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Relève dans ce texte TOUTES les structures à la Voix Passive puis transforme-les à la voix active:

- Many seaside beaches were closed. The government closed many seaside beaches.
- buildings had been flattened by bombs. Bombs had flattened buildings
- Many families were split up. The war split up many families.
- air raid shelters were built. People built air raid shelters.
- Plans were made They made plans.
- Gas masks were given out The government gave gas masks.
- poison gas bombs were not dropped The Germans didn't drop poison gas bombs.
- 60,000 people in Britain were killed in bombing raids The Germans killed 60,000 people.
- Houses, factories and schools were destroyed The bombing destroyed houses ...
- Britain was not occupied The Germans didn't occupy Britain
- Occupied countries were invaded by the enemy. The enemy invaded occupied countries.
- what you were told you had to work and do what they told you
- or be punished or they had to punish you
- Jews were sent to die in prison camps. The Germans sent the Jews to die ...

Les phrases suivantes sont à la voix active.

Transforme-les à la voix passive ou bien précise “impossible” si tel est le cas.

- Children learned about the British Empire The British Empire was learned about.
- Children found new playgrounds New playgrounds were found by children.
- Not many people had cars IMPOSSIBLE
- The government expected civilians to face air attacks Civilians were expected to face ...
- Families listened to the radio The radio was listened to by families.
- The enemy sometimes took away or killed your family and friends
Your family and friends were sometimes taken away or killed by the enemy.
- The blackout made towns and cities dark Towns and cities were made dark by the blackout.
- Mothers and older sisters went to work IMPOSSIBLE
- Very few people had a TV set IMPOSSIBLE

TRADUIS en anglais puis réécris au Passif :

TRADUIS en anglais : « ON »…
-J'ai entendu un coup de feu*. *a shot
I heard a shot. - On leur donnera un coup de main*. *a hand
A shot was heard. They will be given a hand.
- Les comédiens ont joué* cette pièce hier soir. *to act (pièce : play) - On t'a averti ! *to warn
The comedians acted the play last night. You have been warned!
The play was acted last night. - On m'a donné ce livre.
- Le professeur a puni Nicolas hier matin. I was given this book.
The teacher punished Nicolas yesterday morning. - On l'a invitée samedi dernier.
Nicolas was punished She was invited last Saturday.
- Tous les jours je fais mes devoirs avec sérieux. - Mark était gravement blessé.
Every day I do my homework seriously. Mark was badly hurt / injured.
My homework is done seriously every day. He was driven to hospital.
- Lucie chantera cette chanson lundi prochain. - On nous a dit un secret.
Lucie will sing this song next Monday. We were said a secret.
This will be sung by Lucie next Monday

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