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- About Christmas Party


December 15, 2022

A Christmas party event in school typically focuses on celebrating the holiday

season and fostering a sense of community and joy among students. Here are some
common learnings that can be associated with a Christmas party event in school:

Teamwork and Collaboration: Organizing a Christmas party event often involves

teamwork and collaboration. Students may be involved in planning, decorating, or
performing in various activities or presentations. Through these activities, students can
learn the value of working together, respecting each other's ideas, and effectively
coordinating tasks to create a successful event.

Creativity and Artistic Expression: Christmas parties provide opportunities for students
to showcase their creativity and artistic skills. They may be involved in making crafts,
designing decorations, or preparing performances such as singing, dancing, or acting.
These activities allow students to express themselves, explore their talents, and build
confidence in their abilities.

Social Skills and Etiquette: Christmas parties provide a social setting where students can
practice and develop their social skills. They learn how to interact politely with peers,
teachers, and other guests. Students may also learn basic etiquette such as expressing
gratitude, sharing, and taking turns during gift exchanges or activities.
Exchange Gift: Christmas is often associated with the spirit of giving. Many schools
organize activities like gift exchanges or donation drives during their Christmas party
events. These activities help students understand the joy and satisfaction that comes from
giving to others, fostering empathy and compassion.

- What happened on our Christmas Party

Firstly we danced our dance presentation that we prepared, and after our dance we
immediately felt hungry so we ate what my classmates and my teacher prepared. Second,
after that we played a game prepared for us by our beloved teacher. It made us play a lot
and our teacher made sure we all had fun at our Christmas Party. And last but not the least
we exchanged gifts, which is our favorite part of our Christmas Party. But ofcourse we
didn't forget our adviser, we gave him some gifts from our heart too as a thankyou for
being our second father and making us happy always.

About Christmas Party Page 2

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