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Christina Lindquist

Eportfolio Reflection
Question 1: Please discuss at least one connection you have made between what you have
studied in this LW course and what you have learned from other courses you have taken at
SLCC (or other institutions) or have learned before taking this class.
- I feel like what I have learned between this LW class and one of my other classes, in this case,
English with Carol Sieverts, is that there is always something to improve. In Yoga, it is all about
becoming one with ourselves and the energy of the world, and this results in bettering yourself. It
talks about taking care of not only your body but your mind and becoming self-enlightened. I
feel like this relates to English because in English we are constantly thinking about controversial
topics that affect our daily lives. We argue and influence those who read it to become more
enlightened about the world around us. Becoming more involved and better understanding topics
that relate to us, I also feel like English focuses on how writing and learning how to form our
words in a certain way help us to become more successful in life. Thus, relating Lifelong
Wellness and English.
Question 2: Reflect on what you thought about fitness and lifelong wellness before you took this
course and how you think about it now that you have completed the course. Have any of your
assumptions or understandings changed? Why? What assignments/activities/readings were
influential in this process? How will you approach what influenced you differently in the future?
- Before this course, I always knew it was important to work out and keep your body healthy. I
just thought that lifelong wellness meant just that. With this course, I have found that it is more
than that. Life-long wellness includes the why of your workout. Enjoying what you do and doing
it for the good of your life and those around you. Keeping not only your body healthy but your
mind. I was not motivated to work out or exercise daily or even weekly but with this course, I
have really learned to enjoy the exercise and workout of my mind and body.
Signature Assignment: Discussion 5
- Take a look at the "Why Exercise in College" including the infographic (Links to an external site.)
Was this information new to you? Comment on what you learned and will it change your habits
of movement in any way?
- I thought it was really interesting that exercising helps with our brain growth and capacity. It
makes sense though, our brains don't fully form until our mid-twenties and so training not only
your body but your mind to health and exercise makes sense. The more you physically exercise
the longer and stronger your body becomes, so that makes sense that that would also apply to our
minds. I think that reading this just motivates me to take the next step in my exercising and to
maintain a constant workout for not only my body but my mind as well.
Signature Assignment Evaluation
-Well I chose this assignment because when asked about the most influential assignment I
immediately thought of the Lifelong Wellness discussion. It was important to learn when
becoming more active. I honestly felt like reading that changed the way I thought and felt while I
was doing yoga. The health of my mind is just as important as the health of my body and I need
to be motivated for the future of my body and those around me. This assignment actually has
made me want to continue yoga at least weekly after the semester ends.

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