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Soni, 1

Victim Of Vulnerability

Oh, the unexpected challenges that arise through the deceitfulness in others. How can we even
consider these people our friends, if all they ever do is use us for their own benefit? Constantly
having your guard up 24/7 can be exhausting, but how can one be blamed when society
normalizes using others to your advantage. Not only does this come with the expense of ruining
a once genuine connection, but it can affect an individuals self esteem as they’ll begin to
overthink and struggle to form relationships due to past memories, which relates to how their
lack of self perception comes with lack of power. Oh how vulnerable. You can’t keep your guard
up… you have to be vulnerable. Vulnerability induced my trust issues, why should I be
vulnerable? It starts from a small gesture of help, but leads to getting taken advantage of over
everything… from simple things in life to school, they’ve left me with trust issues. Haven’t we
all been used at some point? I’m beginning to think no one is spared hahaha. Living in the
constant state of regret vs rejection is getting to me. How else am I supposed to move on though?
No they haven't hurt me, they’ve only allowed me to feel anger towards them. How could I allow
them to use me? How could I be so blind to allow them to use me as a pawn in their little chess
game. Not only am I in regret of allowing them to use me, but now I’m stuck feeling the
rejection that comes with putting a stop to these actions. Putting a stop to their insincere
behaviour. All these toys in the world, yet you chose to play with my feelings? Of course this is
going to put a toll on me emotionally. The strain of being taken advantage of has been
exhausting. I’ve reached the point where my attitude towards not only developing new
relationships has changed, but towards people and their intentions. Oh how one’s snake-like
slimy behaviour has caused my whole attitude to change. They probably don’t even think of it
twice, but here I am overthinking my whole life. From laughing with each other to laughing at
one another, the bond has changed and I am ready to move on. Move on from the aftermath of
getting taken advantage of. Why has society normalized this? No one is genuine these days. Why
even put so much effort into using others… for school… for your own self esteem, when you
could just focus on yourself. I am sick of being vulnerable and allowing others to take advantage
of that vulnerability. It’s time to build a wall, a wall they can’t break down as I won’t show my
vulnerability again, I won't do it. I truly do not understand why people would do this and not
think twice of their actions. Yet again, I am not the snake who misleads people like them, I am
just the victim of revealing my vulnerability.

Anecdotes Symbolism Humour

Metaphor Repetition
Rhetorical Question Warm And Fuzzy

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