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So a few things got really good.

Riddles got much better with +1 to stat and 3 additional triggers that do not suck. Backroom dealings lost some of
its potentcy for hand disruption, but improved scoring potential with Queen's Gambit. Also pitching a severe feels great. We Own You is much
easier to resolve than when it was a trigger, and it can affect your own models if they happen to have distracted for whatever reason. Cutting words
is a much better ability than her knife, despite it being less damage. Slow is amazing, and Slow + damage + potential distracted is awesome. All or
her ranged abilities are ranged 10" now with only her two aura abilities 6". And Silent Control is amazing. discard or I make you activate
something else? Great value. Especially because if they do discard, you get to draw a card from Calm Demeanor. She's much more cohesive and
unseen manipulator not being leader only is gross.

So initial thoughts on Youko in specific for GG3... Carve a Path is interesting, probably not Youko1's best strat, but Youko2 has a bit more play
here. The extra mobility and overall bubble control that Youko2 can bring, makes this an interesting pick. Youko2 herself is super hard to pin
down, allowing her to be a really good can kicker if needed. Guard the Stash requires a decent amount of mobility, and also repositioning
shenanigans. Youko1 can use We Own You to good effect here. Youko2's mobility and action economy is great here. Lures, lures, lures. The biggest
issue is durability for getting in scrums, but that is mitigatable if you pick your engagements well. Covert Operation is pretty darn good for Youko,
either version. She has the mobility, she has lures. She has bill algren to huck things away. Again, picking engagements is the key here, but as long
as you do, this can be quite a good strat. Cursed Objects... not so much. Kill oriented pools are not her forte. And this is basically a murder pile.
Granted it's like one model a turn, and we generally can handle that... but still. As far as schemes go... scheme marker and movement ones are still
her best. Youko2 can do more with scheme markers, and Youko1 is better at interruption. Breakthrough is always doable from our mobility and
action efficiency. Spread's an auto 2 points as long as models are alive. Same for Set the Trap. Load 'em Up is fairly easy to do with Youko2.
Tougher with 1. Leave Your Mark is generally pretty solid for Youko, the end is a free point generally. The reveal is a bit tougher, but our bubble
nature can deny. Sabotage got reworked, and the end game variant is now tougher, but I still like it for Youko, specifically 2. I hate catch
personally, but Youko2 is good at it, plus lure's make it viable. Hidden Martyrs is always a gamble, but she can generally force the first point. 2nd
point is tougher. Vendetta is sketchy, but definitely pickable thanks to Hinamatsu and Bill. Assassinate is generally a skip though because we're
better at mitigation and manipulation then pushing through the layered defenses of a master. Public Demo is a trap.

For the brand shining new ones: In your face is interesting and actually I really like it for either Youko.
First of all, her crew is deceptively mobile, as mentioned above. And due to her bubble nature and
lures, it's easier to pull the reveal off. The hard part is the end game scoring as our highest cost models
are usually priority targets, but Hinamatsu is fast, which makes her a good fake out. Heroic
Intervention and Naginata with the new push rules can make Bill quite quick and able to push the
enemy away so he can also walk. Youko2 can provide more movement, and of course there are lures,
with Bunraku being quick enough to push, walk, then lure him. If the bigguns die, most of our models
are generally fast enough to get going thanks to the aforementioned shenanigans. Secret Meetup is
Youko's jam! A good number of repositioning shenanigans allow the reveal to be very achievable, and
the end is trivial for Youko2 and should be quite doable for Youko1.

Oh there is definitely way more mobile crews, but I just think Youkos have the mobility to get the job done if that's what you are playing. My meta HARD
focuses down Hina and Bill, usually at range, because they know how good they are and, at least up until Shojo, there wasn't any healing in the crew (I don't
count Bill's situational heal in this case). That being said I agree her henches are indeed monstrous. I just don't want to bank on kill power, as unless you're
running both (and even then) a crafty opponent can severly mitigate your overall kill potential by targeting them. I do think Youko2 is way more killy in that
general vein, because she can support Kabuki Warriors way better and greatswords get WORK done. But again, it's not what I'm reaching to the crew for.
It's more a surprise bonus, and I don't like to roll the dice that I can be killy enough to handle certain schemes or strats. I will definitely say the crew a lot
tankier after the Distracted buff, but her crew in general doesn't generate enough distracted to make up for their lack of overall defensive tech. Youko2 is a
bit better about that with her AoE pulse + Distraction Aura. Gunlines I think are 10T's bane in general, and QnG are no exception. I get a lot of resilience out
of monks from healing, Asami1 from summons, McCabe1 (haven't played McCabe2) from AP control... Misaki just has to out murder, but she's totally able
to, even Fractured. Youko1 personally I don't consider terribly mobile, but her crew is more mobile than they first appear. Kunoichi are deceptively mobile
thanks to thanks to I've got your back. Bunraku and Kabuki are Mv6, as in Hina with Rush for add'l mov. Oh and Bunraku have the 3" push on a bonus,
though it has to be used sparingly Bill's shockingly mobile. He got a mobility buff with the push change plus his mask trigger. You can heroic charge 6",
engage something, push it so that's it's just barely in melee range, then You're coming with me tot push it 3" further, and then place on the opposite side. Yes
you are engaged, but generally you're not going to be using Bill for schemining, and the positioning is incredibly disruptive to your opponent's plans. Plus
he's potentially Fast twice a game on top of that. Shojo, Geisha, Charm Warders, and Chiyo are all "slow", with average move and no movement
shenanigans, but incorp makes up it a bit with Incorp. But Queen's Gambit on Youko1 is a really big movement buff, even though it's only 3", it's on 2
models and and LoS, not ranged. You may only be able to use it once a turn, but it's clutch for disengaging and getting into scoring positions, or engaging an
enemy to deny interacts or reinforce a bubble. However Youko2 is where the real mobility is because her Gather Intel is SO strong. 5" push ignoring models
is CRAZY good, and it even works on herself. As good as information broker can be, most of the time I'm Gather Intel'ing 3 times on her activation.

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