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Mahpiya Adventure � � � � � � � � � � � � � �3
Development Lead
Jessica Catalan Appendix 1: Level 1–2 Encounters 18
Additional Development
Linda Zayas-Palmer
Appendix 2: Level 3–4 Encounters 20
Editing Lead Appendix 3: Game Aids � � � � � � 22
Solomon St. John

Organized Play � � � � � � � � � � 25
Patrick Hurley and Solomon St. John

Cover Artists
Bruno Senigalha
Campaign Home Page:
Interior Artists Books: Starfinder Core Rulebook and Starfinder Armory (AR)
Victor Manuel Leza Moreno, Alexander Nanitchkov, Maps: Starfinder Flip-Mat: Spaceport and Starfinder Flip-Mat: Transport Hub
Beatrice Pellagatti, Sebastion Rodriguez, Online Resource: Starfinder Reference Document at
Miguel Sadtre, and Bruno Senigalha

Damien Mammoliti
Scenario tags provide additional information about an adventure’s contents. For more information
Art Direction on scenario tags see the Guide to Organized Play: Starfinder Society.
Emily Crowell

Graphic Design Faction (acquisitives)

Danika Wirch

Development Manager Faction (second seekers [ehu hadiF])

Linda Zayas-Palmer

Organized Play Coordinator

Metaplot (Year oF Fortune’s Fall)
Alex Speidel

Managing Creative Director (Starfinder)

Thurston Hillman

Director of Game Development
Adam Daigle
The Grand Museum of Qabarat has opened its halls, unveiling a new exhibition and hosting a gala
Erik Mona to celebrate. The Starfinder Society, along with other educational organizations, has been invited
to join the festivities. The peaceful gala comes to a sudden halt when well-organized robbers
launch a violent attack. The fate of the museum, and the belongings housed within, lie in the hands
of the Starfinders.





Paizo Inc.
7120 185th Ave NE, Ste 120
Redmond, WA 98052-0577

The lashunta city-state of Qabarat is where history comes alive. WHERE IN THE UNIVERSE?
Also known as the Shining Jewel of the Western Sea, Qabarat is This adventure takes place in the port city of Qabarat,
a city that takes pride in its past. From the ancient structures the Shining Jewel of the Western Sea. Qabarat is known
nestled against the modern metropolis to the layers of iridescent for having the largest spaceport on the planet as well as
shells glistening in the city’s walls, lashunta history is quite being the academic center of Castrovel. The city contains
literally built into the foundations of Qabarat. This has made a multitude of universities, cultural centers, museums,
it a haven for academics, leading to a multitude of universities, and heritage sites. Its autocratic government works to
museums, and protected heritage sites being enshrined within maintain traditional governance structures against the tide
the city. of corporate influence.
One of these institutions, the Grand Museum of Qabarat,
recently announced its newest exhibition. Hosted by Zovi (LN
female damaya lashunta), the museum’s curator, the exhibit
showcases the archaeological history of the Vast. The Starfinder
Society, who donated some of the belongings on display, has
been invited to participate. Representatives of the Society
are welcome to mingle during the gala and to help set up the
exhibition before opening.
The Starfinder delegation is led by Radaszam “The
Dealmaker” (N male vesk operative), leader of the Acquisitives
faction, and First Seeker Ehu Hadif (LG male kasatha solarian),
who the PCs are accompanying in Radaszam’s ship, the Brass
Clutch. The Starfinders are here to engage with other academics CASTROVEL
and knowledge keepers and, if Radaszam has his way, make The Wild
a good impression with the other organizations invited to the Diameter: ×1; Mass: ×1; Gravity: Normal
gala. The Starfinders will be arriving a day early to help with Atmosphere: Normal; Day: 1 day; Year: 1/2 year
the setup of the exhibition, giving them a chance to meet with Castrovel is a hot and humid planet with dense jungles
the curator and explore the museum’s galleries before the gala. and diverse ecosystems. Cosmopolitan settlements dot its
Academic institutions aren’t the only ones who have taken surface, connected by ancient magical teleportation circles.
interest in the exhibition, however. A team of violent thieves For more information on Castrovel and Qabarat, see pages
lay in wait to raid the museum, interrupting the gala to steal 438–439 of Starfinder Core Rulebook or pages 28–36 of
valuables, destroy displays, and hurt anyone who gets in their Starfinder Pact Worlds.
way. The thieves are members of a dangerous and unidentified
criminal syndicate who’ve clashed against the Starfinders on
more than one occasion, and whom the Starfinders have dubbed
simply the Organization. GETTING STARTED
Though some of these thieves may escape with their ill- This adventure begins aboard the Brass Clutch, Radaszam’s
gotten gains, this attack is a distraction. While the Starfinders personal starship, as it approaches Qabarat. The PCs are already
and other security forces move to intercept the raiders, another aware that they’re here to help set up a museum display at the
agent plans to slip into a side wing and steal all the relics tied Grand Museum of Qabarat, and to enjoy its gala opening. Read
to ancient Ulumbia, a little-known land-based culture from or paraphrase the following to get the adventure underway.
the planet Deepwater Prime whose civilization crumbled
long before the Gap. The acquisition of these artifacts is the The Brass Clutch begins its gentle descent onto Castrovel, the
Organization’s sole true objective and will be handled by one city-state of Qabarat coming into view for the first time. The
of the Organization’s founders, Evethriel (LE female augmented sun glistens off the city walls as if lighting up a pathway to the
elf mystic). city center. Ehu swivels his chair to face the group. “I always



love seeing Qabarat come into view. You see that glare on keep those connections strong. I hear the Aspis Consortium will
the walls there?” he gestures his head toward the windows. be sending a representative to showcase their latest expeditions.
“Layers of shells. Decades of them, built up over the years and There will likely be some religious leaders in attendance as well.
brought into the foundation of the walls.” Talavet is a god of storytelling and legends, and some of her
“These aren’t kids on a field trip,” Radaszam calls from the followers believe that museums are just another form in which
cockpit. “Save the tour for when the cameras can see them, she can be embodied.”
eh? Knowing your history is all well and good, but we’re here to Radaszam cuts in, “Just assume the people you meet are
make an impression, not just look at pretty shells.” important and try to make a good impression on them. Allies are
“I’m sure they’ll have time for both,” Ehu calls back before worth their weight in credits. You never know when their help
turning to the group. “The museum’s gala is tomorrow, but may be necessary.”
we’ve arrived early to help finalize the exhibition. There will
be a robo-taxi waiting for you once we land. Please, head CULTURE (RECALL
over to the museum and meet with Zovi, the curator. KNOWLEDGE) OR LIFE SCIENCE
Most importantly, take your time. Explore the (RECALL KNOWLEDGE)
museum, learn the history of this place and the Based on the result of a Culture or Life Science check
people who live in it.” to recall knowledge, the PCs may know more
“Most importantly,” Radaszam adds. information about the Scoured Stars system and
“Don’t break anything. You’d be surprised the peoples who lived within it. They learn all
how expensive those little rocks can be. of the information whose DC is equal to or less
We’re here to make a good impression, not than the result of their check.
rack up an enormous bill.” 10+: The Scoured Stars is a trinary star
system located in the Vast. Years ago,
The Brass Clutch makes its final descent First Seeker Jadnura led an expedition into
into the spaceport with a soft thud. Ehu and the Scoured Stars which resulted in many
Radaszam make their preparations to leave, pausing a agents of the Starfinder Society becoming
moment to answer any questions. trapped in the system behind a magical,
What is the exhibition about? Ehu perks up. impenetrable barrier. Jadnura’s successor, First
“Archaeology of the Vast. Pottery, tools, relics, and who Seeker Luwazi Elsebo, worked tirelessly to lower
knows what else collected from all sorts of far-flung this barrier and rescue the agents. Unfortunately,
ancient cultures.” their rescue mission brought them into conflict with
What are we contributing to the exhibition? the jinsuls and their dangerous leader, Dhurus. The
Ehu responds, “Material from the Scoured Stars, ensuing battles were hard won.
primarily. We’ve discovered information and 15+: The Scoured Stars consists of three star
belongings from numerous ancient and long- systems: Agillae, Bastiar, and Callion, which revolve
destroyed civilizations across the many worlds of around a common barycenter. Agillae is an orange
the Scoured Stars systems, and we’ve received dwarf star with five planets, all of which are terrestrial
permission to display some of it here. Nothing planets in the star’s habitable zone. Bastiar is the
related to the izalguuns, of course. Their largest, brightest, and most massive of the three stars.
descendants preferred we keep their history It’s a yellow dwarf star with eight planets—five terrestrial
quiet to protect their current lifestyle. But planets, a gas giant with more than three dozen moons,
there’s plenty on the mentrasi and and two ice giants. Callion is the smallest
a few ancient jinsul civilizations. of the three stars. It’s a red dwarf star
Some of the other cultures of the EHU HADIF with two small, tidally locked planets
Scoured Stars are represented to whose orbits are synchronized so that
a lesser extent, as our research on their home worlds is only they are always on the opposite sides of the star. The protective
in its beginning stages. There are belongings from an ancient (some would say possessive) god Kadrical resides within the
syngnathrix waystation, a tekian industrial site, a matoh bathing Scoured Stars.
pod, a nelentu farm, and a thyr religious site.” 20+: So far, the Starfinder Society has identified eight major
What other organizations will be there? Ehu replies, “The species that lived within the Scoured Stars. One, the mentrasi, are
majority of the guests will likely be staff and students from the extinct. The others include izalguuns, jinsuls, matohs, nelentus,
Qabarat University of Xenoarchaeology and Xenoanthropology. syngnathrix, tekians, and thyrs. Many of these peoples left
Half the museum staff trained there, after all, and they like to the Scoured Stars and emigrated to different planets ages ago,



notably to the planets of Rax and Izalraan (known to much of Minqalli rushes off through the galleries, clambering up the
the universe as Icefront) and to the planets of the Saaruq-Ruaan stairs into a cordoned off exhibition space marked by a sign that
system, forming the multiplanetary federation known as the indicates a new display will soon be opening in this area. “You’ve
Kreiholm Freehold. gotta see this!” they call back. “Come on, come on, come on!”
25+: The settlement of Izadamar was recently founded on The nelentu scrambles into a large room filled with arrowheads,
Agillae-4, upon the ruins of an ancient and mysterious megacity. pottery shards, and other archaeological finds. The far side of the
This site is fast becoming a home base and trading hub for visitors wall is taken up by a floor-to-ceiling diorama of archaeological
to the Scoured Stars system. Under the guidance of retired First strata, depicting the various eras on display in the hall. Minqalli
Seeker Jadnura and newly promoted Venture-Captain Dezarin, climbs up the diorama, eagerly pointing out various pieces of
a Starfinder lodge is being opened there, amid the remains of a pottery built into the display. “You see this mark here? My
jinsul military bunker. ancestor made this one. Oh, and that one, and this one over
here!” Their showcase of their ancestors’ belongings is cut short
STEPPING INTO by the stomping footsteps of an incoming vesk, hand on her
HISTORY radio and an angry sneer on her face.
Stepping out of the hangar and to the waiting robo-
taxi, the PCs are led through the winding streets The approaching vesk is Amyikesh (LN female
of Qabarat and towards the museum. vesk security chief), head of security for the
Read or paraphrase the following. Grand Museum of Qabarat. She approaches
breathless, eyes wide as she sees Minqalli
The robo-taxi emerges from the hanging from the display. “Get down
starport into bright light from there!” she barks at
of Qabarat. The sunlight Minqalli, then turns her
bounces off the layers scrutinizing eyes upon
of iridescent shells the PCs. Amyikesh
layered inside the city witnessed Minqalli rush
walls, casting a spotlight the PCs past security
towards the city center. and, while she suspects
The full extent of Qabarat’s the PCs are also Starfinders,
architecture rushes past the she expects visitors to check
windows. Ancient universities stand GRAND MUSEUM OF QABARAT in with the security desk and is
side-by-side with cutting-edge cultural not happy with allowing strangers to go
centers. Rows of academic buildings give way to the Grand barreling through the museum halls. Amyikesh demands to know
Museum of Qabarat, a large, ovoid sandstone building that takes who the PCs are, why they rushed past security, and why they’re
up the center of the district, rising out of the ground with a low loitering in a gallery that’s currently closed to the public.
dome to its right side. Its exterior resembles the same species Give the PCs a chance to explain themselves. As long as at
of seashell that covers the city walls. The robo-taxi halts and least one PC succeeds at a DC 12 Diplomacy or Bluff check to
pulls to the side of the entrance, kneeling to the side to allow explain their presence (DC 14 for levels 3–4), Amyikesh simply
its passengers to disembark. Sitting outside the entrance is a orders the PCs back to the security desk to check in. If the PCs
less-than-patient nelentu, who practically hops in excitement. all fail, Amyikesh instead orders them to the security office,
where a guard keeps them occupied with paperwork for hours.
The waiting nelentu is Minqalli (NG nonbinary nelentuAA4 This shortens the time the PCs have to set up their exhibit,
envoy), a rookie member of the Starfinder Society who has also imposing a –2 penalty on all their skill checks during Final
been assigned to help with the setup of the museum exhibit. Preparations (page 6).
When Minqalli meets the PCs, they immediately perk up and If a PC succeeds at a DC 18 Diplomacy or Bluff check, a
introduce themself. Minqalli was born in the Kreiholm Freehold, DC 17 Culture check, or a DC 15 Profession check related to
and their ancestors emigrated from the Scoured Stars system. either working in a museum or working security (such as
Thus, they have a personal connection to some of the belongings anthropologist, archaeologist, archivist, curator, guard, or
the PCs will be working with. With introductions complete, they mercenary), they can win Amyikesh’s favor. In this case, she
begin urging the Starfinders to enter the museum with them, allows them to stay in the gallery, fills the paperwork out on
rushing past security and corralling the group toward one of the their behalf, and invites them to call her Amyik. The PCs gain
museum’s galleries. As they drag the Starfinders in tow, read or a +1 circumstance bonus to all further skill checks to interact
paraphrase the following. with Amyikesh.



FILLING THE GAPS lived at that time. This is one of the largest and most regularly
After the PCs have explained themselves (or after they spend visited galleries of the museum. The displays contain a multitude
a few hours in the security office), the museum’s curator, Zovi, of belongings, from everyday items to weaponry. Beside every
arrives and offers to escort them to where they’ll be working. object is a button which, when pressed, projects a hologram of a
person from that culture using the item in question. Zovi explains
“Welcome to the Grand Museum of Qabarat! I hear you’ve that they used to have full-scale dioramas in this room, but the
already met with our head of security, Amyik, and received knowledge of Gap cultures is imperfect and rapidly evolving. The
a comprehensive tour of our dig-site diorama by your little holograms mean they can more readily update how they depict
Starfinder friend. Minqalli is quite exuberant! My name is Zovi. the cultures and their belongings.
I’m a curator here at the museum. And you are?” If the PCs wish to poke around the room, they’ll see holograms
of people from various cultures: a lashunta weaving on
Zovi is a confident woman, with a soft smile a loom, a ysoki maintaining their gun, and a half-elf
and a gentle tone. Her work is well-regarded using a carved stick to remind them of details as
within Qabarat’s academic circles, especially they silently recount a story to a crowd. Here,
her specialist knowledge in ancient weaving Zovi takes a moment to explain that a people
traditions. She’s well versed in dealing with and their culture aren’t the same thing—even in
the public, and she speaks in a practiced, our modern world, with countless planets linked
manufactured manner, as if she has previously in a galactic communication network by the Drift,
rehearsed everything she says. people aren’t a part of a single monolithic culture.
After introductions, Zovi leads the group “Why, this museum alone currently displays
toward the exhibit hall they’ll be working in. belongings from over fifty different
Along the way, they pass two other galleries, lashunta-centric cultures that were
which she explains as if leading a tour. located on Asana. It’s a fraction of our
The first gallery is filled with tall display history. A single tree in the jungle.”
cases that are completely blacked out. When the PCs are ready to move
These cases contain clothes, tapestries, on from this gallery, Zovi leads them
and other fine art, housed in state-of-the- into the temporary exhibitions gallery
art display cases to protect them from where collections of belongings,
damage and excitable visitors. To see museum conservators, and the
the contents, a visitor must press a
AMYIKESH representatives of other organizations
button on a display, which lights up the are gathered.
interior for a limited time.
“This gallery is where we keep and display fragile materials. The temporary gallery space is filled with a variety of display
Things that are important to our people and history but cannot cases, platforms, and pedestals, all separated into distinct
survive with too much light or jostling. As you’ll notice, our sections for the exhibitors to utilize. Most displays are empty,
museum has no corners. As an institution that must serve but a few already contain belongings and are ready for the public
a multitude of cultures, we must be mindful of these cultural exhibition. Zovi explains the purpose of this room and invites the
beliefs. The makers of this dance regalia, for example.” She PCs to look around and get a feel for the space. She explains that
presses a button beside her, momentarily lighting up a display the Starfinders’ collection will be ready for them to go through
case holding a dress with faded colors. “They believe that the shortly, and that conservation staff, who will assist with the
things they make have an energy, and that energy can become physical movement and handling of all artifacts, are standing by
trapped. Not too many sharp edges in nature, you see. While to assist them. With that, she thanks the PCs for coming and bids
these belongings are in our care, they’re free to glide around them farewell.
the space and flow through the curvatures of the building. And, Two important guests are already in the gallery, each
as the tour guides are fond of saying, it keeps us well rounded.” accompanied by a few members of the museum’s conservation
She gestures for the group to follow her as she steps into the staff, who carefully unpack and place artifacts in the displays.
next gallery. Whaloss (NG male damaya lashunta) is a postdoctoral
student at the Qabarat University of Xenoarchaeology and
Zovi leads the Starfinders into a large gallery titled “Life Within Xenoanthropology. Whaloss has a history of working with the
the Gap,” an exhibition focused on cultures that arose during the Starfinder Society and is happy to offer his advice on the setup
Gap and the museum’s best guesses as to how various peoples and talk history with any interested PCs.



Whaloss’ display consists of ancient bone carvings, stone based on the emotion these stories embodied. Belongings with
statuettes, and other artwork focused on stars and other celestial happy memories associated with them are bundled together.
bodies. Signage indicates these belongings are from the ancient Another section shows items that brought their donors pain.
elven civilization of Oatia. A PC who examines this display and Whether they were found in the fields of farmers, salvaged from
succeeds at a DC 14 Perception check (DC 16 for levels 3–4) ancient battlegrounds, uncovered deep within a ruined city, or
or who speaks with Whaloss and succeeds at a DC 12 Sense simply inherited by a grandparent, he argues that these stories
Motive check (DC 14 for levels 3–4), determines that, in addition are equally part of the history of the belonging as its original
to sharing knowledge of the past, this display is intended to use. If the PCs admit appreciation of this approach and succeed
increase the prestige of the university’s archaeological findings at a DC 16 Diplomacy check (DC 18 for levels 3–4), or express
and aid Whaloss in securing funding for future fieldwork. understanding of his intent and succeed at a DC 14 Culture check
If the PCs speak with Whaloss about his display, Whaloss (DC 16 for levels 3–4), Jeletal is pleased, and he admits that he
explains that the people of Oatia have their roots in their city of may have judged the PCs too hastily.
Loskialua, located on Castrovel’s continent of Ukulam, Completed Display: Two unattended displays
but they later traveled to distant solar systems have already been completed and are ready
using magic. Oatian belongings have thus far been for exhibition. One contains beautiful
discovered on Astevint, Helfen-Thel, Preluria, the statuettes and the other impressive
Tabori Cluster, and even the recently explored jewelry. A glance at the signage indicates
Weydana-4. He further explains that the Oatians that these belongings are a part of the
were intensely interested in astronomy and Grand Museum of Qabarat’s collection,
distant worlds. They developed supernatural and that they were displayed by Zovi, and
magical techniques for surveying the sky beyond that they come from a variety of cultures and
their own galaxy, discovered countless new locations in the Vast. A PC who succeeds at a DC
constellations and worlds, captured eons- 15 Perception check (DC 17 for levels 3–4), or a
old messages from distant galaxies, made DC 12 Profession check related to any art form
contact with bizarre and powerful aliens, (DC 14 for levels 3–4), determines that these paired
and communed with cosmic demigods. displays are designed to be aesthetically pleasing
Eventually, Loskialua was abandoned. and are placed near the entrance of the gallery in
Whaloss suspects that the Oatians order to attract patrons.
used powerful magic to travel closer Set Up: After viewing the displays and speaking to the
to the distant sites that they most other representatives, the PCs should set up their own
desired to study, skipping across the display. The material the Starfinders have brought
universe in a never-ending quest for to display belongs to various cultures found within
astronomical enlightenment. the Scoured Stars system. Included in
Jeletal (LN male half-elf) is an ZOVI this collection are pottery, statuettes,
aged disciple of Talavet who values tools, weaponry, technological devices,
the communal nature of storytelling and connecting people and magical relics. Most belong to the mentrasi and a variety of
with their past. He believes that the Starfinders, being sent to jinsul cultures, including the Myhmur theocracy and Cratune
arrange items they themselves did not collect from cultures they tyranny. There’s also a smaller collection of relics representing
were not a part of, are a bit too disconnected from the stories other species of the Scoured Stars, including belongings from an
they’re presenting to be the best people to tell them. He’s largely syngnathrix waystation, a tekian industrial site, a matoh bathing
dismissive of the group, solely sharing information about his pod, a nelentu farm, and a thyr religious site. A PC who succeeds
display or his god and ignoring any questions or statements at a DC 15 Culture check or an applicable DC 13 Profession check
unrelated to either topic. (DC 17 and DC 15 for levels 3–4) can tell that these artifacts were
Jeletal’s display is eclectic, containing belongings from a largely collected by people who wanted to bring something flashy
multitude of cultures and eras. Most are well-worn household and impressive back to the Society rather than being collected
items, some showing obvious signs of replaced parts and purely for their academic value.
amateur attempts at restoration. This display, he’s happy to The PCs have a multitude of options in choosing which part of
explain, is less about the objects in the display and more about the gallery to set up their display in and how they organize the
the stories connected to them. Every belonging on display was belongings within it. The PCs can choose to set up their display
donated by members and clergy from his temple whose families in a visually prominent location, a central location that sees a lot
originate in the Vast. With each donation, he asked for the story of foot traffic, a secure but less visible location, or in between
of how the donor came to hold it and has organized his display Whaloss’ and Jeletal’s displays.



Once a location is selected, the PCs must choose how they’ll or go shopping in Qabarat, and prepare for tomorrow’s gala. The
display the belongings. Conservation staff is on standby to assist Starfinder Society has booked rooms for all attending agents at a
with the physical placement and handling of the items. Properly nearby hotel that the PCs may use to sleep, relax, or make other
identifying, sorting, and displaying these items requires the PCs preparations. The hotel is high class and expensive, with a variety
to succeed at a DC 18 skill check (DC 20 for levels 3–4). The PCs of amenities the PCs can use free of charge, including a spa, pool,
must select one method of display. Each PC can attempt the exercise room, restaurant, and bar.
associated skill check or can instead attempt to aid another on
this check. The PCs can’t retry this skill check. On a failure, the GALA IN THE
PCs suffer a –2 penalty on all skill checks GALLERIES
to interact with the gala guests The following evening, the PCs return to the museum. Give
during Gala in the Galleries and the PCs an opportunity to describe their gala outfits if they
Events 1–4. wish. Radaszam insists that the PCs bring their equipment
The methods of organization and weapons, as a Starfinder should be prepared
and their associated skill checks are for anything. When they enter the gala, read or
noted below. paraphrase the following.
• Arrange the belongings to be aesthetically pleasing
(Perception) The museum lobby is filled with guests. Catering
• Arrange the belongings by cultural origin (Culture) staff weave between attendees, carrying drinks
• Arrange the belongings by environment and small dishes, some local and some imported
(Life Science) from the Vast. Zovi steps to the central
• Arrange the belongings by the materials they’re podium and, with a practiced, steady voice,
created from (Physical Science) begins speaking.
• Arrange the belongings by use and purpose “I would like to welcome you all to the
(Engineering) Grand Museum of Qabarat. I am honored to
There are a few people the PCs may ask for advice. have the privilege of hosting this gala and
If they choose to follow that person’s advice, the of gathering some of the brightest minds in
PCs gain a +1 circumstance bonus to the skill check the galaxy under one roof. Truly, this event
associated with that method of organization. would not have been possible without all of
If the PCs ask Whaloss for advice, he your help. We have gathered here to shed
recommends they group their belongings light on the history of the Vast. We
based upon cultural origin. If they ask curators always feel a personal
Zovi, she recommends they arrange their connection to any exhibition we
belongings to be aesthetically pleasing. organize, but there are those in
If the PCs ask Minqalli, they recommend attendance who are sharing the
grouping their belongings by materials.
WHALOSS legacy of their ancestors. We thank
Jeletal is only willing to offer advice if you for your expertise and your trust
the PCs pleased him. If they did, Jeletal recommends they group in our institution to facilitate your history.
their belongings by use and purpose. Amyikesh is also only “Spread throughout the galleries of our museum, you will find
willing to offer advice if the PCs pleased her. If they did, Amyikesh displays dedicated to various aspects of ancient Vast cultures
recommends they group their belongings by environment. and people passionate about sharing their stories. Please
Development: When the PCs have finished their displays, Ehu explore, ask questions, immerse yourself in history. Thank you,
comes to check on their progress. He inspects their display and and I hope you enjoy your evening.”
enthusiastically ask questions about its location and setup. Ehu
doesn’t judge the approach that the PCs took in their setup; he’s When Zovi’s speech is over, the various attendees spread out
simply excited to discuss history and will accept any type of through the museum halls to talk with one another and view the
display so long as the party have actively contemplated how displays. Radaszam excuses himself to mingle with other guests,
they’d display the belongings and can provide a justification for and strongly suggests that the PCs do the same.
it. If the PCs failed on their check to arrange the display, Ehu This portion of the adventure is split into abstract rounds, with
looks very skeptical, but he doesn’t insult their efforts or redo each round representing approximately 10–15 minutes of time.
their work. There are four rounds or five rounds for groups of 4 PCs or less.
After explanations are given, Ehu tells the PCs that they’re Each round, the PCs should select which important guest they
dismissed for the evening. The PCs are now free to rest, explore socialize with. The guests, their displays, and the skills required



to impress them are described under Displays of Power, below. First Seeker Ehu Hadif: Ehu maintains a presence alongside
The PCs can visit these guests in any order and can work together the PCs’ display, sharing information about the Scoured Stars
or separate as desired. with visitors as appropriate. If the PCs join Ehu, they too should
Each PC can attempt a skill check to impress each guest once field questions from the crowd of visitors and speak about their
or can forgo their check with that guest to instead aid another PC display. To impress the crowds, the PCs must succeed at any
currently speaking with the same guest. If a guest has multiple skill check of their choice, so long as they can justify how it’s
skills that can be attempted to impress them, a PC must select applicable to this situation. Examples include using Culture to
one of these checks to attempt (each PC can attempt one skill explain historical or cultural information, Engineering to discuss
check total per guest, not each skill check once). The DC of all physical objects and their manufacture, Computers to run an
skill checks to impress a guest is 15 (DC 17 for levels 3–4). Each interactive presentation, or Diplomacy to entertain the crowd. If
time a PC fails a check to impress a guest, the DC to impress that the PCs impress the crowd, Ehu rewards them with a recovery
guest increases by 1. These increases are cumulative. As soon as aegis (Starfinder Armory 115) for their hard work. For levels 3–4,
one PC succeeds at their skill check to impress a guest, that guest this is instead an obsidian electrovore figurine of wondrous power
has been impressed. (Armory 113).
Between each round, the PCs experience Events 1–4, which are Jeletal: Jeletal and his display are detailed on page 7.
detailed beginning on page 10. One event occurs between To impress Jeletal, the PCs must display knowledge
each round. These events can occur in any order. If the of social tact (Diplomacy) or Talavet’s faith
PCs have used all of their attempts to impress all of (Mysticism). If impressed, Jeletal shares a story
the guests or if the PCs have successfully impressed about a member of his congregation bringing
all of the guests and rounds still remain, skip these him what he believes to be a dance stick.
remaining rounds and complete the remaining He’s hoping that by poring through stories
events one after the other. After all the events and (and securing his god’s blessing), they can
rounds are completed, proceed to area A. reawaken the dance associated with it.
Professor Muhali (LN female damaya
DISPLAYS OF POWER lashunta): Muhali is head of linguistic
There are seven prominent displays spread anthropology at the Qabarat University of
throughout this wing of the museum. Each of Xenoarchaeology and Xenoanthropology.
these displays is organized by an important She’s intelligent, stern, and meticulously
guest. By visiting these displays well-spoken. She’s accustomed to
and speaking with these important grappling with bureaucratic red tape
guests, the PCs can make a good and debunking misinformation, and
impression on the guests and learn has no problem confronting bullies,
useful information. The number of manipulators, and fools. Muhali’s
guests who the PCs successfully display showcases a variety of texts,
impress during the gala affects their from a carved stone stele to fragile
Acquisitives faction mission. JELETAL scrolls, coupled with a holographic
Captain Alis Sandel (LN female display showcasing linguistic similarities
human soldier): Alis is a member of the Aspis Consortium who and differences over time and space.
has worked with the Starfinders in the past. She’s ambitious, To impress Muhali, the PCs must display knowledge of
confident, and willing to dirty her hands to get a job done. Alis’s linguistics (Culture) or spot similarities within the showcased
display showcases weaponry from a variety of different Vast texts (Perception). A PC who speaks four or more languages
cultures. A PC who succeeds at a DC 15 Engineering check while aloud while socializing with Muhali automatically impresses her
examining the display notices that a few of the weapons are of without the need to attempt a check. If impressed, Muhali reveals
jinsul construction and come from the Scoured Stars. If the PCs that her university is planning a new expedition to dig under the
point this out, Alis laughs and remarks, “You Starfinders aren’t city of Qabarat, perhaps uncovering further eras of their history.
the only ones with an interest in the Scoured Stars, you know.” Odesse Nis (NG female elf): Odesse is an archaeologist from the
To impress Alis, the PCs must display knowledge of weaponry Tabori Cluster. Newly graduated and inexperienced, she’s been
(Engineering) or combat (an applicable Profession check, such sent by her employer, a private collector based out of Deepwater
as gladiator, guard, mercenary, or soldier). Once impressed, Alis Prime, to present a display showcasing ancient civilizations of
admits that she’s been promoted to a new position in the Vast, but the region. Odesse is honored but incredibly nervous and lacks
refuses to elaborate on where, only saying that it’s somewhere the full historical context of many of the items she’s brought—
the Starfinders should be familiar with. she’s intelligent and talented but simply hasn’t had much time to



familiarize herself with her employers’ collection. Since arriving (Culture) or social influence (Diplomacy). If impressed, Zovi
on Castrovel, she’s felt ill and has suffered from headaches. remarks that she specializes in the preservation and study of
Odesse’s display contains material from over a dozen aquatic ancient textiles, fashion, and weaving methods. She’s currently
and semi-aquatic cultures, including Caravolos and Varretian, planning a fashion show showcasing replicas of ancient
and two terrestrial cultures, including Erezitan and Ulumbian. Castrovellian attire amid a traveling textile exhibit. If the
Of particular note are several belongings carved from a delicate PCs show interest, she promises to issue the Starfinder
gray-green stone, which the placards identify as malachite. A Society an invitation.
PC who spends at least 10 minutes (one round) at this display
becomes dizzy and develops a painful headache and must EVENT 1: AN
attempt a DC 12 Fortitude save (DC 13 for levels 3–4). ACADEMIC DISPUTE
On a failure, they become sickened until the end of Shouting rings out across the halls, drawing
the encounter in area A. everyone’s attention. A visiting professor,
To impress Odesse, the PCs must recognize Hemford (N male halfling), has had too much
that she isn’t feeling well (Medicine or to drink and is very loudly arguing with Odesse
Sense Motive) or help her answer some about her display referring to a stone tool as a
tricky questions about underwater scraper rather than as a biface, which he feels is
archaeology posed by visitors a more academically sound terminology. Odesse
(Physical Science). If impressed, is clearly overwhelmed and embarrassed, and
Odesse admits that she hasn’t been neither of them are proving particularly good
feeling well lately and has had trouble at making a coherent point.
focusing. It’s made it difficult to put If the PCs choose to interfere, they
together this collection. She admits that she must distract or calm Hemford to end the
had intended to go sightseeing before returning argument then clear the air with a supportive
to Deepwater Prime, but now that she’s sick she’ll statement. Each participating PC can only
instead head home early. She hopes that she’ll get attempt (or attempt to aid another
over her illness soon. PC on) one of these two tasks.
A PC who develops a headache, is informed Distracting Hemford requires a PC
of the effect on another PC, or makes the to succeed at a DC 13 Bluff check (DC 15
connection between that effect and Odesse’s for levels 3–4). Calming or quieting Hemford
illness can attempt a DC 15 Medicine or requires a PC to succeed at a DC 15 Diplomacy
Mysticism check (DC 17 for levels 3–4); with a or Intimidate check.
success, they determine that Odesse’s display Clearing the air so the party can continue
is the cause of their headache, but they can’t requires the PCs to support Odesse
determine why or how. A PC who exceeds publicly. For example, a PC who succeeds
this DC by 5 or more further determines at a DC 18 Culture check (DC 20 for
that prolonged proximity to one or more of levels 3–4) or applicable Profession check
the belongings in the display is what’s causing the (such as anthropologist, archaeologist,
headache and dizziness. If the PCs share this information or curator) can back up Odesse’s choice of terminology,
with Odesse she looks very skeptical but thanks them for confirming that although biface may be more accurate,
their opinion. She doesn’t attempt to alter the display but calling the belonging a scraper is easier understood
does take a step further away. by visitors. Alternatively, they can compliment
Whaloss: Whaloss and his display is Odesse’s display by succeeding at a
detailed on page 6. To impress Whaloss, DC 15 Bluff or Diplomacy check (DC
the PCs must display knowledge MUHALI 17 for levels 3–4).
of astronomy (Physical Science) or Development: If the PCs fail to
commerce (an applicable Profession check, such as accountant, distract or calm Hemford, Amyikesh intervenes and escorts
banker, investor, or merchant). If impressed, Whaloss shares him from the premises—such an embarrassment! If the PCs fail
that he’s hoping his display will help secure funding for his to clear the air, there’s an awkward pause. Zovi soon steps in
fieldwork, as he’s excited to uncover more about the ancient and assures the guests that any errors will be corrected before
Oatia culture. the public opening, which causes Odesse to excuse herself and
Zovi: Zovi’s display is previously detailed on page 7. To flee to the washroom in tears. If this occurs, Odesse can’t be
impress Zovi, the PCs must display knowledge of history interacted with or impressed during any remaining rounds.



EVENT 2: HANDLE Each PC must attempt one of the following skill checks to
WITH CARE deal with the press in a positive manner. The PCs can’t aid one
As the PCs move between the galleries, they’re shoved lightly another with this check. The PCs can craft a good statement
by a pair of young children running through the halls. These for the press by succeeding at a DC 17 Diplomacy check (DC 19
children, Avalene and Thester (N male and female ysoki), are for levels 3–4). Alternatively, a PC can impress the media with
accompanying their grandmother to the gala and, unfortunately their knowledge by succeeding at a DC 15 Culture, Life Science,
for museum staff, are far more interested in chasing each other or Physical Science check (DC 17 for levels 3–4) or an applicable
through the galleries than having polite conversation with DC 13 Profession check (DC 15 for levels 3–4).
dignitaries. Display cases, mannequins, and plinths wobble Development: If at least half of the PCs succeed at their
dangerously as they play, threatening to smash their contents skill check (rounded down), they successfully deal with the
in the children’s wake. press, earning a compliment and a slap on the back from
To prevent the nearby displays and relics from toppling, Radaszam. Otherwise, they make the Society look foolish, rude,
each PC must attempt a DC 14 Acrobatics check, a DC or uneducated. In this instance, Radaszam gives the
16 Athletics check, or a DC 18 Sleight of Hand PCs a glare and swiftly swoops in to remedy the
check (DC 16, DC 18, and DC 20 for levels 3–4). situation, verbally throwing the PCs under the
If at least half of the PCs succeed (rounded metaphorical bus while he does so.
down), they prevent anything from being
damaged. Otherwise, one object is damaged EVENT 4:
or destroyed for each PC who failed their A MISSING
check—example objects that might be INVITATION
damaged include a cracked glass display For their overexcitability and damage
case, shattered pottery, torn tapestry, or to the dig-site diorama, Minqalli was
disintegrated paperwork. heavily advised to not attend the gala
If anything breaks, the gala’s attendees by Amyikesh. Minqalli didn’t take this
gasp and look at the PCs in shock, clearly advice to heart, and their unmistakable
viewing them as the perpetrators. The PCs shape ducks through the halls trying to
can choose to accept this blame willingly take in all the displays without being
or can attempt to shift the blame onto spotted by security. When noticed by the
the children by succeeding at a DC 13 PCs, Minqalli explains their predicament
Diplomacy or Intimidate check (DC 15 for and promises that they’ll leave as soon
levels 3–4). as they’ve seen the displays, but they just
Development: If the PCs prevent the couldn’t miss the opportunity to attend the
objects from falling or accept the gala. They ask the PCs to help them in
blame for any broken objects, they ODESSE NIS their quest for higher education.
earn the gratitude of the Avalene If the PCs want to help Minqalli view
and Thester’s grandmother, who rewards them discreetly with the exhibition displays without being spotted, they must
a diplomat serum of enhancement and forces the children to attempt both a DC 15 Bluff check to divert security’s attention
apologize. For levels 3–4, she additionally rewards them with a away from the nelentu as they move through the gala and a DC
scientist serum of enhancement. 15 Stealth check to give Minqalli advice on how best to slink
If the PCs blamed the children, the children and their around without being spotted (DCs 17 for levels 3–4). Each PC
grandmother are ejected from the gala in disgrace, and can only attempt one of the two checks and can instead forgo
Radaszam shakes his head at the PCs, remarking dryly, “Not the their check to aid another PC.
kind of scene I was hoping for.” Development: If the PCs succeed at both checks, Minqalli
manages to view the gallery displays without being caught then
EVENT 3: SMILE FOR scampers off in glee, giving the PCs a big hug in thanks.
THE CAMERAS If the PCs fail at either of the checks, Amyikesh spots Minqalli
Flashing cameras, recording devices, and the shouts of reporters and approaches to escort them from the gala. In this instance,
suddenly surrounds the PCs as they’re ambushed by the local the PCs can intervene by attempting a DC 18 Bluff, Diplomacy,
press who are looking for a statement from the Starfinders or Intimidate check (DC 20 for levels 3–4). Each PC can only
about the gala. While the PCs aren’t in a position to give an attempt one of these checks and can instead forgo their check
official statement on behalf of the Society, they can still fulfill to aid another PC. On a success, they convince Amyikesh to let
Radaszam’s wish to make a good impression. Minqalli stay for the remainder of the gala.











(CR 3 OR CR 5)
When the PCs finish mingling, the guests gather in the lobby AUGMENTED MERCENARIES (4) CR 1
for another speech. Zovi takes the stage, only to be immediately Page 20, art on page 24
interrupted. Read or paraphrase the following.
Aid: Some of the guests are willing to put their life at risk to
Zovi’s speech is interrupted by smashing glass and gunfire. In the lend the PCs aid during this battle—if the PCs impressed them
wreckage of the museum entrance stands a strike force of well- earlier in the gala.
armed robbers. They rush into the lobby, knocking over displays, If the PCs impressed Jeletal, he casts mystic cure on a single
demanding valuables from the attendants, and pocketing any wounded PC, healing 1d8+3 Hit Points (healing 3d8+3 Hit Points
belongings they can get their hands on. Amyikesh grabs Zovi off for levels 3–4).
the stage and rushes her deeper into the museum for safety. If the PCs impressed Muhali, she pelts the robbers with nearby
“No sudden movements!” the leader of the gang objects, providing the benefits of harrying fire once each round
shouts as he brandishes a gun. “We do this nice and against a random mercenary. After she provides this aid
orderly, and everyone goes home safe!” four times, she’s forced to take cover for the rest of the
Ehu is the first to move, slowly and fight to avoid errant gunfire.
deliberately approaching with hands raised. Development: After the PCs defeat the final
“Easy. The people here are academics.” He mercenary, only the leader remains standing.
begins moving to the side, drawing the As Ehu and Radaszam continue to fight this foe,
attention of the leader. “They don’t have Captain Sandel and Amyikesh lead the guests
whatever it is you’re looking for, and and attendants out of the museum to safety.
even if they did, surely you could get it Before the PCs can join in battling the leader,
without this violence.” they hear the sound of screams from deeper in
With the robbers distracted, the museum back toward the gallery exhibits.
Radaszam turns to the other If they require further encouragement,
Starfinders and speaks in a Radaszam shouts at them, “We’ve
hushed tone. “Ehu and I will got this handled. Go! Track
take down their boss, you down the other thieves!
focus on these looters and That’s an order!”
make sure that these people
make it out of here alive. On EVENT 5:
my signal.” He keeps his eyes GETTING
on the mercenaries, calculating TRIPPED
the best moment to strike. “Now!”
UP (CR 3
OR CR 5)
At this, the room erupts into chaos. Ehu The halls of the museum are
and Radaszam attack the leader of the robbers and the rest of littered with shattered glass, damaged displays, and broken
the guests cower, rushing to the corners of the room or out into belongings—remnants of the civilizations from the distant past,
the street. A few of the guests, including Captain Alis Sandel and now destroyed forever.
some security guards, draw weapons and leap into the fray. Use Traps: In order to keep the Starfinders and security away
the map on page 12 for this encounter. from Evethriel for as long as possible, Organization agents have
Creatures: The PCs are left to fight four robbers. These rigged the museum halls with tripwires that trigger a dangerous
robbers are members of the Organization who aim to cause as plasma explosion.
much damage as possible and, most importantly, keep security’s
attention while the real robbery happens deeper in the museum. LEVELS 1–2 (CR 3)
They’re utterly devoted to their cause and fight to the death while
shouting threats and insults. PLASMA TRIPWIRE TRAP CR 3
Type technological; Perception DC 24; Disable Engineering DC
LEVELS 1–2 (CR 3) 19 (disable tripwire)
Trigger location; Reset none
AUGMENTED MERCENARIES (4) CR 1/2 Effect plasma explosion (6d6 E & F); Reflex DC 14 half; multiple
Page 18, art on page 24 targets (all targets in area)














LEVELS 3–4 (CR 5) “It seems you’re lost, little pets. All the fun is happening in
the lobby.” She looks off to the doors behind her, as if calculating
PLASMA TRIPWIRE TRAP CR 5 something. “I suppose it doesn’t matter too much if you die here
Type technological; Perception DC 27; Disable Engineering DC or there. Still, it’d be a shame to ruin these artifacts.
22 (disable tripwire)
Trigger location Reset none
Effect plasma explosion (4d12+4 E & F); Reflex DC 15 half;
multiple targets (all targets in area

Development: If the trap explodes, enemies

in area B are aware of the approaching You Starfinders care about
PCs and gain a +2 bonus to Initiative. preserving history, right?”
She points her sword at the display
beside her. “Back to the lobby now,
little pets. Or we start getting clumsy.”

Creatures: Omen and her lackeys are here to

ensure that their leader, Evethriel can grab the
Ulumbian artifacts from the exhibition gallery.
If the PCs take her threat seriously and leave
the gallery for at least two minutes, Omen
and her lackeys wait until they’re sure
that Evethriel has left the museum before
departing. Skip this combat and proceed
directly to Development (page 16).
If the PCs don’t leave, Omen
and her lackeys attack the
Starfinders, fighting to the
death and aiming to cause as
much damage as possible,
purely out of spite. During
AUGMENTED MERCENARY the battle, they maneuver
to take cover behind the
display cases. The PCs can destroy these
B. AGENTS OF cases to remove the cover, but doing so irreparably damages the
DETERIORATION belongings inside.
(CR 4 OR CR 6)
The PCs’ path to the exhibition displays leads them back through LEVELS 1–2 (CR 4)
the delicate materials gallery filled with darkened display cases.
Use the map on page 14 for this encounter. Each of the areas OMEN CR 2
marked “D” on the map represents one of the display cases Page 19, art on page 24
carrying fragile items, which provide cover and break line
of sight. The cases, while protective from standard museum AUGMENTED SPIES (3) CR 1/2
conditions, don’t hold up against weaponry and break as soon as Page 19
they’re damaged, destroying the case’s contents. When the PCs
enter the area, read or paraphrase the following. LEVELS 3–4 (CR 6)

The gallery is eerily still compared to the chaos in the lobby. The OMEN CR 4
blacked-out display cases are like silent monoliths. An android Page 21, art on page 24
in edgy but fashionable black attire steps out from behind one
of the cases, a solar sword manifesting her hand. She’s joined by AUGMENTED SPIES (3) CR 1
others, creating a semicircle around the room. Page 21



Development: If the PCs fled, either from taking Omen’s threat the display case has been expertly cut and resealed, while a
seriously or after falling back from a losing battle, they find the PC who surpasses this DC by 5 or more discovers a strand of
area empty and pristine, save for a smashed display case and a bright purple hair in case—the only remaining piece of physical
missing dress, which Omen took as a souvenir. evidence that the thief left behind.
With the end of this encounter, all the “robbers” are dead, A PC who previously visited this display and succeeds at
captured, or have escaped into the night. If the PCs explore the a DC 15 Culture check (DC 17 for levels 3–4) determines that
display gallery, they find no other foes. Ehu and Radaszam soon the display is missing all the belongings associated with the
join them, and the Starfinders have a moment to catch their Ulumbian civilization. They do not, however, develop the
breath before they assess the damage. headaches previously mentioned on page 10; only draw attention
to this if the PCs notice it on their own.
THE DUST SETTLES When the PCs have finished their investigation, Radaszam and
With the robbery over, Ehu assures the PCs that Odesse arrive. Odesse looks frazzled
all the guests survived. Emergency services and in shock.
have arrived and are taking care of any injuries, If the PCs ask
but by all accounts, the quick intervention of her about the
the Starfinders prevented any serious missing belongings,
damage from occurring to any of the gala she can identify them as
attendees and staff. The museum itself Ulumbian, but she is perplexed.
is a different story. The assault and
resulting combat caused significant Odesse shrugs in a mix of confusion
damage to the structure of the and defeat. “I don’t understand. Even in the
museum, meaning it will need to Tabori Cluster, the Ulumbians are overlooked—
close its doors while they repair ignored even! They didn’t leave behind any
the building and assess any impressive architecture or sites, and no one’s
damage done to the collections. ever discovered anything of notable financial
Ehu expresses suspicion of value. They’re important to a select group of local
the motive behind the attack, academics, of course, but to robbers?
noting that the robbers Worthless. These items
damaged more than they stole. were everyday tools
Radaszam agrees, remarking made from dull gray-
that the robbers were highly green stone. A thief
trained and experienced, and that any damage could fetch a better price for
done was intended—almost like they were anything else in this museum.
trying to cause as much chaos as possible. Why bother?”
Ehu’s face falls at this remark as he mutters, “A “Why bother, indeed,” Ehu ruminates. “Thank you Odesse.”
distraction? For what?” With a heavy sigh, he
asks the PCs to accompany him in a final sweep Ehu leads the party towards the security room. With the help
of the museum. of Amyikesh, he pulls up the surveillance footage of Odesse’s
The trip through the museum galleries reveals display, scanning it for any hints as to what happened.
that many of the rooms that contained notably
valuable artifacts have been untouched. Ehu The security terminal hums to life as Ehu scans through the
is almost ready to call the search off until he footage from the last day. He sifts through footage of Odesse
comes across Odesse’s and the conservation staff setting up the display,
display of belongings from OMEN noting a strange pained expression on their faces
the Tabori Cluster. “This as they do so, along with footage of the drunken
looks different,” he remarks. professor and the Starfinders’ subsequent
Radaszam replies, “I’ll find Odesse.” intervention. Everything seems to be in order until only a few
A PC who succeeds at a DC 12 Perception check (DC 14 for minutes ago, when everyone was called into the lobby, and the
levels 3–4) notices that some of the belongings have been mercenaries burst through the front door.
removed, while others were shifted over and rearranged to make A new figure enters the room, an elven janitor with bright
it appear like the display remains complete. A PC who surpasses purple hair. She waits in the room for a while and, as the sounds
this DC by 3 or more additionally notices that the glass of of chaos erupt over the security feed, carves her way into the



display case with a laser-edged glass cutter. She rapidly pockets the Organization run free, no more shall they harm our families
the Ulumbian belongings, shoving them into a seemingly and our peoples. To you, to our friends, and to our Society I
bottomless garbage bag. She looks up to the camera and smirks, make a vow: my last act as First Seeker will be the dismantling
teleporting away. of this festering evil.”
“We were played,” Radaszam grunts. “It was all a distraction.” “This year, the Organization—whoever they truly are—falls.”
Ehu clenches his fists. “It’s the Organization.”

Any PC who has played Starfinder Society Scenario #5-11: CONCLUSION

Archivist’s Inquiry recognizes the janitor as Evethriel—the sister With his vow made, Ehu steps out of the security room and
of Iroiveth (an enemy killed by Starfinders years ago), a founder into the destroyed lobby. Waiting there are Zovi, Odesse, and
of the Organization (a dangerous criminal syndicate whose true any of the NPCs that the PCs have impressed over the course
name and purpose the Starfinders have yet to discern), and the of the evening. They all carry sorrowful expressions and lament
same person who instigated a prison break and freed the ysoki the outcome of the gala but are thankful for the efforts of the
mastermind Datch from the Adamantine Bastille last year. If no PCs and of the Starfinder Society as whole. Zovi shows regret
present PCs played that adventure, Ehu and Radaszam recognize that the gala ended with the temporary closure of the museum
her on sight and fill them in. and the destruction of so much history, but she promises that
Ehu and Radaszam wonder aloud for a few moments, over the renovations can only make the museum even better when
what the Organization could be planning and what was special it opens, especially with the addition of their new permanent
about the belongings they stole. With a sigh, Ehu steps forward exhibit: “Belongings of the Scoured Stars,” organized and
with conviction. Read of paraphrase the following. displayed by the expert hands of the Starfinder Society.
Over the next few days, Ehu and Radaszam help out at the
“The Organization must feel proud right now, smirking in museum and liaison with local authorities, giving the PCs a few
whatever den they’ve hidden themselves. They must think days to unwind in Qabarat, free of charge and in the lap of luxury.
they’ve won. That they’ve pulled off another successful mission
against the Starfinder Society. They, my fellow Starfinders, REPORTING NOTES
have become overconfident.” If the PCs impressed Jeletal, check box A. If the PCs impressed
“Think of their actions tonight. A full cadre of soldiers and Muhali or Whaloss, check box B. If the PCs impressed Odesse,
assassins sallied out against a museum. A place that houses check box C. If the PCs impressed Zovi, check box D.
knowledge not just for us, but for entire cultures. A place
where the children of the future will come to learn about their PRIMARY OBJECTIVES
ancestors and, hopefully, one day learn about us. They found a The PCs complete their primary objective if they set up a display
place with a noble purpose and tried to sully it with their own and impressed at least one guest or the media. Doing so earns
corruption. And who was it, my friends, that these soldiers each PC 1 Reputation for their selected faction.
marched out against? Academics. And yet they still lost. All the
might of their money and their guns couldn’t hold out against SECONDARY OBJECTIVES
you, people who came here only to set up a display and bask The PCs complete their secondary objective if they defeated
in history. What hope could they have against a dedicated foe? either the augmented mercenaries (in area A) or Omen (in area
How would they fare against a Society united against them? B). Doing so earns each PC 1 Reputation for their selected faction.
“Under my watch, and those before me, the Organization
has festered. They’ve run rampant across the galaxy, harming FACTION NOTES
civilians, executing unarmed prisoners, destroying priceless Ehu Hadif and Radaszam take particular interest in this adventure.
cultural heritage. They, my Starfinders, have killed our friends. Acquisitives: This mission further the goals of the Acquisitives
No more. faction. If the PCs impressed at least four of the following, each
“My time as First Seeker will soon come to an end. It would PC earns 1 additional Reputation with the Acquisitives: Alis,
be easy to pass off this duty to my successor. To let them Amyikesh, Jeletal, Muhali, Odesse, Whaloss, Zovi, or the media.
inherit this problem while I wipe my hands of it. But what kind Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif): This mission furthers the goals of
of leader would I be if I did that? What kind of person would the Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif) faction. If the PCs complete the
I be if I shrugged this burden off my own shoulders and onto Primary Success Condition, each PC earns 1 additional Reputation
someone else’s? Certainly not someone who would be worth with the Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif).
remembering in a place like this.”
“In this place of history, on the memories of those who have
been irreparably damaged, I declare our future. No more shall




The statistics presented in this appendix include full stat blocks Make the following adjustments to accommodate a group
for creatures appearing in this adventure, including any variation of four PCs.
described in the text. These encounters are written for a group of Remove one augmented mercenary from the encounter.
5–6 PCs of 1st level. Use the scaling sidebars for each encounter
to adjust the encounters for a group of 4 PCs. For groups of
different levels, consult the Guide to Organized Play: Starfinder
Society for instructions.



LE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +6; Perception +4
EAC 10; KAC 12
Fort +2; Ref +2; Will +2
Defensive Abilities resolute mind
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. with armor)
Melee assault hammer +6 (1d6+3 B)
Ranged tactical semi-auto pistol +3 (1d6 P)
Str +3; Dex +2; Con +1; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills Athletics +4, Intimidate +9, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +4
Languages Common
Feats Opening Volley
Gear golemforged plating I, assault hammer, tactical semi-auto
pistol with 18 rounds
Resolute Mind (Ex) The augmented mercenary can easily
shrug off debilitating conditions due to their mysterious
enhancements. As a reaction, the augmented mercenary can
spend 1 Resolve Point to remove any conditions they would
gain or already have (as greater remove condition).




AUGMENTED SPIES (3) CR 1/2 Make the following adjustments to accommodate a group
LE Medium humanoid (human) of four PCs.
Init +3; Perception +4 Remove two augmented spies from the encounter.
EAC 10; KAC 11
Fort +0; Ref +2; Will +3 OMEN CR 2
Defensive abilities resolute mind Female android solarian
OFFENSE LE Medium Humanoid (android)
Speed 30 ft. Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +12
Melee survival knife +2 (1d4 S) DEFENSE HP 25 RP 4
Ranged azimuth laser pistol +4 (1d4 F; critical burn 1d4) EAC 13; KAC 15
STATISTICS Fort +4; Ref +2; Will +3; +2 vs. disease, mind-affecting effects,
Str +0; Dex +3; Con +0; Int +2; Wis +1; Cha +0 poison, and sleep
Skills Acrobatics +9, Bluff +4, Computers +9, Disguise +4, Defensive Abilities resolute mind
Sleight of Hand +4, Stealth +9 OFFENSE
Languages Common Melee solar weapon +10 (1d6+6 P; critical wound [DC 11])
Gear second skin, survival knife, azimuth laser pistol with 2 Ranged static arc pistol +7 (1d6+2 E; critical arc 2)
batteries (20 charges each) Offensive Abilities stellar revelations (black hole [20 ft. radius,
SPECIAL ABILITIES pull 10 ft., DC 11], dark matter [DR 1/—], supernova [10-ft.
Resolute Mind (Ex) The augmented spy can easily shrug radius, 3d6 F, DC 11])
off debilitating conditions due to their mysterious STATISTICS
enhancements. As a reaction, the augmented can spend 1 Str +4; Dex +2; Con +0; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +1
Resolve Point to remove any conditions they would gain or Skills Culture +7, Mysticism +7, Physical Science +7
already have (as greater remove condition). Languages Common
Other abilities constructed, flat affect, solar manifestation (solar
weapon), stellar alignment, upgrade slot (radiation buffer)
Gear freebooter armor I, static arc pistol with 1 battery (20
charges), shard gluon AR
Resolute Mind (Ex) Omen can easily shrug off debilitating
conditions due to her mysterious enhancements. As a
reaction, Omen can spend 1 Resolve Point to remove any
conditions she would gain or already have (as greater
remove condition).



The statistics presented in this appendix include full stat blocks Make the following adjustments to accommodate a group
for creatures appearing in this adventure, including any variation of four PCs.
described in the text. These encounters are written for a group of Remove one augmented mercenary from the encounter.
5–6 PCs of 3rd level. Use the scaling sidebars for each encounter
to adjust the encounters for a group of 4 PCs. For groups of
different levels, consult the Guide to Organized Play: Starfinder
Society for instructions.



LE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Perception +5
EAC 11; KAC 13
Fort +3; Ref +3; Will +3
Defensive Abilities resolute mind
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. with armor)
Melee assault hammer +8 (1d6+4 B)
Ranged hunting rifle +5 (1d8+1 P)
Str +4; Dex +2; Con +1; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills Athletics +5, Intimidate +10, Sense Motive +5, Stealth +5
Languages Common
Feats Opening Volley
Gear golemforged plating I, assault hammer, hunting rifle with
12 rounds
Resolute Mind (Ex) The augmented mercenary can easily
shrug off debilitating conditions due to their mysterious
enhancements. As a reaction, the augmented mercenary can
spend 1 Resolve Point to remove any conditions they would
gain or already have (as greater remove condition).




AUGMENTED SPIES (3) CR 1 Make the following adjustments to accommodate a group
Human operative of four PCs.
LE Medium Humanoid (human) Remove two augmented spies from the encounter.
Init +5; Perception +6
EAC 11; KAC 12 OMEN CR 4
Fort +2; Ref +5; Will +5 Female android solarian
Defensive Abilities resolute mind LE Medium Humanoid (android)
OFFENSE Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +15
Speed 30 ft. DEFENSE HP 50 RP 4
Melee survival knife +4 (1d4+1 S) EAC 16; KAC 18
Ranged azimuth laser pistol +6 (1d4+1 F; critical burn 1d4) or Fort +6; Ref +4; Will +5; +2 vs. disease, mind-affecting effects,
precision coil rifle +6 (1d6+1 P) poison, and sleep
Offensive Abilities trick attack +1d4 Defensive Abilities resolute mind
Str +0; Dex +4; Con +0; Int +2; Wis +1; Cha +0 Melee solar weapon +12 (1d6+9 P; critical penetrating)
Skills Acrobatics +11, Athletics +6, Bluff +11, Computers +6, Ranged thunderstrike sonic pistol +9 (1d8+4 So; critical deafen)
Disguise +11, Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth +11 Offensive Abilities stellar revelations (black hole [20 ft. radius,
Languages Common pull 10 ft., DC 13], dark matter [DR 1/—], stellar rush [2d6 F,
Other Abilities specialization (spy) DC 13], supernova [10-ft. radius, 5d6 F, DC 13])
Gear second skin, survival knife, azimuth laser pistol with 2 STATISTICS
batteries (20 charges each), precision coil rifle AR with Str +5; Dex +3; Con +0; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +1
8 rounds Skills Culture +10, Mysticism +10, Physical Science +10
Resolute Mind (Ex) The augmented spy can easily shrug Other abilities constructed, flat affect, solar manifestation
off debilitating conditions due to their mysterious (solar weapon), stellar alignment, upgrade slot (radiation
enhancements. As a reaction, the augmented can spend 1 buffer)
Resolve Point to remove any conditions they would gain or Gear basic lashunta tempweave, thunderstrike sonic pistol
already have (as greater remove condition). with 2 batteries (20 charges each), minor muon AR
Resolute Mind (Ex) Omen can easily shrug off debilitating
conditions due to her mysterious enhancements. As a
reaction, Omen can spend 1 Resolve Point to remove any
conditions she would gain or already have (as greater
remove condition).

















Gala in the Galleries 250 credits 375 credits 500 credits
A 250 credits 375 credits 500 credits
B 250 credits 375 credits 500 credits

The PCs earn the rewards for each area if they meet the conditions
listed below.
Gala in the Galleries: The PCs keep these rewards if they
impressed at least 3 guests.
A: The PCs keep these rewards if they defeated the mercenaries.
B: The PCs keep these rewards if they defeated Omen.



Event Reporting Form

Date Event Code:


GM Org Play #: -7 GM Name: GM Faction:

Adventure Name:

Reporting Codes: (check when instructed, line through all if no conditions to report) □A □B □C □D Reputation
Bonus Faction Goal Achieved: □ Acquisitives □ Advocates □ Cognates □ Dataphiles □ Exo-Guardians □ Manifold Host □ Wayfinders
□ Second Seekers

□ Acquisitives □ Exo-Guardians □ Dead?
Character Name:
□ Advocates □ Manifold Host □ Infamy
□ Cognates □ Second Seekers
Org Play #: -7 Level
□ Dataphiles □ Wayfinders □ Replay Used

□ Acquisitives □ Exo-Guardians □ Dead?
Character Name:
□ Advocates □ Manifold Host □ Infamy
□ Cognates □ Second Seekers
Org Play #: -7 Level
□ Dataphiles □ Wayfinders □ Replay Used

□ Acquisitives □ Exo-Guardians □ Dead?
Character Name:
□ Advocates □ Manifold Host □ Infamy
□ Cognates □ Second Seekers
Org Play #: -7 Level
□ Dataphiles □ Wayfinders □ Replay Used

□ Acquisitives □ Exo-Guardians □ Dead?
Character Name:
□ Advocates □ Manifold Host □ Infamy
□ Cognates □ Second Seekers
Org Play #: -7 Level
□ Dataphiles □ Wayfinders □ Replay Used

□ Acquisitives □ Exo-Guardians □ Dead?
Character Name:
□ Advocates □ Manifold Host □ Infamy
□ Cognates □ Second Seekers
Org Play #: -7 Level
□ Dataphiles □ Wayfinders □ Replay Used

□ Acquisitives □ Exo-Guardians □ Dead?
Character Name:
□ Advocates □ Manifold Host □ Infamy
□ Cognates □ Second Seekers
Org Play #: -7 Level
□ Dataphiles □ Wayfinders □ Replay Used



Open Game License Version 1.0a PAIZO INC.

Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. Creative Directors • James Jacobs and Luis Loza
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Starfinder Society Scenario #6-01: Intro: Year of Fortune’s Fall © 2023, Paizo Inc. All rights reserved. Paizo,
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Starfinder Society Scenario #6-01: Intro: Year of Fortune’s Fall ©2023, Paizo Inc.; Author: Mahpiya Game, and Starfinder Society are trademarks of Paizo Inc.


Scenario #6-01: Character Chronicle #
Intro: Year of
Fortune’s Fall

LEVELS Normal Max Credits

- 1–2 750
Character Name Organized Play # Character # Faction LEVELS Normal

Adventure Summary Out of
You traveled to Castrovel alongside Ehu Hadif and Radaszam to attend a gala celebration at the Grand Museum of Qabarat.
You set up a museum display, mingled with important guests, and enjoyed the gala. When the gala was attacked by brazen
and violent robbers, you joined in defense of the museum and fought off the thieves.
3–4 1,500
After the attack, you investigated the robbery, and discovered all of the ancient Ulumbian relics were stolen in secret by
Evethriel, one of the seven founders of a mysterious criminal syndicate who true name and identity remains unknown, but LEVELS Normal
who the Starfinders have dubbed the Organization. At this revelation, First Seeker Ehu Hadif vowed to bring an end to the
Organization before his tenure as First Seeker comes to an end. — —

Congratulations on completing the adventure! You’ve earned Starfinder Society Achievement Points, a currency that can be
redeemed on our website at for special character boons. To redeem your Achievement Points, visit our website
at and click on the Boons tab. Note that you must have created a account Starting XP
and registered a character before you can begin making Achievement Point transactions.

This adventure qualifies you for a unique achievement boon: Enemy of the Organization.
Items XP Gained (GM ONLY)
diplomat serum of enhancement (475; item level 5)
minor muon (2,200; item level 4; Starfinder Armory 49)
obsidian electrovore figurine of wondrous power (3,000; item level 5; Armory 113) =
recovery aegis (1,350; item level 3; Armory 115)
scientist serum of enhancement (475; item level 5) Final XP Total

Starting Credits

Credits Gained (GM ONLY)


Day Job (GM ONLY)

Credits Spent


For GM Only


Chronicle Code: XC6S

For more information about the Starfinder Society Organized Play program, including how to use this Chronicle Sheet, visit

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