audio CDs Level 3, everyday objects and
cultural awareness
verbs Flashcards Level 3, Presentation Plus DVD-ROM familiar places. Learners TECHNIQUE
can compare objects from
*Understanding and using Level 3, Teacher's Resource and Tests CD-ROM different cultural
comparative adverbs Level 3-4. contexts. Learners can say INSTRUMENT
*Learning about how plants grow and recognize ways to
*Reading a story from and Indian take care of the
epic poem environment and one’s ACTIVITY
*Inventing your own carnivorous BIBLIOGRAPHY: surroundings. (J.3,
plant and describing it Diamond-Bayir S., Nixon C,. & Tomlison M., S.1)I.EFL.2.2.1Learners TECHNIQUE
*Presenting your jungle adventure (2018). Power Up. Student's Book 2. can recognize differences
park brochure Cambridge University Press between where people
*Showing concern for others Diamond-Bayir (2018) Power Up. Teacher's live and write or talk INSTRUMENT
Book 2 with DVD. Cambrige University Press about their own
surroundings, as well as
. Learners
ask questions can interact
about how ACTIVITY
Materials effectively
other using
people basic
live.2: Oral
globe/world map, photos from Digital photo functional exponents for
bank of India including Taj Mahal, pictures of interpersonal conversa-
adventure parks and brochures/ publicity tions in everyday
contexts, providing TECHNIQUE
material and maprs from local attractions, copy
of the Mission worksheet (Teachers Resource speech is slow and clear.
Book pg 44), Natural features flahscards , word Learners can request INSTRUMENT
cards, maps from visitor attractions, basketball, repetition or clarification,
and can begin to react
skipping rope, football, smaller softball, Past appropriately to basic ACTIVITY
simple verb flashcards, pictures from Digital responses received. (I.3)
photo bank of animals, real fruit from a tree or (ref. I.EFL.2.10.1)Learners
plant, a real flowering plant in a pot, photos can pronounce most
from Digital photo bank of different plants, familiar vocabulary items
computer/tablets with Internet, a candle, a accurately, and can TECHNIQUE
torch, reflective clothing and a lantern, therefore usually be easily
different series of three pictures telling a story, understood. They can also
past simple irregular verbs flashcards and past produce some phrases INSTRUMENT
simple verb flashcards with the infinitve on one and short sentences
side and the past tense on the other, music CD, clearly, and may
Curricular Thread
approximate English3:
completed worksheets and notes from Mission rhythm ACTIVITY
and intonation in
Stages 1-3, video recording equipment, longer utterances.
question cards (activity book game), (I.3)I.EFL.2.8.1
Learners can understand
the main ideas and some TECHNIQUE
basic details from a short
simple cross-curricular* INSTRUMENT
text and successfully
complete a simple task, as
well as acquire subject- ACTIVITY
specific lexis. (I.2)

Curricular Thread 4:

. Learners can write
information in a simple
survey form or TECHNIQUE
questionnaire, and can
type or write some simple
digital text-types, such as INSTRUMENT
a URL and an email
address. (I.3).EFL.2.20.1 ACTIVITY

Curricular Thread 5:
Language through the ACTIVITY

Learners can
demonstrate an affinity
for a variety of literary TECHNIQUE
texts by responding
within a range of physical, INSTRUMENT
cognitive, and attitudinal
manners and adapt
elements of a literary text ACTIVITY
to create a new text. (I.1,

Specification of Education Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied

CAUTION: to be determined by the teachers based on his/her students profile. CAUTION: to be determined by the teachers based on his/her students profile.
Prepared by: Revised by: Approved by:
Teacher: Coordinator: Vice-Principal:
Signature: Signature: Signature:
Date: Date: Date:
DINCU-Coordinaciòn de Lengua Extranjera (ACUERDO MINISTERIAL Nro. MINEDUC-ME-2015-00168-A de 01-12-2015)
Timeframe Duration
Teacher: Area/Subject: Grade:
Weeks Periods Start End

2. Unit Plan Unit No. 5


O.EFL 2.1 Identify some main ideas and details of written texts, in order to develop an approach of critical inquiry to written and oral texts.
Unit specific objectives of the area O.EFL 2.2 Assess and appreciate English as an international language, as well as the five aspects of English that contribute to communicative
Importance Independently
of sharing andread level-appropriate
listening to others texts in English for pure enjoyment/entertainment and to access information.
O.EFL 2.7 Appreciate the use of English language through spoken and written CLIL literary textsLearning
Science- such as poems, rhymes,
about the chants,
importance ofriddles and
different songs, inand
materials order
Transversal Axes to foster imagination, curiosity and memory, while developing a taste for literature.
Components are things made of
O.EFL 2.8Demonstrate a living relationship with the English language through interaction with written and spoken texts, in order to explore creative
2. UNIT PLAN writing as an outlet to personal expression.
O.EFL 2.9 Be able to interact in English in a simple way using basic expressions and short phrases in familiar contexts to satisfy needs of a concrete
provided others talk slowly and clearly and are prepared to help.. SKILLS AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA TO BE DEVELOPED
Curricular Thread 1: Communication and cultural awareness
EF.2.1.4. Express curiosity about the world and other cultures by
asking simple WH- questions in class after reading and/or participating
CE.EFL.2.1. Diferentiate between di erent living situations in a variety of surroundings and express curiosity about the world through in presentations or other group work.
simple questions. Listen to the story "The myth of Icarus" and discuss the importance of
listening to others

Curricular Thread 2: Oral communication

EFL2.2.3. Recognize familiar names, words, and short
phrases about simple everyday topics whether heard in isolation or
CE.EFL.2.7. Listening for Information: Follow short and simple spoken texts that include familiar vocabulary and are set in everyday within short, simple spoken texts describing people and objects.
contexts. Identify key items of information within the text, and record or act upon them. (Example: vocabulary about self, family,
friends and immediate
Describe surroundings
characters at school
on the picture andand home,
guess whoadjectives
is it
for color and size, etc.)
EFL.2.2.11. Produce simple, mainly isolated utterances
using very short phrases and sometimes individual words, with slow
CE.EFL.2.9. Production - Fluency: Utterances are sometimes produced slowly but use appropriate words and phrases to express basic and/or hesitant delivery. (Example: words, phrases and short
ideas, initiate conversations and respond to questions, including some chunks of language and short sentences. sentences about people, animals, things, etc.)
Describe an object from the song using the structure "it is made of"
and guess
Curricular Thread 3: Reading
EFL.2.3.5. Show the ability to use a simple learning resource. (Example:
a small set of flashcards, a picture-based dictionary (online or print), or
CE.EFL.2.14. Demonstrate familiarity with study resources (both print and digital). (Example: a picture dictionary, some flashcards of a simple word list.)
known words, or a word list.)
Read the situation and answer the questions with shall, could or lets/
Read about a theatre workshop and answer the questions
Curricular Thread 4: Writing
EFL.2.4.4. Write simple words, phrases, and sentences for controlled
practice of language items.
CE.EFL.2.18. Writing in order to perform controlled practice of vocabulary and grammar items
Read the story "The Myth of Icarus" and answer the questions

Curricular Thread 5: Language through the Arts

EFL.2.5.6. Generate and expand ideas by responding in a fun and
CE.EFL.2.22. Describe and write about emotions and responses to literary texts through words and images, or other media (video, playful manner to oral and written texts in order to increase enjoyment
audio) on class or school bulletin boards and expand on ideas and responses to texts read/seen/heard in by participating in of the language through TPR, playground games, and songs and chants.
Plan and write a scene in groups
songs/chants, TPR activities and playground games.

*Describing clothes and materials Curricular Thread 1: ACTIVITY
*Understanding, asking and Student's Book Level3, Activity Book with Communication and
talking about what things are Online Resources Level 2, Teachers Book with cultural awareness
made of DVD Level 3, Class Audio CDs Level 3, TECHNIQUE
*Talking about the properties of Flashcards Level 3, Presentation Plus DVD-ROM
materials and their uses Level 3, Teacher's Resource and Tests CD-ROM Learners can recognize INSTRUMENT
*Making suggestions Level 3-4. differences between where
*Listening for information people live and write or ACTIVITY
*Reading a Greek myth and talk about their own
answering questions about it surroundings, as well as
*Acting out a scene of a play BIBLIOGRAPHY: ask questions about how TECHNIQUE
*Showing empathy for others Diamond-Bayir S., Nixon C,. & Tomlison M., other people live. (I.2,
(2018). Power Up. Student's Book 2. S.2)I.EFL.2.1.1 INSTRUMENT
Cambridge University Press
Diamond-Bayir (2018) Power Up. Teacher's
Book 2 with DVD. Cambrige University Press Learners
Curricularcan understand
Thread 2: Oral ACTIVITY
and simple spoken
texts well enough to be
Materials: able to pick out key items TECHNIQUE
Pictures of sets and characters from a play or of information and record
show, globe/world map, photo of Greece them in basic writing or
including the Pantheon, a mask drawings, or physically act INSTRUMENT
Describing clothes flashcards, word cards, upon them. (I.3) (ref.
items of clothing or objects which are: gold, I.EFL.2.7.1)Learners can ACTIVITY
silver, striped, spotted and light, bright or dark express basic ideas,
colours initiate conversations, and
Objects made of: gold, silver, paper, rubber respond to simple
and card. Pictures from Digital photo bank of questions using
objects made of these materials appropriate words,
phrases, and short TECHNIQUE
Music CD, toy helmet or picture of helmet, sentences. Responses
worksheet (Teachers Resource Book Pg 54), may be slow though
pictures from Digital photo bank of clothes INSTRUMENT
pauses do not make the
designs interaction tedious or
Objects made of: card, glass, metal, plastic, uncomfortable
Curricular Threadfor3:
wood and wool. A belt, a crown, a helmet,a participants. ACTIVITY
mask (or pictures), a tray and a cloth to cover (I.3)I.EFL.2.9.1
it, Materials flashcards
Large sheet of paper for each group,
newspapers with "Whats on" pages
One item for each pupil made of wood, one . Learners can successfully TECHNIQUE
made of paper, one made of metal and one use simple online and
made of plastic, small plain cards(16 for each print learning resources.
pair of learners) (Example: flashcards, INSTRUMENT
Photos from Difgital photo bank of theatrical picture dictionaries, word
and ceremonial masks made of different lists, etc.) (I.2)I.EFL.2.14.1 ACTIVITY
materials, a plain plastic mask for each learner,
newspaper,scissors, water, liquid glue
Photos from Digital photo bank of an island, a TECHNIQUE
tower and a labyrinth, a real candle (and
matches) Curricular Thread 4: ACTIVITY
Costume designs and masks from Mission
Stages 1-3, real costumes and props for the
Learners can write short TECHNIQUE
simple phrases and
sentences to show that
they know how to use
simple grammar or
vocabulary items. (I.3, ACTIVITY

Curricular Thread 5:
Language through the TECHNIQUE
Learners Arts
can report
emotions and compose
short responses to literary INSTRUMENT
texts through words and
images, or other media
(video, audio). Learners ACTIVITY
can generate and expand
on personal opinions and TECHNIQUE
responses to oral and
written texts through TPR,
playground game INSTRUMENT
Specification of Education Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied

CAUTION: to be determined by the teachers based on his/her students profile. CAUTION: to be determined by the teachers based on his/her students profile.
Prepared by: Revised by: Approved by:
Teacher: Coordinator: Vice-Principal:
Signature: Signature: Signature:
Date: Date: Date:
DINCU-Coordinaciòn de Lengua Extranjera (ACUERDO MINISTERIAL Nro. MINEDUC-ME-2015-00168-A de 01-12-2015)
Timeframe Duration
Teacher: Area/Subject: Grade:
Weeks Periods Start End

2. Unit Plan Unit No. 6

O.EFL 2.1 Identify some main ideas and details of written texts, in order to develop an approach of critical inquiry to written and oral texts.
O.EFL 2.2 Assess and appreciate English as an international language, as well as the five aspects of English that contribute to communicative
Unit specific objectives of the area competence.
O.EFL.2.3 Independently read level-appropriate texts in English for pure enjoyment/entertainment and to access information.
O.EFL.2.4Develop creative and critical thinking skills to foster problem-solving and independent learning using both spoken and written English.
O.EFL 2.5Use in-class library resources and explore the use of ICT to enrich competencies in the four skills.
The importance
O.EFL.2.6 of team
Write short work andand
descriptive respect for the ideas
informative texts of
use them as a means of communication and written expression of thought.
O.EFL 2.7 Appreciate the use of English language through spoken and written CLIL literary texts such as poems, rhymes, chants, riddles and songs, in order
Transversal Axes Social Studies- Learn about maps and symbols
to foster imagination, curiosity and memory, while developing a taste Components
for literature.
O.EFL 2.8Demonstrate a living relationship with the English language through interaction with written and spoken texts, in order to explore creative
2. UNIT PLAN writing as an outlet to personal expression.
O.EFL 2.9 Be able CRITERIA
EVALUATION to interact in English in a simple way using basic expressions and short phrases
familiar contextsCRITERIA
to satisfy TO
BE of a concrete
type, provided others talk slowly and clearly and are prepared to help..
Curricular Thread 1: Communication and cultural awareness
EFL.2.1.9. Communicate to peers and teacher when something is not
understood in class through the use of simple basic questions.

CE.EFL.2.5. Model turn-taking and ways to express to others when something is not understood to improve comprehen- sion and/or Make predictions of what the narration "The Project" is going to be
intelligibility in conversations. about
EFL.2.1.10. Recognize when to speak and when to listen
while working in pairs or small groups in class by following classroom
instructions and simple commands.
After reading "The project" answer why the project was a success,
when do you work in groups. Talk about the importance of team work
Curricular Thread 2: Oral communication and respecting the ideas of others
EFL.2.2.9. Spell out key vocabulary items using the English alphabet.
(Example: names, colors, animals, possessions, etc.)
CE.EFL.2.8. Production - Pronunciation: Produce individual words and short phrases clearly enough that other people can usually
understand them easily.
Spell out school subjects
EFL.2.2.14. Ask and answer basic personal information
questions, as well as simple questions about other people, animals,
CE.EFL.2.10. Interaction – Interpersonal: Participate e ectively in basic interpersonal interactions in everyday contexts, provided the and possessions, provided the interaction is slow and clear. (Example:
interlocutor speaks slowly and clearly. (Example: requesting, introducing, responding, etc.) Where do you live? Do you have a bicycle?, etc.)
Ask and answer questions about what they should and shouldn`t do in
Curricular Thread 3: Reading
FL.2.3.6. Understand the content of a simple graphic organizer (online
or print). (Example, Venn Diagrams, charts, and labeled diagrams.)
CE.EFL.2.15. Learn to read graphs, diagrams, charts, and other kinds of graphic organizer. Demonstrate understanding of a text
presented in the form of a graphic organizer (both print and digital).
Read and complete the text with should and shouldn`t/ Read the
information about maps and Capadocia
Curricular Thread 4: Writing
EFL.2.4.1 Know how to spell simple English words correctly,
demonstrating awareness of sound-letter relationships. (Example: sea,
mean, bee, etc.)
Write four sentences about what Paul should and shouldn`t do
CE.EFL.2.17. Write simple words, phrases, and sentences to demonstrate knowledge of spelling, punctuation, capitaliza- tion and
handwriting / typography, and identify their meanings. EFL.2.4.3. Write simple words, phrases and sentences with correct use
of standard writing mechanics. (Example: spelling, punctuation,
capitalization, and writing by hand and/
or on theWrite sentences about what your friends are good at

Curricular Thread 5: Language through the Arts

(EFLEFL.2.5.1. Identify key information such as events, characters,
and objects in stories and other age-appropriate literary texts
if there is visual support.
CE.EFL.2.21. Distinguish key information in stories and other age-appropriate literary texts, both oral and written.
In groups give your prizes to the classmates of other groups telling why
are you giving them

Student's Book Level3, Activity Book with Curricular Thread 1:
Online Resources Level 2, Teachers Book with Communication and
DVD Level 3, Class Audio CDs Level 3, cultural awareness
Flashcards Level 3, Presentation Plus DVD-ROM TECHNIQUE
Level 3, Teacher's Resource and Tests CD-ROM
Learners can recognize
differences between
where people live and ACTIVITY
BIBLIOGRAPHY: write or talk about their
Diamond-Bayir S., Nixon C,. & Tomlison M., own surroundings, as well
(2018). Power Up. Student's Book 2. as ask questions about TECHNIQUE
Cambridge University Press how other people live.
Diamond-Bayir (2018) Power Up. Teacher's (I.2, S.2)I.EFL.2.1.1
Book 2 with DVD. Cambrige University Press INSTRUMENT

Materials Learners can pronounce

most familiar vo- cabulary ACTIVITY
Globe/world map , photos from the Digital Curricular Threadand2: Oral
photo bank of Turkey including the Hagia items accurately, can
therefore usually be easily
Sophia, real certificates or trophies, copy of the understood. They can also
Mission worksheet (Teachers Resource Book pg produce some phrases TECHNIQUE
64) and short sentences
School subject flashcards, word cards, teaching clearly, and may
clock, a real school timetable approximate English INSTRUMENT
Photos from Digital photo bank of signs (e.g. rhythm and intonation in
'No running') longer utterances. ACTIVITY
School vocabulary flashcards, laptop computer, (I.3)I.EFL.2.8.1 Learners
rucksack, bin, e-book can interact effectively
Real maps (a political map, a physical map and using basic functional
a street map- at least one with a scale a key), exponents for
interpersonal conversa- TECHNIQUE
rulers, piece of paper with a large 6x6 grid for
tions in everyday
each learner contexts, providing
Real physical map of Turkey showing features speech is slow and clear. INSTRUMENT
such as capital, city, lakes, rivers, mountains Learners can request
ranges, highest peaks: one copy for each repetition or Thread
learner, pictures of famous natural features in Curricular 3:
and canReading
begin to react ACTIVITY
the learners county, Mission worksheets appropriately to basic
(Teachers Resource Book pg 64) responses received. (I.3)
Photos from the Digital photo bank of a mouse, (ref. I.EFL.2.10.1)
a camel and the desert
. Learners can use simple
graphic organizers to TECHNIQUE
show that they can
understand a short simple INSTRUMENT
text. (Example: maps,
diagrams, bar charts,
Venn diagrams, etc.) ACTIVITY

Curricular Thread 4: ACTIVITY


Learners can write words, TECHNIQUE

phrases, and short simple
sentences using the
correct conventions INSTRUMENT
(spelling, punctuation,
capitalization, and
handwriting or ACTIVITY
typography, etc.), for
making simple learning TECHNIQUE
resources. (I.3)I.EFL.2.7.1

Curricular Thread 5:
Language through the TECHNIQUE

Learners can recognize,
through pictures or other
media such as ICT, key ACTIVITY
aspects of a story or
literary text (both oral TECHNIQUE
and written). (J.1, I.2)


Specification of Education Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied

CAUTION: to be determined by the teachers based on his/her students profile. CAUTION: to be determined by the teachers based on his/her students profile.
Prepared by: Revised by: Approved by:
Teacher: Coordinator: Vice-Principal:
Signature: Signature: Signature:
Date: Date: Date:
DINCU-Coordinaciòn de Lengua Extranjera (ACUERDO MINISTERIAL Nro. MINEDUC-ME-2015-00168-A de 01-12-2015)
Timeframe Duration
Teacher: Area/Subject: Grade:
Weeks Periods Start End

2. Unit Plan Unit No. 7

O.EFL 2.1 Identify some main ideas and details of written texts, in order to develop an approach of critical inquiry to written and oral texts.
O.EFL 2.2 Assess and appreciate English as an international language, as well as the five aspects of English that contribute to communicative
Unit specific objectives of the area competence.
O.EFL.2.3 Independently read level-appropriate texts in English for pure enjoyment/entertainment and to access information.
The importance of creative and
respecting critical
other thinking
people`s skills tostates
emotional foster problem-solving and independent learning using both spoken and written English.
O.EFL 2.5Use in-class library resources and explore the use of ICT to enrich competencies in the four skills.
Transversal Axes O.EFL.2.6 Write short descriptive and informative texts and use them asCLIL a means Social
of communication andabout
Studies- Talking written expression of thought.
O.EFL 2.7 Appreciate the use of English language through spoken and Components
written literary texts such as poems, rhymes, chants, riddles and songs, in order
to foster imagination, curiosity and memory, while developing a taste for literature.
O.EFL 2.8Demonstrate a living relationship with the English language through interaction with written and spoken texts, in order to explore creative
2. UNIT PLAN writing as an outlet to personal expression.
O.EFL 2.9 Be able CRITERIA
EVALUATION to interact in English in a simple way using basic expressions and short phrases
familiar contextsCRITERIA
to satisfy TO
BE of a concrete
type, provided others talk slowly and clearly and are prepared to help..
Curricular Thread 1: Communication and cultural awareness

EFL.2.1.6. Understand and use common expressions of politeness in

class while working in pairs or groups on projects. (Example: Please,
sorry, thank you, etc.)

CE.EFL.2.3. Make use of basic personal information and expressions of politeness in order to introduce oneself and participate in a
short conversation. Read the play "Don Quixote, Sancho and the windmills" and act it out.
Talk about the importance of responding appropriately and being brave

Curricular Thread 2: Oral communication

EFL.2.2.4. Identify items of specific information within simple

messages or from short and simple descriptions about familiar
CE.EFL.2.7Listening for Information: Follow short and simple spoken texts that include familiar vocabulary and are set in everyday contexts, especially if visual support is provided. (Example: letters of
contexts. Identify key items of information within the text, and record or act upon them. the alphabet, numbers, prices and times, days, dates and months, etc.)
Name the different jobs flashcards
EFL.2.2.11. Produce simple, mainly isolated utterances
using very short phrases and sometimes individual words,
CE.EFL.2.9. Production - Fluency: Utterances are sometimes produced slowly but use appropriate words and phrases to express basic possibly with slow and/or hesitant delivery. (Example: words, phrases
ideas, initiate conversations and respond to questions, including some chunks of language and short sentences. and short sentences about people, animals, things, etc.)
Ask and answer about people in the song using adjectives
Curricular Thread 3: Reading
EFL.2.3.7. Read and understand the main ideas in a short simple text
on a cross-curricular topic. (Example: art, music, history, etc.)
CE.EFL.2.16. Understand the main ideas in short simple written texts on cross-curricular subjects, both print and digital. (Example:
art, science, music, math, history, etc.)
Read the texts and answer the questions

Curricular Thread 4: Writing

EFL.2.4.9. Write a variety of short simple text types, commonly used in
CE.EFL.2.20. Complete a simple survey form or questionnaire by providing personal details. Write a variety of simple written text print and online, with appropriate language and layout. (Example:
types, used in print or online, with appropriate layout and language. (Examples: message on a greeting card, name and address on an write a greeting on a birthday card, name and address on an envelope,
envelope, an email address, etc.) Read theanparagraphs and answer the questions
a URL for a website,
email address, etc.)
Curricular Thread 5: Language through the Arts
EFL.2.5.1. Identify key information such as events, characters, and
objects in stories and other age-appropriate literary texts if there is
visual support.

CE.EFL.2.21. Distinguish key information in stories and other age-appropriate literary texts, both oral and written.
Prepare a job fair and present it to the class


*Talking about jobs and describing Curricular Thread 1: ACTIVITY

people`s personality and Student's Book Level3, Activity Book with Communication and
appearance Online Resources Level 2, Teachers Book with cultural awareness
*Using look like and be like to DVD Level 3, Class Audio CDs Level 3, TECHNIQUE
describe people Flashcards Level 3, Presentation Plus DVD-ROM
*Reading about archaeology and Level 3, Teacher's Resource and Tests CD-ROM INSTRUMENT
cave paintings Level 3-4. Learners can use basic
*Reading a play based on Don personal information and ACTIVITY
Quixote expressions of politeness
*Responding appropriately to in short dialogues or
other people`s emotional states BIBLIOGRAPHY: conversations. (J.2, TECHNIQUE
*Preparing a job fair Diamond-Bayir S., Nixon C,. & Tomlison M., J.3)I.EFL.2.3.1
(2018). Power Up. Student's Book 2. INSTRUMENT
Cambridge University Press
Diamond-Bayir (2018) Power Up. Teacher's
Book 2 with DVD. Cambrige University Press ACTIVITY
Curricular Thread 2: Oral
Materials communication
Globe/world mao, photos from Digital phoyo Learners can understand
bank of Spain including the Royal Palace in short and simple spoken
Madrid and a job fair, copy of the Mission texts well enough to be
able to pick out key items TECHNIQUE
worksheet (Teachers Resource book pg 74) of information and record
Job Flashcards, word cards, learners pictures them in basic writing or
from Lesson 1, a newspaper drawings, or physically act INSTRUMENT
Character flashcards, Personality adjectives upon them. (I.3) (ref.
flashcards I.EFL.2.7.1)Learners can ACTIVITY
Photos of local historical site/famous express basic ideas,
archaeological find from your area, access to initiate conversations, and
the website of an archaelogical museum respond to simple
Pictures of a cave and bison from Digital photo questions using
bank, large piece of blank paper per learner, appropriate words,
phrases, and short TECHNIQUE
paint and brushes
Photos from Digital photo bank of a knight in sentences. Responses
armour, a windmill and Castilla in Spain, a map may be slow though INSTRUMENT
pauses do not make the
of Spain interaction tedious or
Question cards (for Acitivity Book game) uncomfortable for
Curricular Thread 3:
participants. ACTIVITY

Learners can understand

the main ideas and some
basic details from a short TECHNIQUE
simple cross-curricular*
text and successfully INSTRUMENT
complete a simple task, as
well as acquire subject-
specific lexis. (I.2) ACTIVITY

Curricular Thread 4:

. Learners can write
information in a simple
survey form or INSTRUMENT
questionnaire, and can
type or write some simple ACTIVITY
digital text-types, such as
a URL and an email ad-
dress. (I.3).EFL.2.20.1

Curricular Thread 5:
Language through the ACTIVITY

Learners can recognize,
through pictures or other
media such as ICT, key INSTRUMENT
aspects of a story or
literary text (both oral ACTIVITY
and written). (J.1,

Specification of Education Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied

CAUTION: to be determined by the teachers based on his/her students profile. CAUTION: to be determined by the teachers based on his/her students profile.
Prepared by: Revised by: Approved by:
Teacher: Coordinator: Vice-Principal:
Signature: Signature: Signature:
Date: Date: Date:
DINCU-Coordinaciòn de Lengua Extranjera (ACUERDO MINISTERIAL Nro. MINEDUC-ME-2015-00168-A de 01-12-2015)
Timeframe Duration
Teacher: Area/Subject: Grade:
Weeks Periods Start End

2. Unit Plan Unit No. 8

O.EFL 2.1 Identify some main ideas and details of written texts, in order to develop an approach of critical inquiry to written and oral texts.
O.EFL 2.2 Assess and appreciate English as an international language, as well as the five aspects of English that contribute to communicative
Unit specific objectives of the area competence.
O.EFL.2.3 Independently read level-appropriate texts in English for pure enjoyment/entertainment and to access information.
Showing awareness creative
on howand critical
others feelthinking skills to foster problem-solving and independent learning using both spoken and written English.
O.EFL 2.5Use in-class library resources and explore the use of ICT to enrich CLIL competencies in the four skills.
Transversal Axes O.EFL.2.6 Write short descriptive and informative texts and use them as a means Social Studies- Learn
of communication about
and cities,
written towns and
expression ofvillages
O.EFL 2.7 Appreciate the use of English language through spoken and written literary texts such as poems, rhymes, chants, riddles and songs, in order
to foster imagination, curiosity and memory, while developing a taste for literature.
2. UNIT PLAN O.EFL 2.8Demonstrate a living relationship with the English language through interaction with written and spoken texts, in order to explore creative
writing CRITERIA
as an outlet to personal expression. SKILLS AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA TO BE DEVELOPED
O.EFL 2.9 Be able to interact in English in a simple way using basic expressions and short phrases in familiar contexts to satisfy needs of a concrete
type, provided others Thread
talk slowly and1:clearly
Communication and cultural
and are prepared awareness
to help..
EF.2.1.4. Express curiosity about the world and other cultures by
asking simple WH- questions in class after reading and/or participating
CE.EFL.2.1. Diferentiate between different living situations in a variety of surroundings and express curiosity about the world through in presentations or other group work.
simple questions. Read the story "The Road to Hope", talk about how the characters feel,
what makes you nervous and the importance of managing your
Curricular Thread 2: Oral communication
EFL.2.2.11. Produce simple, mainly isolated utterances
using very short phrases and sometimes individual words,
possibly with slow and/or hesitant delivery. (Example: words, phrases
CE.EFL.2.9. Production - Fluency: Utterances are sometimes produced slowly but use appropriate words and phrases to express basic and short sentences about people, animals, things, etc.)
ideas, initiate conversations and respond to questions, including some chunks of language and short sentences
Imagine you are going to NYC, describe what you are going to see

EFL.2.2.16. Say when they do not understand and ask for slower or
clearer repetition where required. (Example: Sorry? Could you say that
CE.EFL.2.10. Interaction – Interpersonal: Participate e ectively in basic interpersonal interactions in everyday contexts, provided the again, etc.)
interlocutor speaks slowly and clearly. (Example: requesting, introducing, responding, etc.)
Ask and give directions about different places in town
Curricular Thread 3: Reading
EFL.2.3.8. Show understanding of some basic details in short simple
CE.EFL.2.16. Understand the main ideas in short simple written texts on cross-curricular subjects, both print and digital. (Example: cross-curricular texts by matching, labeling, and answering simple
art, science, music, math, history, etc.) questions.
Read the chart about NYC and compare it to where your live
Curricular Thread 4: Writing
EFL.2.4.5. Write simple sentences on familiar topics to communicate
basic ideas.

CE.EFL.2.19. Convey some simple ideas, facts or opinions in a simple sentence or short paragraph, using basic vocabulary and Write directions of how to get from your house to school
structures. EFL.2.4.6. Write a short simple paragraph to convey some simple facts
about people, animals, places, things, yourself or others, with the
support of a model text. (Example: where
they live, a fact
what filedo,
they about
etc.)a city, town or village in your country
Curricular Thread 5: Language through the Arts
CE.EFL.2.22. Describe and write about emotions and responses to literary texts through words and images, or other media (video, EFL.2.5.3. Use audio, video, and pictures to respond to a variety of
audio) on class or school bulletin boards and expand on ideas and responses to texts read/seen/heard in by participating in literary texts through online or in-class ICT activities.
songs/chants, TPR activities and playground games.
Prepare a presentation about your town and the different places in it


*Following and giving directions in ACTIVITY
a town or city Student's Book Level3, Activity Book with Curricular Thread 1:
Communication and
*Understanding and using Online Resources Level 2, Teachers Book with cultural awareness
be+going to to talk about future DVD Level 3, Class Audio CDs Level 3, TECHNIQUE
plans Flashcards Level 3, Presentation Plus DVD-ROM
*Talking about places in the city Level 3, Teacher's Resource and Tests CD-ROM INSTRUMENT
*Asking for and giving directions Level 3-4. Learners can recognize
*Reading about types of differences between
settlements and the city of New where people live and ACTIVITY
write or talk about their
York and comparing it to your city own surroundings, as well
*Showing awareness of how BIBLIOGRAPHY: as ask questions about TECHNIQUE
others feel Diamond-Bayir S., Nixon C,. & Tomlison M., how other people live.
*Preparing a presentation about (2018). Power Up. Student's Book 2. (I.2, S.2)I.EFL.2.1.1
places in your town Cambridge University Press INSTRUMENT
Diamond-Bayir (2018) Power Up. Teacher's
Book 2 with DVD. Cambrige University Press Learners can express
basic ideas, initiate ACTIVITY
Curricular Thread and
conversations, 2: Oral
Materials communication
respond to simple
Globe/world map, photos from Digital photo questions using
bank of the USA including the Statue of Liberty, appropriate words,
maps and guide books of the learners home TECHNIQUE
phrases, and short
town sentences. Responses
Direction flahscards, word cards may be slow though INSTRUMENT
Photos from Digital photo bank of New York pauses do not make the
landmarks including skycrapers and Central interaction tedious or
Park uncomfortable for ACTIVITY
Mission worksheet (Teachers Resource Book pg participants.
84), thin card, small plastic items, foil, (I.3)I.EFL.2.9.1 Learners
corrugated card, glue can interact effectively
Places in town flashcards, word cards, a using basic functional
toothbrush and toothpaste, stamps and money interpersonal exponents for TECHNIQUE
Maps from Mission Stage 1 tions in everyday Observation
Pictures of villages, towns and cities in the contexts, providing INSTRUMENT
learners country speech is slow and clear.
Photos of villages, towns and cities in the Learners can request
learners country, map of the USA showing the repetition
Curricular or Thread
location of NYC and canReading
begin to react ACTIVITY
Places in town and Natural feature flashcards appropriately to basic
Dice, counters, question cards (for Activity responses received. (I.3)
Book game) (ref. I.EFL.2.10.1)
Learners can understand
the main ideas and some TECHNIQUE
basic details from a short
simple cross-curricular* INSTRUMENT
text and successfully
complete a simple task, as
well as acquire subject- ACTIVITY
specific lexis.
(I.2)I .EFL.2.16.1

Curricular Thread 4: ACTIVITY


Learners can produce a TECHNIQUE

short simple sentence and
a paragraph – with ample INSTRUMENT
support - on a variety of
topics, and some learners
can do so with only ACTIVITY
limited support.

Curricular Thread 5:
Language through the ACTIVITY

Learners can report

emotions and compose TECHNIQUE
short responses to literary
texts through words and
images, or other media INSTRUMENT
(video, audio).


Specification of Education Needs Specification of the adapted material to be applied

CAUTION: to be determined by the teachers based on his/her students profile. CAUTION: to be determined by the teachers based on his/her students profile.
Prepared by: Revised by: Approved by:
Teacher: Coordinator: Vice-Principal:
Signature: Signature: Signature:
Date: Date: Date:
DINCU-Coordinaciòn de Lengua Extranjera (ACUERDO MINISTERIAL Nro. MINEDUC-ME-2015-00168-A de 01-12-2015)
Teacher: Area/Subject: Grade:

2. Unit Plan
Unit Title CIT
O.EFL 2.1 Identify some main ideas and details of written texts, in order t
O.EFL 2.2 Assess and appreciate English as an international language, as w
Unit specific objectives of the area competence.
O.EFL.2.3 Independently read level-appropriate texts in English for pure e
Managing emotions creative and critical thinking skills to foster problem-so
when upset
O.EFL 2.5Use in-class library resources and explore the use of ICT to enric
Transversal Axes O.EFL.2.6 Write short descriptive and informative texts and use them as
O.EFL 2.7 Appreciate the use of English language through spoken and wri
to foster imagination, curiosity and memory, while developing a taste for
2. UNIT PLAN O.EFL 2.8Demonstrate a living relationship with the English language thro
writing CRITERIA
as an outlet to personal expression.
O.EFL 2.9 Be able to interact in English in a simple way using basic expres
type, provided others Thread
talk slowly and1:clearly
Communication and cultural
and are prepared awa
to help..

CE.EFL.2.1 Diferentiate between different living situations in a variety of surroundings and express curiosity about the world t
simple questions.

Curricular Thread 2: Oral communication

CE.EFL.2.7. Listening for Information: Follow short and simple spoken texts that include familiar vocabulary and are set in ever
contexts. Identify key items of information within the text, and record or act upon them

E.EFL.2.10. Interaction – Interpersonal: Participate e ectively in basic interpersonal interactions in everyday contexts, provided
interlocutor speaks slowly and clearly. (Example: requesting, introducing, responding, etc.)
E.EFL.2.10. Interaction – Interpersonal: Participate e ectively in basic interpersonal interactions in everyday contexts, provided
interlocutor speaks slowly and clearly. (Example: requesting, introducing, responding, etc.)

Curricular Thread 3: Reading

CE.EFL.2.12. Understand the gist and details in short simple written texts (online or print).

Curricular Thread 4: Writing

CE.EFL.2.19. Convey some simple ideas, facts or opinions in a simple sentence or short paragraph, using basic vocabulary and

Curricular Thread 5: Language through the Arts

CE.EFL.2.24. Communicate ideas and experiences and create short original texts through a range of resources and other media
including ICT.

*Using adjectives to describe
holidays Student's Book Level3, Activity Book with Curricular Thread 1:
Communication and
*Understanding the use of before, Online Resources Level 2, Teachers Book with cultural awareness
when and after clauses DVD Level 3, Class Audio CDs Level 3,
*Talking about holidays Flashcards Level 3, Presentation Plus DVD-ROM
*Using ing and ed adjectives Level 3, Teacher's Resource and Tests CD-ROM
*Reading about hijing activities Level 3-4. Learners can recognize
and equipment differences between
*Reading a diary where people live and
write or talk about their
*Interpreting a legend showing own surroundings, as well
respect for other cultures BIBLIOGRAPHY: as ask questions about
*Preparing a review about a Diamond-Bayir S., Nixon C,. & Tomlison M., how other people live.
summer camp and presenting it in (2018). Power Up. Student's Book 2. (I.2, S.2)I.EFL.2.1.1
front of the class Cambridge University Press
Diamond-Bayir (2018) Power Up. Teacher's
Book 2 with DVD. Cambrige University Press
Curricular Thread 2: Oral
Materials: Learners can understand
Globe/World map, photos from Digital photo short and simple spoken
bank of Mexico including Chichen Itza, pictures texts well enough to be
or advertiements of sumer camps, copy of the able to pick out key items
Mission worksheet (Teachers Resource Book pg of information and record
94) them in basic writing or
Character flashcards, Adjectives flashcards drawings, or physically act
upon them. (I.3) (ref.
Past simple irregular verbs flashcards, word I.EFL.2.7.1)Learners can
cards interact effectively using
Holiday words flashcards, sunglasses and a cap, basic functional
a rucksack or suitcase exponents for
A suitcase with items for a hike(from the lesson interpersonal conversa-
e.g. map, water, food, compass, mobile phone, tions in everyday
torch, first aid kit, sun cream, cap) contexts, providing
Worksheets from Mission Stages 1 and 2 speech is slow and clear.
(Teachers Resource Book pg 94) Learners can request
Picture from Digital photo bank of a volcano, repetition or clarification,
dictionaries, and can begin to react
Story books about local legends or pictures of appropriately to basic
characters from legends responses received. (I.3)
(ref. I.EFL.2.10.1)
Dice, counters, question cards (for Activity
interpersonal conversa-
e.g. map, water, food, compass, mobile phone, tions in everyday
torch, first aid kit, sun cream, cap) contexts, providing
Worksheets from Mission Stages 1 and 2 speech is slow and clear.
(Teachers Resource Book pg 94) Learners can request
Picture from Digital photo bank of a volcano, repetition or clarification,
dictionaries, and can begin to react
Story books about local legends or pictures of appropriately to basic
responses Thread 3:
received. (I.3)
characters from legends Reading
(ref. I.EFL.2.10.1)
Dice, counters, question cards (for Activity
Book game)
Places in town flashcards
Learners can understand
a short simple text on an
everyday topic and
successfully complete a
simple task to show that
they have understood
most or some of it.

Curricular Thread 4:

Learners can produce a

short simple sentence and
a paragraph – with ample
support - on a variety of
topics, and some learners
can do so with only
limited support.

Curricular Thread 5:
Language through the

. Learners can
communicate thoughts,
feelings, and/or personal
experiences and create
short original texts
through a range of
resources and other
media, including ICT. (I.2,
I.3, I.4)I.EFL.2.24.1

Specification of Education Needs

CAUTION: to be determined by the teachers based on his/her students profile.

Prepared by:
DINCU-Coordinaciòn de Lengua Extranjera (ACUERDO MINISTERIAL Nro. MINEDUC-ME-2015-00168-A de 01-12-2015)

Timeframe Duration
Weeks Periods Start End

Unit No. 9
details of written texts, in order to develop an approach of critical inquiry to written and oral texts.
as an international language, as well as the five aspects of English that contribute to communicative

ropriate texts in English for pure enjoyment/entertainment and to access information.

hinking skills to foster problem-solving and independent learning using both spoken and written English.
nd explore the use of ICT to enrich
CLIL competencies in the four skills.
formative texts and use them as a means Social
Studies- Learn
of communication how
and to prepare
written a hiking
expression trip
of thought.
anguage through spoken and written literary texts such as poems, rhymes, chants, riddles and songs, in order
mory, while developing a taste for literature.
hip with the English language through interaction with written and spoken texts, in order to explore creative
n a simple way using basic expressions and short phrases in familiar contexts to satisfy needs of a concrete
Communication and cultural
early and are prepared awareness
to help..
EFL.2.1.3. Ask simple basic questions in class about the world beyond
one’s own immediate environment in order to increase their
understanding of different cultures.
After looking at the pictures, make predictions of what the story is
going to be about
xpress curiosity about the world through
EF.2.1.4. Express curiosity about the world and other cultures by
asking simple WH- questions in class after reading and/or participating
in presentations or other group work.
Listen to the story "The story of Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl" and
understand the importance of legends and respect for other people`s
Thread 2: Oral communication
EFL.2.2.4. Identify items of specific information within simple
messages or from short and simple descriptions about familiar
contexts, especially if visual support is provided. (Example: letters of
iar vocabulary and are set in everyday the alphabet, numbers, prices and times, days, dates and months, etc.)

Listen to the song and find the words on the pictures

(EFL)EFL.2.2.17. React appropriately to what others say using

verbal/non-verbal backchanneling, or by asking further simple
questions to extend the interaction. (Example: express interest using
facial expression or simple words with appropriate intonation: Oh!,
Yes!what should
Thanks. Andpeople see and do when they`re on holidays in your
you? etc.)
ns in everyday contexts, provided the country
EFL.2.2.16. Say when they do not understand and ask for slower or
clearer repetition where required. (Example: Sorry? Could you say that
again, etc.)
ns in everyday contexts, provided the

Present your summer camp activities to the class

icular Thread 3: Reading

EFL.2.3.2. Read a short simple text (online or print) and demonstrate
understanding of the gist and some basic details of the content.
Read the diary and answer the questions/Read the words and match
cular Thread 4: Writing them to the pictures
EFL.2.4.5. Write simple sentences on familiar topics to communicate
basic ideas.
raph, using basic vocabulary and
Write a short description of your holiday activities
Write aboutWrite a short
the best andsimple
worst paragraph to convey
things of your summersome
campsimple facts
about people, animals, places, things, yourself or others, with the
ead 5: Language through the Arts support of a model text. (Example: where live, what they do, etc.)
EFL.2.5.8. Produce short, creative texts using ICT and/or other
ange of resources and other media, resources at home or at school in order to recreate familiar scenes and
Prepare a presentation about a summer camp review


Curricular Thread 1: ACTIVITY

Communication and
cultural awareness

Learners can recognize INSTRUMENT

differences between
where people live and ACTIVITY
write or talk about their
wn surroundings, as well
as ask questions about TECHNIQUE
how other people live.
(I.2, S.2)I.EFL.2.1.1 INSTRUMENT

Curricular Thread 2: Oral
earners can understand
hort and simple spoken
texts well enough to be
ble to pick out key items TECHNIQUE
f information and record
them in basic writing or
rawings, or physically act INSTRUMENT
upon them. (I.3) (ref.
I.EFL.2.7.1)Learners can ACTIVITY
nteract effectively using
basic functional
exponents for
nterpersonal conversa-
tions in everyday
contexts, providing TECHNIQUE
peech is slow and clear.
Learners can request INSTRUMENT
epetition or clarification,
and can begin to react
appropriately to basic
esponses received. (I.3)
(ref. I.EFL.2.10.1)
nterpersonal conversa-
tions in everyday
contexts, providing
peech is slow and clear.
Learners can request
epetition or clarification,
and can begin to react
appropriately to basic
esponses Thread 3:
received. (I.3) ACTIVITY
(ref. I.EFL.2.10.1)

earners can understand TECHNIQUE

a short simple text on an
everyday topic and
successfully complete a INSTRUMENT
imple task to show that
they have understood
most or some of it.

Curricular Thread 4:

Learners can produce a TECHNIQUE

hort simple sentence and
paragraph – with ample INSTRUMENT
support - on a variety of
opics, and some learners
can do so with only ACTIVITY
limited support.

Curricular Thread 5:
Language through the ACTIVITY

. Learners can
communicate thoughts,
eelings, and/or personal TECHNIQUE
experiences and create
short original texts
through a range of INSTRUMENT
resources and other
media, including ICT. (I.2, ACTIVITY
I.3, I.4)I.EFL.2.24.1

Specification of the adapted material to be applied

CAUTION: to be determined by the teachers based on his/her students profile.

Revised by: Approved by:
Coordinator: Vice-Principal:
Signature: Signature:
Date: Date:
5-00168-A de 01-12-2015)

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