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Antiporda, Ma. Christiana P.


Firstly, globalization is the interaction of businesses, governments and individuals worldwide. In

the business setting, allows companies to efficiently produce their products in the lower-cost
way and also to increase its market share. It also allows competition to create a wide variety of
choices for the consumers. It also allows easier access to enjoy foreign cultures, which includes
food, art, music, and movies. Thus, this may also help people understand different cultures and
ideologies. It allows the spread of innovations and technologies to different countries; in the
Philippines, most of our cars are manufactured by Japanese companies, such as Mitsubishi,
Toyota, and Nissan. Lastly, as globalization increases the economic growth and the demand for
products and services, it also increases more job opportunities in order to minimize the
unemployment rate.

As a multimedia arts student, globalization is as important since it allows me to explore and

study different contemporary art forms online such as installation art, photography, and digital
art. Globalization also provides job opportunities to digital artists like me to work abroad,
especially since there is an increasing demand for animators, graphic designers, and art
directors. Globalization also allowed students, like me, to study abroad for better education
quality in their chosen field of study.

While globalization may have its negative effects on the environment, such as climate change
and deforestation due to emerging technologies, and conflicting religions and political beliefs,
globalization is as important to all of our daily lives as it led to an improvement of the standard of
living through technologies such as transportation, medicine, mobile phones, and other
advances. It also enables people to communicate from different locations through the use of
internet, media, and text applications. Finally, globalization enables people to discover the world;
it allows people to enjoy cultures, landmarks, terrains and museums.

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