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Ancient Astronomy

Objective: To test if one of Aristotle’s studies is correct.

Materials: Flashlight, two ping pong balls or any other alternative object that is circle/round in shape.
1. Prepare a flashlight and 2 ping pong balls.
2. In a dark room, align the flashlight and the balls horizontally.
3. Illuminate 1 ball with the flash light and observe the shadow is cast on the ball behind it.
4. Observe what will happen and be ready for the questions to follow.
5. Record your findings.



1. What is the shape of the shadow?




2. How is the result of the experiment related to Aristotle’s argument about the shape of the Earth?



3. If you use two different objects, like Rubik’s cube instead of Ping pong balls, will it cast the same
shape of the shadow? Explain your answer.



4. What do you think would be life on Earth if it is not sphere?



ven before the advent of the
telescopes, ancient astronomers
were able to observe
the following:
1. r i s i n g a n d s e t t i n g
of the Sun in the
east and the west,
2. point where the Sun r

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