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To our OIC – SDS MA’am Ely S.

Ubaldo MA’am, to our ASDS in ELEm MA’am

MA. Criselda G. OCang MA’am, To our hard working PSDS MA’am NEila U.
Ferrer, to our school head nurse Sir Jonathan MAmayson , to our School
Head Ma’am Mildred M. Tamayo Ma’am, to all the school heads for time to be
with us tonight, and to our fellow teachers a pleasant evening to all of us.

Opening prayer:

Let me take this opportunity to thank our heavenly Father for the wonderful love and provision
granted to us to meet here today as we fellowship together. Let me welcome each and every
one of you for finding time to come and we share the love of God during this day.
To begin our auspicious event may God guide us we begin our fellowship with a prayer in the
name of our Lord Jesus. May I call in Ma’am Leah Diaz, to invoke an opening prayer for us,
ma’am. May I request all of you to bow our heads for invocation.
Introduction of Guest Pastor:
Thank you MA’am Leah . We all know this is a  rare opportunity for us to come together and
learn from each other as the Lord teaches.At this point we’re about to hear and engage our
minds and hearts in understanding God’s truth through one of our Lord’s faithful servant. To
introduce our guest pastor this evening, may call in our beloved School Head MA’am Mildred M.
TAmayo . Ma’am.
Bible Reading
Oratio IMperata
Thank you so much pastor, truly, God is walking with us through the seasons of our lives. We
can rest assured that God is always here for us. Our God is faithful and true. Heb watches over
us and He take care of us. May I call on MA’am Reyalyn R. Tulagan for the Oratio Imperata
Thank you po ma’am. In our daily life, even as Christians, we face many challenges. There are
moments of joy as well as sorrow along life’s journey. Now we’re about to hear a living
testimonies that have personally experienced the mighty power of God. May I call in our former
student in Binalay ES MR. Galileo Tamayo to share with us his personal experiences of how
he came to believe in the Lord.
Healing Prayer of St. Padre Pio
Thank you Galileo for sharing the miracles of God’s love! Those are such wonderful ltestimonies
of His love in our lives! NA kung saan napatunayan natin na nandito lang si God para sa atin na
hindi niya tayo pababayaan. Na lahat ng plano niya sa buhay nating lahat ay may porpuse May
all the glory and praise be unto the precious name of our Lord Jesus. Listening to the
testimonies of other people can help encourage our heart and strength our faith. Nothing is
impossible with our God as long as we have faith for his mighty power. And now for the Healing
Prayer of St. Padre Pio may I call on MA’am Roselle NEvado, MA’am

Healing for World Peace

Thank you ma’am. Sa dami po ng pinagdadaanan sa ating paligid alam po natin na nandito
lang po ang ating PAnginoon upang gabayan po tayo. For the prayer for world peace may Icall
on Maam- Norie Ann Chua
Prayer for the government Official
Thank you ma’am. Para naman po sa safety ng bawat isa po sa atin na hanggang ngayon ay
lumalaban pa rin sa pandemyang nararanasan po natin ngayon may I call on Ma’am MA’am
LIway MEneses for the prayer of government official and employeess. Ma’am
Worship songs:
Thank you ma’am. As a form of worship, hymns play an important role in our Christians life. In
times pf joy and happiness hymns uplift our spirit. In times of sadness and sorrow hymns will
comfort our soul. At this juncture, let’s fill our hearts with adoration as we lift our eyes , our lives
and our voices in singing songs of praise and worship. A video presentation from our grade 3
pupil Johan LI Tamayo.
Final Message
Praise the Lord! What lovely melodies! It’s so wonderful to hear such touching songs of praise,
and truly our hearts filled with such thanksgiving to God. For he has showered so much grace
upon us!
As we wind down our Prayer Briagde May I callion Ma’am Mildred M. Tamayo our beloved
Head teacher for her final message.
Closing prayer:
Thank you so much ma’am for the inspiring message for all of us.
As we thank God for His guidanve this evening May icall on MA’am Jeanette Borja for the
closing prayer.
Words of gratitude:
Thank you ma’am . to formally end our program may I call on our beloved PSDS MA’am NEila U
. Ferrer for the words of gratitude MA’am

Thank you so much ma’am for the words of encouragement.It has been a wonderful time as we
gather here this evening. Together we’ve shared the words of God, hymns of praises and living
testimonies, once again, thank you for your presence and God be all the Glory . Amen

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