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From: Roserosie@gmail.



Subject: Some questions about Seoul.

Hi Linda,

How are you? Today, I have just got a new job in Seoul and i know you have lived here for 2
years. So i’m writing to ask you some question about this place.

First, is there an international school? My Korean is still bad so I want to study to improve it
and hope to have a good relationship with Vietnamese friends. I think this is also an
opportunity for me to supplement my knowledge of Korea’s culture. Moreover, is there good
local transport? The place where i will live is quite far from the office so I think it's much more
convenient to use it, I'll be able to get to work on time. Besides, are there big supermarkets
here? I guess it's true, Seoul is a big and very modern city. I hope my prediction is correct
because I love going to the supermarket on my free days to do shopping and relaxing. The
last question, are there have houses to rent with gardens? The apartment which provided by
my company is too small and old, so I need a larger and more comfortable place to live.

Thank you so much, hope to you replying email soon.

Best wishes,


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