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1. One kind of Entertainment : Stand Up Comedy

Uud : “HAHAHA!!”
Iin : “Hey, hey, what’s going on ?”
Uud : “Oh, hey, I’m watching Stand Up Comedy on youtube because
I didn’t watch it on KOMPAS TV yesterday.”
Iin : “What ? Stand Up Comedy ? What’s that ?”
Uud : “Oh, don’t you know ?”
Iin : “Yes. I don’t know.”
Uud : “Do you have a television ?”
Iin : “I live in boarding house.”
Uud : “Hahaha...I’m sorry.”
Iin : “It doesn’t matter. Explain to me!”
Uud : “Okay. Stand Up Comedy is one kind of entertainment. It is a comic
style in which a comedian performs in front of a live audience, usually
speaks directly to them.”
Iin : “Do you like it ?”
Uud : “Of course. I love this entertainment.” (like)
Iin : “What is interesting from Stand Up Comedy ?”
Uud : “Very much. I salute with their performance. Why ? Due to
perform on Stand Up Comedy requires excellent preparation. They have
to write the comedy material that will be presented in a paper.”
Iin : “Why ?”
Uud : “Because Stand Up Comedy does not telling funny stories but bring an
opinion from perspective of comedy.”
Iin : “Why doesn’t the comedian just improvised?”
Uud : “He could...but it will not be maximized. Because of what ? Because
Stand Up Comedy usually performed by oneself. So, he should really
master the overall theme and its problem. Therefore, he must write the
comedy material in order to deliver sequence and not confuse his audiences.”
Iin : “What an interesting entertainment!”
Uud : “Absolutely. Btw, I want to watch Stand Up Comedy again, would you
come to watch with me ?” (Inviting)
Iin : “Really ? Yes, I want to.” (accepting invitation)
Uud : “Let’s watch!”

Iin and Uud : “Hahaha!!!”

Iin : “Wow...he’s so funny!”

Uud : “Yes. His name is Uus. Tell me your impression about his last show!”
Iin : “Wow...He was really great in bringing the material. The way of his
delivery was also very interesting, with a fast tempo speech and his
attractive gesture, he could make the atmosphere become alive. On the
other hand, the things that made people laugh, it really wasn’t
Uud : “You’re right. I was also one of his fans. Talking about the things that
make people laugh, in Stand Up Comedy’s world known as punchline.
For more details, you can browse on the Internet.”
Iin : “Oh, all right.”
Uud : “So, do you like Stand Up Comedy ?”
Iin : “Definitely. I’ll find out more about Stand Up Comedy because I really
love it and I want to be a comica.”
Uud : “Hahaha...Amen, goodluck. Why do you want to be a comica?”
Iin : “Because I think to be a comica has different personality from the
others. Being a comica can make someone happy and can entertain
many people. The point is make people laugh. Because I love comedian
world, maybe if I really become a comedian, I will not only do my job
but also enjoy my hobby.”
Uud : “Aren’t you afraid about your future if you just to be an entertainer ?”
Iin : “I’m not afraid about my future as long as I do my best for my job.
Maybe one day I will be not only a comica but also a comedian writer
or comedian film director that can entertainer many people.”
Uud : “Wow . . . that’s a great thinking ! I really salute about your big future
Iin : “Besides that being a comica can get merit, right ?”
Uud : “Yes, right. Thanks for making me not to underestimate that job. Btw,
tomorrow, my friend is going to open mic in Smaga’s resto. Would you
come to see with me ?”
Iin : “What is open mic ?”
Uud : “Open mic is live show where audience members may perform at the
microphone. It is one of the way to presenting Stand Up Comedy.”
Iin : “Oh, I see. I really want to go there. But, I’m sorry, I have an
appoinment tomorrow.”
Uud : “Well, maybe next time you can.”
Iin : “Okay.”
Uud : “Oh, wait wait. I remember that on 20th January there will be ‘Stand Up
Comedy Going to Campus’ in UNS. Would you come to see that?”
Iin : “Let me see my schedule” *watching handphone* “Oh, I have no
activities on that day. I really want to go there. How about you?”
Uud : “Absolutely! I want to go there because I got four free invitation cards.
One for me, one for Dhea, one for Rian, and one for you. Do you
want it?”
Iin : “Yes of course. What a kind you are!”
Uud : “Hehe thank you. The show will be held at 07.30 in the evening. Dhea,
Rian, and I will gather here an hour before the show. So you will have
to be here at that time too.”
Iin : “Okay, I will be there. By the way, I have to go to my home because it’s
too late. See you!”
Uud : “Okay. See you!”
2. The Use of Social Media
Uud : “Hi! What are you doing here?”
Iin : “Hello Uud! I’m waiting for my mom to pick me up.”
Uud : “Have you told your mother that we leave school at 10.00 AM today?”
Iin : “Not yet. I forgot to tell my mom that we leave school earlier today.”
Uud : “You should call your mom to pick you up now”
Iin : “I want to do that but I forgot to bring my phone.”
Uud : “Okay, I’ll lend my phone for you if you’d like.”
Iin : “Thank you, Uud. My mom’s phone number is 081227296654.”
Operator : “The number you have dialed is currently busy, please try again later.”
Uud : “Oh my God! Shall we text your mother by using social media?”
Iin : “Great idea! My mother can be reached by WhatsApp, LINE, and Facebook.
But I don’t know her UserNeme Facebook and LINE username.”
Uud :”Okay. Let’s try to text your mother by using WhatsApp.”
Iin :”Thank you so much, Uud. My mother said that she’ll go and arrive in our
school for about 15 minutes.”
Uud : “Would you like me to accompany you here?”
Iin : “That’s very kind of you. By the way, what do you think about social
Uud : “In my opinion, social media is such a massive part of all our lives now
because social media can help us to make and keep friends. Social
media can act as a kind of group therapy session. Do you know what I
Iin : “According to me, group therapy session is the place that we’re sharing
our lives, the ups and downs, the twist and turns with people we think
will care. They will listen to what we have to say, and help us deal with
any problems we may be facing. If this isn’t the case then you may want
to find new friends. The point is that by all of us sharing our
experiences, both good and bad, on social media sites, we’re able to
empathize with each other, right?”
Uud : “Yes, right. I think so. Social media sites is also offer a chance to
communicate in a speedy and efficient manner. It allow us to live a
life unhindered by small talk. Social media sites have made the world a
smaller place. And then some. It isn’t just your inner circle of close
friends and even closer family members that social networking sites
allow you to communicate easily and effectively, either. They open
the world up to you, making it a smaller place than it has ever been before”
Iin : “Okay, okay. “
Uud : “Then, how about its negative effect? Do you think it has no negative
Iin : “No, social media has negative effects. I consider that one of the
negative effect of social media or network is it leads to addiction.
Spending countless hours on the social sites can divert the focus and
attention from a particular task. It lowers the motivational level of the
people, especially of the teenagers and students. They mainly rely on
technology and the internet instead of learning the practical knowledge
and expertise of the everyday life.” (giving opinion)
Uud : “Hm, I agree with your opinion. Another downside of the social media is
that the user shares too much information which may pose threats to
them. Even with the tight security settings your personal information
may leak on the social sites. Downloading your videos or pictures and
copying your status is an easy task and can be done within few clicks.”
Iin : “Yes right. By the way, my mother is waiting for me over there.”
Uud : “Oh okay. Let’s continue our conversation next time!”
Iin : “Okay. Thank you so much, Uud. See you tomorrow!”
Uud : “See you. Be careful”

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