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Reading comprehension

August 1985: The worst month for air disasters

There are many grim landmarks in the history of aviation. One in particular stands out. Three decades ago,
720 travellers and crew lost their lives on board commercial aircraft in a single month - more than in any
other before or since.
The deaths occurred in four separate accidents in August 1985. Each disaster had quite different causes. The
aircraft involved ranged from a 747 with hundreds on board to a tiny twin engine turboprop carrying just
eight people.
There was Japan Air Lines flight 123, the worst single-aircraft accident in history, in which 520 of 524 on
board were killed. A further 137 died when Delta flight 191 flew into heavy winds as it approached Dallas-
Fort Worth International. A fire on board British Airtours flight 28M at Manchester Airport led to 55 deaths.
And all those on board the smallest aircraft, Bar Harbor Airlines flight 1808, lost their lives as it flew into a
small airport in Maine, USA.
Each, in their own way, had a lasting legacy, whether in the memories of those left bereaved or in changes in
technology and procedure introduced as a direct result. The worst death toll was on Japan Air Lines Flight
123, a Boeing 747, which was en route from Tokyo to Osaka on 12 August 1985 when the airtight bulkhead
between its cabin and tail tore open. The change in pressure blew off the vertical stabiliser, or tail fin. It also
destroyed the hydraulic systems. The plane lurched up and down.

1. When did the 720 travellers die?  

a. Thirteen decades ago. c. A few decades ago.
b. 30 years ago. d. There is no information about it.

2. Twin engine turboprop could carry:  

a. Eight people. b. Four people. c. Two people. d. Only a pilot.

3. The worst accident in history, according to the paragraph, was: 

a. Flight 123. c. Delta flight 191.
b. British Airtours flight 28M. d. Bar Harbor Airlines flight 1808.

4. Why did the Japan Air Lines Flight 123 crashed? 

a. The change in pressure blew off the vertical stabiliser.
b. Destruction of the hydraulic systems.
c. The airtight bulkhead between its cabin and tail tore open.
d. It is unknown.

A 20% sugar tax could discourage shoppers from buying unhealthier breakfast cereals, new research led by
New Finland University shows. Researchers found demand for sugary cereals fell by 48% if consumers
knew a tax was being applied and consumers purchased healthier alternatives. The study, carried out by
experts from New Finland University, examined the impact of both a 20% and 40% tax on unhealthier
cereals and soft drinks containing sugar. It also looked at whether telling people they were being taxed
influenced the way they shopped. Lead researcher, Damien Rizzo, Professor of Economics at New Finland
University Business School, said: “Our findings suggest a 20% sugar tax would work and lead to large
changes in shopping behaviour.”

5. What factor caused a decrease in demand for high sugar cereals?

a. 20% tax.
b. Knowing how much sugar was in the cereal
c. Knowing a sugar tax was included in the price.
d. People stopped liking the taste of it.
The belief that the Titanic was unsinkable was so strong that passengers and crew alike clung to the belief
even as she was actually sinking. Not realising the magnitude of the impending disaster themselves, the
officers allowed several boats to be lowered only half full. The officers were afraid the lifeboats would
buckle under the weight of the passengers as they had not been informed that the lifeboats had been fully
tested prior to departure. As a result, 1,517 passengers met their deaths.

6. Which of the following most accurately summarizes the opinion of the author in the text?
a. People on board were too shocked to take action.
b. There was a large loss of life when the Titanic sank.
c. Procedures were to blame for the sinking of the Titanic.
d. The sinking of the Titanic was an avoidable catastrophe.


7. If we __ start caring more about the planet, it will become very polluted.
a. doesn’t b. don’t c. didn’t d. won’t

8. The friends gave __ presents for Christmas.

a. themselves b. another c. each other d. other

9. I must congratulate you __ your success.

a. of b. to c. on d. for

10.The __ interesting part of the training session was the group exercises.
a. least b. less c. not as d. more

11.I wish I __ go travelling around the world.

a. can b. be able to c. could d. will be able to

12.I __ in the same house for 20 years before I moved here.

a. was living b. have lived c. had lived d. have been living


13.He was reluctant to answer. Reluctant means …

a. unprepared       b. unwilling       c. refusing       d. slow

14.Choose the letter of the definition which comes closest in meaning to the word elated.
a. ready and willing b. tense and excited c. tending to talk a lot       d. in high spirits

15.If someone offers to ‘compensate you for your labour,’ they mean they will …
a. reward you for praising them. c. grade your work.
b. pay you for your work. d. make you happy that you studied hard.

16.When it's pouring down outside you should …

a. wear gloves. b. take an umbrella. c. wear shorts. d. wear a scarf.

17.When you are walking aimlessly you …

a. are almost running. c. are going down a hill.
b. have no purpose. d. are walking briskly.

18.When an exam is tough it is …

a. easy. b. difficult c. long. d. tiring.

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