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Geologi Dasar

Lecturer Note 3
So... Apa itu Mineral?
• Mineral adalah padatan homogen yang terbentuk secara alamiah
dari material anorganik dengan komposisi kimia yang spesifik dan
sifat fisik yang juga spesifik (tertentu)
Dict of Earth Sciences
• mineral [GEOL] A naturally occurring substance (zat kimia/bahan)
with a characteristic chemical composition expressed by a chemical
formula; may occur as individual crystals or may be disseminated in
some other mineral or rock; most mineralogists include the
requirements of inorganic origin and internal crystalline structure.
• Kehidupan membawa adanya oksigen di atmosfer, bukan sebaliknya
• Mikroba/bakteri/things yg malah dapat hidup di lingkungan non
• Bagaimana mengukur kecepatan rotasi dari bulan?
• dike [GEOL] A tabular body of igneous rock that cuts across adjacent
rocks or cuts massive rocks.
• dip 1. The angle of inclination of a planar feature measured from a
horizontal *datum. The true dip is always measured in a vertical plane
perpendicular to the *strike of the plane of either *bedding or
*cleavage. The angle of dip measured in any plane not perpendicular
to the strike is an apparent dip and will always be less than the true
dip. 2. (magnetic) The *inclination of the Earth’s magnetic field from
the horizontal. Positive dips are downwards, negative are upwards
from the horizontal plane.
• dyke (dike) *Discordant, or cross-cutting, tabular intrusion. Most
dykes are vertical or near vertical, having pushed their way through
the overlying *country rock. Seedyke set; dyke swarm; and radial
• dike [GEOL] A tabular body of igneous rock that cuts across adjacent
rocks or cuts massive rocks.
• tabular [GEOL] Referring to a sedimentary particle whose length is
two to three times its thickness.

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