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Year Section: BSCE 1A CEM

Activity: Module 6

 How has COVID-19 affected global food sustainability?

 Due to the existence of COVID-19, the sustainability of food in the whole world
got affected by closing all the food transactions to avoid the spread of COVID-
19, which led to the increase in the rate of hunger all around the world. All
businesses, like restaurants, markets, and other factories, are forced to close on
the grounds that the number of COVID-19 cases may increase. That is why many
people lose their jobs and the source of income for their food sustainability. All
businesses, including restaurants, markets, and factories, have been forced to
close due to the possibility of an increase in COVID-19 cases. As a result, many
people lose their jobs and sources of income for food security. As a result, the
rate of malnutrition in the Philippines rises due to hunger, as all families lack a
source of income and rely solely on government assistance.

 Basing from the video, briefly discuss the relationship of food security and nutrition.

 In terms of importance, food security and nutrition are inextricably linked.

Without improved food security, the global rate of hunger and malnutrition will
rise. If food security improves, all people around the world will benefit from a
better supply of food for nutrition. The rate of nutrition depends on food security.
That is why they are both linked with each other and very important to all people.

 Among the 5 global challenges of food security (refer to module), select ONE of these
causes you think affects most the Philippines? Why?

 For me, population growth is one of the main reasons that affects food security here in
the Philippines. There are more people to feed as the population increases. There are
fewer resources available to satisfy basic needs as the population increases, particularly
in developing nations with scarce land and water resources. The world's population is
growing as well-off people live longer and demand more food, particularly meat and
dairy, which require more resources to produce.

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