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szám: NT-56469/NAT
szám: NT-56469/NAT
ISBN 978-963-19-6983-2
ISBN 978-963-19-6983-2


Angol szóbeli
kiadás. Középszint
kiadás. Középszint Átdolgozott, bővített kiadás. Közé

kiadás. Középszint
kiadás. Középszint Angol feladatso

Magyarics Péter

Emelt szint


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 1 2021. 10. 26. 8:32

A tankönyv 2021. október 14-től 2026. augusztus 31-ig tankönyvi engedélyt kapott
a TKV/2946-17/2021 engedélyszámon.

A tankönyvvé nyilvánítási eljárásban közreműködő szakértők:


A tankönyv megfelel az érettségi vizsga követelményeinek:

a többször módosított 100/1997. (VI. 13.) Kormányrendelet, a 40/2002 (V. 24.) OM-rendelet,
33/2015. (VI. 24.) EMMI-rendelet „Az érettségi vizsga részletes követelményeiről szóló 40/2002. (V. 24.)
OM-rendelet módosításáról” követelményeinek (5/2020. (I. 31.).
A tankönyv megfelel a módosított NAT 2020 előírásainak: 5/2020. (I.31.) kormányrendelet (NAT 2020)
és a hozzá illeszkedő tartalmi szabályozók előírásainak:
Élő idegen nyelv. Angol. Az első idegen nyelv tantárgy kerettanterve, 9–12. évfolyam,
Élő idegen nyelv: Angol. Kerettanterv az angol nyelvi előkészítő osztályok számára, 9. évfolyam,
Alkalmas a szakgimnáziumokban való használatra is.

Az ISBN 978-963-328-444-5

Szakmai bíráló:


Felelős szerkesztő:

© Magyarics Péter, Oktatási Hivatal (Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó Rt.), 2004

Minden jog fenntartva, beleértve a sokszorosítás, a mű bővített,

illetve rövidített változatának kiadási jogát is.
A kiadó írásbeli hozzájárulása nélkül sem a teljes mű, sem annak része
semmilyen formában nem reprodukálható.

A könyvben szereplő szövegek alapjául az alábbi kiadványok cikkei szolgálnak:

Home, Hotels, Newsweek, The Economist, The Independent, The Los Angeles Times,
The Sunday Times, Time, Travel.

OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 2 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Az ide­gen nyel­vi érett­sé­gi a ha­zai nyelv­ok­ta­tás­ban az utób­bi évek­ben be­kö­vet­ke­zett vál­to­zá­so­kat tük­rö­zi.
Ezek azon ala­pul­nak, hogy a ta­nu­lá­si-ta­ní­tá­si fo­lya­mat mind a szín­vo­nal, mind az al­kal­ma­zott mód­sze­rek
és a fel­hasz­nált tan­anyag­ok te­kin­te­té­ben al­kal­maz­kod­jon az Eu­ró­pa Ta­nács ide­gen­nyelv-ok­ta­tás­ra vo­nat­
ko­zó aján­lá­sa­i­hoz.
Az ide­gen nyel­vi érett­sé­gi vizs­ga cél­ja az aján­lá­sok alap­ján ér­tel­me­zett kom­mu­ni­ka­tív kom­pe­ten­cia
mé­ré­se. En­nek meg­fe­le­lő­en ál­ta­lá­nos jel­lem­zői a kö­vet­ke­zők:
• Kész­ség­köz­pon­tú, ami azt je­len­ti, hogy a négy kom­mu­ni­ka­tív kész­ség mind­egyi­két mé­ri (ol­va­sott szö­
veg­ér­tés, hal­lott szö­veg­ér­tés, írás­kész­ség, be­széd­kész­ség).
• A nyelv­he­lyes­sé­get kü­lön vizs­ga­rés­­szel mé­ri.
• Egy­nyel­vű (köz­ve­tí­té­si kész­sé­get nem mér).
• Sok­fé­le fel­adat­tí­pust al­kal­maz, ame­lyek min­dig szö­veg­kör­nye­zet­re épül­nek.
• A fel­ada­tok au­ten­ti­kus for­rá­sok­ra épül­nek.

Ez a gya­kor­ló­könyv a fen­ti­ek fi­gye­lem­be­vé­te­lé­vel ké­szült, az­zal a cél­lal, hogy a ta­ná­rok és a di­ák­ ok

szá­má­ra egy­aránt elő­se­gít­se az an­gol nyel­vi érett­sé­gi vizs­gá­ra va­ló fel­ké­szü­lést.

A könyv a kö­vet­ke­ző­ket tar­tal­maz­za:

• min­den vizs­ga­rész­ből öt tel­jes fel­adat­sort;
• meg­ol­dá­si kul­cso­kat;
• az írás­kész­ség vizs­ga egy fel­adat­so­rá­nak ér­té­kelt pél­da­meg­ol­dá­sát;
• a hal­lott szö­veg­ér­tés vizs­ga­ré­szek szö­ve­ge­it.

Ah­hoz, hogy a köny­vet ta­ná­rok és di­ák­ ok a leg­na­gyobb ha­szon­nal for­gas­sák, a kö­vet­ke­ző­ket ér­de­mes
még te­kin­tet­be ven­ni:
• A fel­adat­so­rok min­ta­fel­ada­to­kat (ún. klónokat) tar­tal­maz­nak, ami azt je­len­ti, hogy az an­gol nyel­vi
érett­sé­gi vizs­gán ha­son­ló, de nem ugyan­ezek a fel­ada­tok for­dul­nak majd elő.
• A fel­ada­tok au­ten­ti­kus szö­ve­gek­re épül­nek, ami­nek a kö­vet­kez­té­ben egyes szö­ve­gek ne­héz­nek tűn­
het­nek. Ne fe­led­jük azon­ban, hogy a va­lós élet­ben sem az ép­pen ak­tu­á­lis tu­dás­szin­tünk­höz iga­zí­tott
szö­ve­gek­kel ta­lál­ko­zunk, más­rész­ről pe­dig a fel­ada­tok ne­héz­sé­gi fo­ká­ban ér­vé­nye­sül a grade the task
not the text el­ve, te­hát a fel­ada­tok az érett­sé­gin el­vár­ha­tó kö­ve­tel­mé­nyek­hez al­kal­maz­kod­nak.
• A könyv­nek nem a nyelv­ta­ní­tás a cél­ja, ha­nem az érett­sé­gi­re va­ló fel­ké­szü­lés elő­se­gí­té­se, nyel­vi és a
fel­ada­tok tí­pu­sá­ra vo­nat­ko­zó szem­pont­ból.
• A fel­ké­szü­lést mo­ti­vál­hat­ja, hogy az emelt szin­tű ide­gen nyel­vi érett­sé­gin el­ért leg­alább 60%-os tel­je­
sít­mény kö­zép­fo­kú „C” tí­pu­sú, a 40–59%-os pe­dig alap­fo­kú „C” tí­pu­sú, ál­la­mi­lag el­is­mert nyelv­vizs­ga
bi­zo­nyít­ván­­nyal egyen­ér­té­kű.
Itt je­gyez­zük meg, hogy a hanganyagon hely­szű­ke mi­att nem hang­zik el min­den fel­adat előtt a be­ve­ze­tő
uta­sí­tás, ha­nem csak a fel­adat­so­rok el­ső fel­ada­tá­nál. A töb­bi­nél csak a szi­tu­á­ció le­írá­sa és a konk­rét fela­dat­
meghatározás hall­ha­tó. Szin­tén ter­je­del­mi okok­ból, a szö­ve­gek csak egyszer hangzanak el, és a 30 mp-es
szü­ne­te­ket síp­szó jel­zi. En­nek el­hang­zá­sa­kor, a má­sodik meg­hall­ga­tá­s során kér­jük a felvételt fél perc­re
Az érett­sé­gi­re va­ló fel­ké­szü­lés­hez sok ki­tar­tást és ked­vet, ma­gá­hoz a vizs­gá­hoz pe­dig sok si­kert kí­ván

A szer­ző

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ELŐSZÓ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

TARTALOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1. FELADATSOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Olvasott szövegértés . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Nyelvhelyesség . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Hallott szövegértés . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Íráskészség ………. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Beszédkészség . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

2. FELADATSOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Olvasott szövegértés . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Nyelvhelyesség . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Hallott szövegértés . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Íráskészség ………. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Beszédkészség . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

3. FELADATSOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Olvasott szövegértés . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Nyelvhelyesség . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Hallott szövegértés . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Íráskészség . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Beszédkészség . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

4. FELADATSOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Olvasott szövegértés . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Nyelvhelyesség . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Hallott szövegértés . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Íráskészség ………. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Beszédkészség . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

5. FELADATSOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Olvasott szövegértés . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Nyelvhelyesség . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Hallott szövegértés . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Íráskészség . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Beszédkészség . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

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AZ ÍRÁSBELI FELADATSOROK MEGOLDÁSI KULCSAI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

A HANGANYAG SZÖVEGÁTIRATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

ÉRTÉKELÉSI ÚTMUTATÓ: ÍRÁSKÉSZSÉG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

MINTALEVELEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

ÉRTÉKELÉSI ÚTMUTATÓ: BESZÉDKÉSZSÉG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139


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Task 1
Read this article about the Mona Lisa. Some parts have been removed from the text. For
questions 1–9 you must choose which of the parts A–K on the next page fit into the num-
bered gaps in the article. Write the letters in the boxes at the bottom of the page. There
is an extra letter you do not need. An example has been given for you.

For centuries, the world’s most famous painting has been Leonardo da Vinci’s portrait of
a woman, known as the Mona Lisa, which hangs in the Louvre Museum in Paris. For almost as
long, the identity of the sitter has been the art world’s most celebrated mystery.

It was always assumed that it was indeed of Lisa (more commonly known as La Gioconda) be-
cause Vasari, the world’s first art historian, said so in his Lives of the Artists.

Moreover, Vasari himself had never seen the painting. Leading scholars have therefore argued
that the Louvre painting might well depict some other rich lady.

The man, known as Salai, was an apprentice in the master’s studio from the age of 10. When
Salai died, a few years after Leonardo, his two sisters fought over his will, and it became
the subject of a court action.

The will, to be published in next month’s Burlington Magazine, shows that Salai owned three
valuable paintings which Leonardo had left him.

Another depicted ‘La Gioconda’, and there seems little doubt that this was the portrait known as
the Mona Lisa today.

1. It was evidently painted at the turn of the sixteenth century, rather than some years later, as art
historians had sometimes supposed.

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The discovery proves that Leonardo’s paintings were already highly prized in his lifetime, and
that they did not pass directly to France but to Leonardo’s fellow Italians.

The paintings must have been bought by the French at a later date.
The will puts a truly startling value on Leonardo’s canvasses. Whereas some paintings
in the will are valued at 25 lire, the three Leonardos were given values ranging from 500 to more
than 1,000 lire.

The prices certainly prove that the paintings were originals and not just copies.

It has always been known that Leonardo made drawings for a ‘Leda’ painting, but no such
painting has survived and people have doubted that Leonardo ever completed it. However, the
Leda in the Milan will was valued at 1,010 lire, far too much for a drawing, even by such a great
master. Perhaps someone, somewhere, has a Leda by Leonardo and does not know it…

A The discovery is important because knowing the subject’s identity helps in dating
the painting.
B There has never been any concrete evidence that the picture was of Lisa, wife of
Francesco del Giocondo, a Florentine merchant.
C One was a portrait of someone called Leda.
D This was equivalent to the price of a reasonably sized house in Milan.
E But the discovery also presents another, perhaps more tantalising mystery.
F But now two scholars – an American and an Italian – working in the state archives
in Milan, have discovered the will of a man who had been a member of Leonardo’s
G The will also clears up another mystery – why, if the paintings were taken from
Leonardo’s house to the French Royal Collection, there are so many copies in
northern Italy.
H A computer analysis of the image, carried out last year in the United States, even
concluded that the painting showed a man disguised as a woman.
I The will is among the records of this which have now been discovered in Milan.
J But this was hearsay, since the book was not published until the mid-1540s,
when Leonardo had been dead for more than 20 years.
K People would have come from all round Milan to copy his work, both before his

death and afterwards.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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Task 2
Read this story about a man whose fascination was words. There is a gapped summa-
ry of the text on the next page. For questions 10–14 you must choose the answer that
is closest in meaning to what the text says. Write the answers in the boxes as in the ex-


I knew a man who collected English words. He lived in an upturned water tank in the middle
of the Australian desert. He was the official town librarian of one of these ghost towns in the
outback of Australia. It was founded in the 1890s. People turned up and hammered wooden pegs
into the sand and laid out boulevards and avenues. They built a jail and a huge hotel. That’s about
all, except that someone down south had it on his books that this was an official town, and he
sent a library to it, 3,000 volumes and a sum of money as a salary for the librarian. This friend
of mine, whose name was Roger, had been a no-hoper, as they say, wandering about the outback
of Australia. He discovered somehow that there was money to be had there and, what is more,
boxes of unopened books sitting in the deserted hotel.
He turned up there, got the job, and settled down in the hotel. It did, actually, just function:
that is, it had half a dozen guests a year who would ride up on horseback, sleep on the floor for
an evening, and then push off the next day. This was too much for Roger. It got in the way of
his reading. So he took the immense storage tank, rolled it into the desert, carried his books out
there and lived inside it.
Words were a fascination for Roger, and he used to sit in his tank, just thinking about words.
If there was a pause in the conversation he would look at you and ask some question as: “D’you
happen to know what ‘transubstantiation’ is?” If you said you knew, he was very cast down,
because he wanted to tell you.
One of his regular visitors was the government officer called Taz who went by every six
months. Roger would ask him if he knew what a word meant, and then he would have to admit
that he didn’t, and Roger would be very pleased with himself. Taz got very fed up with this.
So, on one occasion, before he went, he spent an evening with the Oxford English Dictionary. He
rode in, tied up his horse and went in to see Roger, and Roger said: “D’you happen to know what
an ‘embolism’ is?”, and Taz said: “No, I bloody don’t.” Then Taz asked him: “D’you happen to
know what a ‘leotard’ is?” Roger was upset to be asked a question. He said: “A leotard? I think
I saw the skin of one once.” And Taz said: “You bloody didn’t.” So Roger said: “Well, what is a
leotard?” Taz said: “I’m not going to bloody tell you!” He got on his horse and rode off and went
to sleep in the desert five miles away.
Some time later he was suddenly woken up by a steely grasp on his coat. Hands picked him
up from the ground and held him in the air and shook him. It was Roger with his eyes glinting in

the moonlight, staring at him, and saying: “What’s a bloody leotard?”

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This story happened in a ghost town somewhere in the middle of the Australian desert.
The town, located to the _________ (0) of the capital of Australia, was given a library because
_________ (10). The librarian, who was called Roger, also ran the hotel. However, he did not
stay there long as _________ (11). Roger’s fascination was words. Should anyone come by, he
would test them by asking the meanings of rare words. One of his ‘victims’ was a government
officer called Taz, who _________ (12). He decided to test Roger’s knowledge and the next time
they met he asked him what leotard meant. On hearing the question, Roger _________ (13).
Feeling satisfied that he’d caught Roger out, Taz got on his horse and rode off. However, hard-
ly had he fallen asleep when he was woken up by Roger, who _________ (14). Anyway, dear
student, d’you know what a leotard is?

(0) A) east B) west C) south D) north

(10) A) it was expanding rapidly

B) the librarian’s learnedness made sure that it would be a good
C) a government official thought it necessary
D) the people of the town had requested one from the government

(11) A) the hotel was unprofitable and had to close down

B) he wasn’t going to pay the hotel rates any more
C) the comings and goings of the guests disturbed him
D) he was used to living in the desert

(12) A) was fascinated by Roger’s encyclopaedic knowledge

B) was stimulated into a more systematic improvement of his English
C) discovered that his English was poorer than Roger’s
D) could not tolerate being asked the meaning of words any more

(13) A) thought he knew the right answer

B) pretended not to know the right answer
C) deliberately gave a false answer
D) reluctantly admitted that he was caught out

(14) A) wanted to frighten him

B) had lost sleep over the fact that he had been beaten
C) thought that Taz had been trying to make a fool out of him
D) wanted to check whether Taz himself knew the answer

10 11 12 13 14

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Task 3
Read this article about jet lag. Then look at the words and phrases given after the text.
For each word or phrase you must find a synonym (a word or words with a similar mean-
ing) in the paragraph with the same number. Write the words on the lines. The first one
has been done for you.

(0) In summer most travel companies are offering lots of last-minute bargains, some to exo­tic
locations in unfamiliar places. People may, indeed, find that they have booked to go some-
where with only a hazy idea of its geographical location.

(15) The travel agent will readily say something about the weather to be expected – usually
unremitting sunshine and warm water – but may be less willing to offer information about
drawbacks. One important factor for the holiday traveller, who is unlikely to be spending
more than two weeks away, is jet lag.

(16) Until the 1950’s intercontinental travel was a slow business: crossing the Atlantic by even
the fastest of the great passenger liners took four or five days, with the ship’s clock being
put back one hour each day. Flying to Australia involved several overnight stops.

(17) Jet aircraft transformed schedules, enabling executives to leave London at breakfast time
and arrive in New York in time for lunch while colleagues at home were catching the
even­ing train home.

(18) Soon, however, these travellers began to find that this rapid transition upset their bodies
and their minds. For the first few days after arrival, not only does the body want to sleep at
its normal bedtime; it wants to eat at home mealtimes, empty its bowels and bladder at the
usual times, and do its thinking while the sun is out at home – not in the middle of the night.

(19) The severity of the symptoms of jet lag depends on locations, not on distance. Someone
who flies from London to Cape Town may cover twice the distance of a trip to the Unit-
ed States, but Cape Town is only two hours away on the intercontinental clock, whereas
Florida is five or six hours off.

(20) Most of us can adjust with little difficulty to a shift of two hours; but anything over five
becomes more uncomfortable. Travel eastwards, when the day of travel is shortened, seems
to be more upsetting than in the opposite direction. This may need to be taken into account
when choosing a holiday destination.

(21) People vary enormously in the extent to which jet lag upsets them. Those who need little
sleep seem to do better than those who need their eight or nine hours every night. Standard
advice is to try to eat, sleep and socialise at local times from day one.


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(22) Research workers have established that a brain hormone, melatonin, helps the readjustment
process, but attempts to use this hormone as a treatment to hasten adjustment have proved

(23) What does seem to help is exposure to sunlight. Having arrived at your destination, spend
as many of the daylight hours as possible out of doors, and awake – sleeping on the beach
is no good. If your idea of a good holiday is sleepy sunbathing by day and lots of activity
at night, choose your location with care. Pick one within two or at most three time zones of
Greenwich and jet lag will be no problem.

  (0) what costs less than normal bargains

(15) what makes something less useful __________________________
(16) reset __________________________
(17) making something possible __________________________
(18) affected in a negative way __________________________
(19) seriousness __________________________
(20) get used to something __________________________
(21) degree __________________________
(22) speed up __________________________
(23) being put into a situation __________________________


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 11 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 4
Read this article about how news is simulated. Some parts of the text have been
removed. For questions 24–33 you must complete the text by matching the numbers with
the appropriate letter. There is a letter you will not need. Write your answers in the boxes
as in the example. There is an example for you.


TV news is getting more exciting than ever. The reason is that there has been a breakthrough.
It is now possible to simulate a news story _________ (0) better than the real thing.
The person who invented the SNS (simulated news story) is Arch McGarry, an independent
TV special-effects producer _________ (24) sought-after men in television journalism.
“Where did you get the idea to simulate the news?” I asked.
“I was watching an oil spill off California on the evening news. The film was
so _________ (25) was going on. The thought occurred to me that I could simulate a better spill
than that. So I went to my bathtub and _________ (26) the damage that followed. When
I showed it to the producer at the evening news show, he was flabbergasted. Now whenever there
is an oil spill _________ (27) my film instead of the real thing.”
“That’s great. What other news stories have you simulated?”
“We do a lot of murders. In the past, TV news reporters were restricted in showing a crime of
passion because _________ (28) late to tape it live. They came to me with the problem, and with
_________ (29) crime twenty minutes before airtime.”
“Do some people think they are seeing the real thing?”
“Most people believe they are. The advantage of simulation is that you can see the crime from
start to _________ (30) involved.”
“How about sports? Do you simulate football or basketball events?”
“Not yet, but we’re working on it. So far _________ (31) such as train wrecks.”
“Do you simulate political stories in Washington?”
“Yes, we do. The _________ (32) that the President had playfully dunked the vice-
president’s head underwater in the Jacuzzi at Camp David. They _________ (33) asked us if
we would reenact the dunking. We found two look-alikes and did the whole story. No one ever
knew it wasn’t real.”


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 12 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


A models I can simulate any

B had no film of it so they
C simulated the spill and all
D who is now one of the most
E we’ve been sticking with hard news,
F in the world they use
G other day one of the networks heard
H it usually turned out to be rather
I that is as good as or even
J finish, so you can get emotionally
K their cameras usually got there too
L grainy that you had no idea what

0 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 13 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 1
• You are going to read an article about bribery. Some words are missing from the text.
• Choose the most appropriate word from the list (A–O) for each gap (1–12) in the text.
Write the letter of the appropriate word in the box below.
• There are two extra words that you do not need to use.
• There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Whether delivered in a bag, a brown wrapper or a red envelope, bribery has been accepted for
centuries as part of human nature. Cultures that outlawed (0) _________ bribes did so only at
home, while allowing or even encouraging the habit abroad. The only (1) _________ was the
United States, which banned the “corrupt practice” of bribing foreigners in foreign lands as
(2) _________ as 1977 and has been trying to invite the rest of the rich world
to (3) _________ similar laws ever since. Now this campaign is gaining momentum.
The World Bank is compiling a (4) _________ of bribers and has begun encouraging poor
client states to prosecute them. Last week the rich nations of the Organization for Economic Co-
operation and Development met in Geneva to (5) _________ ways to start en­forcing new laws
recently passed by its member states. “We’re only starting to (6) _________ the screws,” says
Mark Pieth, the OECD’s chief anti-corruption officer. “Our (7) _________ is that in five years
we’ll have a situation where there will be no (8) _________ bribery, at least not by companies
from OECD countries.”
A more united front is indeed emerging. A growing body of evidence (9) _________ bri­bery is
putting global trade and investment into corrupt, inefficient hands, and (10) _________ billions
each year. Among others, the Swiss giant ABB has become an ag­gressive (11) _________ of the
movement against bribers. “It’s an issue of risk management and _________ (12),” says ABB
general counsel Beat Hess. “If you tolerate corruption, in the end you’re going to be a prisoner
yourself and subject to blackmail.”


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 14 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


A) accept F) exception K) paying

B) blacklist G) hope L) suggests
C) block H) leader M) survival
D) duscuss I) more N) turn
E) early J) pass O) wasting

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 15 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 2
• You are going to read about a model. Some words are missing from the text.
• Choose the most appropriate answer from the options (a–d) for each gap (13–23) in the
• Write the letter of the appropriate answer in the box below.
• There is an example (0) at the beginning.


It’s hard to imagine, but Suzane Moreira didn’t always like what she saw in the mirror. Sure, she
was the sort of pretty that can stop a (0) _________ . And with her cinnamon skin, the curtain
of raven hair, and deep, black, come-hither eyes, who (13) _________ notice? But until recently
Moreira mostly saw (14) _________ wasn’t there. “I wanted to be a blond and blue-eyed Bar-
bie,” she says.
No longer. Ever since she started (15) _________ for Ford Models last year, this youngster
from a drowsy village in northeastern Brazil has refashioned her attitude. Moreira, who
(16) _________ nineteen in July, has posed for Vogue and will soon debut on (17) _________ at
New York. She knows it’s a steep climb. But when she (18) _________ the looking glass these
days, she sees what was there all along: a striking young woman whose (19) _________ tell of
deep indigenous roots. “I’m proud to be Indian,” she said recently.
For nearly 300 years, when they outnumbered the European colonists, Native Brazilians were
seen (20) _________ as barbarians at the gate or as Christians in the rough. Many massacres
later, when they were no longer a threat, they (21) _________ safely regarded as cultural icons
or even heroes.
Does Moreira’s rise represent ethnic pride or opportunism? There’s (22) _________ for skep-
ticism, but marketing “Indianness” is itself proof of changing attitudes. Moreira is not about to
return to the reservation, but she (23) _________ becoming a Brazilian Barbie either. “I’d love
to spend some days with an Indian tribe, learning their dances and eating their food,” she says.
There won’t be any lack of invitations.


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 16 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


  (0) A) party B) conversation C) movement D) breath

(13) A) oughtn’t to B) shouldn’t C) wouldn’t D) doesn’t
(14) A) what B) that C) which D) who
(15) A) appearing B) dressing C) working D) looking
(16) A) turns B) passes C) reaches D) hits
(17) A) boardwalks B) sidewalks C) walkways D) catwalks
(18) A) reflects B) confronts C) overlooks D) consults
(19) A) outline B) features C) characteristics D) shape
(20) A) both B) either C) neither D) nor
(21) A) could have been B) could be C) had to have been D) had to be
(22) A) room B) space C) grounds D) base
(23) A) fancies no longer B) no more fancies C) fancies no more D) no longer fancies

0 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 17 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 3
• You are going to read a short article about India. Some words are missing from the
• Use the words in brackets to form the words that fit in the gaps (24–31).
• Then write these words on the lines below.
• There is an example (0) at the beginning.


India is a land where the secrets of the past can remain dormant for hundreds of years. Amid
the wilderness of the subcontinent there are still many (0) _________ (mystery) to be explored.
They may reveal (24) _________ (fascinate) facts about the culture of long- (25) _________
(forget) peoples. Thanks to the endeavours of a British hunter, in 1819 one such find led to one
of the most exciting (26) _________ (discover) of the century – that of the caves of Ajanta and
Having lain (27) _________ (hide) for long centuries, the artistic treasures of these ancient
caves, which date from around 200BC to AD650, are in (28) _________ (marvel) condition
and reveal much about the (29) _________ (spirit) life of the great civilisation from which
they sprang. At Ajanta, wall paintings of vibrant colour and minute detail recount the life of
Lord Buddha, whereas in the temples and monasteries of Ellora magnificent sculptures and
(30) _________ (carve) express devotion to three different faiths – Hinduism, Buddhism
and Jainism. These spectacular works of art transcend the (31) _________ (limit) of time and
culture, enthralling the modern viewer as they inspired the ancient worshipper.

  (0) __________________________
(24) __________________________
(25) __________________________
(26) __________________________
(27) __________________________
(28) __________________________
(29) __________________________
(30) __________________________

1. (31) __________________________


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 18 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 4
• You are going to read a story. In most lines there is one unnecessary word.
It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text.
• Read the text and then copy the unnecessary word in the space provided after each
• Some lines are correct. Indicate these lines with a tick (✓).
• The task begins with two examples (0).

  (0) The first heavy snow of the year took the south ✓
  (0) of England by a surprise as usual yesterday. The a
(32) snowdrifts had caused as much trouble as if they _____________________________
(33) had appeared up in the Sahara. The stationmaster _____________________________
(34) at Hoe rose to the occasion by walking miles from _____________________________
(35) his home to organise for digging. But the faster _____________________________
(36) the team was dug, the faster the snowflakes _____________________________
(37) came down. By the time the commuters were _____________________________
(38) ready to leave for their offices, the trains were _____________________________
(39) still being trapped by drifts seven feet deep. It was _____________________________
(40) inevitable that many were hours late for the work _____________________________
(41) and others didn’t get there at all. Unless it was not _____________________________
(42) necessary, people were advised not to travel at all _____________________________


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 19 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 1
• In this section you are going to hear about a crime.
• Your task will be to decide if the statements 1–8 below are TRUE or FALSE according
to what the text says. Mark your answers with an X in the table at the bottom of this
• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in
one piece.
• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections.
• The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the
recording for 30 seconds and write down your answers.
• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers.
• There is an example (0) for you.

(0) The newsmen realised how serious matters were by the look on the inspector’s face.
(1) Most of the crimes Inspector Evans had solved were in connection with theft.
(2) In this case nearly half a million pounds’ worth of jewels were taken away.
(3) The newsmen started to question the detective while he was still in the car.
(4) The detective was a tall, thin, middle-aged man.
(5) The detective was rather unfriendly to the men of the press.
(6) When the detective had gone into the house the policeman moved along.
(7) The inspector was just examining the safe when the telephone rang.
(8) There must have been more than one servant working in the house.


0 X

1. 7


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Task 2
• In this section you are going to hear an interview about what children eat.
• Your task will be to write the letter of the correct answer into the box following the
• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in
one piece.
• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections.
• The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the
recording for 30 seconds and write down your answers.
• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers.
• There is an example (0) for you.

 (0) Healthy Eating is a …

A) a school magazine.
C) a radio programme.
B) a project launched by the government.
D) a movement started by vegetarians.

 (9) According to Janet Slimbody, school dinners are criticised because …

A) the food is not enough. C) the cabbage is tasteless.
B) the quality of the food is poor. D) it is not varied enough.

(10) What does Janet Slimbody mean by “we’ve come a long way since then”?
A) British schools are paying more attention to school dinners.
B) The variety of school food has improved.
C) Schools are making more money of the meals they offer.
D) American-style eating habits have become common.

(11) Janet S. talks about junk food. Which of the following does she NOT mean by this phrase?
A) macaroni cheese C) chips
B) burgers D) doughnuts

(12) According to Janet S., the core problem is that …

A) children eat junk food.
B) children eat at a separate table.
C) young children make a mess of the dining room when they eat.
D) children’s diet is different from what adults eat.

(13) According to Janet S., why can eating with young children be a nightmare?
A) Because children often refuse to eat.
B) Because children only eat what they like.
C) Because children are very untidy at the table.
D) Because there is no time to wait until children finish their meal.

(14) What is an additional advantage of a family dinner?
A) It’s a pleasure for the parents to see how children behave at the table.
B) Children can learn how to behave at the table.
C) Children can see what adults eat.
D) Children do not have to live on school food only.


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(15) How can schools help make children change their eating habits?
A) They offer better food at school canteens.
B) They do not allow vending machines in schools.
C) They put classes on cooking into the timetable.
D) They order home-made pizza to be brought to the school.

(16) How does Janet S. think a child can best be made interested in cooking?
A) Schools should work out more projects.
B) Parents and schools should work together on projects.
C) Parents should not let children return to junk food.
D) Parents should cook meals together with their children.

0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


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Task 3
• In this section you are going to hear a humorous article about ultimate holidays.
• Your task will be to fill in the gaps in the sentences below with one single word each.
• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in
one piece.
• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections.
• The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the
recording for 30 seconds and write down your answers.
• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers.
• There is an example (0) for you.

 (0) Most people only have a short time for their ________________ holidays even if they
could afford to go to distant places.

(17) However, for those who have more than a couple of weeks at their ________________ ,
there are new opportunities to travel.

Travellers who are fed up with what can be seen on the earth’s surface are now
________________ below sea level.

(19) You only have to pay $6,950 for seven days for the ________________ of dropping into
ice holes in the Arctic waters.

(20) An hour per dive will offer swimming in the clear water under ice formations and along-
side the ________________ seal.
(21) However, if that’s too cool for comfort, get warmed up while watching ________________
chimneys that percolate at 660 degrees.

(22) Another option for deep-pocketed passengers is to view the ________________ of the

(23) Yet if you opt for dry land, an exotic place to visit may be Saudi Arabia, where last year the
first tourists were ________________ under rigid itineraries.

(24) But what to offer to those who simply can’t stomach another ________________ vacation?

(25) The Russian answer is venturing into space. However, the $98,000 suborbital flight, just

like an authentic ________________ launch, has been rolled back.

(26) The lack of immediate word on refund is yet another hazard of ________________ the
ulti­mate holiday.


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 23 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 4
• In this section you are going to hear about children exploring Nature.
• Your task will be to give short answers to the questions below.
• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in
one piece.
• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections.
• The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the
recording for 30 seconds and write down your answers.
• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers.
• There is an example (0) for you.

  (0)_ Who is examining the Rhone-Alpes region’s river systems?

groups of schoolchildren
(27)_ What is Anne Fauvet’s opinion about fighting water pollution with more technology?
(28)_ What should better water resource management be based on?
(29)_ How are students expected to find solutions to problems?
(30)_ What is the purpose of the campaign apart from learning by doing?
(31)_ What is the percentage of fresh water of all the water resources of our planet?
(32)_ Is the amount of water readily available for consumption enough for human demand?
(33)_ What causes the main problem with regard to water that covers human demand?
(34)_ What is water supply insufficient for in the case of two fifths of the world’s population?


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 24 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 1
You want to travel to London but your time will be very limited. You find this brochure
advertising sightseeing tours.

With live commentary by a qualified guide. This first rate tour provides an excellent
introduction to London and is also designed for the visitor with only limited time
available for sightseeing. All main tourist attractions are covered as well as many
lesser-known sights otherwise missed by the tourist.

At the end of the tour, London will have become an exciting city and equipped you with
good knowledge to really enjoy your stay in England’s capital.

For more information and reservations write to:

Derrick Tours Limited, 22 Cockspur Street, London SW2Y 4BT

Based on the information, write to the travel agency a letter of about 120–150 words, in
which you ask for more detailed information.

Include the following points:

• The price and duration of the programme
• What sights will be shown
• Other programmes they offer for the rest of the day
• Ask for more brochures

Begin your letter like this:

Dear Sir / Madam,




OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 25 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 2
In your class there has been a heated debate between vegetarians and meat-eaters.
Prompted by what you heard, you decide to raise the issue in the school magazine. Write
an article of about 200–250 words with the following title:

Going vegetarian – pros and cons

Include the following points of argument:

• too much animal fat – unhealthy  nutrient-rich diet needed, esp. for teenagers
• vegi dishes are delicious  not enough variety / vegi dishes are dull
• lots of dishes made without meat anyway  vegi diet: more expensive

and give your opinion.




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Task 2

Today people are only interested in making money.

You will have a conversation with your examiner about the above statement. Give
your opinion and argue for or against the proposition. Your examiner will sometimes
contradict you. React to the counter-arguments of your examiner too.

Task 3

In one of the pictures you can see a street from a medieval town, in the other picture
the downtown and urban freeway of a modern city. Compare and contrast the two
pictures. When you have finished talking the examiner may ask some more questions.


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Task 1
Read this article about drinking beer. Then read the statements that follow the text and
decide if they correspond to what the article says.
• If the statement says the same as the article, mark it A.
• If what it says is different from what the article says, mark it B.
• If it says something not mentioned in the article, mark it C.
Write the letters in the boxes under the numbers. An example has been given for you.

Just as the enjoyment of wine has seen an international boom in recent decades, so has there
been a quiet revolution in the appreciation of beer. The revolution actually began in Britain
as a consumerist protest against the growing uniformity of beers. Today, it has found its own
manifestations from Amsterdam to Tokyo.
The majority of new beer drinkers are in their 20s and 30s, college-educated and in the pro-
fessions. Even in the post-industrial age, work still demands a rewarding refreshment, but fewer
pints – and beers that are maltier, hoppier – in other words, more intensely flavoured. Maltier or
a darker colour need not mean higher in alcohol or calories, and hops contribute neither. Malt is
simply grain, usually barley, that has been partially germinated, then dried, toasted or
roasted. Hops add aroma and dryness.
The international standard lager is a descendant of the world’s first golden beer, made
in Pilsen, Bohemia, in 1842. For a devotee, if it calls itself a Pilsner, it is more than just a gol­
den lager. It should have an appetizing, aromatic dryness. Nor are the new beer drinkers content
with a Pilsner alone. The most important aspect of the quiet revolution is the new appreciation
given to older styles of beer. If the beer is being served with a meal, that might call for something
maltier: an amber, Vienna-style lager or a Munich dark. If a strong lager is required to keep out
the cold in winter, a dark or pale bock might be chosen.
The term lager means that a beer has cold maturation and fermentation, making for clean
flavours. Wheat beers, which usually have a warmer fermentation, have more complex, often
fruity, flavours. Their refreshing acidity makes them ideal in summer.
Warm-fermenting beers made from barley-malt are known as ales. The principal British varia-
tion, the well-hopped bitter, is classically matured in the cask in the cellar of a pub and drawn by
hand-pump, with no gas pressure. Its soft carbonation and cellar temperature make it soothing.
Similar beers made with highly roasted malts are known as porters or stouts. While the mass
market seeks ever paler, lighter-tasting beers, the black, roasty Guinness stout, a long-estab-

lished favourite, has found legions of new, younger devotees in recent years.


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 28 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


(0) Drinking beer has become popular with young urban professionals.
(1) In the industrial age, workers were often rewarded with beer for their hard work.
(2) Maltier and darker beers are more fattening than paler, lighter-tasting ones.
(3) Drink Pilsner if you call yourself a devotee, since it is the international standard lager.
(4) If served with a meal, a less intensely flavoured, light-coloured beer should be chosen.
(5) One can identify the flavour of a lager more easily than that of a wheat beer.
(6) On the Continent the lager is the most popular, while the ale is a typical British beer.
(7) In a British pub, if you want a beer well-chilled and carbonated, ask for a bitter.
(8) It can be concluded that a beer’s light or dark colour depends on how well malt is roasted.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 29 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 2
The following text is from a legal document, written in a question and answer form. Parts
of the answers have been left out. Use the list below the text to fill in the gaps. Write the
letters in the boxes under the numbers. There is an extra letter in the list that you will not
need. An example has been given for you.


If you are asked questions about a suspended offence,
you do not have to say anything unless you wish to do so,
but what you say may be given in evidence

Do I have the right to have someone informed of my arrest?

You may on request (0) _________ or who is likely to take an interest in your welfare, informed
at public expense as soon as (9) _________ .

Do I have the right to legal advice?

Yes, you can ask to speak to a solicitor at any time. Tell the police if you wish to do so. Even if
you tell the police you don’t want a solicitor, you (10) _________ at any time.

Will it be free?
Yes, it will be free unless (11) _________ the solicitor. The solicitor will tell you if there is a
limit on how much time he or she can spend with you free of charge.

Can the police make me wait for advice?

Yes, but only (12) _________ and only if a Superintendent agrees. If you have to wait, you can
(13) _________ that you want a solicitor.

Can I be questioned?
Once you have asked for legal advice, normally (14) _________ until you have spoken to a

How can I get a solicitor?
Ask the police to contact your own solicitor; or ask for the duty solicitor, who is an indepen­dent
solicitor, (15) _________ , and is available 24 hours a day; or ask to see a list of local solicitors.
If the solicitor you choose cannot help you, ask the police to try some others.

Can I get a copy of the Code of Practice?

A copy of the Codes of Practice will be (16) _________ you on request.

What is the Code of Practice?

It governs police procedures and treatment. It (17) _________ to legal advice and the rules
the police have to follow.


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A made available to
B in some serious cases
C the police must not question you
D have one person known to you
E shall be supplied on request
F practicable of our whereabouts
G sets out your full rights
H may change your mind
I not employed by the police
J remind the police
K you agree otherwise with

0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17



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Task 3
Read this article about cloning. Then look at the words and phrases given after the text.
For each word or phrase you must find a synonym (a word or words with a similar mean-
ing) in the paragraph with the same number. Write the word(s) on the lines. The first one
has been done for you.

  (0) South Korean researchers reported Thursday they have created human embryos through
cloning and extracted embryonic stem cells, the universal cells that scientists expect
will result in breakthroughs in medical research.

(18) Seoul National University professor Hwang Yoon-Young said, “Our research team has suc-
cessfully culled stem cells from a cloned human embryo through mature growing process
in a test tube”.

(19) The findings by the team were presented to South Korean scientists. The paper describes a
detailed process of how to create human embryos by cloning, saying the scientists used the
eggs donated by Korean women.

(20) The technique, scientists said, was not designed to make babies but to further understand-
ing of the causes and treatment of a multitude of diseases. Advances in stem-cell technolo-
gy have been hailed as holding potential cures for many crippling illnesses.

(21) According to the U.S. National Institute of Health, stem cells can be manipulated by scien­
tists to develop into other human cells. While they can be found in adults, those found in
days-old embryos are far more prevalent and more easily manipulated into specialized
cells, which then could be used to create cures, the NIH reports.

(22) Stem cell researcher Dr. Rudolf Jaenisch of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Re-
search in Cambridge, Mass. told The Associated Press the experiment proved the cloning
technique was possible using human cells. Still, “it’s not of practical use at this point,”
Jaenisch told the AP, stressing that years of additional research were required.

(23) Opponents have said using embryos, even ones just several minutes old, is destroying a
human life. The new report already has sparked a renewal of the debate over whether all
forms of human cloning should be banned.

(24) “The result of our research proves it is possible scientifically for human cloning, and we are

2. likely to revive the controversy over human cloning,” Hwang said.

(25) Scientists also caution it could take years of further research before stem cell science turns
into actual therapies.

(26) Last year, a ban on human cloning passed the U.S. House of Representatives but failed to
get approval by the Senate over questions of whether cloning for research purposes could
be allowed.

(27) The United Nations decided at the end of last year to delay any decision on a human clon-
ing ban for two years.


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  (0) drew out extracted

(18) complete in growth or development __________________________
(19) thorough __________________________
(20) a great number __________________________
(21) produce __________________________
(22) extra; supplementary __________________________
(23) argument __________________________
(24) restore to life __________________________
(25) tell sb about a danger __________________________
(26) official agreement __________________________
(27) statement ordering sb not to do sth __________________________



OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 33 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 4
Read this article about a gas explosion. Then finish the statements about the text by
adding one, two or three (not more!) words to complete each sentence. An example has
been given for you.

Gas board men looking for a leak in the gaspipe told a shop girl there was ‘not enough gas to kill
a mouse’. However, less than five hours later, the shopping centre, where 21 people died, lay in
ruins from an explosion, the blast inquiry was told yesterday.
Miss Kathy Proctor told the inquiry that she was given the assurance after she complained
of smelling gas in the display window of the clothes shop where she worked. She is one of the
survivors of the blast in Glasgow last October. More than 100 people were injured.
Her boss said that on the day of the explosion he rang the gas board for an inspector after
learning that the men digging the road outside did not pay attention to the fact that there was gas
in the air. Other witnesses also told of smelling gas weeks before the explosion and said they
were concerned that the gas board workmen were using pneumatic drills.
The explosion came like a flash of blue lightning. Miss Proctor’s boss was ‘lifted like a puppet
and he went with the cupboard’. She held on to his hand until they were both rescued.
Police Inspector John McDonald told the inquiry he was concerned about the strong smell on
the morning of the day of the explosion. He asked the gas board inspector if he wanted anything
done about people in the shops or the street. He was told there was no danger.
Inspector McDonald said he did not use the word ‘evacuation’ but that was in his mind. He
also felt that some sort of warning about smoking could have been given.
The inquiry continues today.

  (0) Last October gas board men worked on a Glasgow street in search  of a leak
(28) A girl in a nearby shop complained of smelling gas but she was 
(29) In the explosion that followed 21 people were killed but this girl 
(30) Her boss had called the gas board because the men didn’t care about the 
(31) Seeing that the workmen were using drills, other witnesses expressed 
(32) Even if it was likely that something might happen, the blast came 
(33) Miss Proctor and her boss were stuck in the ruined shop, waiting to 
(34) A police inspector said that an inspector had told him there was no need 
(35) The inspector admitted that he had thought about 

(36) and he also felt that at least people could have been warned 


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 34 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 1
• You are going to read about warming trends and diseases. Some words are missing
from the text.
• Choose the most appropriate answer from the options (A–D) for each gap (1–13) in the
• Write the letter of the appropriate answer in the box below.
• There is an example (0) at the beginning.


According to a study published in the journal Science, the culprit behind much of the rise in
infectious diseases around the world may be rising temperatures. Drew Harvell, a biologist at
Cornell University, and Andy Dobson, an ecologist at Princeton, (0) _________ new disease
outbreaks and correlated them to data on warming trends. Their report catalogs more than 50
outbreaks that (1) _________ with a rise in temperature. It adds up to compelling evidence that
climate change has already begun to (2) _________ the spread of disease.
The existence of a link between climate change and disease has been (3) _________ for
years. Harvell and Dobson tried to get (4) _________ this problem by choosing plant and animal
pathogens that are unlikely to have been affected by other factors. It makes for grim reading.
Fungus, unchecked by warm winters, is rotting the roots of oaks. A debilitating parasitic worm
(5) _________ preys on cattle and deer is moving faster through its larval stages.
As far as humans are (6) _________ , mosquito-borne diseases are the most worrisome. In
warmer climates mosquitoes mature more quickly and their metabolisms speed up, which means
they bite more frequently. Fewer are (7) _________ during the winter. The malaria parasite ma-
tures more quickly in the mosquito’s gut. The outbreak of West Nile virus in the United States
may (8) _________ by climate change, say the authors.
This study won’t resolve the scientific controversy (9) _________ disease and warming. De-
spite the scientists’ (10) _________ , some of the data is less than conclusive. For instance,
studies of eastern Africa show that mosquito-borne diseases are on the rise, while others show no
increases; researchers (11) _________ the discrepancies to the use of insecticides in the region.
“We’re (12) _________ from understanding what will happen to human health (13) _________
significant climate change,” Harvell admits. But if her thesis pans out, we may have to learn to
like the smell of bug repellent.
 (0) A) surveyed B) surmounted C) surpassed D) surrendered
  (1) A) coincided B) cohered C) collated D) collaborated
  (2) A) manipulate B) contribute C) break D) trigger
  (3) A) conversant B) disproved C) challenged D) controversial

  (4) A) around B) across C) round to D) down to
  (5) A) , which B) what C) that D) , that
  (6) A) cared for B) considered C) concerned D) regarded
  (7) A) extinguished B) wiped out C) killed off D) put down
  (8) A) have encouraged B) be encouraged C) be encouraging D) have been encouraged
  (9) A) between B) over C) of D) with
(10) A) precautions B) precedents C) preconceptions D) predispositions
(11) A) accredit B) account C) derive D) attribute
(12) A) far away B) a long way C) too far D) far behind
(13) A) if there will be B) if there was C) unless there is D) if there were

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


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Task 2
• You are going to read a short article about Americans. Some words are missing from
the text.
• Write the missing words on the lines (14–23) after the text.
• Use only one word in each gap.
• There is an example (0) at the beginning.


America is a nation of ambitious people, and yet ambition is a quality that is hard
to (0) _________ and easy to deplore. It’s a great engine (14) _________ creativity, but it can
also be a cruel oppressor, (15) _________ robs us of time and peace of mind. Especially in
highly prosperous periods it (16) _________ fashionable to question whether ambition has got-
ten out of hand and is (17) _________ us to excessive striving that is self-destructive.
However, ambition is not only a quest for riches. The impulse pervades every walk
of (18) _________ . Here is Al Gore, for instance, campaigning earnestly without any
(19) _________ joy, to fulfill an ambition that (20) _________ back to his diaper days. And does
anyone really believe that the rivalry among America’s computer moguls is about money? The
undeniable (21) _________ is that one-upmanship is a national mania. It can be seen whenever
a footballer (22) _________ his index finger in triumph after a touchdown. More common is
the (23) _________ for status symbols – a bigger house, a niftier bike, a faster computer – that
separate us from the crowd.

  (0) __________________________
(14) __________________________
(15) __________________________
(16) __________________________

(17) __________________________
(18) __________________________
(19) __________________________
(20) __________________________
(21) __________________________
(22) __________________________
(23) __________________________


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Task 3
• You are going to read an article about mens fashion. Some words are missing from the
• Choose the most appropriate word or phrase from the list (A–O) for each gap (24–35) in
the text.
Write the letter of the appropriate word or phrase in the box below.
• There are two extra words that you do not need to use.
• There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Though women’s fashion draws most of the attention, (0) _________ menswear is also do-
ing nicely and it is (24) _________ steady progress. Paul Smith, who exports eighty per cent
of his production, says, “the biggest change in attitudes has been in the UK.” Smith now
(25) _________ a business with a yearly turnover of £40 million, at a level of the market where
most British womenswear designers turn over £1 million. Another example is Giorgio Armani,
who was (26) _________ revolutionising the suit.
Large stores such as Harvey Nichols are fashion pioneers, but London is (27) _________ the
centre creative menswear. In smaller towns (28) _________ Bath and Norwich, independent
shop-owners are enjoying a prosperous, (29) _________ , trade. Although the thirtysomething
customer is spending less, the trade is noticing how (30) _________ fashion is moving out of
the shops more quickly. The younger man is the customer (31) _________ . One independent
owner, Neil Prosser, observes, “The business-suit market has definitely been depressed recently,
(32) _________ we are selling a lot to nineteen-to-twenty-five-year-olds. They are the genera-
tion which is used to (33) _________ what it wants, and for them fashion is a drug.” A hot label
is the sportswear-influenced collection from Spain, and (34) _________ £90 price tag on a pair
of Versus jeans does not act (35) _________ something to make one leave it behind. “If the
product’s right, the price is never a problem,” the designer says.

A albeit changing F have K owns

B as
C but instead
D designer
G having
H like
I making
L responsible for
M the
N to watch
E doing J no longer O wilder

0 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35


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Task 4
• You are going to read a news report. In most lines there is one unnecessary word. It is
either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text.
• Read the text and then copy the unnecessary word in the space provided after each
• Some lines are correct. Indicate these lines with a tick (✓).
• The task begins with two examples (0).

  (0) A darts match was abandoned as one team collapsed ✓

 (0) into a hysteria after its pre-match buffet was spiked with a
(36) hallucinogenic drugs. Most of the team were taken to _____________________
(37) the hospital after they were either reduced to tears or _____________________
(38) some uncontrollable fits of giggling during a match. Three _____________________
(39) men were detained during overnight because their heart _____________________
(40) rate was being affected by the drug, which was added to _____________________
(41) Atheir cakes. Despite of the ill-effects, the team were winning _____________________
(42) when the match had had to be called off. All the men who _____________________
(43) were affected by the drug had eaten at the club pub before _____________________
(44) setting off for the match. A police officer said a barman had _____________________
(45) been interviewed at the police station with related to the case _____________________



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Task 1
• In this section you are going to hear about a dangerous ski run.
• Your task will be to fill in the right hand side of the chart with the appropriate informa-
• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in
one piece.
• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections.
• The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the
recording for 30 seconds and write down your answers.
• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers.
• There is an example (0) for you.

(0) 26,000 ft above sea level the altitude at which Suzuka’s descent began

(1) 50 miles an hour _____________________________________________

(2) 1.8 miles _____________________________________________

(3) about 90 minutes _____________________________________________

(4) less than five seconds _____________________________________________

(5) 40 _____________________________________________

(6) 23,600 ft _____________________________________________

(7) 100 yards _____________________________________________



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Task 2
• In this section a man is going to read out news to his wife.
• Your task will be to fill in the gaps in the sentences below with one single word each.
• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in
one piece.
• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections.
• The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the
recording for 30 seconds and write down your answers.
• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers.
• There is an example (0) for you.

  (0) While spending their holidays in Kenya, a woman and her daughter got into a
________________ situation.
  (8) A lion appeared, licking his lips in prepartion for the ________________ feast.
  (9) The woman, however, took her sandals off and ________________ him on the nose.
(10) The daughter, on the other hand, admitted that she’d been ________________ to death.
(11) Because of a fire in an apartment block a lot of people were ________________ but
a fa­mily couldn’t be rescued.
(12) A fireman was interviewed after the fire had been ________________ .
(13) A policeman said if smoke alarms had been ________________ the tragedy could have
been avoided.
In a jail riot prisoners said they would not surrender until conditions were
__________________ .
(15) Apparently no-one was hurt in the riot but warders were told to ________________ .
(16) The authorities said that there was no question of any ________________ taking place.
(17) Finally, as another sad event of environmental damage, a tanker ran ________________
off the coast of Wales.



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Task 3
• In this section you are going to hear about the Sistine Chapel.
• Your task will be to circle the letter(s) of the correct answer(s) in the boxes on the right.
Please note that in this task both answers may be correct. However, there is always at
least one correct answer. This means you might have to circle one or two letters.
• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in
one piece.
• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections.
• The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the
recordingfor 30 seconds and write down your answers.
• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers.
• There is an example (0) for you.

 (0) The building in which the Sistine Chapel can be found …

a) is part of the Apostolic Palace.
a b
b) was built by Pope Sixtus IV.

(18) The defensive nature of the building that houses the chapel is evident from …
a) its outer appearance. a b
b) the area below ground level.

(19) The screen in the Sistine Chapel was erected with the aim of …
a) decorating the inside of the chapel.
a b
b) dividing the space of the interior.

(20) The decoration of the chapel walls features …

a) portraits.
a b
b) paintings.

(21) Pope Julius II’s idea of redecorating the vaults didn’t appeal to …
a) Michelangelo. a b
b) Bramante.

(22) Michelangelo finally accepted the job because …

a) the Pope was in authority. a b
b) he wanted to gain advantage over his rival Bramante.

(23) Michelangelo worked with a team of assistants …

a) before he learnt the fresco technique.

a b
b) because they knew the fresco technique.

(24) The Last Judgement as an altarpiece was unusual because the subject was …
a) feared to shock the people of Rome. a b
b) usually painted elsewhere.

(25) With the painting the Pope wanted to remind …

a) people of punishment because of their sins. a b
b) his contemporaries of their bad practices.

(26) According to Vasari, Michelangelo’s extraordinary piece of art aroused mostly …

a) negative feeling. a b
b) positive feeling.


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Task 4
• In this section you are going to hear about the rivalry between supermarket chains.
• Your task will be to write the letter of the correct answer into the boxes on the right.
• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in
one piece.
• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections.
• The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the
recording for 30 seconds and write down your answers.
• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers.
• There is an example (0) for you.

 (0) This week Tesco has … Sainsbury to become Britain’s largest grocer. B
A) merged with B) won over C) challenged

(27) Tesco now boasts an increase of profit … opening new stores.

A) as a result of B) even before C) while

(28) Tesco has also … the Scottish supermarket chain, William Low.
A) toppled B) challenged C) merged with

(29) In the past decade Tesco spent most of the time trying to … Sainsbury.
A) destroy B) catch up with C) fight off

(30) According to analysts, Tesco has now … its rival.

A) caught up with
B) got an advantage over
C) got involved in a battle with

(31) In the past few days, …

A) some brokers have underrated Sainsbury.
B) some investors have moved out of Sainsbury.
C) brokers have made an assessment of Tesco.

(32) As a response, Sainsbury …

A) treated the news as if it was not important.
B) said its aim was to regain its position as the biggest grocer.
C) admitted that it had been beaten.



OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 42 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 1
You saw this advertisement in a brochure and you decide to apply. The information pro-
vided is too general and you want to know more.

Summer Jobs in the USA
CAMP AMERICA is an exchange visitor programme that enables YOU to spend 9 weeks
in the summer working as a counsellor in an American Summer Camp. After a successful
completion of your camp commitment you will be free to spend up to a further six weeks
for travel around the United States. We also make placement with American families, with
10 weeks being spent with your family.

Application Office:

Camp America
American Institute for Foreign Study (UK) Ltd
37A Queens Gate
London SW7 5HR
United Kingdom

Based on the information, write to the Application Office a letter of about 120–150 words,
in which you ask for more detailed information.

Include the following points:

•  Placement in the camp – food provided
•  Placement with a family
•  Transportation between home and USA
•  Money matters (travel / pocket money etc.)
•  Visa, insurance

Begin your letter like this:

Dear Sir / Madam,



OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 43 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 2
In your class there has been a heated debate about the advantages and drawbacks of
single and married life. Prompted by what you heard, you decide to raise the issue in the
school magazine. Write an article of about 200–250 words with the following title:

Being single or getting married – pros and cons

Include the following points of argument:

• being independent  being tied down

• feeling lonely  feeling secure / belonging to someone
• no-one to take care of  (the burden of) being responsible for others
• career prospects  break in career (bearing / rearing children)

and give your opinion.


2. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 44 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 2

Space research is nothing but a waste of money.

You will have a conversation with your examiner about the above statement. Give
your opinion and argue for or against the proposition. Your examiner will sometimes
contradict you. React to the counter-arguments of your examiner too.

Task 3

At first glance, these two pictures do not have much in common – or do they? What
do you think is he main idea that connects them? Describe and compare the two
pictures by adding your thoughts. When you have finished talking the examiner may
ask some more questions.



OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 45 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 1

Read this story about school budgets. There is a gapped summary of the text on the next
page. For questions 1–6 you must choose the answer that is closest in meaning to what
the text says. Write the answers in the boxes as in the example.

Gillian Shephard, the Education Secretary, took the unusual move yesterday of appealing for
head teachers to join her in a campaign against the Treasury to win extra money for next year’s
school budgets.
She told them she needed their assistance to ensure that this year’s tough spending settlement
was not repeated. Attempting to obtain the support of secondary heads with the announcement
of a review of sixth-form courses, Mrs Shephard appealed for ideas to fight for them in Cabinet.
At the annual conference of Secondary Heads Association at Warwick University,
Mrs Shephard said the government was not considering a rescue package for schools facing
financial difficulties. But she added: “I understand that some of you are going through a very
difficult time and I want you to help me to see if we can make things better next year.”
She reminded delegates of the Prime Minister’s commitment last week on public spend-
ing. “He gave an assurance then, and I repeat it today that education will be at the top of our
prio­rities as the economy delivers further growth.” The Education Secretary won over the head
teachers, but most remained anxious about the prospects of regaining the ground lost this year.
John Dunford, the head of Durham Johnston School, told Mrs Shephard that the Conservatives
would not be forgiven if school budgets were further eroded to make room for tax cuts.
Mrs Shephard promised a review of the way in which education budgets are calculated to
remove regional inequalities. The decision to reopen the debate, only two years after the system
was last overhauled, is a further indication of ministers’ concern about the effect of an anti­
cipated 14,000 job losses in schools over the coming months.

The Education Secretary further asserted her independence with her announcement of a re-
view of post-16 qualifications, and supported the introduction of additional courses in core skills
such as information technology.


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Gillian Shephard, the Education Secretary, took part yesterday in a conference of head teachers
at Warwick University. She surprised her audience (0) _________ . In order to win extra money
for school budgets, she (1) _________ . In return, she promised that she would (2) _________ .
She also said that the government was aware of the financial difficulties that schools had to face
(3) _________ . Quoting the Prime Minister, Mrs Shephard assured her audience that education
would be a top priority (4) _________ . However, many head teachers still remained anxious
because (5) _________ . It also became evident from the Education Secretary’s speech that the
system of calculating education budgets (6) _________ . Finally, Mrs Shephard emphasised
once again that she was independent in making her own decisions with regard to educational

(0) A) by moving in an unusual way

B) with an unusual initiative
C) asking them unusual questions

(1) A) urged head teachers to start a campaign

B) asked head teachers for support
C) encouraged head teachers to go to the Treasury

(2) A) exercise tough control over school budgets

B) fight for them in Cabinet
C) consider reforms in secondary education

(3) A) and these would be solved with a rescue package

B) but a rescue package was out of the question

C) and it was considering new rules for a rescue package

(4) A) depending on the further growth of the economy

B) unless the economy delivered further growth
C) in case further economic growth was realistic

(5) A) schools had to sell a lot of their grounds over the year
B) of the tax cuts announced recently by the government
C) tax cuts could result in further cuts in school budgets

(6) A) aims at levelling the difference between regions

B) will result in massive job losses in schools
C) was only introduced two years ago

0 1 2 3 4 5 6


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Task 2
Read this article about an actress. Some parts have been removed from the text.
For questions 7–13 you must choose which of the parts A–I on the next page fit into the
numbered gaps in the article. Write the letters in the boxes at the bottom of the page.
There is an extra letter you do not need. An example has been given for you.

Miriam Porter made her first stage appearance at the age of six. Playing the part of a ladybird on
an amateur production of Noah’s Ark, she walked onto the stage and into the lights to delighted

‘That noise’ has charmed her ever since and in a long, successful career, both on the theatre stage
and on television, she has received plenty of it.

Miriam speaks lovingly of her father, who was warm and affectionate and loved music
passionately. For a long time she was an only child, but when her sister, Meryl, came along, the
happy family should have been complete.

As a result, Miriam remembers her childhood as being sad but productive. She had a nervous
stammer and was so shy and quiet that her teachers became extremely worried about her.
She found her release through books, painting and ballet.

3. 9

A teacher named John Godwin came to her rescue by encouraging her to do well. A second
influential person was another teacher, who had spent a lot of time in France. Her enthusiasm
helped Miriam to use her natural gift for French and she also encouraged her to act.



“She was the wife of a leading actor of the National Theatre of Australia. Her car had broken
down outside and that was the only reason she had come in. She arranged for me to try for
a role in an American comedy.”



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“I loved London and my lucky break came when I was given a letter of introduction to Vincent
Wallace at the Haymarket Theatre. I got a job in a show, both acting and dancing.”


Miriam Porter has adopted England, and we have adopted her. She has lived here ever since,
although she does visit her old home in Australia.

A “I didn’t like school and I spent most of my time daydreaming. One of my teachers noticed
that. She’d say, ‘I’m not going to repeat that for Miriam Porter because she isn’t listening
anyway. No doubt she’ll let me have the sketch she’s doing under the desk’.”

B Her mother also did well at school. She became a gifted painter and was, as her father
always said, “The prettiest girl in Australia.”

C Against hundreds of other actors, Miriam was given the part. She had no hesitation in
giving up everything to act and within two years she had been brought to England by a
famous film producer.

D By the time she left school, Miriam had passed all the required exams for teaching ballet.
She had her own dance studio and enjoyed her work. But something told her that at some
stage she would have to leave Australia to find full satisfaction.

E Miriam was born in a small out-of-the-way town in Australia. Her father was a butcher who
later became a businessman. She was given the aboriginal name of Mgairam, which she
later changed to her present name, as nobody could pronounce it.

F Sadly, that didn’t happen. “My parents were like oil and water,” explains Miriam. “They
simply couldn’t live together. My father’s work kept him away from home but I think it was

partly because he found it difficult to live with my mother.”

G That was followed by another successful show called Look Who’s Here at a BBC televi-
sion series. Four years later came The Forsyte Saga, the series which made her famous all
over the world.

H “It stopped me dead and instead of joining the other performers I walked down to the front
of the stage to find out what that noise was.”

I “I was acting in a local amateur production when a woman came to my dressing room and
asked me if I had ever considered acting as a career.”

0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


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Task 3
Read this article about police bugging. Some parts of the text have been removed. For
questions 14–24 you must complete the text by matching the numbers with the appro-
priate letter. There is a letter you will not need. Write your answers in the boxes as in the
example. There is an example for you.

An inquiry into the control of police telephone taps has uncovered confused and badly organised
procedures (0) _________ 900 bugging operations.
Detectives called in to investigate how a corrupt colleague gained access to secret phone tran-
scripts for a (14) _________ 396 officers to find out what happened to secret records that should
have been destroyed.
The National Criminal Intelligence Service, which controls phone taps, assured the public
that all the records had now (15) _________ , but it could do nothing to hide the apparent lapses
in security over the most (16) _________ police forces.
Senior officers are allowed to examine the transcripts of bugging operations and can make
notes to take (17) _________ notebooks which must be returned and destroyed at the end of the
investigations. However, when the inquiry began, around 900 notebooks (18) _________ .
During the 12-month inquiry all the unaccounted for notebooks were either tracked down or
‘accounted for’. Asked (19) _________ were traced to detectives’ offices, garages or bedrooms,
one officer in the inquiry smiled and nodded.
Ken Pace, the director of NCIS, said (20) _________ that any information had been lost or
that any (21) _________ by he circulation of notebooks. “I wish this hadn’t happened,” he said.

“But at least I can reassure (22) _________ that, as soon as we realised something was wrong,
we called an outside force in (23) _________ and we alerted the media to show that we are fully
accountable. Now, with new safeguards (24) _________ , we’ll do our best to ensure there are
no similar problems in the future.”


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 50 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


A whether some of them

B to conduct an inquiry
C been accounted for
D investigators were compromised
E that led to details of
F had been taken away were
G away in specially logged
H in place or on the way
I criminal had to trace
J the inquiry had found no evidence
K sensitive information available to
L the public by pointing out
M had apparently not been returned

0 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24



OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 51 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 4
Read this article about padding (manipulating punctuality records) in air travel. Then fin-
ish the statements about the text by adding one, two or three (not more!) words to com-
plete each sentence. An example has been given for you.

After decades of shrinking, the world is getting bigger. Airlines that once promised their jets
would cut journey times are now taking longer to fly passengers to their destination than 25
years ago as congestion (‘traffic jams’ in the air), plane-stacking and fuel-saving measures cause
delays. A study comparing airline timetables in 1946, 1970 and 2000 indicates that, on many
routes, journey times have doubled and show signs of growing even longer. In the 1970s new
aircraft were unveiled, culminating in Concorde and the Boeing 747 jumbo jet. But the replace-
ment of the four-engined jumbo with the two-engined Boeing 767 adds 50 minutes to a trip from
London to Los Angeles.
To critics, the trend explodes the vision of ever-speedier mass travel that has been a feature
of publicity drives by airlines since the 1960s. “The airlines are giving themselves time not only
to overcome legitimate congestion problems but also to cover up their own sloppiness as well
and artificially improve their punctuality records,” said an editor of a travel magazine. Within
the industry it is known as ‘padding’, which airlines and pilots say has been forced by them by
delays on arrival in airports’ airspace, and pressures to conserve fuel by flying more slowly. BA
says ‘padding’ has been forced upon it by air traffic control problems. “We have added minutes
to ensure passengers can make a more realistic assessment about when we shall land. Indeed, we
often improve on our timetables and get in early,” a spokesman said.
Independent aviation experts, however, say that the main reason for padding is fuel efficien-
cy. “We used to fly jumbos to New York at 580mph, but now pilots cruise at 520mph to reduce
fuel burn. We risk official frowns if we go faster. Providing rivals don’t beat us into the airport,
nobody worries about extending passengers’ sleepless nights,” said one pilot.

For passengers, the artificial timetables can mean planes appear to arrive surprisingly early,
especially from America. But “that does not help the red-eyed passenger who has an hour to
wait before his partner is scheduled to pick him up,” a travel agent said. Frequent flyers are
concerned. “It’s bloody disgraceful,” said Alan Whicker, the broadcaster. “They stuff you into
the plane early and then, when it arrives a few minutes ahead of the so-called schedule, have the
cheek to boast about it. It makes me very angry.” Another globetrotter said he felt that any moves
towards a more realistic timetable should be welcomed.


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 (0) There was a time when, due to fast jets, the world seemed  to be shrinking.
(25) Today, however, it looks to be getting bigger as air travel 
(26) The reasons for delays are congestion, plane-stacking and 
(27) Airlines use congestion as an argument to manipulate their 
(28) This is done by ‘padding’, the artificial extension 
(29) Airlines argue that the reason for padding is congestion in 
(30) They also want to help passengers make a realistic 
(31) However, the real reason may be saving fuel by 
(32) Artificial timetables also often result in planes 
(33) This doesn’t help the passenger, for whom no one waits before the 
(34) Some passengers think that boasting about artificial timetables 
(35) Some also suggest that more realistic timetables should be 



OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 53 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 1
• You are going to read an article about charity. Some words are missing from the text.
• Use the words in brackets to form the words that fit in the gaps (1–10). If the word is in
its right form, copy it as it stands.
• Then write these words on the lines below.
• There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Charity is one of the few sectors in which the UK can boast rapid (0) ___________ (grow)
in the opening months of the 2000s. This year alone 4,000 extra charities have joined the list,
(1) ___________ (bring) the total of 168,170 in England and Wales.
But even in the so-called ‘caring years’ public (2) ___________ (generous), it seems, is gro­w-
ing proportionately less quickly, and charity (3) ___________ (organise) have to adopt a more
(4) ___________ (sophisticate) approach to wooing donors. Last year around 75 charities used
media advertising to solicit donations or recruit members.
Nine months ago, the Independent Broadcasting Authority relaxed its (5) ___________ (ban)
on charity advertising on television and since then 20 or so organisations have tested the water
with brief spells of TV (6) ___________ (advertise).
Agencies may relish the opportunity to demonstrate their (7) ___________ (create) skills on
charity work, but, with the new spirit of (8) ___________ (profession) within the sector, more
thought than ever before is being channelled into making (9) ___________ (distinct) advertis-
ing. Against this background, one of the most successful charity campaigns of recent years is
receiving a facelift, with new advertising (10) ___________ (treat) breaking this weekend.

3. growth
  (0) __________________________
 (1) __________________________
 (2) __________________________
 (3) __________________________
 (4) __________________________
 (5) __________________________
 (6) __________________________
 (7) __________________________
 (8) __________________________
 (9) __________________________
(10) __________________________


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 54 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 2
• You are going to read a short article about the euro. Some words are missing from the
• Write the missing words on the lines (11–20) after the text.
• Use only one word in each gap.
• There is an example (0) at the beginning.

It’s easy to see the rise of the euro (0) ___________ a vote of confidence in Europe. If this
(11) ___________ true, it would bring healthy balance back to a planet that has got into trouble
because of all the foreign money (12) ___________ into the United States. But it isn’t true.
The rise of the euro (13) ___________ a temporary sentiment of no trust in United States cor-
porations. Investors are anti-dollar (14) ___________ than pro-euro, and that’s an important
distinction. In the currency market, investors shift money from dollars into gold, Swiss francs
and euros. But never (15) ___________ that this shift will have a long-term effect on the future
dynamism of Europe. It’s only a short-term trading position, not a long-term investment strat-
egy. Before (16) ___________ , investors will come back to the dollar because the USA is still
the biggest, boldest market. That’s not (17) ___________ to change soon, in (18) ___________
of European efforts at market reform. Many Europeans like to imagine that the rise of the euro
confirms that they are catching (19) ___________ , but that’s wishful thinking. The USA enjoys
a significant productivity lead (20) ___________ Europe, which has done nothing to close the
gap so far.

  (0) __________________________
(11) __________________________
(12) __________________________
(13) __________________________
(14) __________________________
(15) __________________________
(16) __________________________
(17) __________________________
(18) __________________________
(19) __________________________
(20) __________________________


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 55 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 3
• You are going to read about the dangers of sunbathing. Some words are missing from
the text.
• Choose the most appropriate answer from the options (A–D) for each gap (21–33) in the
• Write the letter of the appropriate answer in the box below.
• There is an example (0) at the beginning.


A growing number of people have got addicted to sunbathing, not at least because the holiday
industry, firms producing cosmetics, and magazines have (0) _________ in making the message
clear: a suntan is beautiful.
You may be (21) _________ of the fact that in the early 20th century a suntanned skin used to
be considered unattractive. Being pale meant that you were rich and (22) _________ . Having a
suntan was a sign that you belonged to the working class.
Today, (23) _________ , suntan is fashionable because its meaning has changed. It suggests
that you spend your holidays by the sea or (24) _________ tennis, riding, and other sports. In
solariums you can get your skin suntanned without (25) _________ about outdoor sports or
going on holiday.
One could argue that all this is not a problem because people have always been fooled.
What matters, however, is the fact that in the early 20th century only one person in 1500
(26) _________ melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer, but today it is one to 150.

Skin specialists have been warning people for years not to lie in the sun unprotected. How-
ever, doctors are pessimistic (27) _________ the effects of their warnings. When asked about
this, a dermatologist wondered how she could tell a teenage girl not to lie in the sun because she
might get skin cancer when she (28) _________ forty-five.
The cosmetics industry does not seem to give up the fight (29) _________ either. One evi-
dence of their counter-attack is the series of new products (30) _________ boast of being able to
bring (31) _________ a beautiful tan without people having to get baked in the sun.
In addition, he said, they had also thought of those who would not give up sunbathing. For
them they had developed a gel (32) _________ the natural tanning process be speeded up. These
products are also (33) _________ to be able to block harmful rays, and the promise is that if they
are used regularly, they will prevent ageing due to overexposure to the sun.


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  (0) A) managed B) succeeded C) triumphed D) superseded

(21) A) unaware B) unconscious C) ignorant D) disinterested
(22) A) need not have B) need not have C) had not needed D) did not need
   worked   had to work to work to work
(23) A) notwithstanding B) however C) nevertheless D) on the other hand
(24) A) go to B) take up on C) go in for D) head for
(25) A) bothering B) caring C) wondering D) considering
(26) A) suffered from B) acquired C) gathered D) received
(27) A) respecting B) pertaining C) concerning D) relating
(28) A) were B) is C) has been D) will be
(29) A) so easily B) that easily C) such an easy way D) too easy
(30) A) , what B) , which C) what D) that
(31) A) forth B) along C) up D) about
(32) A) so that B) so as C) in order D) for
(33) A) told B) regarded C) said D) boasted

0 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33



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Task 4
• You are going to read an article about hygiene. Some words are missing from the text.
• Choose the most appropriate word or phrase from the list (A–O) for each gap (34–45) in
the text. Write the letter of the appropriate word or phrase in the box below.
• There are two extra words that you do not need to use.
• There is an example (0) at the beginning.

We Brits abide by the five-second rule. If food (0) _________ been lying on the floor less than
that, go ahead and eat it – (34) _________ of surface conditions. Which explains the shocked
faces around my barbecue in Brooklyn the other day. The “chef“, another Brit, (35) _________
just picked a hot dog off the ground and back onto the grill. “I’ll cook off the germs,” he said
merrily. I understood perfectly, but not my American guests. They are clean (36) _________ ,
almost one and all.
To outsiders, America’s mania for hygiene is quite extraordinary. When I moved to New York
last year, I was surprised at what I (37) _________ on the subway: commuters carrying Moist
Wipes (hand towels laced with antimicrobal agents) to clean the seats and poles. Some even
refused to touch the poles, instead (38) _________ them with their jackets.
I dread to think what this (39) _________ imply for future social relations. For one friend
in her 20s, Saturday night doesn’t necessarily mean a wild night out. A vacuum cleaner and
some detergent, she confesses, are all (40) _________ she needs for a good time. Sexual contact
is even at risk. To side-splitting laughter, a friend recently spilled the (41) _________
on an acquaintance of hers who insists on showering right before sex. Hold the passion.
In mid-kiss, the guy (42) _________ for the showers.

Americans live in a world apart when it (43) _________ to bacteria. And as (44) _________
as they’d like the rest of the globe to conform, it probably won’t. A few years ago, an American
visiting my parents’ home in Britain was astonished to discover spiders (45) _________ in the
corner of our bathroom. Unhygienic? Yes, well, they keep the flies away, my father explained.
Fortunately enough, our friend didn’t notice the three-inch slimy slug crawling along the hall-
way. That would have been harder to justify.

A) beans F) heads K) nesting

B) comes G) hugging L) regardless
C) guys H) long M) saw
D) had I) might N) that
E) has J) much O) what

0 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 58 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 1
• In this section a travel guide talks about a Portuguese town and its sights.
• Your task will be to decide if the statements below are TRUE or FALSE according to
what the text says. Mark your answers with an X in the table at the bottom of this page.
• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in
one piece.
• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections.
• The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the
recording for 30 seconds and write down your answers.
• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers.
• There is an example (0) for you.

(0) The Abbey of St Mary stands on a hilltop.

(1) The Arabs began to build the castle.
(2) The abbey church is the largest in the whole of Portugal.
(3) When the town was born, the region was under Arab rule.
(4) The kingdom of Portugal formed in the 12th century.
The king gave the town to the monks as a reward, because they were on his side
when he fought the Arabs.
(6) Apart from farming, the monks also made pottery.
(7) The monks sold their goods in the abbey courtyard, which also served as a market square.




OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 59 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 2
• In this section you are going to hear about a jail riot.
• Your task will be to fill in the right hand side of the chart with the appropriate informa-
• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in
one piece.
• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections.
• The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the
recording for 30 seconds and write down your answers.
• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers.
• There is an example (0) for you.

(0) nearly 150 the number of the prisoners who were removed from the prison

(8) 12 hours the length of time ________________________________________

(9) two the number of ___________________________________________

(10) fifty the number of ___________________________________________

(11) one refers to________________________________________________

(12) a few minutes the length of time ________________________________________

(13) 60,000 the number of ___________________________________________

3. (14) up to 200 the number of ___________________________________________


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 60 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 3
• In this section you are going to hear an interview with a restaurant owner.
• Your task will be to give short answers to the questions below.
• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in
one piece.
• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections.
• The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the
recording for 30 seconds and write down your answers.
• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers.
• There is an example (0) for you.

 (0) What is The Restaurant of the Month?

 A magazine for restaurant-goers
(15) What does Monsieur Blanc mean by tradition?

(16) What makes Blanc’s style distinctive?

(17) What does he think are the two factors necessary to get to the top and stay there?

(18) What does he mean by ‘having the entire staff involved’?

(19) Why does Blanc like simple dishes?

(20) What is Blanc’s aim for the future?



OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 61 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 4
• In this section you are going to hear a report about the drug taking.
• Your task will be to circle the letter(s) of the correct answer(s) in the boxes on the right.
Please note that in this task both answers may be correct. However, there is always at
least one correct answer. This means you might have to circle one or two letters.
• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in
one piece.
• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections.
• The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the
recording for 30 seconds and write down your answers.
• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers.
• There is an example (0) for you.

 (0) In this report we hear about advice given to …

a) drug users.
a b
b) those who drink a lot.
(21) Drug agencies alert Ecstasy users to the danger of …
a) drinking too much water.
a b
b) taking drugs.
(22) The girl who awoke from a coma had taken a … at a party.
a) large amount of liquid. a b
b) combination of drugs.
(23) The Health Department changed its opinion of the effects of water on drug users …
a) following a death case.
a b
b) after a girl awoke from a coma.
(24) It can be inferred from the report that drug users …
a) believe that water is an antidote to Ecstasy.
a b
b) drink a lot of water while dancing at parties.

3. (25) The new warning maintains that …

a) plenty of water should be drunk to avoid dehydration.
b) water is not enough for keeping the body’s mineral balance.
a b

(26) The reason for drinking large amounts of fluid is …

a) excessive motion. a b
b) eating salty snacks.

(27) The hormone released by Ecstasy has an effect on the …

a) brain. a b
b) kidneys.

(28) As regards the elimination of excess fluid, …

a) the hormone released by Ecstasy forms an obstacle.
a b
b) alcohol has a triggering effect on the process.

(29) According to Dr John Ash, …

a) Ecstasy suppresses the body’s ability to feel fatigue.
a b
b) it is misleading to suggest that the use of Ecstasy is safe.


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 62 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 1
You saw this advertisement in a brochure and you decide to apply. The information pro-
vided is too general and you want to know more.


Summer Job in Britain for Animal Lovers
Do you love Nature? Would you like to take care of animals?
Then come to Dartmoor Wildlife Park for an unforgettable experience
and a good salary
30 acres beautiful Devon countryside
over 150 species from all over the world
a comprehensive Big Cat collection
close encounter with the wonderful world of animals
Send a letter of application to:
Sparkwell, Plymouth
Devon PL7 5DG

Write a letter of application of about 120–150 words, in which you introduce yourself and
say why you are interested in the job. In the letter you should inquire about the following:

• what the job includes (expectations)

• possible dangers (big cats??)
• accommodation and food provided?
• money matters (travel expenses / salary etc.)

• work permit, insurance

Begin your letter like this:

Dear Sir / Madam,



OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 63 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 2
Recently there has been a lot of discussion in your class about advertising. Prompted by
the topic, you decide to give your ideas in the school magazine. Write an article of about
200-250 words with the following title:

Big Sell, Naive Targets?

Include the following points of argument:

• unproductive, waste of money  creates mass markets – goods are cheap
• an offensive form of brainwashing  consumer still free to decide
• creates demands for sth we don’t need  purpose: information, not only selling
• interruption of TV programmes  not being tied to armchair
• what is advertised: expensive, poor quality  good quality also needs it

and give your opinion.


3. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 64 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 2

The one who chooses to live in a big city is crazy.

You will have a conversation with your examiner about the above statement. Give
your opinion and argue for or against the proposition. Your examiner will sometimes
contradict you. React to the counter-arguments of your examiner too.

Task 3

In one of the pictures you can see a fat man eating a hamburger, in the other picture
a fitness centre. Compare and contrast the two pictures. When you have finished
talking the examiner may ask some more questions.



OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 65 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 1
Read this text about where to stay in Britain. Then read the statements that follow the
text and decide if they correspond to what the text says.
• If the statement says the same as the text, mark it A.
• If what it says is different from what the text says, mark it B.
• If it says something not mentioned in the text, mark it C.
Write the letters in the boxes under the numbers. An example has been given for you.

More and more visitors coming to London are choosing self-catering accommodation. There is
a wide range of apartments to choose from but be sure to book well in advance. Normally, all
household requisites are supplied and a deposit is payable before occupying the apartment. The
deposit usually covers one week’s rent or part of total rental at time of booking. In the event of
cancellation the deposit is only refundable if notice is given in advance; the typical deadline is
four weeks before the date of arrival. In most cases, the full balance is payable on arrival. When
booking make sure what is included in the prices. Charges vary according to season, amenities
and number in party.
For those travelling on a budget, Britain offers a wide range of good-value accommodation.
Tourist Information Centres can advise you on the best bargains available; many can make over-
night reservations on the spot. Some hotels offer cut-price rates on a weekly basis, or even for
two or three days when these include a weekend. An ideal way to meet the British and cut your
holiday costs is to stay at a ‘Bed and Breakfast’ place (B&B for short), which is usually a private
house with several bedrooms to let. Booking is not possible, nor necessary. Guest houses are
similar to B&B’s but offer more bedrooms and bathroms, and cost a little more. In both types of

4. establishments, private bathrooms are generally not available.

(0) Because there are many apartments to choose from, advance booking is not necessary.
(1) The deposit for an apartment varies between one week’s rental and total rental.
(2) You get the deposit back if you cancel the reservation at least 4 weeks before arrival.
(3) Prices don’t depend on the number of occupants.
(4) You had better check what household requisites are listed in the room register.
(5) Tourist Information Centres make on-the-spot reservations for one night only.
(6) It is adviseable to include a weekend in your stay as you may get bargain rates.
(7) You may book B&B accommodation in advance but it is not necessary.
(8) It is more likely to have a private bathroom in a guest house than in a B&B place.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


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Task 2
Read this article about McDonalds. Then finish the statements about the text by adding
one, two or three (not more!) words to complete each sentence. An example has been
given for you.

With its rigid free-market ideology, McDonald’s was always likely to have trouble with French
laws, which give workers the right to have a say in their company.
And so it has proved.
Last week, four directors of McDonald’s restaurants in Lyon were placed under judicial inves-
tigation after being accused of denying their staff their rights.
A representative of the centre-left CFDT trade union confederation said: “This all stems from
McDonald’s general policy of opposing unions by any means possible.”
Last week’s legal moves came after employees had claimed they had been put under pressure
not to vote for union representatives in recent elections for the works council.
The dispute centres on French legislation giving staff in any company that employs at least
50 people the right to a union delegate and a works council. The CFDT argues that as
all 12 McDonald’s in Lyon were run by the same franchise, they should be considered as
a single firm employing more than 400 people. McDonald’s argued the opposite, took its case to
the highest court in France – and lost. According to CFDT, employees said they had been told
that anyone voting for the union would be sacked.
Last Thursday one of the managers under investigation denied there had been any pressure
on employees.

 (0) French laws enable workers to defend their rights 

 (9) Last week, a French court started 
against the management. 4.
(10) The reason for the conflict was McDonald’s policy against 
(11) The legal moves came after employees complained about pressure 
(12) They said they had been told not to vote for trade union 
(13) With a firm with less than 50 employees a case like this would be 
(14) Therefore, the argument was also about whether McDonald’s was a single 
(15) It was McDonald’s that started the case but the court decided in favour 
(16) Unless McDonald’s changes its policy it is likely to face further 


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 67 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 3
Read this article about problems with credit cards. There is a gapped summary of the
text on the next page. For questions 17–24 you must choose the answer that is closest in
meaning to what the text says. Write the answers in the boxes as in the example.

The salesclerk at the Brussels department store shook her head. “Sorry,” she said, “your credit
card is not being accepted. I don’t know why.” I found out soon enough: my bank had frozen my
account because of an ‘unusual’ spending. The problem? “We’ve never had a charge from you in
Belgium before,” a bank official told me. Never mind that I’ve repeatedly used that card in cities
ranging from Boston to Tokyo over the last six years – each time without incident. “We’ll enter
you in a special file for people who travel a lot,” the official promised. “But I can’t guarantee it
won’t happen again.”
Actually, it shouldn’t happen at all. My card was a victim of a new technology, which is
supposed to make life easier for travellers. It tracks spending; if it detects anything unusual – like
too much spending on items like jewels – it sets off an alarm. But, according to the bank official,
the system should not stop any travel and entertainment expenses, like hotels, restaurants or
car rentals. Really? My card was stopped after I’d used it just once, to rent a car, which should
have signalled the system that I was travelling. I was what the credit-card industry calls a false
positive – a legitimate cardholder inconvenienced by the hunt for fraudsters. At least I had
company: industry experts estimate that 75 percent of the transactions caught in the security
system turn out to be legit.
Major credit-card issuers began using the program to fight fraud, and bank officials describe

it as a success. Since the introduction of the program, Visa has seen its fraud rate drop from
15 cents to six cents per $100. When a credit card company suspects fraud, it doesn’t auto­
matically suspend the card. Instead, it phones the cardholder to verify the transaction.
That works well enough – unless you happen to be on the road. What’s a traveller to do?
Card-company officials suggest you contact your card’s bank before leaving on a trip and take
along the card’s customer-service number. Or you could travel with several cards – which may
be just what the credit-card companies want to hear.

The writer of the article had a problem at a department store because ___________ (0). Soon
he learnt that his bank had frozen his credit card as ___________ (17). The incident was due to
a new technology, with which banks want to ___________ (18). However, the writer was not
satisfied with the bank official’s explanation, because his card was stopped when he tried to
___________ (19), a transaction that should have been permitted by the system. Nor was
he comforted by the fact that he had become what the credit-card industry calls false positive,
that is, ___________ (20). On the other hand, at least he had company, which meant that
he ___________ (21). Despite complaints by customers, bank officials describe the new pro-
gram as a success ___________ (22). In order to make the system more customer-friendly, when
a credit-card company suspects fraud, ___________ (23). In addition, travellers are advised to
contact their bank before leaving so that the bank ___________ (24). However, the best solution
may be that one should travel with several cards.


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 68 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


  (0) A)  he had no money on him. C)  he didn’t have enough money on him.
B)  his credit card was not accepted. D)  he wanted to leave without paying.

(17) A)  he had spent more than the limit. C)  he had never used it in Belgium before.
B)  someone else had used it illegally. D)  he had never used it in abroad before.

(18) A)  prevent card holders from overspending. C)  warn the bank of any unusual spending.
B)  limit the use of the credit card. D)  prevent the card from being stolen.

(19) A)  rent a car. C)  pay for a meal in a restaurant.

B)  buy some expensive jewellery. D)  use it in a department store.

(20) A)  A cardholder wanting to spend more than the limit.

B)  An illegal user of someone else’s valid card.
C)  The card owner who cannot prove that he is a legitimate user.
D)  A card owner who is thought to be a fraudster.

(21) A)  had been accepted as a customer by a credit card company.

B)  wasn’t the only customer rejected by the program.
C)  wasn’t charged for the illegal use of my credit card.
D)  was with a friend who was able to lend him some cash.

(22) A)  as, in the case of Visa, the fraud rate fell by more than half the previous value.
B)  because Visa has seen its fraud rate drop from 15% to 6% per $100.

C)  even if it is able to catch no more than 25% of all fraudulent uses.
D)  because it is able to catch 75% of all fraudulent uses.

(23) A)  the card holder can only go on using it when he has phoned the bank.
B)  the holder can keep the card for other transactions.
C)  the card is suspended and a new one has to be bought.
D)  it contacts the card holder by telephone to make sure the transaction is legit.

(24) A)  will enter them in a file for people who often go abroad.
B)  will give them useful phone numbers such as that of the customer service.
C)  can issue them several other cards for travel purposes.
D)  can keep track of the places that they are going to visit.

0 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 69 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 4
Read this article about what is healthy and what is not. Some parts of the text have been
removed. For questions 25–35 you must complete the text by matching the numbers with
the appropriate letter. There is a letter you will not need. Write your answers in the boxes
as in the example. There is an example for you.

Contrary to popular belief, it has been proved that an apple a day rots (0) ________________ .
Is nothing sacred?
Time was, (25) ________________ me, I’d just have a cigarette and let (26) ________________
in the haze of tar and nicotine. But as the screams of the experts grew more persistent –
“It kills you!” – I (27) ________________ alternative. I found it in food.
Nothing for (28) ________________ and the appetite like a chip butty washed down with gal-
lons of sugary tea. No (29) ________________ the last morsel than the experts started scream-
ing again. “Chip butties! Think of the poisonous white bread (30) ________________ what!
Think of the cholesterol gathering round your poor old heart (31) ________________ !”
“Tea! The caffeine! That nasty white sugar! What are (32) ________________ ?”
All right, I said, I’ll eat (33) ________________ . Fresh, wholesome, additive-free cheese and

milk. Even that didn’t please them.
“Dairy produce! Good grief! You’ll have brick-hard (34) ________________ it!”
Result is I (35) ________________ sweat at every mealtime.

A in a fatty mess
B looked about for an
C arteries before you know
D break out in a cold
E easing the mind
F full of who knows
G sooner had I downed
H if anything was worrying
I more healthily
J you doing to yourself
K what contains who knows
L your teeth away
M my anxieties drift away

0 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 70 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 1
• You are going to read a text about building houses. In most lines there is one un­
necessary word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of
the text.
• Read the text and then copy the unnecessary word in the space provided after each
• Some lines are correct. Indicate these lines with a tick (✓).
• The task begins with two examples (0).

(0) Beginning about 1670, on the stormy peninsula of Cape Cod, _____________________
(0) a local house type had developed that became a feature into had
(1) the 19th century and then beyond. Inhabitants of small fishing _____________________
(2) villages transformed the old one-room house of the Pilgrims _____________________
(3) into ship-shape cottages. Generally facing the south to catch _____________________
(4) the winter sun, and being built against a hill for protection _____________________
(5) against the hostile elements, the structures were rested on _____________________
(6) wooden frames without foundations in order to ride the sands _____________________
(7) in the same way that ships rode the waves. If a site happened _____________________

(8) to blow away, the massive house could be moved on wheels _____________________
(9) or even floated to a new location in a more safer environment. _____________________


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 71 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 2
• Read what an astrologer advises to people born under the different signs of the zodiac.
Some words are missing from the text.
• Use the words in brackets to form the words that fit in the gaps (10–20).
• Then write these words on the lines below.
• There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Aquarius – Be sure to honour any (0) ________________ (commit) you make to family mem-
bers today. If you forget to do what you promised, someone will be very put out.

Pisces – A friend may seek advice today and, because of your desire to be kind, you will
want to tell your friend what he or she wants to hear instead of the facts. Don’t give in to this
(10) ________________ (tempt). Be direct with your friend and tell him or her the truth.

Aries – It could indicate lack of (11) ________________ (wise) today to spend money you are
counting on yet do not have in hand. Wait until it’s in the bank.

Taurus – Be your own person today, but don’t be so (12) ________________ (insist) upon
having your own way that you turn down people who might really be able to help you. Try to
be flexible.

Gemini – Normally you’re quick to get things off your chest. Today others may find you difficult
to deal with due to your (13) ________________ (reluctant) to reveal what’s disturbing you.

Cancer – Be very careful today not to become involved in a friend’s (14) ________________
(complicate). Try to be helpful, but do so at arms length.

Leo – You may want to have your own way of doing things today, and your friend may have his
or hers. There’s a strong (15) ________________ (possible) that the two won’t pull through!
You may have to adjust.

Virgo – Your (16) ________________ (judge) and critical ability may not be at their best today.
If others think your ideas don’t make sense, ask why – and learn.

Libra – Be careful in business and money matters today, especially in areas where you lack
(17) ________________ (expert). Put off all financial decisions for a day or two, and think
about them carefully.

Scorpio – If you and your friend fall out over a matter of (18) ________________ (significant)
today, don’t worry. It won’t be long before you are agreeing with each other again.

Saggitarius – There are certain duties and (19) ________________ (responsible) you know
you should attend to today but look for excuses to put them off.

Capricorn – Every now and then you have (20) ________________ (luxury) whims which
cause you to be extravagant. Today they may get the better of you.


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  (0) __________________________
(11) __________________________
(12) __________________________
(13) __________________________
(14) __________________________
(15) __________________________
(16) __________________________
(17) __________________________
(18) __________________________
(19) __________________________
(20) __________________________



OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 73 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 3
• You are going to read a text about the weather in Britain. Some words are missing from
the text.
• Your task is to choose the most appropriate word from the list (A–L) for each gap
(21–30) in the text. Write the letter of the appropriate word in the box below.
• There is one extra word that you do not need to use.
• There is an example (0) at the beginning.


Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote about England that one of the most significant drawbacks of this
(0) ________________ nation was the ‘darkness of its sky’. As he put it, “Night and day are
too nearly of a colour”. A century (21) ________________ , Britons are now battling an even
worse climate. Rain has reached record levels. The twelve months ending last March marked the
wettest period in England (22) ________________ meteorological records began in 1766. Last
autumn and winter, the rainiest period of all, storms caused severe flooding throughout the south.
Was this heavy rainfall accidental or the beginning of (23) ________________ threatening?
Many scientists believe it could be the (24) ________________ . Over the past 20 years, weather in

Britain and some other parts of western Europe has been consistent with (25) ________________
current climate models predict should happen in a world (26) ________________ warming:
more rainfall and heavy storms, especially in winter. As the world (27) ________________
warmer, the atmosphere is capable of holding more moisture. Earth’s average surface tempera-
ture has increased (28) ________________ 0.6 degree Celsius over the past century, a trend most
scientists attribute in part to greenhouse-gas emissions. The warming is very (29) ______________
continue during the coming century.
That’s particularly bad news for people in flood plains like southern Britain. Agriculture,
tourism and coastal settlements (30) ________________ . If the warming trend continues, Britons
will need more than an umbrella and a pair of Wellington boots to fight the darkness of their skies.

A by about E latter I since

B could suffer F lakely to J something more
C gets G otherwise lucky K that is
D later H probably L what

0 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 74 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 4
• You are going to read a text about Trentino. Some words are missing from the text.
• Write the missing words on the lines (31–41) after the text.
• Use only one word in each gap.
• There is an example (0) at the beginning.

A holiday in Trentino is ideal for combining the treatment of the body with that of the spirit.
In a land particularly rich (0) ___________ mineral water springs, the spas have been oases
of tranquillity (31) ___________ the last century for the recuperation of health, as well as for
relaxation or a healthy break (32) ___________ a period of hard work. The water that springs
to the surface here is recognised (33) ___________ the medical profession as useful in the treat-
ment of specific illnesses, the hay baths give the (34) ___________ the vigour of nature, and the
health centres are located in an area (35) ___________ the harshness of winter is mitigated by
the influence of Lake Garda.
Foreigners who come here are (36) ___________ to spending their mid-season breaks com-
bining tourism and treatment with leisure and quiet in (37) ___________ to restore their energy.
A holiday in the area will (38) ___________ various needs from total immersion in unspoilt
natural beauties like silent forests or foaming mountain streams (39) ___________ watching
the beauty of life by the lakeside. The nearby mountains (40) ___________ many paths for those
who want to get to the top of the highest peaks. Not to be (41) ___________ is a journey along
Valle di Sole, so as to visit the historic centres of the little villages whose church steeples can be
seen from afar.

  (0) __________________________
(31) __________________________
(32) __________________________
(33) __________________________
(34) __________________________
(35) __________________________
(36) __________________________
(37) __________________________
(38) __________________________
(39) __________________________
(40) __________________________
(41) __________________________


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 75 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 1
• In this section you are going to hear about the railway.
• Your task will be to give short answers to the questions below.
• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in
one piece.
• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections.
• The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the
recording for 30 seconds and write down your answers.
• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers.
• There is an example (0) for you.

(0) What made the railway the most influential invention of the 19th century?
 Its power and speed.
(1) What could the railway do that influenced and changed life?

(2) Where were the railways first used?

(3) What made the railways modern?

(4) What was available for people living in various parts of the country through railways?

(5) What did the railways supply factories and shops with?


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 76 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 2
• In this section you are going to hear an interview with a pub owner.
• Your task will be to circle the letter(s) of the correct answer(s) in the boxes on the right.
Please note that in this task both answers may be correct. However, there is always at
least one correct answer. This means you might have to circle one or two letters.
• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in
one piece.
• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections.
• The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the
recording for 30 seconds and write down your answers.
• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers.
• There is an example (0) for you.

  (0) When Freddy wondered what a job in a pub was like …

a) he was offered to find out about it himself.
a b
b) he thought it wasn’t going to be easy.

 (6) Right at the start Freddy was surprised by …

a) the fact that he could start work the next day.
a b
b) the long working hours.

 (7) What, according to Freddy, is the outsider’s idea about running a pub?
a) You just drink and talk. a b

b) You can get rich easily.

 (8) When you’ve realised that it is hard work you carry on because …
a) the money rolls into the till. a b
b) pride doesn’t let you give up.

 (9) The bright side of running a pub is …

a) meeting people who come in frequently.
a b
b) that people compliment you on the beer.

(10) The usual topic of conversation between Freddy and the customers is …
a) running the pub.
a b
b) football and the news.

(11) As regards the bad side of running the pub, Freddy doesn’t like …
a) it if there are no customers. a b
b) that there is one incident of fight every day.

(12) Still speaking about the bad side of running the pub, Freddy says that …
a) some customers may become quite aggressive.
a b
b) he doesn’t grumble more than he does anything else.


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 77 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 3
• In this section you are going to hear about the history of Coca-Cola.
• Your task will be to fill in the right hand side of the chart with the appropriate informa-
• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in
one piece.
• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections.
• The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the
recording for 30 seconds and write down your answers.
• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers.
• There is an example (0) for you.

 (0) 1886 Coca-Cola was born

the year when ___________________________________________

(13) 1893 the year when ___________________________________________

(14) 1916 the year when ___________________________________________

(15) 40,000 the number of ___________________________________________

4. (16)


> 5 billion
the number of ___________________________________________

the number of ___________________________________________

(18) > 200 the number of ___________________________________________


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 78 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 4
• In this section you are going to hear about Chinese resturants.
• Your task will be to fill in the gaps in the sentences below with one word or two words.
• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in
one piece.
• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections.
• The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the
recording for 30 seconds and write down your answers.
• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers.
• There is an example (0) for you.

Fortunately enough, chopsticks have become a smart component of our
dining experience.
(19) Chinese dishes can be delicious but the usual Chinese restaurants in England serve
_______________________ unadventurous food suit British taste.
(20) A refreshing _______________________ is Memories of China.
(21) The inside of the restaurant is gracefully elegant with _______________________,
indirect lighting and a feeling of intimacy.
(22) We ordered Sichuan dishes, which proved to be of a very _________________________ .

(23) In addition, unlike in many trendy Chinese restaurants, portions were big and
_____________________ .
(24) The crispy duck was juicy and the twice-cooked pork was ________________________ .
(25) Speaking about the chicken, I found that they _______________________ some attention
to British taste.
(26) The French beans with _______________________ were also excellent.
(27) Finally, we only paid £60 for one of the best Chinese meals I _______________________
in ages.


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 79 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 1
A friend of yours goes to a school which has an exchange program with a school
in England. He/She has given you an information booklet about this school. You would
like to spend a term there as a student. The information provided is too general and
you want to know more.

Pupils from Abroad
An opportunity to develop international understanding is provided by the integration of
pupils whose homes are overseas.
Pupils are admitted at any age between 14 and 19 if a vacancy exists.
If you are interested in applying for a place, write to the headmaster for more detailed

Send a letter of application to:

The headmaster
Sidcot School
Winscombe, Avon BS2 1PD

Write a letter of inquiry of about 120–150 words, in which you introduce yourself and say why
you are interested in applying for a place. In the letter you should inquire about the following:
• conditions for entry (e.g. entrance test)
• the curriculum (subjects taught)
• registration / tuition fee
• accommodation (boarding / with families)
• money matters (travel expenses / pocket money etc.)

Begin your letter like this:

Dear Sir,


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 80 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 2
Recently there has been a lot of discussion in your class about space research.
Prompted by the topic, you decide to give your ideas in the school magazine. Write an
article of about 200–250 words with the following title:

Space research: the world’s biggest money waster?

Include the following points of argument:

• costs a lot of money  millions starve

• desire for knowledge  any practical results?
• prestige; proof of human achievement  great nations only; showing of power
• emigration from overpopulated earth?  impossible to reach even nearest star

and give your opinion.



OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 81 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 2

Commercial TVs have a devastating effect on viewers.

You will have a conversation with your examiner about the above statement. Give
your opi­nion and argue for or against the proposition. Your examiner will sometimes
contradict you. React to the counter-arguments of your examiner too.

Task 3

In one of the pictures you can see Easter eggs, in the other picture a scene before
Halloween. Compare and contrast the two pictures. When you have finished talking
the examiner may ask some more questions.



OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 82 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 1
Read this text about a driver. Some phrases have been left out from the text. Choose
the right phrases from the box to fill the gaps. There is one more phrase in the box than
you need. Write your answers in the boxes under the phrases. An example has been given
for you.


A motorist of 90 was fined yesterday for speeding – for the first time in 70 years motoring. His
licence (0) ___________ but he was not (1) ___________ a driving test and his age was not
mentioned in court.
Mr Ronald Sunderland (2) ___________ by a radar trap while travelling near his home

in Exeter. He (3) ___________ his age when stopped, but later wrote a letter to a newspaper,
(4) ___________ the radar trap.
Mr Sunderland did not (5) ___________ yesterday. He admitted what he had done
(6) ___________ . After the case the chairman of the court said: “I (7) ___________ to com-
ment on (8) ___________ I knew of the gentleman’s advanced years. No evidence was given
(9) ___________ and we did not feel it necessary to inquire about it.”
A police officer, one of (10) ___________ the radar trap, said afterwards: “He certainly didn’t
look (11) ___________ ninety. I thought he was in his middle sixties.” Mr Sunderland said: “I’m
90 all right, but I’m (12) ___________ . I’d have been quite upset if they had disqualified me,
but I’ve (13) ___________ that I could pass any test they might have asked me to take.”

A do not wish F appear in court K by letter

B refused to give G anywhere near L was caught
C about his age H around when doing M whether or not
D ordered to take I was recorded N in good shape
E no doubt J the men operating O complaining about

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 83 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 2
Read this text about a hotel. Then read the statements that follow the text and decide if
they correspond to what the text says.
• If the statement says the same as the text, mark it A.
• If what it says is different from what the text says, mark it B.
• If it says something not mentioned in the text, mark it C.
Write the letters in the boxes under the numbers. An example has been given for you.



This comfortable hotel is situated in a house Cromwell House is quietly located in the
built in 1659 by Lady Anne Middleton. It was at­trac­tive Bishophill area of York.

originally founded as a hostel. In 1829 it was
rebuilt and enlarged, and was then under the It is adjacent to Skeldergate House, and has
control of the City of York. The house is now fine views across the river to the nearby city
in pivate ownership and has been completely walls and to the historic parts of medieval
restored and renovated. York. In fact, the hotel site is close to that of
a former medieval castle tower.
The Skeldergate hotel has five single rooms
and 20 twin bedded rooms which can easily In the Cromwell House all rooms have twin
be adjusted into suites of double rooms to beds. Suites of double rooms with family
provide family accommodation for 4 persons. accom­ modation for 4 persons can be ar­
The hotel is conveniently situated within the
ancient city walls only a few minutes’ walk Parking: There is ample space in the
from the city centre and places of interest. Crom­­well House for cars as well as coaches.

The following information refers both to Skeldergate House and to Cromwell House:

Accommodation: budget-priced
There is a supplementary charge for the single occupancy of a twin room.
All prices are exclusive of VAT and inclusive of service.

Booking: daily from 8:00 to 22:00 hrs.

Meals: Short breakfast – included.

English breakfast – at extra charge.
Evening meals: order at reception.

Payments are due on the day the accommodation is taken up, leaving guests the option
of departing early in the morning. As is the custom, on the day of departure rooms should be
vacated by 10:00hrs.


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 (0) Skeldergate House wasn’t originally a guest house.

(14) If you want a room with a view of the river, stay at Cromwell House.
(15) Skeldergate House is rather a long way from Cromwell House.
(16) Guests travelling single can only stay at Skeldergate House.
(17) In both houses, twin-bedded rooms can be adjusted into suites of double rooms.
(18) They recommend this hotel to well-to-do people.
(19) Prices include VAT but they do not include service.
(20) Guests must make payments on arrival.
(21) The restaurant is not prepared to serve dishes à la carte.

0 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21



OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 85 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 3
Read this article about The Netherlands. Some parts have been removed from the text.
For questions 22–28 you must choose which of the parts A–I on the next page fit into
the numbered gaps in the article. Write the letters in the boxes at the bottom of the page.
There is an extra letter you do not need. An example has been given for you.


Today I present a report about The Netherlands.

At one time, large areas of the country were covered by the sea, but over the centuries
the hard-working Dutch have turned these areas into dry land called polder.

5. A key element of this network is the windmills, which, by using the wind to turn giant sails,
attract tourists.


This is how the ecological cycle is completed.

The Dutch are a friendly, funny people who are not opposed to beer. In addition, everybody
speaks English, sometimes even better than native Americans.


For example, when Dutch people pronounce the letter ‘g’, they sound like they are coughing up
a log.

Now it’s time to see the country. The best way to see any foreign country is to get on a bus filled
with other tourists and be driven to a castle, cathedral or other Famous Historic Thing.



Also, you should listen to the guide explaining that the Famous Historic Thing was constructed
in 1158 and went through many historic events before burning to the ground in 1953, to be re-
placed by the ‘authentic reconstruction’ that you are looking at now.


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 86 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


At Alkmaar I saw the famous cheese market.


“There’s the cheese!” we shouted as we took dozens of blurred photographs.


I also visited a cheese-maker, where a woman in an authentic Dutch costume that nobody
in The Netherlands actually wears any more explained how to make cheese.


This concludes my report on The Netherlands.

A Be it any landmark, you’ll surely recognize it by the fact that it’s surrounded by
a herd of tour buses.
B This is what I’d call the tour-group thing.
C They actually drained the water off by building a clever network of canals and
D Because of the crowd I missed a lot of the explanation but in case you want
to make cheese at home, I definitely heard her say that you start with 300 liters
of warm milk.
E This is a good thing, because the Dutch language seems to have some kind of
de­sign problem.
F I had to fight my way through the crowd of tourists, but I finally reached the
front, where I was rewarded with a fine view of – guess what? – a bunch of
G I mean that tourist groups follow their guides like sheep.
H They in turn buy the cheese produced by the 23 million cows grazing on the
polder and elsewhere, in fact wherever you look.
I Then you get out, take a photo of yourself standing in front of the Famous
Historic Thing, buy souvenirs and eat snacks.

0 22 23 24 25 26 27 28


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Task 4
Read this article about carrying guns. Then look at the words and phrases given after the
text. For each word or phrase you must find a synonym (a word or words with a similar
meaning) in the paragraph with the same number. Write the word(s) on the lines. The first
one has been done for you.


Michigan House Speaker Bobby Grim started carrying a gun because of threats on
his life. Representative Tom C. Lange sometimes carries his .38-caliber Colt onto
the House floor. Rep. Caspar Polanski says carrying a ‘piece’ gives him a feeling of confi-

(29) They are among at least 13 Michigan lawmakers who, according to state and country
records, have permits to carry concealed weapons. Some of them say they carry their

5. handguns most of the time – and an unknown number of other lawmakers own weapons but
are not presently licensed to carry them.

(30) “I’ve been in situations where I’ve felt uncomfortable,” said Polanski, who has had a hand-
gun for 10 years and explains he carries it for personal protection. “Sometimes you start
making the rounds with friends in the downtown bars and you strap it on. There’s a fee­ling
of confidence.”

(31) The prevalence of gun-carrying legislators means it is unlikely the Michigan Legislature
will be passing stronger gun control laws, Rep. Michael Bennine said. He earlier intended
to sponsor a bill that would outlaw private ownership of handguns.

(32) But now, he said, because of the pro-gun stance among lawmakers and studies showing
state gun laws are less effective than federal acts, he is reconsidering. “If it’s not worth
the trouble, I’m not going to tilt at windmills.”

(33) State law demands proof that a person’s life is in danger before they can obtain a general
permit. Records show that 12 of the 13 legislators were issued ‘general’ permits allowing
them to carry concealed weapons any time and just about everywhere.

(34) Grim said he has carried his gun “ever since about three years ago when I got a death
threat.” And speaking in more general terms he admits that there is in fact some constitu-
tional right ‘to keep and bear arms’.

(35) This is an inherent right of self-defense possessed by all law-abiding citizens in a free
so­ciety. In the eagerness to reduce the criminal use of handguns, their lawful ownership
cannot justifiably be abridged.


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 88 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


 (0) being certain of one’s abilities ____________________________
(29) permitted to do sth ____________________________
(30) paying for drinks for everyone ____________________________
(31) to make sth illegal ____________________________
(32) producing results ____________________________
(33) requests showing truth strongly ____________________________
(34) recognises as true ____________________________
(35) strong desire to make sth less ____________________________



OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 89 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 1
• You are going to read an article about the Parthenon. Some words are missing from
the text.
• Use the words in brackets to form the words that fit in the gaps (1–11).
• Then write these words on the lines below.
• There is an example (0) at the beginning.

In 1687 an invading Venetian army bombarded the Parthenon. The attack ignited stored am-
munition and caused an (0) ___________ (explode) that shattered the Parthenon’s columns
and left a toppling ruin. The white marble temple that stands today on the rocky Acropolis is
a 20th-century (1) ___________ (construct) that an Athenian of the 5th century B.C. would
probably fail to recognize. In a (2) ___________ (live) book, Cambridge University classi-
cist Mary Beard scrapes away centuries of myth and (3) ___________ (idealise). She returns

the temple to the context of its 2,500 years of history and questions the shaky (4) ___________
(assume) on which our ideals of democracy and classical beauty rest.
Like the work of Shakespeare, the structure seems to belong to a shared Western heritage.
Yet the temple was (5) ___________ (controversy) from the start, funded by tribute money
Athens forced its subject states to pay in order to assert the city’s (6) ___________ (dominant).
Contemporary critics considered it an extravagant waste. Transformed in A.D. 600 into
a Christian church, it became a mosque and ammunition store after the Turks conquered Greece
in the 1460s. The latest (7) ___________ (threat) has its own echoes in Athens’s ancient past.
Critics say that a rush to restore the building for the 2004 Athens Olympics may jeopardize
the (8) ___________ (authentic) of the monument, though architects insist that preservation
remains their main concern.
Beard argues that we treasure the Parthenon (9) ___________ (precise) because it is
half-ruined. She reveals our knowledge of its history to be (10) ___________ (fragment). We
have filled in the gaps with our own ideals, like a modern idea of democracy that bears little
(11) ___________ (resemble) to that of 5th-century Athens. “That sense of loss, absence and
desire now gives the monument its cultural power,” she writes.


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 90 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


  (0) __________________________
 (1) __________________________
 (2) __________________________
 (3) __________________________
 (4) __________________________
 (5) __________________________
 (6) __________________________
 (7) __________________________
 (8) __________________________
 (9) __________________________
(10) __________________________
(11) __________________________



OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 91 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 2
• You are going to read about the dangers of losing weight. Some words are missing
from the text.
• Choose the most appropriate answer from the options (A–D) for each gap (12–23)
in the text.
• Write the letter of the appropriate answer in the box below.
• There is an example (0) at the beginning.

The makers of the wildly popular rapid weight-loss supplement Xenadrine like to brag in ads
that their product ‘makes national news’. Last week’s headlines (0) ___________ have been
what they had in mind as top baseball player Steve Bechler died in Florida after heartstroke
drove his temperature to 108 degrees. Struggling to lose weight, Bechler (12) ___________
Xenadrine, according to officials. Medical examiners put the ephedra-packed pill at the top of

5. their list of (13) ___________ for Bechler’s premature death.

Shane Freedman, counsel for Xenadrine’s manufacturers, calls the link ‘extremely premature
and (14) ___________ reckless’. Still, Bechler’s death has reignited a debate about the safety of
the herb, one that began almost as soon as its popularity grew (15) ___________ to aggressive
advertising in 1994. Since then, more than 80 deaths (16) ___________ blamed on ephedra-
based supplements in the United States alone.
The herb is found in all four of America’s best-selling weight-loss products – which to­gether
(17) ___________ more than $160 million in annual sales – and is a hit with athletes, par-
ticularly bodybuilders, (18) ___________ being banned by many sports organizations. Over
the years, a number of world-class athletes (19) ___________ tested positive for the stimulant.
Sports figures aren’t the only ones (20) ___________ chances. Though healthy users who
take recommended doses are probably safe, many doctors say the herb (21) ___________
a se­rious risk for patients with hypertension, heart disease or diabetes. Bechler belonged to the
first group. His high blood pressure, combined with rapid weight loss, may have strained his
body – already (22) ___________ by ephedra and workouts in the Florida heat.
Bad publicity has (23) ___________ many makers to pull their ephedra products and intro-
duce new alternatives in the last few months. You could change brands. But there’s only one sure
way to avoid risk: don’t take weight-loss supplements at all.


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 92 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


  (0) A) mustn’t B) can’t C) shouldn’t D) oughtn’t to

(12) A) has been taking B) was taking C) had been taking D) took
(13) A) factors, which B) responsible C) factors D) factors what
were responsible factors responsible were responsible
(14) A) bordering on B) adjacent to C) edging on D) margining
(15) A) thanks B) thanking C) thank D) thanked
(16) A) were B) have been C) are D) are being
(17) A) add up B) induce C) trigger D) generate
(18) A) despite B) in spite that it’s C) despite of D) despite that it’s
(19) A) has B) had been C) has been D) have
(20) A) fancying B) taking C) standing D) running
(21) A) increases B) challenges C) offers D) means

(22) A) tried B) damaged C) weakened D) improved
(23) A) proposed B) suggested C) recommended D) persuaded

0 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 93 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 3
• You are going to read a text about the meaning of life. Some words are missing from
the text.
• Write the missing words on the lines (24–34) after the text.
• Use only one word in each gap.
• There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Chinese cooking isn’t an American franchise. But what about fate, closed in that wafer known
as the Chinese fortune cookie? Legend suggests it was (0) ___________ in San Francisco by
Chinese workers who came to build the first transcontinental railroad. True or not, the sugary
cookies baked around slips of paper telling fortune and (24) ___________ advice have become
part of the multicultural American cuisine. And what better (25) ___________ to reward a well-
fed stomach than with after-dinner wisdom? BE LIKE THE ROCK IN A STREAM, you might

be advised.
When it comes (26) ___________ the prophecy of fortune cookies, I count myself among the
believers. Years ago, before giving up a boring job in Washington and (27) ___________ for
Asia for adventure, I broke a cookie to tell my fortune. BE BRAVE AND MIGHTY FORCES
WILL COME TO YOUR AID. It was the best decision I ever (28) ___________ .
My experience isn’t unique. A co-worker still remembers the day he took his fortune lightly:
DO NOT MARRY THE GIRL! He did – and they (29) ___________ up with a bitter divorce.
Is it any wonder that some Americans (30) ___________ these little scraps of paper onto their
bulletin boards or place them on their bed tables? Sure, fortunes are often so vague, it’s some-
times hard to imagine their not (31) ___________ true. But sometimes vague advice is what one
One day, I determined to find out who wrote these things. It wasn’t easy. There was
no trace (32) ___________ him in the phone book. But I did find someone who gave me his
number. I asked, “Sir, do you have any advice (33) ___________ , perhaps, the meaning of
life?” He said, “There is only meaning to your life. You already have that knowledge inside you.
Sometimes you need a phrase in a cookie to (34) ___________ you remember what it is.”
There it was. In the end I found wisdom. Whenever I begin to lose faith, I know there’s
a little slip of paper awaiting me at the local Chinese shop, just to remind me why I’m here.


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 94 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


  (0) __________________________
(24) __________________________
(25) __________________________
(26) __________________________
(27) __________________________
(28) __________________________
(29) __________________________
(30) __________________________
(31) __________________________
(32) __________________________
(33) __________________________
(34) __________________________



OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 95 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 4
• You are going to read a story. In most lines there is one unnecessary word. It is either
grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text.
• Read the text and then copy the unnecessary word in the space provided after each
• Some lines are correct. Indicate these lines with a tick (✓).
• The task begins with two examples (0).

  (0) Doris, a freelance journalist, has just finished a four-year ✓

  (0) degree in History. Doris, who hadn’t been in the further the
(35) education since she has finished a journalism course, says: ________________________
(36) ‘I had got more out of doing it later in life than straight ________________________
(37) after the school. When I did my journalism course we sat ________________________

5. (38) in the canteen chatting half of the time, but when you’re
(39) older you realise that the only person you’re cheating is
(40) yourself if you do that. And when you become older you
(41) can bring so much more to your analysis because you’ve ________________________
(42) done more. It was a quite strange having to write an essay ________________________
(43) after many years, particularly after being a journalist where ________________________
(44) you have to say things as briefly as is possible. But it was ________________________
(45) interesting in having access to such knowledgeable tutors’. ________________________


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 96 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 1
• In this section you are going to hear about a woman called Debbie.
• Your task will be to give short answers to the questions below.
• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording
in one piece.
• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections.
• The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop
the recording for 30 seconds and write down your answers.
• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers.
• There is an example (0) for you.

(0) What did the degree obtained give Debbie?

 A desire learn more.
(1) What courses has she enrolled on since then? (name three)

(2) Why was she put off education earlier in life?

(3) What makes her find learning a real pleasure?

(4) What has this experience taught her?

(5) What kind of people does she spend time with?

(6) What does she think breaks down barriers?


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 97 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 2
• In this section you are going to hear about Elvis Presley.
• Your task will be to fill in the right hand side of the chart with the appropriate infoma-
• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording
in one piece.
• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections.
• The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop
the recording for 30 seconds and write down your answers.
• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers.
• There is an example (0) for you.

 (0) 695 the price of a golden copy of Elvis’s sunglasses


 (7) 44,000 ______________________________________________________

 (8) 8 ______________________________________________________

 (9) 42 ______________________________________________________

(10) 30,000 ______________________________________________________

(11) 10 ______________________________________________________

(12) > 2 million ______________________________________________________


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 98 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 3
• In this section you are going to hear about Giorgio Armani.
• Your task will be to write the letter of the correct answer into the boxes on the right.
• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording
in one piece.
• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections.
• The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop
the recording for 30 seconds and write down your answers.
• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers.
• There is an example (0) for you.

 (0) Giorgio Armani doesn’t mind speaking openly about …

A) his thoughts B) business C) his private life
(13) Armani is determined to …

A) sell the House of Armani out to large companies.
B) resist the pressure to go global.
C) remain the only owner of his business.

(14) The luxury-goods business is in trouble because …

A) it cannot rely on young professionals wearing coats and ties.
B) in the later years of the 20th century casual style was in fashion.
C) in times of uncertainty one doesn’t care about lasting values.

(15) Armani’s revolutionary moves in the history of fashion include …

A) the invention of unisex clothes.
B) the selling of blue jeans in his luxury shops.
C) selling business suits at low prices.

(16) Now Armani is risking hundreds of millions of dollars because …

A) he is too old for making long-term plans.
B) the world economy is in global recession.
C) he wants to expand into fields unexplored by him so far.

(17) Armani’s new marketing strategy won’t involve …

A) opening home-design stores in the United States.
B) putting up his advertisements everywhere.
C) developing new Emporia in the United States.

(18) At the height of the stock market, Armani …

A) withstood the selling of his company.
B) moved up on the lists of the world’s richest humans.
C) was tempted into selling his company.

(19) Armani’s strategy is looking smart because …

A) during the good years he invested $800 billion in the stock market.
B) he is not influenced by the cautiousness of the market.
C) his rivals are not in the position of being able to buy his company.


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 99 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 4
• In this section you are going to hear about nannies.
• Your task will be to fill in the gaps in the sentences below with one word or two words.
• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording
in one piece.
• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections.
• The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop
the recording for 30 seconds and write down your answers.
• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers.
• There is an example (0) for you.

 (0) There was a time when only very rich people could _______________________ good
(20) The salaries of nannies rose parallel with those of _______________________ .

5. (21) Once upon a time, nannies were _______________________ for by rival parents, to give
the best to their children.
(22) Now, however, caretakers have got _______________________ to advertising themselves.
(23) The situation is even worse by the recent _______________________ of Eastern Euro­pean
au pairs, who are to do more work for less money.
(24) As a result, nannies have to be more _______________________ with hours and take on
household .
This means that a nanny is also responsible for cooking dinner or doing
_______________________ in the house.


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 100 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 1
You saw this advertisement in a brochure and you decide to apply. The information pro-
vided is too general and you want to know more.

Dairyland Farm World

The Cream of Britain’s Farm World
Are you attracted to living on a farm?
Are you between 16 and 19 who likes adventure?
Would you like to introduce visitors to Britain’s premier farm attraction including
a milking parlour
a coutrylife museum
a nature trail
a farm park & playground?
Then why not apply for a great summertime job with us?

Send a letter of application to:

Dairyland Farm World

Devon NQ5 3DC

Write a letter of application of about 120–150 words, in which you introduce yourself and
say why you are interested in the job. In the letter you should inquire about the following:

• what the job includes

• any previous experience required
• accommodation and food provided?
• money matters (travel expenses / salary etc.)
• work permit, insurance
Begin your letter like this:

Dear Sir,


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 101 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 2
Recently there has been a lot of discussion in your class about whether school can pro-
vide a proper education to prepare students for real life. You decide to give your ideas
in the school magazine. Write an article of about 200–250 words with the following title:

Learning for Life?

Include the following points:

• students’ heads packed full of knowledge

• knowledge enough for passing exams – what else?
• type of knowledge needed for real life
• how school could prepare students for real-life challenges
• students having a say in what to be taught

and give your opinion.

5. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 102 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 2

Advertisements are useless and have harmful effects.

You will have a conversation with your examiner about the above statement. Give
your opinion and argue for or against the proposition. Your examiner will sometimes
contradict you. React to the counter-arguments of your examiner too.

Task 3

At first glance, these two pictures do not have much in common – or do they? What
do you think is the main idea that connects them? Describe and compare the two

pictures by adding your thoughts. When you have finished talking the examiner may
ask some more questions.


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 103 2021. 10. 26. 8:32



Task 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Task 2
0 10 11 12 13 14

Task 3

(15) drawbacks (16) put back (17) enabling (18) upset (19) severity (20) adjust (21) extent
(22) hasten (23) exposure

Task 4
0 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33


Task 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Task 2
0 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Task 3

(24) fascinating (25) forgotten (26) discoveries (27) hidden (28) marvellous (29) spiritual
(30) carvings (31) limitations

Task 4

(32) had (33) up (34) ✓ (35) for (36) was (37) ✓ (38) ✓ (39) being (40) the (41) not
(42) ✓


Task 1
1 X
2 X
3 X
4 X
5 X
6 X
7 X
8 X

OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 104 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 2
0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Task 3

(17) disposal (18) venturing (19) privilege (20) curious (21) underwater (22) wreck
(23) permitted (24) earthbound (25) space-shuttle (26) pursuing

Task 4

(27)  She thinks it’s not enough.

(28)  Public awareness.
(29)  By learning by doing.
(30)  To find the links between local and global environmental problems.
(31)  Three per cent.
(32)  Yes, theoretically. / Only theoretically.
(33)  That it is distributed unevenly.
(34)  For daily use and for drinking.


Task 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Task 2
0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Task 3

(18) mature (19) detailed (20) multitude (21) create (22) additional (23) debates (24) revive
(25) caution (26) approval (27) ban

Task 4 (javasolt megoldások)

(28)  given an assurance
(29)  survived
(30)  danger of gas
(31)  their concern
(32)  (very) suddenly / suddenly and unexpectedly / unexpectedly
(33)  be rescued
(34)  to worry / to act / to do anything
(35)  evacuation / evacuating people
(36)  not to smoke / against smoking


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 105 2021. 10. 26. 8:32



Task 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Task 2

(14) of (15) which (16) becomes / gets (17) driving (18) life (19) apparent / obvious
(20) dates (21) fact (22) raises (23) search

Task 3
0 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Task 4

(36) ✓ (37) the (38) some (39) during (40) being (41) of (42) had (43) ✓ (44) ✓ (45) with


Task 1

(1)  the speed at which he hurtled down / his speed during the ski run
(2)  the length of his ski run
(3)  the (length of) time during which he was checking his equipment
(4)  the (length of) time during which he speeded up to 50 miles per hour
(5)  the degree of the slope
(6)  the altitude where / at which he hit a rock
(7)  the distance from a crevasse (where he came to a halt)

Task 2

(8) delicious (9) slapped (10) frightened (11) evacuated (12) extinguished (13) installed
(14) improved (15) withdraw (16) negotiations (17) aground

Task 3

(18) a (19) b (20) ab (21) a (22) a (23) a (24) b (25) ab (26) b

Task 4

(27) A (28) C (29) B (30) B (31) C (32) A


Task 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Task 2
0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Task 3
0 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 106 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 4 (javasolt megoldások)

(25) has slowed down (26) fuel-saving measures (27) punctuality records
(28) of journey times (29) (airports’) airspace (30) estimation of arrival (31) flying (more) slowly
(32) arriving too early (33) scheduled time (34) is disgraceful (35) introduced


Task 1

(1) bringing (2) generosity (3) organisers (4) sophisticated (5) ban
(6) advertising / advertisements (7) creative (8) professionalism (9) distinctive (10) treatments

Task 2

(11) was / were (12) flowing / pouring / going (13) reflects / shows / indicates / reveals
(14) rather / more (15) believe / think (16) long (17) likely / about (18) spite (19) up
(20) over

Task 3
0 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

Task 4
0 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 45 43 44 45


Task 3
0 X
1 X
2 X
3 X
4 X
5 X
6 X
7 X
Task 2

  (8)  … while the trouble / (act of) violence lasted

  (9)  … the wings where the riot broke out / where prisoners were running amok
(10)  … the fire officers who moved into the jail
(11)  … the prisoner who shouted out / gave the signal to start the trouble
(12)  … during which the prisoners took control of the two wings
(13)  … the people in prison / the jail population
(14)  … places lost for (high-security) prisoners (because of the fire)


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Task 3 (javasolt megoldások)

(15) More than a century of experience. / His great-grandparents began (the inn and) the res-
taurant (in 1872).
(16)  The (right) combination of flavours.
(17)  Patience and improvement.
(18)  The same staff prepare and serve the dishes.
(19)  Because a complicated dish has to be prepared well in advance and it loses taste.
(20)  To maintain a quality that matches the environment.

Task 4

(21) a (22) a (23) a (24) ab (25) ab (26) a (27) b (28) ab (29) ab


Task 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Task 2

(9) an investigation (10) (trade) unions (11) put on them (12) members / representatives
(13) out of the question / hopeless / meaningless / etc. (14) firm or not (15) of the union
(16) trouble (with French law(s))

Task 3
0 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Task 4
0 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35


Task 1

(1) then (2) ✓ (3) the (4) being (5) were (6) ✓ (7) in (8) ✓ (9) more

Task 2

(10) temptation (11) wisdom (12) insistent (13) reluctance (14) complications (15) possibility
(16) judg(e)ment (17) expertise (18) significance (19) responsibilities (20) luxurious

Task 3
0 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Task 4

(31) since / over (32) after / following (33) by (34) body (35) where (36) used / accustomed
(37) order (38) satisfy (39) to (40) offer (41) missed


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Task 1

(1)  It transported a lot of goods and people quickly.

(2)  In industry.
(3)  The materials they used and the efficient operation.
(4)  Fresh food, vegetables, mail and newspapers.
(5)  Raw material and finished goods.

Task 2

(6) ab (7) ab (8) b (9) a (10) b (11) a (12) ab

Task 3

(13)  the trademark Coca-Cola was registered

(14)  the (uniquely shaped) Coca-Cola bottle was developed
(15)  spectators at the opening ceremony of the Amsterdam Olympics
(16)  bottling plants shipped abroad during World War II
(17)  the bottles of Coke provided for American services staff
(18)  young people who sang a song about Coke (on a hilltop in Italy)

Task 4

(19) adapted to (20) exception (21) low ceilings (22) high standard (23) prices reasonable
(24) deliciously spicy (25) had paid (26) minced pork (27) have had


Task 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Task 2
0 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Task 3
0 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Task 4

(29) licensed (30) making the rounds (31) outlaw (32) effective (33) demands proof
(34) admits (35) eagerness to reduce


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Task 1

(1) construct(ion) (2) lively (3) idealisation (4) assumptions (5) controversial
(6) dominance (7) threat (8) authenticity (9) precisely (10) fragmentary (11) resemblance

Task 2
0 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Task 3

(24) giving / offering (25) way (26) to (27) leaving / heading (28) made (29) ended
(30) put / pin (31) coming / being (32) of (33) on (34) make

Task 4

(35) has (36) had (37) the (38) of (39) ✓ (40) ✓ (41) ✓ (42) a (43) ✓ (44) is (45) in


Task 1

(1)  pottery / African cinema / media art / salsa dancing

(2)  Because they didn’t teach her to enjoy learning.
(3)  There are no pressures.
(4)  Not to be nervous in certain circumstances.
(5)  Who share a common passion.
(6)  The fact that everyone shares the same objectives.

Task 2

  (7)  the number of the pieces of Elvis’s (first) gravestone

  (8)  the price (in dollars) of a (stamp-sized) piece of Elvis’s land
  (9)  Elvis’s age when he died
(10) the number of the fans who saw Elvis’s dead body / … who got into Elvis’s house to see
his body
(11)  the entrance fee to Elvis’s birthplace
(12)  the price (in dollars) of Elvis’s sports car

Task 3

(13) C (14) B (15) A (16) C (17) C (18) A (19) B

Task 4

(20) their employers (21) hunted, eager (22) accustomed / used (23) appearance, willing / ready
(24) flexible, chores (25) repairs


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Task 1

Inspector Evans of Scotland Yard soon arrived on the scene of the crime. When the newsmen
saw him getting out of the car, they immediately realised that matters were serious. Inspector
Evans had a fine reputation. He had solved many difficult and complicated crimes during the
past few years. Most of them were robberies. This one concerned the theft of jewels belonging
to a famous film actress. She was re­puted to be a millionairess. So it was not surprising that the
missing jewels were valued at more than half a million pounds.
The newsmen were eager to question the detective. He stood on the pavement outside the
house and smiled at the photographers. “Do you have a statement to make?” somebody asked.
The detective – tall, thick-set, middle-aged, clean-shaven – pushed his way through the crowd,
turned round and said in a cool and friendly voice: “I have no statement to make. As soon as
there is anything fresh to tell you, I’ll let you know.” He turned to a policeman, whispered a few
words in his ear and went into the house. After a ‘Move along, please’ from the policeman, the
crowd gradually dispersed.
Upstairs, Inspector Evans walked over to the French windows. It was probably through
these that the thieves had come. It had apparently not been difficult for them to break into the
safe. Just as the detective was about to examine this once again, the telephone rang.
“Hullo, Inspector,” a soft, monotonous voice said. “If you want a clue, why don’t you talk
to the servant? The one with the small scar on the right cheek.”

Task 2

Interviewer: Hello and welcome to Healthy Eating, our magazine for everyone who’d like to
keep fit and eat well at the same time. This morning we’ll talk about the potential problems with
our children’s diets and eating habits. We have here in the studio Janet Slimbody, author of the
best-selling The Food Our Children Eat.
JS: Hello everyone. Pleased to meet you all.
I: Janet, in your book you criticise school dinners rather heavily. Why is that so?
JS: Well, there must be a reason behind the fact that, although many of us view our childhood
through rose-tinted spectacles, there is one aspect that usually makes us say angry and offensive
words: school dinners. Visions of greasy mince, gristly sausages and distasteful cabbage spring
to mind …
I: Yes, but you’re not saying there have been no changes recently, are you?
JS: Oh yes, we’ve come a long way since then as long as American-style burger-bar menus are
tried out in some schools, or fizzy-drink vending machines which, by the way, bring substantial
revenue to schools, are replacing old-fashioned shops. Still the question remains basically the
same: will our children’s me­mories be filled with happy thoughts of burgers, chips and jam
doughnuts instead of macaroni cheese?


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I: Speaking about junk food you say it’s a great leveller. Do you mean it makes everyone fat?
JS: Well, it does, but I actually wanted to say that it’s accessible to well-to do and underprivi-
leged children alike.
I: I see. But now let’s look ahead. In your book you don’t only outline problems but you also
proceed to give sensible solutions. It was interesting to read, for example, that in spite of
everything we have said about junk food so far, in your view the core problem is the idea that
children require separate food rather than getting used to eating what adults eat.
JS: Oh yes, even if I admit that eating with young children can be a nightmare as the baby
decides to redecorate with her mashed potato and the toddler hurls bread rolls around as if he
were at a rugby-club dinner. But as children grow, family meals gradually become the pleasure
they ought to be; they also provide an opportunity for children to learn specific social skills.
I: And what about the range of foods?
JS: My advice is that they should be introduced to a wide range of foods. I recognise that, with
our frantic lifestyles, eating together is not always practical, but families should eat together
whenever possible, to provide an important model for eating that challenges pressure to eat junk.
I: What can schools do to help families in achieving this?
JS: There are now various school projects throughout Britain to get children interested in cook-
ing, which is a positive step, as once a child has cooked and tasted their own-made pizza, they
will not return readily to overprocessed junk. Having children cooking in their own homes,
however, is best of all. It is messy, but also great fun.
I: Janet, thank you very much for the interview.
JS: My pleasure.

Task 3

For most harried holidaymakers, this year’s holiday plans will be more about time than place.
You’ll probably get no farther than the Mediterranean, before you have to start thinking about
re-entry into the job atmosphere. But for those with more than a couple of weeks at their dis-
posal, favourable exchange rates, fewer exchanges of gunfire and changes in rules are opening
up new frontiers worldwide.
Some are not even on firm land. Travellers who have seen everything on the earth’s surface
are now venturing below sea level. Dry-suited divers will pay $6,950 for seven days for the
privilege of dropping into ice holes in the Arctic waters off Canada’s Griffith Islands. They’ll
spend an hour per dive swimming in the clear water under dramatic ice formations and alongside
the curious seal. If that’s too cool, Seagram DeepSea Voyages takes daredevil holidaymakers
to the Azores, to the hydrothermal chimneys that percolate at 660 degrees 8,000 feet below the
surface. It also ferries deep-pocketed passengers to view the wreck of the Titanic.
Back on dry land, Saudi Arabia is easing restrictions. Last year the first tourists were per-
mitted under rigid itineraries, but women had to be dressed in traditional head-to-toe robes.


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This year the kingdom established a Commission for Tourism, opened a tourism college and is
discussing plans to issue individual visas. However, it will nudge its doors only slightly. Two of
the Islamic world’s holiest cities, Mecca and Medina, will still remain out of bounds.
For those who can’t stomach another earthbound vacation, Russia’s Yuri Gagarin
Cosmonaut Training Centre will continue zero-gravity parabolic flights. About 100 people have
also put down deposits to hold spots for a $98,000 suborbital flight. Just like an authentic space-
shuttle launch, though, the mission originally scheduled for 2001 has been rolled back. There
was no immediate word on refund – which is yet another hazard of pursuing the ultimate

Task 4

Screams of surprise echo as groups of schoolchildren measure the river’s pH, scrutinize insects
and plant life on the banks and suddenly sight another species of fish. Throughout the French
Rhone-Alpes region, thousands of classes are charting the state of the region’s river systems.
Managing the Alp Action project, Anne Fouvet explains, “The solution to water distribution
and pollution is not just more technology and treatment. Better water resource management,
based on public awareness, is the only viable long-term approach. Students are stimulated to
find solutions to problems by learning by doing. But that is not the only purpose of this project.
The campaign also underscores the links between local problems and the global environmental
Water covers more than three quarters of our planet, but only 3% of it is fresh and just
0.014% is readily available for human consumption. Theoretically, this is sufficient to cover
global human demand, but these resources are very unevenly distributed. According to OECD,
a fifth of the world’s population does not have enough water for daily needs, and even worse,
the same number has no access to safe drinking water.


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Task 1

Mr Kenichi Suzuka, a Japanese skier, told reporters in Katmandu today how he narrowly
escaped death in his attempt to ski down Mount Everest this month.
His descent began at 26,000 ft above sea level and ended when he fell close to a crevasse,
he said. In the final seconds, as he hurtled down the mountainside at about 50 miles an hour,
dodging rocks in his path, he was convinced that he was about to be killed. The fall saved his
Mr Suzuka’s 1.8 mile ski run on May 6 was elaborately organized. He first climbed 820 ft
above the starting point for an easy 30-second run down to the South Col in normal alpine ski-
ing conditions on excellent snow. Within a few hours, after spending about 90 minutes checking
his equipment, he began the fast descent.
He said that he began the downhill run as soon as the winds decreased and within five
seconds he was rushing headlong at 50 miles an hour. The 40-degree slope soon narrowed
abruptly, with exposed rocks on either side, and the winds buffeted him from both sides.
He found that at times his brake parachute was failing to slow his descent, and he tried to
check his speed by pressing the edges of his skis harder into the snow.
A minute later he found that he was skiing over undulating rock-strewn ice. He hit one
of the rocks at an altitude of 23,600 ft, went out of control, lost his right ski and crashed into
a rock. Almost unconscious, he finally came to a halt 100 yards short of the crevasse. But he was

Task 2

Woman: Well, Jack, what do the papers say?

Man: There’s quite a lot of interesting news. Listen to this, for example. A woman and her
daughter got into a nasty situation in Kenya. The woman says that while they were walking
in the jungle a man-eating lion came towards them …
W: How did she know it was a man-eating lion?
M: Well, it says here that the animal was licking its lips in preparation for the delicious feast
when the woman, ha-ha, well, she claims she simply took her sandals off and slapped him on
the nose – and the lion just left them behind.
W: How incredible!
M: When asked how she’d picked up the courage to do that, she replied that her sandals had
been her only weapon.
W: And the daughter?
M: She said she’d never thought her mother was such a brave woman. But she admitted that
she’d been frightened to death and that she wouldn’t want to walk in the jungle again.


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W: Why, quite understandably, don’t you think so? Anything else interesting?
M: Well, the usual unrest and disasters … There was a fire in an apartment block the other day.
A lot of people were evacuated but one family died in the blaze. In an interview after the fire
had been extinguished, a fireman said that an elderly man had fallen asleep while smoking and
his cigarette could have started the fire. A policeman said if smoke alarms had been installed
that family might still be alive. To this the fire officer added that they keep telling people not to
smoke in bed but their warnings fall on deaf ears.
W: That’s true, unfortunately.
M: Another bit of news is that in a jail some prisoners gathered on the roof and, using a loud
hailer, said that they would not surrender until conditions were improved. Warders were told to
withdraw to another section of the prison building. The authorities are refusing to negotiate with
the rioters, saying while pri­soners are in control of the prison there is no question of any nego-
tiations taking place. A spokesman said they will not give in to this kind of blackmail.
W: Quite right.
M: And finally there’s the usual environmental damage. A tanker ran aground off the coast of
Wales yesterday morning. The article says the accident has created an oil spill 10 miles wide
and that rescue work is being made difficult by high waves and strong winds. An expert said the
next twenty-four hours will be a critical period. A spokesman for Greenpace said something
must be done to prevent this happening again.
W: Well, disasters and unrest all around! Lucky we are that we are living in such a quiet place.
M: Yes, our home is our castle.
W: Wait, what was that? I feel something dripping on my head.
M: Oh no, it must be the neighbour’s washing machine again!

Task 3

The Sistine Chapel is in a building in the old medieval part of the Apostolic Palace and takes its
name from Pope Sixtus IV, who had it built between 1477 and 1480.
The building was designed for the dual purpose of housing the new chapel and defending
the Apos­tolic Palace. This defensive nature is evident from the massive appearance of its exte-
rior and from the battlements at the top. The structure includes an area below ground level,
the chapel itself and, on the outside, a gallery for the guards.
The Sistine Chapel is covered with a vault. The floor is inlaid marble of various colours.
A marble screen separates the area reserved for the clergy from that of the congregation.
Both the screen and the choir are ornamented with fine reliefs. The decoration of the walls with
events from the lives of Moses and Christ, and with portraits of popes, was completed by a team
of painters in 1483.
The three popes who succeeded Sixtus IV left the chapel as they had found it. It was
only in 1506 that Pope Julius II decided to change the vault decoration. He entrusted the task
to Michelangelo, who tried in vain to resist the will of the powerful pope. Tradition has it


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that it was Bramante, envious of his rival’s success, who suggested that Michelangelo be commis-
sioned to do the job. Michelangelo began work with a team of assistants, whom he dismissed
as soon as he had learnt the fresco technique, which was entirely new to him at the time.
The ceiling was completed in 1512.
In 1533 Michelangelo was commissioned to paint the Last Judgement on the altar wall,
an unusual place because the subject was traditionally depicted on the entrance wall. The Pope
may have had it placed on the altar wall as a reminder of the sack of Rome in 1527, which many
had interpreted as divine punishment for the corruption of the times. Once again Michelange-
lo accepted the job reluctantly. The immense painting, which occupies 200 square metres and
depicts 391 figures, was finally comp­leted in 1541. According to Giorgio Vasari, this extra-
ordinary piece of art aroused “the wonder and asto­nishment of the whole of Rome”.

Task 4

Results this week from Tesco will confirm that the supermarket chain has beaten its arch-rival
Sainsbury to become Britain’s largest grocer.
Tesco is set to increase its profit with aggressive store openings and its acquisition of the
Scottish supermarket chain, William Low. Figures reveal that Tesco has recently boosted its
share of the total grocery market ahead of Sainsbury.
Tesco spent most of the previous decade being the second largest chain behind Sainsbury,
but lately it has staged an aggressive comeback. Analysts now say that it has overtaken its rival,
particularly since winning the battle for William Low.
In the past few days brokers have re-rated the supermarket chain. Some have recommend-
ed that investors move out of Sainsbury into Tesco. This whet the City’s appetite for a good
result when it produced better-than-expected sales figures. According to analysts, it is the best
performance that has been seen in the sector. Sainsbury shrugged off the news that it has been
knocked from its position as the nation’s biggest grocer, saying its aim was to be the best, not
necessarily the biggest.


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Task 1

Ladies and gentlemen, now I’m going to tell you something about one of Portugal’s most
famous histo­rical monuments.
Viewed from the top of this hill where the old castle stands, or from any point of the great
courtyard, the Abbey of Saint Mary of Alcobaça is an impressive Christian monument. In addi-
tion, it is indeed a tour through the history of European art from the twelfth to the eighteenth
century. In the church, which is the largest in the whole of Portugal, visitors can see the beautiful
14th-century tombstone of King Pedro I.
Alcobaça has a castle of Arab origin. Its two rivers, the Alcoa and the Baça, form its name
and the outlines of the green valley where the town first began and developed. The origins of
the town date from 1153, the days when there was a war between the Arabs and Christians. The
first king of Portugal took the castle from the Arabs and, to make sure these lands would be-
come Christian, he gave the whole region to the Cistercians. They soon began to build the great
Gothic abbey and began farming by using their wise methods, proof of which could be found
in the quality of their fruit and wines and the vegetables coming from all over the valley, also
famous for its fine pots and dishes. They would sell their goods at the market, the centre of life
in old Alcobaça. You will see this for yourselves in a minute as soon as we have arrived there.
Thank you for your attention and enjoy the rest of your stay with us.

Task 2

Nearly 150 prisoners were yesterday removed from a high-security jail where prison riot squads
fought to control a 12-hour act of violence by prisoners.
The unrest at Full Sutton prison, York, was finally quelled when the riot squads stormed
barricades and seized back control of two wings where prisoners had been running amok.
As a police helicopter soared overhead, more than 50 fire officers moved into the jail to
extinguish a series of blazes which prisoners had lit during the night. Sources at the jail yester-
day described scenes of ‘widespread devastation’.
The trouble started when the prisoners were unlocked from cells for an evening association
and some troublesome prisoners were being segregated by jail staff. One of them shouted out
what is believed to have been a signal to other prisoners to start the trouble. Within minutes the
prisoners had taken control of two wings of the jail building.
Yesterday 146 prisoners were being transferred to other jails to limit the chance of further
trouble at Full Sutton. The transfers will add to the prison service’s overcrowding problems,
with the jail population at a record 60,000 and rising. The damage at Full Sutton will cause
a loss of up to 200 places for high-security prisoners.


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Task 3

Interviewer: Hello and welcome to The Restaurant of the Month, our magazine for restaurant-
goers. This morning we have here in the studio Monsieur Georges Blanc, owner of The
Restaurant in a scenic village called Vonnas in France.
GB: Hello everyone. Pleased to meet you all.
I: Monsieur Blanc, you sum up your cuisine as ‘a combination of tradition and imagination’.
What do you mean by that?
GB: Well, I said that because we can draw on more than a century of tradition. My great grand-
parents began the inn and its restaurant in 1872.
I: Well, I guess you have your own distinctive style that has helped you to get to the top – could
you tell us what it actually is like?
GB: Erm, my style focuses on finding the right combination of flavours. I believe that it takes
a lot of patience to get to the top and stay there. You’ve got to keep improving just to stay at
the level where you are. Of course, this holds true not only for the food, but the service as well.
I like to have the entire staff involved because it makes for a better spirit. It also means that the
same staff is working on preparing dishes. Also, I personally want to be there.
I: Could you say something about your menus?
GB: Well, they reflect the best of what each season offers. I like the taste of fresh food and
I think my customers are looking for that as well. For that reason, I don’t like to use too many
ingredients in the same course. When the dish is too sophisticated, it has to be prepared too far
in advance. Then it loses taste.
I: And what about your plans for the future?
GB: My aim remains the same: to create a seamless experience in a place where there are bright
colours and beautiful flowers. You know, Vonnas is special. I want the quality of the environment
to be reflected in the service that I offer.
I: Monsieur Blanc, thank you very much.
GB: You’re welcome.

Task 4

Drug agencies are altering their advice to Ecstasy users to alert them to the danger of drinking
too much water.
Yesterday a girl who had taken a combination of Ecstasy and huge quantities of water
awoke from a 24-hour coma. Helen Cousins, 19, is recovering in St Mary’s Hospital, Esher,
Surrey, after taking the drug at a New Year’s Eve party.
After a previous death case the Health Department warned drug agencies to emphasise to
drug users that water is not an antidote to Ecstasy but to the dehydration caused by prolonged
dancing in a hot atmosphere.


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The new warning says people who use Ecstasy should drink enough water to replace fluid
lost through sweating but should also eat salty snacks and drink fruit juice to maintain the min-
eral balance in the body.
Ecstasy can cause repetitive behaviour and users have been known to drink up to 20 litres
of fluid in a few hours. The drug also triggers the release of a hormone that slows down the
action of the kidneys, preventing the body eliminating the excess fluid.
This happens when a person drinks so much water that the blood becomes diluted and
water is sucked into the brain, causing it to swell. Beer drinkers who consume ten or more pints
in an evening do not encounter the problem because alcohol speeds up the action of the kidneys
rather than slowing it down.
However, the risk to Ecstasy takers comes in using the drug, not in trying to combat its
effects. Dr John Ash, physician at St Mary’s Hospital, said: “Our body isn’t meant to dance all
night. Ecstasy prevents you feeling exhausted when you should be taking a rest. It is nonsense
that these drugs are contaminated. People put that around to make it sound like Ecstasy is safe,
but basically it is intrinsically unsafe.”


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Task 1

The railway was the greatest and the most influential technical invention of the 19th century.
With its combination of power and speed it enabled large quantities of goods and large numbers
of people to be transported from one place to another in a short time, and so influenced and in
some way changed the lives of all.
The railways began life as an industrial transport system. Railways experimented with and
used the most modern of contemporary materials. They developed efficient systems of operation
and gained themselves a good safety record.
Above all, railways are about people. People used the railways to go to work, to travel for
pleasure and to service new industries. In countries large and small the railways helped to bring
about the regulation of life. Fresh food and vegetables carried by train became widely available.
Mail and newspapers were sent rapidly from one part of the country to another. Large quantities
of raw materials and finished goods could be transported to factories and shops.
For over a hundred years the railways were the pre-eminent form of land transport. The
displays at the National Railway Museum bear witness to that supremacy.

Task 2

Interviewer: Well, Freddy, when you started in this business, what did you expect it was going
to be like?
Freddy: Um, I always remember Ken Murphy saying, “Well if you want to learn the business
you can work here and find out about it,” and I said, “Good, when can you let me start?” and he
said, “Tomorrow, if you like,” and I said, “Oh, what time?” and he said, “Half past seven!” and
finished at half past eleven at night, and I realised what it was like.
I: Well, then the question is: why would anyone want to run a pub then?
F: Because people think that if you’re running a pub it’s a nice little business; all you do is stand
behind the bar with a pint in one hand, and you talk to the customers and the money simply rolls
into the till. And when you realise that it’s hard work you simply can’t throw in the towel but of
course you carry on. And I’m not unhappy with the job but I found out very quickly that it was
going to be a 16-hour-day-seven-day-a-week job.
I: What do you like best about running this pub?
F: Um, what I like about it is the regulars – people who, when it’s quiet, you can actually have
a nice conversation with. It doesn’t have to be the pub – it’s usually football or the latest news.
But at least you can talk. And 99% of our customers, I’ve discovered, are really nice people.
Of course you always get the one per cent. Well, when people compliment you on food that’s
very nice. And when people move away from the district and three years later they come back
and you say, “Hi, long time no see, where have you been?” you know that’s lovely.


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I: What about the bad side?

F: Bad side? Like the days when nobody comes in. And like everyone else the thing you
remember at the end of the day is the one incident of fight or the man who you take by the elbow
to lead him to the door and the next thing you know is a sudden blow. Er, sometimes it would
seem we grumble more than we do anything else? Not really.
I: Well, thanks Freddy, it’s been nice talking to you.

Task 3

Coca-Cola stands out as one of the most successful products in the history of commerce. People
in almost every country of the world are familiar with the taste of this world-famous soft drink.
Coca-Cola was born in Atlanta in 1886, when a pharmacist named Dr Pemberton produced a
syrup. When, by accident or design, carbonated water was added, it produced a drink that was
declared ‘delicious and refreshing’.
The trademark ‘Coca-Cola’ was registered in the US Patent Office in 1893. Through clever
advertising the demand for the product grew rapidly. In 1916 the uniquely shaped bottle,
designed by a glass company in Indiana, was developed to protect Coca-Cola from imitations.
Coca-Cola and the Olympics began their association in 1928, when forty thousand specta-
tors at the opening ceremony of the Amsterdam Olympics witnessed the two firsts: the first
lighting of the Olympic flame and the first sale of Coke at the Olympic Games.
Many people outside the United States had their first taste of Coca-Cola during World War
II, when 64 bottling plants were shipped abroad. They were meant to provide more than 5 billion
bottles of Coke for American service staff in Europe and the Pacific.
The worldwide appeal of Coca-Cola was dramatically displayed in 1971, when more than
two hundred young people from around the world gathered on a hilltop in Italy to sing “I’d like
to buy the world a Coke” – presenting a unifying global spirit.

Task 4

We cannot live by knife and fork alone when chopsticks have become such a smart component
of our dining experience. By now, after our trips to China, New York and San Francisco, few
of us would be so unimaginative as to order sweet and sour pork and egg-fried rice and leave
it at that. The fact is that all of these dishes can be delicious, although they very rarely are in
the usual dreary Chinese restaurants in England, which serve an unadventurous food adapted to
suit British taste. A refreshing exception is Memories of China, whose owner, Ken Lo, has done
more than anyone else to introduce the public to authentic Chinese regional cooking through
his writing and teaching and his restaurant. The decor is gracefully elegant with low ceilings,
indirect lighting and tables arranged to give a feeling of intimacy. We ordered almost exclusively
Sichuan dishes and, unlike so many London restaurants which now claim to offer this cooking,


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they proved to be of a very high standard. Moreover, unlike many trendy, modern Chinese
restaurants, portions were big and prices reasonable. The crispy duck was juicy, rather than
dried out, and the twice-cooked pork was deliciously spicy. In the chicken with chilli black bean
sauce I found that they had paid some attention to British taste through lack of ginger and garlic,
although it was still good. Quick-fried French beans with minced pork were also excellent. We
drank good Chinese beer and paid £60 for one of the best Chinese meals I have had in ages.


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Task 1

Debbie left school without any qualifications and ended up ten years later with a degree.
Obtaining this degree gave her an enormous desire to learn more, mostly because she felt re-
laxed when doing the course. Since then, she has enrolled on other courses ranging from pottery
to African cinema, media art and salsa dancing.
She says, “I never liked school. They didn’t teach me to enjoy learning and I’m sure this
experience can destroy many people’s desire to learn more later in life. There’s so much in life to
learn as you get older, it becomes a real pleasure. There are no pressures – I mean you don’t have
to prove anything. This experience has taught me not to be nervous in certain cir­cum­stances.
There is also something special about spending time with people who share a common passion.
You don’t know their names or anything about them, but all the barriers are broken down be-
cause everyone has the same objective.” Debbie hopes her enthusiasm will last long because, as
she puts it, “it’s never too late to learn.”

Task 2

Now, so many years after his death, the Elvis Presley business is as big as ever. The souvenir
industry has everything for the Elvis fan: watches, chewing gum, even Elvis wine.
In December 1979 one of the most popular Christmas presents was a copy of Elvis’s sun-
glasses made of gold – for only $695. Some businessmen were especially clever. One bought
Elvis’s first gravestone, sawed it into 44,000 small pieces, and sold them for $80 each. An-
other bought some land which had once belonged to Elvis and sold it again in pieces the size
of a stamp for $8 each.
When Elvis died in 1977, at the age of 42, 80,000 fans jammed the street outside his house,
hoping to see his body; in the end, 30,000 were admitted to the house. Part of this house became
a museum, and the house where he was born had a sign outside saying, “Entrance $10.”
A 12-year-old Italian sports car was sold recently in the USA for more than $2 million,
and the new owner expects its value to go up even more. Red cars were very popular in Italy.
A special model? No – but the car once belonged to the King of Rock ’n’ Roll, Elvis Presley,
and the name alone is enough to turn almost everything into money.

Task 3

Always cool and controlled, Giorgio Armani is famous for keeping his thoughts and private
life to himself. Yet he always speaks openly about his determination to keep control of the
billion-dollar House of Armani. Resisting the pressure to sell out to larger companies in this age
of mergers, Armani is the only single owner going global. It’s an unusual and risky strategy, but
one for which the timing may be perfect.


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The luxury-goods business is in trouble, but Armani has reason to hope the style is again
turning in his elegant direction. For one thing, young professionals are again wearing coats and
ties. The casual wear of those last moments of the late millennium seems to be out of fashion.
In times of uncertainty, there’s a tendency to look for lasting values, and that is what Armani’s
style offers.
Over a four-decade career Armani has defined many chapters in the history of fashion, and
another may be approaching. He revolutionalized the way men and women dressed in the 1970s,
by clothing them like each other. In the 1990s he built a clothing empire selling blue jeans as
well as business suits. Now, despite the world’s depressed economy – and his age – he’s gam-
bling hundreds of millions of dollars on plans to expand into fields of style that he’s never before
explored: cosmetics, shoes, jewelry – even furniture.
The Armani empire already involves 33 countries with more than 200 outlets. As his mar-
keting moves into high gear, Casa Armani home-design stores will open in Los Angeles and
New York, and new Emporia will develop in Hong Kong and London. This way his spirit, or at
least his ads, will be everywhere.
In his business dealings, Armani is very cautious. At the height of the stock market, he
could have sold his privately held company for enough money to move him up several places
on lists of the world’s richest humans. “We were talking billions of dollars,” he says. “Of course
I was tempted.”
But Armani survived, and now his go-it-alone strategy is looking pretty smart. While rivals
must answer to a cautious market, he answers only to himself. That’s why he can expand even
during the years of recession. During the good years he accumulated $800 billion in cash to sup-
port his new ventures. “I can judge my work better than anyone else,” he says. “That’s the prob-
lem. Well, it’s not. For the moment it’s an amusement.” He smiles and leans back from his desk.

Task 4

A good British nanny used to be very hard to find. Mostly high-powered bankers, lawyers and
big media chiefs could afford them. Experienced nannies got salaries that rose parallel with
those of their employers. Then there were the benefits: mobile phones, gym memberships, even
free cars and overseas holidays.
However, those golden years have gone. Just as the fortunes of dot-com billionaires and
City bankers have sunk, so have those for nannies. Once upon a time, nannies were hunted for
by rival parents, eager to provide the very best for their little ones. Now, many of those same
caretakers have got used to advertising their services. In addition, nannies who do find work
these days are also facing pay cuts.
For the real British nannies, the bad news is made even worse by the recent appearance of
Eastern European au pairs, willing to do more work for far less money. “The Eastern European


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girls are making it hard for us,” says Karen Hendry, who takes care of two babies in London.
“You have to be more flexible with hours, and take on household chores in addition to child care.
The average day is 11 to 12 hours, compared with 9 or 10 in the good old days.”
The trend is clear: nannies will have to become a sort of personal assistant, taking care
of the kids but also cooking dinner, doing repairs in the house and organizing social calendars.
In other words, they’ll look a lot like ordinary workaday mothers.


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Emelt s
­ zint 1. fel­adat

I. Ös­­sze­fog­la­ló táb­lá­zat az ér­té­ke­lé­si szem­pont­ok­ról

Ér­té­ke­lé­si szem­pont­ok Maximális pontszám
A fel­adat tel­je­sí­té­se, a meg­adott szem­pont­ok kö­ve­té­se   4 pont
Hangnem, az olvasóban keltett benyomás   2 pont
Szö­veg­al­ko­tás   3 pont
Szó­kincs, ki­fe­je­zés­mód   3 pont
Nyelv­he­lyes­ség, he­lyes­írás   3 pont
Ös­­sze­sen 15 pont

Amen­­nyi­ben a dol­go­zat „A fel­adat tel­je­sí­té­se, a meg­adott szem­pont­ok kö­ve­té­se” értékelési

kategória alapján 0 pont, akkor a többi szempont alapján nem értékelhető, az összpont-
szám 0 pont.

II. Az ér­té­ke­lé­si szem­pont­ok ki­fej­té­se:

• A fel­adat tel­je­sí­té­se, a meg­adott szem­pont­ok kö­ve­té­se
Ezen a szem­pon­ton be­lül azt ér­té­kel­jük, hogy a vizs­gá­zó ho­gyan va­ló­sí­tot­ta meg a kom­mu­
ni­ká­ci­ós célt; hány irá­nyí­tó szem­pont­ra tért ki, és megfelelő részletességgel tárgyalta-e őket;
a szöveg a megadott hosszúságú-e.
• Hang­nem, az ol­va­só­ban kel­tett be­nyo­más
Ezen a szemponton belül azt értékeljük, hogy a vizsgázó által létrehozott szöveg hangneme
és stílusa megfelel-e a közlési szándéknak valamint az írásmű szerzője és olvasója közötti vi-
szonynak; hogy az olvasóban a szerző szándékának megfelelő benyomást kelti-e.
• Szö­veg­al­ko­tás
Ezen a szemponton belül azt értékeljük, hogy logikus-e az irányító szempontok, valamint az
ezekhez kapcsolódó gondolatok és a vizsgázó véleményét alátámasztó érvek elrendezése;
megfelelő-e a gondolati tagolás, azaz van-e bevezetés és befejezés, használ-e bekezdéseket;
hogyan alkalmazza a szövegösszefüggés tartalmi és nyelvi elemeit.
• Szó­kincs, ki­fe­je­zés­mód
Ezen a szemponton belül azt értékeljük, hogy a vizsgázó által használt szókincs megfelel-e a
témának, a szituációnak és a közlési szándéknak; hogy a szóhasználat az emelt szintnek meg-
felelő igényességet és változatosságot mutat-e.
• Nyelv­he­lyes­ség, he­lyes­írás
Ezen a szemponton belül azt értékeljük, hogy a vizsgázó által létrehozott szöveg megfelel-e a
mondattan, az alaktan és a helyesírás normáinak; hogy mondatszerkezetek és nyelvtani struk-
túrák tekintetében mennyire igényes.


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III. Értékelési skála

1. A feladat teljesítése, a megadott szempontok követése

4–3 pont 2 pont 1 pont 0 pont
A vizsgázó megvalósította a A vizsgázó többnyire meg- A vizsgázó részben valósí- A vizsgázó nem valósította meg
kommunikációs célokat. valósította a kommunikációs totta meg a kommunikációs a kommunikációs célokat, mert:
Valamennyi irányító szempon- célokat. célokat. – félreértette a feladatot,
tot megfelelően dolgozta ki Az irányító szempontok kö- Az irányító szempontok kö- – az irányító szempontok közül
(4 pont). zül kettőt megfelelően dol- zül egyet megfelelően dol- egyet sem dolgozott ki megfe-
Egy irányító szempontot csak gozott ki és a harmadikat gozott ki, ezen kívül még lelően, illetve csak néhányat
részben dolgozott ki, a többit egyáltalán nem, illetve egy egyet részben, a harmadikat részben.
maradéktalanul (3 pont). irányító szempontot megfe- egyáltalán nem, illetve az
lelően, az összes többit csak összes irányító szempontot
részben. csak részben.

Amennyiben a létrehozott szöveg terjedelme meghaladja a 225 szót, A feladat teljesítése, a megadott szempontok követése pont-
számából 1 pontot le kell vonni.
A feladat teljesítése, a megadott szempontok követése szempont alapján adott pontszám 0 pont, ha a szöveg 60 szónál rövidebb.

2. Hangnem, az olvasóban keltett benyomás

2 pont 1 pont 0 pont
A szöveg a szövegfajtának és A szöveg hangneme követ- A szöveg hangneme nem meg-
a szerző és az olvasó közötti kezetlenséget mutat, az olva- felelő, az olvasóban nem a szer-
kapcsolatnak megfelelő hang- sóban nem mindig a szerző ző szándékának megfelelő be-
nemben íródott, az olvasóban a szándékának megfelelő be- nyomást kelt.
szerző szándékának megfelelő nyomást kelt.
benyomást kelt..

3. Szövegalkotás
3 pont 2 pont 1 pont 0 pont
A szöveg felépítése, az irányí- A szöveg felépítése, az irá- A mondanivaló nem minde- A mondanivaló nem logikus
tó szempontok elrendezése lo- nyító szempontok elrendezé- nütt logikus elrendezésű. elrendezésű, a gondolatok eset-
gikus. se a kisebb aránytalanságok A vizsgázó nem törekszik a legesen követik egymást.
A gondolati tagolás megfelelő: ellenére logikus. gondolati tagolásra: hiányzik A szöveg tagolatlan és áttekint-
van bevezetés és befejezés, be- A vizsgázó törekszik a gon- a bevezetés és a befejezés. hetetlen, túlnyomórészt össze-
kezdéseket alkalmaz. dolati tagolásra: van beveze- A mondatok több helyen nem függéstelen mondatokból áll.
A vizsgázó megfelelően hasz- tés vagy befejezés. kapcsolódnak egymáshoz.
nálja a szövegösszefüggés tar- A vizsgázó többnyire megfe-
talmi és nyelvi elemeit, kohe- lelően használja a szövegös�-
rens szöveget hoz létre. szefüggés tartalmi és nyelvi
elemeit. A mondatok több-
nyire szervesen kapcsolód-
nak egymáshoz.

4. Szókincs, kifejezésmód
3 pont 2 pont 1 pont 0 pont
A szöveget a témának és a köz- A szöveget a témának és a A szöveget kevésbé válto- A szövegben felhasznált szó-
lési szándéknak megfelelő, az közlési szándéknak megfe- zatos szókincs és az emelt kincs szegényes, a nyelvhasz-
emelt szinten elvárható szó- lelő, viszonylag bő szókincs szinthez képest leegyszerűsí- nálat igénytelen.
kincs, igényes nyelvhasználat jellemzi. tett nyelvhasználat jellemzi. A nem megfelelő szóhasználat
jellemzi. A vizsgázó törekszik az igé- A vizsgázó nem törekszik több helyen nehezíti a szöveg
nyes nyelvhasználatra. igényes fordulatok alkalma- megértését.
A szöveges segéd-anyagból zására. Sok a szóismétlés,
aránytalanul sok szót vesz át több helyen nem megfelelő
változtatás nélkül; saját szó- a szóhasználat, ami eseten-
kincse többnyire a szint alatt ként nehezíti a szöveg meg-
marad. értését is.
A szóhasználat csak néhány
helyen nem megfelelő, ez
azonban nem nehezíti a szö-
veg megértését.


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5. Nyelvhelyesség, helyesírás
3 pont 2 pont 1 pont 0 pont
A vizsgázó változatos és az A vizsgázó törekszik az A vizsgázó egyszerű nyelv- A szöveget nem a szintnek
emelt szintnek megfelelő emelt szintnek megfelelő tani szerkezeteket használ, és megfelelő, túlságosan egysze-
nyelvtani szerkezeteket hasz- nyelvtani szerkezetek hasz- nem törekszik igényes mon- rű nyelvtani szerkezetek és
nál, mondatszerkesztése igé- nálatára és az igényes mon- datszerkesztésre. igénytelen mondatszerkesztés
nyes. datszerkesztésre. A szövegben több, a szöveg jellemzi.
A szöveg igényes, esetleg né- A szövegben több, a szöveg megértését nem befolyásoló, A szövegben sok, a szöveg
hány kisebb, a szöveg megérté- megértését nem nehezítő vagy néhány, a szöveg meg- megértését nem befolyásoló
sét nem nehezítő nyelvi (mon- nyelvi (mondattani, alaktani, értését nehezítő hiba talál- és/vagy több, a szöveg meg-
dattani, alaktani, helyesírási) helyesírási) hiba vagy egy- ható. értését nehezítő hiba található.
hiba található benne. két, a szöveg megértését ne-
hezítő hiba található.


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Emelt s
­ zint 2. fel­adat

I. Ös­­sze­fog­la­ló táb­lá­zat az ér­té­ke­lé­si szem­pont­ok­ról

Ér­té­ke­lé­si szem­pont­ok Maximális pont­szám
A fel­adat tel­je­sí­té­se, a meg­adott szem­pont­ok kö­ve­té­se   4 pont
Szö­veg­al­ko­tás   5 pont
Szó­kincs, ki­fe­je­zés­mód   3 pont
Nyelv­he­lyes­ség, he­lyes­írás   3 pont
Ös­­sze­sen 15 pont

Amen­­nyi­ben a dol­go­zat „A fel­adat tel­je­sí­té­se, a meg­adott szem­pont­ok kö­ve­té­se” szem­pont

alap­ján 0 pont, ak­kor nem ér­té­kel­he­tő a töb­bi szem­pont­ok alap­ján, az­az az összpontszám

II. Az ér­té­ke­lé­si szem­pont­ok ki­fej­té­se:

• A fel­adat tel­je­sí­té­se, a meg­adott szem­pont­ok kö­ve­té­se
Ezen a szemponton belül azt értékeljük, hogy a vizsgázó hogyan valósította meg a kommuni-
kációs célt; hány irányító szempontra tért ki és milyen mélységben tárgyalta őket, mennyire
sikerült a témát tágabb kontextusba helyeznie, és érvekkel alátámasztania véleményét; a szö-
veg a megadott hosszúságú-e.
• Szö­veg­al­ko­tás
Ezen a szemponton belül azt értékeljük, hogy logikus-e az irányító szempontok, valamint az
ezekhez kapcsolódó gondolatok és a vizsgázó véleményét alátámasztó érvek elrendezése;
megfelelő-e a gondolati tagolás, azaz van-e bevezetés és befejezés, a vizsgázó használ-e
bekezdéseket; hogyan alkalmazza a szövegösszefüggés tartalmi és nyelvi elemeit.
• Szó­kincs, ki­fe­je­zés­mód
Ezen a szemponton belül azt értékeljük, hogy a vizsgázó által használt szókincs megfelel-e a
témának, a szituációnak és a közlési szándéknak; hogy a szóhasználat az emelt szintnek meg-
felelő igényességet és változatosságot mutat-e.
• Nyelv­he­lyes­ség, he­lyes­írás
Ezen a szemponton belül azt értékeljük, hogy a vizsgázó által létrehozott szöveg megfelel-e a
mondattan, az alaktan és a helyesírás normáinak; hogy mondatszerkezetek és nyelvtani struk-
túrák tekintetében mennyire igényes a szöveg nyelvhasználata.


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III. Értékelési skála

1. A feladat teljesítése, a megadott szempontok követése

4–3 pont 2 pont 1 pont 0 pont
A vizsgázó megvalósította a A vizsgázó többnyire meg- A vizsgázó részben valósí- A vizsgázó nem valósította
kommunikációs célokat. valósította a kommunikációs totta meg a kommunikációs meg a kommunikációs célokat,
Valamennyi irányító szempon- célokat. célokat. mert:
tot megfelelően dolgozta ki Az irányító szempontok kö- Az irányító szempontok kö- – félreértette a feladatot,
(4 pont). Egy irányító szem- zül egyet vagy kettőt meg- zül egyet megfelelően dolgo- – az irányító szempontok közül
pontot csak részben dolgozott felelően dolgozott ki, a többit zott ki, ezen kívül még egyet egyet sem dolgozott ki megfe-
ki, a többit maradéktalanul csak részben; vagy három részben, a többit egyáltalán lelően, illetve csak egyet vagy
(3 pont). irányító szempontot meg- nem; illetve minden irányító kettőt részben.
felelően dolgozott ki, egyet szempontot csak részben.
pedig egyáltalán nem.

Amennyiben a létrehozott szöveg terjedelme meghaladja a 375 szót, A feladat teljesítése, a megadott szempontok követése pont-
számából 1 pontot le kell vonni.
A feladat teljesítése, a megadott szempontok követése szempont alapján adott pontszám 0 pont, ha a szöveg 100 szónál rövidebb.

2. Szövegalkotás
5 pont 4–3 pont 2–1 pont 0 pont
A szöveg felépítése, az irányí- A szöveg felépítése az irányí- A mondanivaló nem minde- A mondanivaló nem logikus
tó szempontok, és az ezekhez tó szempontok és az ezekhez nütt logikus elrendezésű, sok elrendezésű, a gondolatok eset-
kapcsolódó gondolatok és ér- kapcsolódó gondolatok, érvek a gondolati ismétlés. legesen követik egymást.
vek elrendezése logikus. elrendezése többnyire logikus. A mondatok több helyen nem A szöveg tagolatlan és áttekint-
A vizsgázó megfelelően hasz- Elkülönül a bevezetés és a kapcsolódnak egymáshoz. hetetlen, túlnyomórészt össze-
nálja a szövegösszefüggés tar- befejezés. Amennyiben a szövegben a függéstelen mondatokból áll.
talmi és nyelvi elemeit, kohe- A vizsgázó többnyire megfe- bevezetés és a befejezés sem
rens szöveget hoz létre. lelően használja a szövegös�- (vagy alig) különül el, az ala-
A szöveg formai tagolása meg- szefüggés tartalmi és nyelvi csonyabb pontszámot kell
felelő, bekezdéseket használ. elemeit. A mondatok több- adni.
nyire szervesen kapcsolód-
nak egymáshoz.
Amennyiben a szöveg nem
megfelelően tagolt, azaz nin-
csenek bekezdések, az alacso-
nyabb pontszámot kell adni.

3. Szókincs, kifejezésmód
3 pont 2 pont 1 pont 0 pont
A szöveget a témának és a A szöveget a témának és a A szöveget kevésbé változa- A szövegben felhasznált szó-
közlési szándéknak megfelelő közlési szándéknak megfe- tos szókincs és a szinthez ké- kincs szegényes, a nyelvhasz-
gazdag és változatos szókincs, lelő, viszonylag bő szókincs pest egyszerűbb nyelvhasz- nálat nem felel meg a közlési
valamint a közlési szándéknak jellemzi. nálat jellemzi. szándéknak, és ez több helyen
megfelelő nyelvhasználat jel- A vizsgázó törekszik a köz- A vizsgázó nem törekszik a nehezíti a mondanivaló meg-
lemzi. lési szándéknak megfelelő közlési szándéknak megfele- értését.
nyelvhasználatra. lő nyelvhasználatra.
A szóhasználat csak néhány Sok a szóismétlés, több he-
helyen nem megfelelő, ez lyen nem megfelelő a szó-
azonban nem nehezíti jelen- használat, ami esetenként ne-
tősen a szöveg megértését. hezíti a szöveg megértését is.

4. Nyelvhelyesség, helyesírás
3 pont 2 pont 1 pont 0 pont
A szöveget igényes nyelvhasz- A vizsgázó törekszik az igé- A vizsgázó egyszerű nyelv- A szöveget nem a szintnek
nálat jellemzi, a vizsgázó vál- nyes nyelvtani szerkezetek tani szerkezeteket használ, és megfelelő, túlságosan egysze-
tozatos és igényes nyelvtani használatára és az igényes nem törekszik igényes mon- rű nyelvtani szerkezetek és
szerkezeteket használ, mondat- mondatszerkesztésre. datszerkesztésre. igénytelen mondatszerkesztés
szerkesztése is igényes. A szövegben több, a szöveg A szövegben sok, a szöveg jellemzi.
A szöveg igényes, esetleg né- megértését nem nehezítő megértését nem befolyásoló, A szövegben sok, a szöveg
hány kisebb, a szöveg megérté- nyelvi (mondattani, alaktani, vagy néhány, a szöveg meg- megértését nem befolyásoló és
sét nem nehezítő nyelvi (mon- helyesírási) hiba vagy egy- értését nehezítő hiba talál- több, a szöveg megértését ne-
dattani, alaktani, helyesírási) két, a szöveg megértését ne- ható. hezítő hiba található.
hiba található benne. hezítő hiba található.


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 130 2021. 10. 26. 8:32



Mintafeladat 1/1

Az 1/1 mintadolgozat értékelése

A feladat
az olvasóban Szókincs, Nyelv­helyesség,
a megadott Szöveg­alkotás Összesen
keltett kifejezés­mód helyesírás
szempontok (0–3 pont) (15 pont)
benyomás (0–3 pont) (0–3 pont)
(0–2 pont)
(0–4 pont)

4 1 1 1 1 8

Összesen: 8 pont


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 131 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Mintafeladat 1/2

Az 1/2 mintadolgozat értékelése

A feladat
az olvasóban Szókincs, Nyelv­helyesség,
a megadott Szöveg­alkotás Összesen
keltett kifejezés­mód helyesírás
szempontok (0–3 pont) (15 pont)
benyomás (0–3 pont) (0–3 pont)
(0–2 pont)
(0–4 pont)

4 2 3 3 3 15

Összesen: 15 pont


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 132 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 2

Mintafeladat 2/1


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 133 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


A 2/1 mintadolgozat értékelése

A feladat
Szókincs, Nyelv­helyesség,
a megadott Szöveg­alkotás Összesen
kifejezés­mód helyesírás
szempontok (0–5 pont) (15 pont)
(0–3 pont) (0–3 pont)
(0–4 pont)

3 2 1 0 6

Összesen: 6 pont


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 134 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Mintafeladat 2/2


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 135 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


A 2/2 mintadolgozat értékelése

A feladat
Szókincs, Nyelv­helyesség,
a megadott Szöveg­alkotás Összesen
kifejezés­mód helyesírás
szempontok (0–5 pont) (15 pont)
(0–3 pont) (0–3 pont)
(0–4 pont)

4 5 3 3 15

Összesen: 15 pont


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 136 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Mintafeladat 2/3


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 137 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


A 2/3 mintadolgozat értékelése

A feladat
Szókincs, Nyelv­helyesség,
a megadott Szöveg­alkotás Összesen
kifejezés­mód helyesírás
szempontok (0–5 pont) (15 pont)
(0–3 pont) (0–3 pont)
(0–4 pont)

4 5 2 2 13

Összesen: 13 pont


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 138 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Ál­ta­lá­nos jel­lem­zők


Be­me­le­gí­tő be­szél­ge­tés Nincs ér­té­ke­lés

1. Tár­sal­gá­si fel­adat: Fel­ada­ton­ként ér­té­kel­jük:

– egy té­ma­kör részletes • Jár­tas­ság a té­ma­kö­rök­ben 3 pont
megbeszélése • Szó­kincs, ki­fe­je­zés­mód 3 pont
– in­ter­ak­ció kez­de­mé­nye­zés • Nyelvtan 3 pont
2. Vita: Fel­ada­ton­ként ér­té­kel­jük:
adott témakörhöz kapcsolódó • Kom­mu­ni­ká­ci­ós cél el­éré­se 3 pont
provokatív állítás megvitatása • Szó­kincs, ki­fe­je­zés­mód 3 pont
a vizsgáztatóval • Nyelvtan 3 pont
3. Önál­ló té­ma­ki­fej­tés vi­zu­á­lis Fel­ada­ton­ként ér­té­kel­jük:
se­géd­anyag­ok alap­ján: • Ös­­sze­füg­gő té­ma­ki­fej­tés 3 pont
képek, rajzok vagy grafikonok • Szó­kincs, ki­fe­je­zés­mód 3 pont
ös­­sze­ve­té­se, szükség esetén segítő • Nyelvtan 3 pont
kérdések alkalmazásával
A há­rom fel­adat meg­ol­dá­sa után
együt­te­sen ér­té­kel­jük:
• Be­széd­tem­pó, ki­ej­tés,
hang­lej­tés 3 pont
Összpontszám: 30 pont


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 139 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Rész­le­tes ér­té­ke­lé­si szem­pont­ok



Az ér­té­ke­lé­si szem­pont­ok rész­le­tes ki­fej­té­se

A té­ma­kö­rök­ben va­ló jár­tas­ság és az in­ter­ak­ció meg­va­ló­sí­tá­sa
Ezen az ér­té­ke­lé­si szem­pon­ton be­lül azt ér­té­kel­jük, hogy
• a vizs­gá­zó meg­ér­ti-e a hoz­zá in­té­zett be­szé­det;
• a vizs­gá­zó mon­da­ni­va­ló­ja tar­tal­mi­lag meg­fe­lel-e a fel­adat­nak, és kel­lő men­­nyi­sé­gű in­for­má­
ci­ót tar­tal­maz-e;
• a vizs­gáz­ta­tó­nak kel­l-e se­gí­tő kér­dé­se­ket fel­ten­nie;
• a vizs­gá­zó ké­pes-e kom­mu­ni­ká­ci­ós stra­té­gi­ák al­kal­ma­zá­sá­ra.

Szó­kincs, ki­fe­je­zés­mód
Ezen az ér­té­ke­lé­si szem­pon­ton be­lül azt ér­té­kel­jük, hogy a vizs­gá­zó
• szókincse a szintnek és a témának megfelelően elég gazdag, választékos és árnyalt-e;
• lexikailag elég pontos-e (ismeri-e a megfelelő szókapcsolatokat, vonzatokat stb.);
• képes-e a célnyelvi udvariasság és a megfelelő stílus alkalmazására.

Ezen az ér­té­ke­lé­si szem­pon­ton be­lül azt ér­té­kel­jük, hogy a vizs­gá­zó
• a szintnek, a témának és a mondanivalójának megfelelő változatos nyelvtani eszközöket al-
• törekszik-e a szintnek megfelelő igényes és pontos nyelvhasználatra;
• a gondolatok sorát logikusan felépíti-e, a gondolatok közti kapcsolatokat világosan jelöli-e.



Az ér­té­ke­lé­si szem­pont­ok rész­le­tes ki­fej­té­se

Vélemény kifejtése, érvelés és az interakció megvalósítása
Ezen az ér­té­ke­lé­si szem­pon­ton be­lül azt ér­té­kel­jük, hogy a vizs­gá­zó képes-e
• saját álláspontja kifejtésére;
• álláspontjának érvekkel való alátámasztására;
• megfelelően reagálni a vizsgáztató álláspontjára;
• a beszélgetésben való aktív részvételre;
• alkalmazni a kommunikációs stratégiákat.

Szókincs, kifejezésmód
Ugyanaz, mint az első feladatnál.

Ugyanaz, mint az első feladatnál.


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 140 2021. 10. 26. 8:32



(Összefüggő témakifejtés vizuális segédanyagok alapján)

Az ér­té­ke­lé­si szem­pont­ok rész­le­tes ki­fej­té­se

A mon­da­ni­va­ló önál­ló, rész­le­tes és ös­­sze­füg­gő ki­fej­té­se
Ezen az ér­té­ke­lé­si szem­pon­ton be­lül azt ér­té­kel­jük, hogy a vizsgázó
• elég részletesen fejti-e ki a témát;
• logikusan rendezi-e el a mondanivalóját;
• összefüggően fejti-e ki a mondanivalóját;
• megfelelően reagál-e a vizsgáztató kiegészítő kérdéseire.

Szó­kincs, ki­fe­je­zés­mód
Ugyan­az, mint az el­ső fel­adat­nál.

Ugyan­az, mint az el­ső fel­adat­nál.


Be­széd­tem­pó, ki­ej­tés, hang­lej­tés

Ezen az ér­té­ke­lé­si szem­pon­ton be­lül azt ér­té­kel­jük, hogy a vizs­gá­zó
• beszéde könnyen érthető-e angol anyanyelvű számára is;
• beszédtempója megfelelő-e;
• helyesen használja-e a hanglejtést és a mondathangsúlyt mondanivalója kifejezése érdekében.


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1. Ér­té­ke­lé­si ská­la az emelt s­ zin­tű tár­sal­gá­si fel­adat­hoz

A té­ma­kö­rök­ben va­ló jár­tas­ság és az in­ter­ak­ció meg­va­ló­sí­tá­sa

3 pont 2 pont 1 pont 0 pont
A vizs­gá­zó …
– tel­jes mér­té­kig meg­ér­ti a – meg­ér­ti a hoz­zá in­té­zett – értési nehézség miatt – előfordul, hogy újrafo­
hoz­zá in­té­zett be­szé­det, a be­szé­det, bár egy-­e­gy többször újra kell fogal- galmazás ellenére sem érti
kér­dé­sek­re meg­fe­le­lő­en vá­ kér­dést új­ra kell fo­gal­ mazni neki a kérdést. meg a hozzá intézett beszé­
la­szol. maz­ni ne­ki. – mondanivalóját csak se­ det.
– mon­da­ni­va­ló­ja tartalmi­lag – mon­da­ni­va­ló­ja meg­fe­lel gítő kérdésekkel tudja a – mondnivalója se­gítő kérdé-
tel­jes mér­té­kig megfe­ a fel­adat­nak, meg­fe­le­lő feladatnak megfelelően sek elle­né­re sem tartalmaz-
lel a fel­adat­nak, és kel­lő men­­nyi­sé­gű in­for­má­ci­ót elmondani. za a feladat teljesítéséhez
mennyi­sé­gű, rész­le­tes és tar­tal­maz. – a beszélgetésben néha elégséges menyiségű infor­
sok­ol­da­lú in­for­má­ci­ót tar­ – túl­nyo­mó­részt ak­tí­van akadozva vesz részt, a má­ciót.
talmaz. vesz részt a beszélgetés­ kommunikációs stratégi- – a be­szél­ge­tés­ben aka­doz­
– ak­tí­van vesz részt a be­ ben, és ál­ta­lá­ban megfele­ ákat ke­véssé alkalmazza. va vesz részt, a kommu­
szélgetésben, és megfe­ lően al­kal­maz­za a kom­ nikációs stratégiákat ke­vés­
lelően al­kal­maz­za a kom­ mu­nikációs stra­té­gi­á­kat. sé, illetve nem megfelelő­en
munikációs stra­té­gi­á­kat. alkalmazza.

Szó­kincs, ki­fe­je­zés­mód
3 pont 2 pont 1 pont 0 pont
A vizs­gá­zó …
– a témának megfelelő szó­ – tö­rek­szik az igé­nyes – viszonylag egyszerű szó­ – szó­kin­cse túl egy­sze­rű.
kincset használ, szó­hasz­ nyelv­hasz­ná­lat­ra, szókin­ kincset használ. – nem meg­fe­le­lő szóhasz­
nálata változatos, igé­
nyes cse ál­ta­lá­ban a té­má­nak – nem megfelelő vagy pon­ nálata több­ször ne­he­zí­ti,
és pontos. meg­fe­le­lő. tatlan szóhasználata ese­ ese­ten­ként meg­aka­dá­lyoz­
– megfelelően alkalmazza a – szó­hasz­ná­la­ta ese­ten­ként ten­ként nehezíti a meg­ za a meg­ér­tést.
célnyelvi udvariasság sza- nem meg­fe­le­lő vagy pon­ értést. – túl gyak­ran for­dul elő,
bályait. tatlan, ez azon­ ban nem – túl gyakran alkalmaz hogy nem meg­fe­le­lő­en al­
ne­he­zí­ti a meg­ér­tést. kom­­penzációs stra­tégiá­ kal­maz­za a kompenzá­ciós
– szük­ség ese­tén megfele­ kat. stra­té­gi­á­kat.
lően al­kal­maz­za a kom­ – néhányszor megsérti a – nem ve­szi fi­gye­lem­be a
penzációs stra­té­gi­á­kat. célnyelvi udvariasság cél­nyel­vi ud­va­ri­as­ság alap­­
– túlnyomórészt megfelelő- szabá­lyait. szabályait.
en alkalmazza a célnyelvi
udvariasság alapszabá­

Nyelv­tan (mon­dat­tan, alak­tan)

6–5 pont 4–3 pont 2–1 pont 0 pont
A vizs­gá­zó …
– a mon­da­ni­va­ló­já­nak meg­ – a mondanivalójának – szint­jé­hez és mondani­ – a nyelv­ta­ni hi­bák a meg­ér­
fe­lelő, igé­nyes nyelv­tani meg­felelő, kellően vál­ valójához ké­pest egy­sze­ tést sok­szor nehezí­tik vagy
szer­ke­ze­te­ket hasz­nál. tozatos nyelvtani szerke­ rű nyelv­ta­ni szer­ke­ze­te­ meg­aka­dá­lyoz­zák.
– ke­vés nyelv­ta­ni hi­bát ejt, zeteket használ. ket hasz­nál.
ame­lyek a meg­ér­tést e­gy­ – néhány, a megértést nem – ese­ten­ként nem a mon­
általán nem akadályoz­zák. akadályozó / vagy egy- da­ni­va­ló­já­nak megfe­lelő
két, a megértést nehezítő szer­ke­ze­te­ket hasz­nál.
nyelv­tani hibát ejt. – szá­mos nyelv­ta­ni hi­bát
ejt, ame­ lyek a szö­ veg
megér­té­sét meg­ne­he­zí­tik.


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 142 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


2. Ér­té­ke­lé­si ská­la az emelt s­ zin­tű tár­sal­gá­si fel­adat­hoz

Vélemény kifejtése, érvelés és az interakció megvalósítása

3 pont 2 pont 1 pont 0 pont
A vizs­gá­zó …
– meg­győ­ző­en fej­ti ki véle­ – több­nyi­re meg­fe­le­lő­en – több­nyi­re rö­vi­den, szűk­ – túl rö­vi­den fej­ti ki véle­
ményét, és ál­lás­pont­ját fej­ti ki vé­le­mé­nyét, és szavúan fej­ti ki vé­le­mé­ ményét, nem vagy alig
meg­fe­le­lő­en tá­maszt­ja alá tö­rekszik ál­lás­pont­ját nyét, ke­ve­set ér­vel, és ér­vel, így ál­lás­pont­ja nem
ér­vek­kel, pél­dák­kal. ér­vek­kel, pél­dák­kal alá­ ke­vés pél­dát hoz, de ál­ vá­lik vi­lá­gos­sá.
– ak­tí­van vesz részt a be­ támasz­tani. lás­pont­ja még vilá­gossá – a be­szél­ge­tés so­rán nem
szélgetésben, so­ kat kez­ – igyek­szik ak­tí­van részt vá­lik. kez­de­mé­nyez, több­nyi­re
de­­ményez. ven­ni a be­szél­ge­tés­ben, – a be­szél­ge­tés so­rán ke­ve­ csak a se­gí­tő kér­dé­sek­re
– beszél­gető­part­nere hozzá­ több­ször kez­de­mé­nyez. set kezdeményez, beszél- vá­la­szol.
szólásaira gyor­san és meg- – ál­talában meg­fe­le­lő­en getőpartnere hozzászó­
felelően re­ag­ ál. re­ag­ ál be­szél­ge­tő­part­ne­re lásaira lassan, és nem
– meg­fe­le­lő­en al­kal­maz­za a hoz­zá­szó­lá­sa­i­ra. mindig megfelelően rea­
kommunikációs stratégiá- – ál­ta­lá­ban meg­fe­le­lő­en al­ gál.
kat. kal­maz­za a kommuniká­ – kevéssé alkalmazza a
ciós stra­té­gi­á­kat. kommunikációs straté-

Szó­kincs, ki­fe­je­zés­mód
3 pont 2 pont 1 pont 0 pont
A vizs­gá­zó …
– a té­má­nak meg­fe­le­lő szó­ – tö­rek­szik az igé­nyes – vi­szony­lag egy­sze­rű szó­ – szó­kin­cse túl egy­sze­rű.
kin­cset hasz­nál, szóhasz­ná­ nyelv­hasz­ná­lat­ra, szókin­ kincset hasz­nál. – nem meg­fe­le­lő szóhasz­
la­ta vál­to­za­tos, igé­nyes és cse ál­ta­lá­ban a té­má­nak – nem meg­fe­le­lő vagy pon­ nálata több­ször ne­he­zí­ti,
pon­tos. meg­fe­le­lő. tatlan szó­hasz­ná­la­ta ese­ ese­ten­ként meg­aka­dá­lyoz­­
– meg­fe­le­lő­en al­kal­maz­za a – szó­hasz­ná­la­ta ese­ten­ként ten­ként ne­he­zí­ti a meg­ér­ za a meg­ér­tést.
cél­nyel­vi ud­va­ri­as­ság sza­ nem meg­fe­le­lő vagy pon­ tést. – túl gyak­ran for­dul elő,
bá­lya­it. tatlan, ez azon­ ban nem – túl gyak­ran al­kal­maz hogy nem meg­fe­le­lő­en al­
ne­he­zí­ti a meg­ér­tést. kom­­penzációs stra­té­gi­á­ kalmazza a kom­pen­zá­ci­ós
– szük­ség ese­tén megfele­ kat. stra­té­gi­á­kat.
lően al­kal­maz­za a kom­ – né­hány­szor meg­sér­ti a – nem ve­szi fi­gye­lem­be a cél­
penzációs stra­té­gi­á­kat. cél­nyel­vi ud­va­ri­as­ság nyel­vi ud­va­ri­as­ság alap­sza­
– túlnyomórészt megfele­lő­ sza­­bá­lyait. bá­lya­it.
en alkalmazza a célnyelvi
udvariasság alapszabá-

Nyelv­tan (mon­dat­tan, alak­tan)

3 pont 2 pont 1 pont 0 pont
A vizs­gá­zó …
– a mondanivalójának meg- – a mondanivalójának meg- – szint­jé­hez és mondani­ – a nyelv­ta­ni hi­bák a meg­ér­
felelő, igényes nyelvtani felelő, kellően változatos valójához ké­pest egy­sze­ tést sok­szor nehezí­tik vagy
szerkezeteket használ. nyelvtani szerkezeteket rű nyelv­ta­ni szer­ke­ze­te­ meg­aka­dá­lyoz­zák.
– kevés nyelvtani hibát ejt, használ. ket hasz­nál.
amelyek a megértést egy- – néhány, a megértést nem – ese­ten­ként nem a mon­
általán nem akadályozzák. akadályozó 6 vagy egy- da­ni­va­ló­já­nak megfe­lelő
két a megértést nehezítő szer­ke­ze­te­ket hasz­nál.
nyelvtani hibát ejt. – szá­mos nyelv­ta­ni hi­bát
ejt, ame­ lyek a szö­ veg
megér­té­sét meg­ne­he­zí­tik.


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 143 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


­3. Ér­té­ke­lé­si ská­la az emelt s­ zin­tű önál­ló té­ma­ki­fej­tés­i feladathoz

A mon­da­ni­va­ló önál­ló, rész­le­tes és ös­­sze­füg­gő ki­fej­té­se

3 pont 2 pont 1 pont 0 pont
A vizs­gá­zó …
– a ké­pi in­for­má­ció és a fel­ – a ké­pi in­for­má­ció és a fel­ – rö­vi­den, öt­let­sze­gé­nyen – nem ad ki­elé­gí­tő mennyi­
adat­le­írás felhasználásá­val adat­le­írás felhasználásá­ tár­gyal­ja a té­mát. ségű in­for­má­ci­ót a témá­ról.
a vizs­ga­fel­adat el­ső sza­ val a vizs­ga­fel­adat el­ső – az önál­ló té­ma­ki­fej­tést – a ki­egé­szí­tő kér­dé­sek­re
kaszában önál­ló­an, rész­ sza­ka­szá­ban önál­ló­an, kö­ve­tő ki­egé­szí­tő kér­dé­ nem vagy nem megfele­lően
letesen, sok­ol­da­lú­an és meg­felelő men­­nyi­ség­ben sek­re vá­la­szol­va is csak vá­la­szol.
meg­fe­le­lő men­­nyi­ség­ben tár­gyal­ja a té­mát. rész­ben ké­pes a té­ma to­ – nem tud­ja ös­­sze­füg­gő­en és
tár­gyal­ja a té­mát. – az önálló té­makifejtést váb­bi kifejté­sére. lo­gi­ku­san ki­fej­te­ni a té­mát.
– az önál­ló té­ma­ki­fej­tést kö­ követő kiegészítő kérdé- – mon­da­ni­va­ló­ja nem min­
ve­tő ki­egé­szí­tő kérdé­sekre sekre is megfelelően vá- dig lo­gi­kus el­ren­de­zé­sű,
is rész­le­te­sen vála­szol. laszol. témaki­fejtése több he­lyen
– mon­da­ni­va­ló­ját lo­gi­ku­san – mondanivalóját általában nem ös­­sze­füg­gő.
és ös­­sze­füg­gő­en fej­ti ki. logikusan és összefüg-
gően fejti ki.

Szó­kincs, ki­fe­je­zés­mód
3 pont 2 pont 1 pont 0 pont
A vizs­gá­zó …
– a té­má­nak meg­fe­le­lő szó­ – tö­rek­szik az igé­nyes – vi­szony­lag egy­sze­rű szó­ – szó­kin­cse túl egy­sze­rű.
kin­cset hasz­nál, szóhasz­ná­ nyelv­hasz­ná­lat­ra, szókin­ kincset hasz­nál. A nem meg­fe­le­lő szó­hasz­
la­ta vál­to­za­tos, igé­nyes és cse ál­ta­lá­ban a té­má­nak – nem meg­fe­le­lő vagy pon­ nálata több­ször ne­he­zí­ti,
pon­tos. meg­fe­le­lő. tatlan szó­hasz­ná­la­ta ese­ ese­ten­ként meg­aka­dá­lyoz­­
– meg­fe­le­lő­en al­kal­maz­za a – szó­hasz­ná­la­ta ese­ten­ként ten­ként ne­he­zí­ti a meg­ér­ za a meg­ér­tést.
cél­nyel­vi ud­va­ri­as­ság sza­ nem meg­fe­le­lő vagy pon­ tést. – túl gyak­ran for­dul elő,
bá­lya­it. tatlan, ez azon­ ban nem – túl gyak­ran al­kal­maz hogy nem meg­fe­le­lő­en al­
ne­he­zí­ti a meg­ér­tést. kom­penzációs stra­té­gi­á­ kalmazza a kom­pen­zá­ci­ós
– szük­ség ese­tén megfele­ kat. stra­té­gi­á­kat.
lően al­kal­maz­za a kom­ – né­hány­szor meg­sér­ti a – nem ve­szi fi­gye­lem­be a cél­
penzációs stra­té­gi­á­kat. cél­nyel­vi ud­va­ri­as­ság nyel­vi ud­va­ri­as­ság alap­sza­
– túl­nyo­mó­részt megfelelő­ sza­­bá­lyait. bá­lya­it.
en al­kal­maz­za a cél­nyel­vi
ud­va­ri­as­ság alap­sza­bá­

Nyelv­tan (mon­dat­tan, alak­tan)

3 pont 2 pont 1 pont 0 pont
A vizs­gá­zó …
– a mon­da­ni­va­ló­já­nak meg­ – a mon­da­ni­va­ló­já­nak meg­ – szintjéhez és mondani­ – a nyelv­ta­ni hi­bák a meg­ér­
fe­le­lő, igé­nyes nyelv­tani fe­le­lő, kel­lő­en vál­tozatos valójához képest egysze­ tést sok­szor nehezí­tik vagy
szer­ke­ze­te­ket hasz­nál. nyelv­ta­ni szer­kezeteket rű nyelvtani szerkezete- meg­aka­dá­lyoz­zák.
– kevés nyelvtani hibát ejt, hasz­nál. ket használ.
amelyek a megértést egy- – né­hány, a meg­ér­tést nem – ese­ten­ként nem a mon­
általán nem akadályozzák. aka­dá­lyo­zó / vagy egy- da­ni­va­ló­já­nak megfele­lő
két, a meg­ér­tést ne­he­zí­tő szer­­­ke­ze­te­ket hasz­nál.
nyelv­tani hi­bát ejt. – szá­mos nyelv­ta­ni hi­bát
ejt, ame­ lyek a szö­ veg
meg­érté­sét meg­ne­he­zí­tik.


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 144 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Ér­té­ke­lé­si ská­la a há­rom fel­adat utá­ni globális ér­té­ke­lés­hez

Be­széd­tem­pó, ki­ej­tés, hang­lej­tés

3 pont 2 pont 1 pont 0 pont
A vizs­gá­zó …
– be­széd­tem­pó­ja meg­fe­lelő. – be­széd­tem­pó­ja ál­ta­lá­ban meg­ – beszédtempója lassú, – lassan szaggatottan beszél,
– ki­ej­té­se, hang­lej­té­se kö­ze­lít fe­le­lő, rit­kán ha­bo­zik. néha akadozva be- beszédtempója, valamint
va­la­me­lyik an­gol stan­dard­ – ki­ej­té­se, hang­lej­té­se né­mileg szél. kiejtése és hanglejtése aka­
hoz. el­tér az an­gol stan­dardoktól. – kiejtése, hangsúlyai, dályozza a megértést.
– beszédtempója, kiejtése, hang- hanglejtése kismér-
lejtése nem nehezíti a megér- tékben nehezítik a
tést. megértést.


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 145 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Az emelt szintű angol szóbeli vizsga értékelésének módja

• Az emelt szintű angol szóbeli vizsga értékelésében a vizsgáztató tanár és az értékelő tanár
egyaránt részt vesz.
• A két értékelő egymástól függetlenül, egymással nem megbeszélve döntést hoz az adott
teljesítmény értékeléséről, döntését a saját értékelőlapjára rávezeti, és csak ezután egyeztet
• Ahol a döntésük megegyezett, átvezetik a végleges értékelőlapra.
• Ahol a döntésükben eltérés volt, meg kell egymásnak indokolni a döntéseiket, és közös meg-
egyezésre kell jutniuk.
• A közös megegyezés eredményét kell a végleges értékelőlapra átvezetni.


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 146 2021. 10. 26. 8:32

Vizsgázó neve: ____________________________________________                       Vizsgázó tételszáma: ________________________


3 2 1 0
Jártasság a témában, interakció

OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 147

Szókincs, kifejezésmód
Nyelvtan (alaktan, mondattan)


3 2 1 0
Kommunikációs cél elérése
Szókincs, kifejezésmód
Nyelvtan (alaktan, mondattan)


3 2 1 0
Összefüggő témakifejtés
Szókincs, kifejezésmód
Nyelvtan (alaktan, mondattan)



3 2 1 0
Beszédtempó, hanglejtés, kiejtés

Vizsgarészek összpontszáma:    Vizsgáztatók aláírása: ____________________________________

2021. 10. 26. 8:32



OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 148

Vizsgázó neve: ____________________________________________                       Vizsgázó tételszáma: ________________________


3 2 1 0
Jártasság a témában, interakció
Szókincs, kifejezésmód
Nyelvtan (alaktan, mondattan)


3 2 1 0
Kommunikációs cél elérése
Szókincs, kifejezésmód
Nyelvtan (alaktan, mondattan)


3 2 1 0
Összefüggő témakifejtés
Szókincs, kifejezésmód
Nyelvtan (alaktan, mondattan)



3 2 1 0
Beszédtempó, hanglejtés, kiejtés

Vizsgarészek összpontszáma:    Vizsgáztatók aláírása: ____________________________________

2021. 10. 26. 8:32




Vizsgázó neve: _______________________________________     Vizsgázó tételszáma: __________


Jártasság a témában, interakció

Szókincs, kifejezésmód
Nyelvtan (alaktan, mondattan)


Kommunikációs cél elérése

Szókincs, kifejezésmód
Nyelvtan (alaktan, mondattan)


Összefüggő témakifejtés
Szókincs, kifejezésmód
Nyelvtan (alaktan, mondattan)


Beszédtempó, hanglejtés, kiejtés

Vizsgarészek összpontszáma:   

Vizsgáztatók aláírása: ____________________________________


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 149 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 2

In the course of the conversation the examiner must contradict the candidate. To contradict
the candidate you may use the following arguments.

For Against

• People have always been made aware of • Throughout history, people have always
the concepts of ‘mine’ and ‘yours’ since been interested in money, but this interest
early childhood. Because we live in a ma- has never been the one and only driving
terialistic society, we simply have to be force in the search for happiness.
• For young people the primary concern is
• Since success is measured by money, we not making money for its own sake but
simply can’t afford to disregard of this their desire to gain independence from
materialistic attitude. Moreover, there their parents and start their own lives.
is also the pressure of having to keep up
• A lot of money is invested in education,
with the Joneses.
public health, environmental protection
• The statement that money doesn’t make and social welfare systems. This fact runs
one happy simply isn’t true. There is a di- contrary to the proposition.
rect relationship between wealth and hap-
• There are many voluntary, nonprofit or-
ganisations that are not motivated by
There is a direct relationship between money. They work hard without reward.
welfare and the quality of life. If we have
• The primary aim for the great majority of
to struggle for survival day after day, we
people is not the accumulation of wealth
will have no time for reading, aesthetic
but the desire to create a favourable back-
pleasures such as art, relaxation or enter-
ground so that they may live a normal, if
tainment. Conse­quently, people cannot be
not enjoyable, life.
blamed if they want to create the financial
background for other pursuits. • The technological development of our age
requires well-trained minds and profes-
• Money is also an important means of rais-
sional knowledge. Salaries simply have to
ing poorer societies as the need for con-
reflect the challenge. This way, the pres-
sumer goods is not the privilege of the
sure for high salaries does not come from
the people but from the system itself.


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 150 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 3

1. Imagine what life was like in a medieval town like the one shown in the picture on the left.
(Segítő kérdések: How about comfort in the houses, security in the streets [especially at night],
hygiene, privacy, cleanness / sanitation?)

2. Imagine what life is like in a modern city like the one shown in the picture on the right.
(Segítő kérdések: How about comfort in the high-rise apartments, security in the streets [espe-
cially at night], the flow of traffic, the lack of green areas?)

3. Tell us about a typical day of yours if you were a citizen of the medieval town / the modern

4. In which place would you prefer to live if you were offered the choice? Give your reasons.

5. How would you change the townscape in either place if you were in authority / a designer?


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 151 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 2

In the course of the conversation the examiner must contradict the candidate. To contradict
the candidate you may use the following arguments.

For Against

• You read / hear in the news what an im- • 

The desire for knowledge has always
mense sum of money even one single been a distinctive feature of humankind.
piece of space research equipment costs. Isn’t it natural that people would like to
The next moment you will read / see a learn more about the world in which they
news item showing slums and people live?
starving. Isn’t it revolting?
• It is logical that after we have fully dis-
• There are so many problems to be settled covered and explored the Earth we turn
on the planet where we live. Why should our attention to space.
we turn our interest toward other planets?
• Nations should be allowed to use the re-
• Space research would only be justifiable if sources that they have produced on what
human life were at all possible outside the they want to. If they choose to spend their
Earth. But it seems that it isn’t. money on space research let them do so.
• Space research is about powerful nations’ • What happens outside the Earth does have
prestige and demonstrating their power an influence on our sheer existence. If it
and not about the progress of humankind. were not for space research we would be
defenceless against the harmful effects
• It is doubtful that space research is of any
coming from the universe.
practical use. Will it make our lives any
better if we learn that the temperature • Space research has made it possible that
on the surface of a distant planet is, say, we can communicate with every corner of
100 degrees centigrade below zero? the earth and can take preventive action
if, say, a hurricane comes. How can one
• Even if it were possible to travel to other
claim that space research has no practical
planets, the costs would be so high that
use for every one of us?
only the richest and the privileged could
afford the journey. In other words, the • Space research will make it possible for us
achievements of space research will not to emigrate from the earth if it gets over-
be available for average people like you populated.
and me.


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 152 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 3

1. The main idea behind both pictures may be the sharp contrast.
(Segítő kérdések: What creates the contrast in either picture [top: the tranquil / idyllic country­
side symbolising peace as opposed to the tank symbolising war, fight, unrest; the young wom-
an in white as opposed to the formidable black construction – may be the symbols of life and
death / bottom: the old fishing port with traditional boats as opposed to the skyscraper; the
skyscraper as opposed to the mosque]?)

2. Which war do you think the tank commemorates? Which army do you think it belonged to?
In which country do you think it stands now?
(Segítő prompt: Have a look at the flag at the front of the tank.)

3. Do you think people should be reminded of the dark side(s) of their history or we had better
forget about it / them altogether?

4. How do you think we can keep our traditions in a modern world symbolised by this sky-

5. In what way does the second picture symbolise globalisation?

(Segítő prompt: Look at the mosque and the skycraper – the blending of cultures.)


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 153 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 2

In the course of the conversation the examiner must contradict the candidate. To contradict
the candidate you may use the following arguments.

For Against

• Big cities are crowded: there are people • Humans were created to live in society.
on the buses, in the underground, on the Consequently, it is the one who cannot tol-
pavement – in fact wherever you look. erate the existence of their fellow-humans
who is crazy.
• It is hardly possible to move because traf-
fic has virtually collapsed, and you have • Life in a big city is interesting: there is al-
to stand in endless queues in shops and ways something to do, somewhere to go
offices. or something to enjoy (cultural events,
programmes etc.).
• The smallest unforeseen event, like a truck
unloading and so occupying a lane or the • A big city offers a wide range of consumer
burst of a water pipe can bring about utter goods (think about shops, supermarkets,
chaos. shopping malls) and services without
which modern humans can hardly live.
• City-dwellers have to adopt an unnatural
way of life, whether they like it or not. • A city also cares for your health: medical
As a result, they lose touch with nature. services are readily available and you are
more protected against adverse weather
• The slogan ‘the city never sleeps’ is very
bad news for city-dwellers because it
means that they can never have a rest: • You can always visit the countryside if
traffic goes on and the noise never stops. you like or go on holiday in Nature; more-
over, big cities also have beautiful parks
• Living in a city is expensive and living
and recreational areas where you can re-
conditions are poor (small flats, crowded
apartment blocks).
• Only a very small minority of city-dwell-
• Living in a city is dangerous because the
ers are involved in crime; we had better
crime rate is high. In certain districts it is
take more care of ourselves and avoid
not advisable to walk in the dark or even
dangerous situations / districts.
during the day.


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 154 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 3

1. Do you think the recent concern about our health / fitness is a real problem or just a fashion
(Segítő kérdések: Is it only eating which is responsible for our health conditions – how do
ingredients influence them [cholesterol level / saturated fat / sugar content]?)

2. Apart from eating, what other factors influence our health conditions?
(Segítő promptok: Stress [blood pressure] / too much work / sedentary jobs / too little physical
activity / the environment [noise / pollution].)

3. Does strenuous exercise (suggested by the picture at the bottom of the page) do more good
than wrong or vice versa?
(Segítő promptok: Dangers of starting a fitness program unprepared / asking for expert advice /
considering one’s age & physical conditions / regular check-ups.)

4. Wellness is a fashion word today. What does it mean for you?

5. How do you take care of your own health?


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 155 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 2

In the course of the conversation the examiner must contradict the candidate. To contradict
the candidate you may use the following arguments.

For Against

• Commercial TVs transmit a false image • People have so many problems in their
of the world, a virtual and manipulated lives; why not let them escape from them
reality. This way, they distract viewers for a few minutes while watching the soap
from the problems of real life. operas? This might restore their energy to
fight their own problems.
They regard viewers as infantile with
those idiotic shows and quizzes. • Viewers are not mindless puppets. They
have the option of choosing a ‘serious’
• They lure viewers into reckless spending
channel if they feel that a commercial
with their phone-in programmes, whose
station is below them.
cultural / educational value is zero.
• We should not always watch ‘serious’ or
• They offer a very limited / the same kind
‘quality’ programmes. Sometimes light
of programmes for general consumption.
entertainment is just what we need after a
• Because they are only interested in making hard day’s work.
profit, they do not invest money in making
• People only get what they deserve. Look
quality programmes; instead, they either
at the statistics! Which programme do
present primitive talkshows or show age-
you think has recently had more viewers?
old films a hundred times.
A boxing match between two media stars
Their only interest is attracting more or a singing competition?
viewers. In order to achieve this, they
• Commercial TVs only reflect our modern
appeal to base instincts by showing scenes
way of life. They are not the cause but the
of brutal violence, hardcore sex, horror
effect. They shouldn’t be blamed because
and scandal.
they only satisfy public demand.
• They do not respect privacy and human
Parents are there to make sure their
dignity. In the interest of sensation, they
children don’t watch programmes not
uninhibitedly interfere with people’s
meant for them. As all the programmes
private lives and mercilessly manipulate
are classified they can decide easily.
their feelings.


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 156 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 3

1. In what way are Easter and Halloween observed in Hungary and in English-speaking coun-
(Segítő kérdések: How about similarities / differences [Easter egg / bunny / lamb / sprinkling
girls with water / ham / cake / Hot Cross Buns; jack-o-lantern / threatening disguises / trick or
treat / All Saints’ Day; visiting cemeteries]?)

2. What other holidays are observed in a similar / different way with us and in the English-speak-
ing countries?

3. What holidays are celebrated in England / the USA which are not celebrated with / known to
(Segítő promptok: Guy Fawkes’ Day / Independence Day / Thanksgiving Day.)

4. What do you think about the way we (are forced to) celebrate holidays today?
(Segítő kérdések: How about the commercialization of Christmas? The big rush for presents?
Endless eating-drinking? The presure to celebrate occasions not rooted in our culture like
Valentine’s Day?)

5. Which is your favourite holiday? How do you celebrate it?


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 157 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 2

In the course of the conversation the examiner must contradict the candidate. To contradict
the candidate you may use the following arguments.

For Against

• Advertisements are an offensive way of • Advertisements can’t be blamed for being

brainwashing. You simply can’t escape seen and heard all the time. That is why
from them as they are everywhere you they have been made.
look and are constantly heard on the radio
• The aim of advertising is not only selling
and seen on television.
but giving information as well, and we do
Advertisements are unproductive and need useful information about newly-pro-
a waste of money. People buy goods duced goods.
through hands-on experience or which
Consumers are not mindless puppets.
they are already used to.
They have the option of choosing which
• Advertisements create demands for goods product they will buy. Also, there are so
that we wouldn’t otherwise need. This many goods on the market that buyers of-
way they lure people into reckless spend- ten feel lost. Adverts help them decide.
ing and so they add to the negative fea-
Since advertisements create mass mar-
tures of a consumer society.
kets, they make goods cheaper.
Advertisements regard people as infan-
• It is a false idea that good quality products
tile because most of them are revoltingly
do not need to be advertised.
• Adverts often provide cheerful reading or
• Advertisements transmit a false image of
are amusing to watch or listen to. Stations,
the world, a virtual and manipulated real-
newspapers or TV programmes would be
ity because they suggest that the products
rather dull without them.
advertised keep or even make one young,
healthy or even immortal. • Advertisements are often useful: they help
you find a job, service, something you’re
• There is always the suspicion that a prod-
looking for or even a partner.
uct has be advertised because it is either
expensive or of poor quality (or both). • Advertisers pay for their ads to appear,
say, in your daily paper. This keeps the
Advertisements keep interrupting radio
price of your daily paper down, which is
and TV programmes, which is annoying.
to your benefit, isn’t it?


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 158 2021. 10. 26. 8:32


Task 3

1. Which of the pictures do you find more striking / provocative? Why?

(Segítő kérdések: Don’t you think the palm trees / the camels are out of place in this environ-
ment? Or is it the electricity transmission line that’s out of place?)

2. Apart from the (palm) trees, is there anything else in the right-hand-side picture that makes
this environment more human?
(Segítő kérdések: How about the flower beds / the benches – do you think you’d feel like sit-
ting down here? / the terraces with grass beds and the vegetation?)

3. Imagine you are the palm tree in the centre. Could you tell us how you feel standing here?
Could you tell us what you can see if you look around?

4. The world of today is often blamed for going global. How could you use either or both of
these pictures to argue for / against this statement?

5. Where would you prefer to live? In an apartment in one of these skyscrapers or in a bedouin
tent seen in the background of the left-hand-side picture?


OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 159 2021. 10. 26. 8:32

Oktatási Hivatal
1055 Budapest, Szalay utca 10–14.
Telefon: (+36-1) 374-2100
A kiadásért felel: Brassói Sándor mb. elnök
Raktári szám: OH-ANG912VE
Felelős szerkesztő: Ungor Barbara
Tankönyvkiadási osztályvezető: Horváth Zoltán Ákos
Műszaki szerkesztő: Marcsek Ildikó, Knausz Valéria
Grafikai szerkesztő: Megyeriné Kovács Katalin
Nyomdai előkészítés: Zlatnikné Balogh Zsuzsa
Terjedelem: 20,06 (A/5) ív
Tömeg: 410 gramm
1. kiadás, 2022

Gyártás: Könyvtárellátó Nonprofit Kft.

Készült a Gyomai Kner Nyomda Zrt.-ben, 2019-ben
Magyar Könyvkiadók és Könyvterjesztők Egyesülésének tagja
Az igazgatóság elnöke Balla László
Vezérigazgató Erdős Tamás
Telefon: 66/887-400

OH-Ang912VE Angol feladatok 1_160korr2.indd 160 2021. 10. 26. 8:32

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