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Student: Ivan Freder Alva Galarreta.

Grade and section: 4to “A”

Theme: Testimonio para ayudar a otras personas a proteger su salud

mental y física

Mental health is of the utmost importance, since thanks to it we can be

physically healthy and even have good social and work relationships. If
our mind is not healthy, it is impossible for us to be competent human
beings trained to fulfill our daily functions.
Therefore, we must create recreational activities and a complete routine
that favors our mental and physical health, in addition to providing value
as people.
We all feel stressed at some point or another. It is a normal and healthy
reaction to a change or challenge. But stress that continues for more than
a few weeks can affect your health.
Some things I do when I feel stressed is to accept that I cannot change
certain things that allow me to let go and not get upset, also to not
continue in the same situation I change my perspective, I try to develop a
more positive attitude. The last one is the one that I love. I stop what caused
the stress and do something that I like and then try again.

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