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In a conference center in California, a hundred experts in artificial

intelligence tell us that the artificial intelligence will be able to do
everything that the human brain does, but much better and much
faster. The current systems naturally have limitations and are only
really able to replace human intelligence in narrowly
circumscribed areas.

We must first distinguish between intelligent assistants and

artificial intelligence. Right now, most of the apps we call artificial
intelligence are just intelligent assistants that augment and serve
humans, like Google Maps, Google Lens, Alexa... They may have
advanced language and image recognition capabilities, based on
deep learning, but they are clearly not intelligent. The self-driving
car is much less intelligent, but powerful in its domains, even if it
can't understand a two-year-old or play chess.

When the machines have other intelligent pieces added and

expand, when they are socially intelligent, understand emotions
and connect with each other, then they will quickly
becomeinfinitely intelligent , which poses a risk to humans .
Artificial intelligence is amazing and quite disruptive already,
especially in the workplace, but as we get closer to artificial
general intelligence (AIG), the greater our need for safety and
ethical guidance.
We must always keep humans in control of the situation,
understand what the machines are doing and control them that
they do not run the risk of being suppressed by technology.

The benefits of artificial intelligence are many Only if we agree on

how to use technology for the common good , and not just for
profit and growth.

This is the biggest challenge humanity has faced so far. It is true

that we sometimes overreact to potential dangers. We cannot
enter the future from fear. We must be cautious but open to

What is crucial for our future is that we learn to interact with

machines, be able to emerge and evolve with them in order to
survive. It is not about looking like or acting like machines, like
cyborgs , but about maintaining our humanity and being even
more human as transhumans.

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