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Devin Curtis

Lifelong Wellness

1. Please discuss at least one connection you've made between what you've studied in this LW
course and what you’ve learned from other courses you have taken at SLCC (or other
institution) or have learned before taking this class? Make specific references to your work in
this class and in other courses. How did what you learned in other courses enhance what you
learned here, and vice versa?

My response: One connection I made between this course and my humanities course was that
we are all human, and should be treated as such regardless of our standing in life. Whether you
are rich, poor, skinny, or fat. It makes no difference because we are all on this planet together. A
specific example could be the balance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, regardless of where
you are at as a human you still need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Therefor it enhanced my
learning experience because I was able to connect dots between lessons to draw attention to
what my true values are.

2. Reflect on what you thought about fitness and lifelong wellness before you took this course
and how you think about it now that you have completed the course. Have any of your
assumptions or understandings changed? Why? What assignments/activities/readings were
influential in this process? How will you approach what influenced you differently in the future?

My response: In reflection about fitness and lifelong wellness before and after completing the
course I can see now that nutrition is of the utmost importance to me. I have lived a moderately
active lifestyle but something I learned in the class that I didn’t know before was how valuable
proper nutrition is to the body and mind. My assumption was as long as I was getting enough
calories I would be fine but I can see now that was not necessarily true and that you should
consume a well balanced diet. I think in general many of the modules were things that I was
able to link to nutrition so it kept popping into my head. I think I would approach with the mindset
that not only am I here to exercise but also I need to continue maintenance after class by eating
properly and taking care of myself by sleeping and resting adequately too.
As a college student, prioritizing a healthy lifestyle and paying attention to nutrition is paramount
for me. Optimal nutrition not only fuels my body for the demands of academia but also supports
my mental clarity and overall well-being. Being in control of what I consume empowers me to
make informed choices that positively impact my energy levels and concentration during long
study sessions. Moreover, cultivating healthy habits now sets a foundation for a lifetime of
wellness, reducing the risk of chronic diseases in the future. Ultimately, embracing a balanced
diet and lifestyle allows me to thrive academically and enjoy a fulfilling college experience.

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