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We, the members of the Philippine Association of Social Workers, Inc. believing:

In the inherent dignity and worth of all persons, emanating from a Supreme Being who directs our actions of love for one

That every human being has natural and social rights, capacities and responsibilities to develop his full potentials as a human

In the human being’s capacity to change and recognize the value of unity in diversity, individual differences and pluralism in

In free men and women living in a free society where poverty, in all its forms, is neither a fate nor a punishment, but is
condition that can and must be changed;

In the family as the basic unit of society and its vital role in the growth and development of the individual, the family system,
and community;

That the government, the private sector and the public have a joint responsibility to promote social justice and to ensure
political, economic and social well-being of all people;

In the role of social workers as agents and advocates of change and in the promotion of professionalism, responsibility and
accountability; and,

That our professional practice is deeply rooted in our cultural values, DO HEREBY DECLARE that we will abide by these
standards of ethical conduct:

3 values of Social Work profession:

1. Values about People. 2. Values about society.

3.Values about SW professional behavior integrity, competence, awareness.


1.Residual 3. Rehabilitative 5. Transformative

2.Preventive 4. Developmental

Principles of Social Work:

1. Acceptance 2. Individualization 3. Non-Judgmentalism

4. Client’s Participation 5. Self Determination of the client 6. Objectivity

7. Confidentiality 8. Worker Self Awareness 9. Purposeful expression of feelings

10. Controlled Emotional Involvement 11.Accountability 12. Access to resources

13. Self- Reliance 14. Awareness on the Social context of human experience
Methods of Social Work:

1. Primary 2.Secondary

Social Case work- Individualize or one on one Social welfare Organization

Social Group work Social work Research

Community organization Social work Supervision

Models of Community Organization:

1 .Local Development 2. Social Action 3. Social Planning

5 Top Social workers Tool kit:

1. Self awareness 3. Communication 5. Critical thinking

2. Active listening 4. Documentation Interviewing

Values of Social work:

1. Each person has the right to self fulfillment, deriving his inherent capacity and thrust toward that goal.

2. Each person has the obligation, as a member of society, to seek ways of self fulfillment that contribute to the common

3. Society has the obligation to facilitate the self fulfillment of the individual and the right to enrichment through the
contribution of its individual member.

4. Each person requires for the harmonious development of his power socially provided and socially safeguarded opportunities
for satisfying his basic needs in the physical, psychological, economic, cultural, aesthetic, and spiritual realms.

5. As society becomes more complex and interdependent, increasingly specialized social organization is required to facilitate
the individuals effort at self- realization.

6. to permit both self-realization and contribution to society by the individual, social organization must.

3 Pioneers of Social welfare:

1. Germany 3. England- Established overlapping on giving alms – Charity Organization 1869

2. France
Man is a BIOPSYCHO-SOCIAL human being.

Bio- Life Psycho->Mind, Reasoning, Intellect, Cognitive Social- Interaction with the Environment

All human being have Dignity .

The philosophy of social work is derived from the society of which is a part. Social work is based on the belief that man has
worth and dignity.

Goals- person aims and commits to achieve

Goals of social welfare

Humanitarian and social justice goals-democratic ideal of social justice, and is based on the belief that man has the
potential to realize himself, except that physical, social, economic, psychological and other factors sometimes hinder
or prevent him from realizing his potentials.

 Social Control Goal - This goal is based on the needy, deprived and disadvantaged groups, against what they consider
to be an alienating or offending society.

 Economic Development - designed to support increases in the production of goods and services, and other resources
that will contribute to the economic development.

Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:

 Psychological survival needs: nourishment, rest, sex, warmth.

 Safety needs: preservation of life and sense of security

 Belongingness needs: to be part of a group and to love and to be loved.

 Esteem needs: approval, respect, acceptance, appreciation, etc.

 Self actualization needs: to be able to fulfill our fullest potential.

Important characteristics of social welfare:

 It is deliberately organized system of services.

 It is targeted to address the needs of weaker and vulnerable section of society.

 The aim of social welfare is to protect and promote the interest of these sections (weaker and vulnerable) enable
them to realize their potential talents and abilities and help them to live a dignified life.

Welfare state: It is the concept of government in which the state or a well-established network of social institutions plays a key
role in the protection and promotion of the economic and social well-being of citizens. It is based on the principles of equality
of opportunity, equitable distribution of wealth, and public responsibility for those unable to avail themselves of the minimal
provisions for a good life. The general term may cover a variety of forms of economic and social organization.

Social protection, is concerned with preventing, managing, and overcoming situations that adversely affect people’s well being.
Social protection consists of policies and programs designed to reduce poverty and vulnerability by promoting efficient labor
markets, diminishing people's exposure to risks, and enhancing their capacity to manage economic and social risks, such as
unemployment, exclusion, sickness, disability and old age.
Social development: Planned institutional change including social, economic and political change for the welfare of the nation
as a whole.

Social service: The term service means an act of helping. Social service is defined as any aid or assistance provided by society to
enable its members to optimally actualize their potential to perform their rules and responsibility effectively in the society

 -Government services provided for the benefit of the community

2 Types Of Social Service:

 PUBLIC SERVICE provided by the government, private, profit and nonprofit organization; Education (Schools,
 PRIVATE SERVICE aim to create more effective organizations, build stronger communities, and promote equality and

Differentiate SYMPATHY & EMPATHY:

Sympathy and empathy are two commonly confused words in the English language. Many people make the mistake of using
these nouns interchangeably, often thinking they are synonyms for each other. However, although they are related, there is a
difference between the meaning of sympathy and empathy and how you use these two words.

Sympathy is a shared feeling, usually of sorrow, pity or compassion for another person. You show concern for another person
when you feel sympathy for them.
For example, when someone loses a loved one, you feel sympathy towards that person and their family. You may share a
feeling of sadness with them, but you might not have empathy for their situation if you have not experienced, or cannot
imagine experiencing, a death in the family.
Empathy is stronger than sympathy. It is the ability to put yourself in the place of another and understand someone else's
feelings by identifying with them. With empathy, you put yourself in another's shoes, often feeling things more deeply than if
you just felt sympathy.
For example, someone lacking empathy may not be able to understand why another person is upset over a situation if they
cannot imagine themselves in that person's place. Someone has empathy if they can put themselves in the same situation and
perceive how the other person is feeling, even if they do not share those feelings.

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