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HLA - Lifelong Wellness Application/Reflection Paper

Name______Kyler Cipriano_____ Course ____HLAC 1057 - Yoga________________

Write a paragraph (at least four sentences) on questions 1 3 (question 4 is optional):

1. What did you learn about lifelong wellness from taking this course?
Lifelong wellness has to do with finding a balance in your life. Yoga is a way to connect your mind and
your body and be aware of your health. This course encouraged awareness of the food that I took in
each day and whether I needed it. It taught me to take care of my body. I also learned the importance of
acceptance, of myself and others, and the impact that has on emotional health.
2. How has learning about and applying lifelong wellness concepts impacted your life (home,
school, work, etc.)?
I find myself reflecting on how I do not need to compare myself to others, but concentrate on being my
best self. This applies in every aspect of life. I have found myself trying to be the most accepting brother,
son, boyfriend I can be. This has led to deeper relationships. For the most part my family relationships
were quite strong. However my romantic relationship has become stronger this semester.
3. Discuss specific lifelong wellness concepts learned in this course and how you are going to
implement them in your life?
I need to be aware of what my body needs. I would like to be better about having water with me. I
constantly find myself thirsty, but dont have water with me to provide my body with what it needs. I
also want to continue developing a stronger connection between mind and body by continuing my
practice of yoga and meditation, taking time to reflect in silence.
4. General ideas for improving this course?
My favorite part of the course was the second to last day when we developed our own practice. I think
that is what will be carried throughout my yoga experience as I continue on my own. If the course
consisted of more self-instruction to develop self-practice, like an assignment of developing a practice to
be used at home to develop a specific chakra, or something along those lines.

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