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Full name: Keith Ashley C.

Course & Section: BS Medical Biology 16
Subject: Art Appreciation
Professor: Jumel G. Estrañero
University: De La Salle University


1. Art Nouveau.
- Instruction: Choose your favorite Art Output this Sem. Copy Paste here. State your
reason why in 4-5 sentences.
My favorite Art Output this semester is the paper weaving. I learned this weaving pattern
in youtube. I enjoyed creating this pattern because somehow it feels like I’m doing a 6th grade art
homework. I also matched my two favorite colors for this (yellow & pink). This craftsmanship is
interesting and fun to do.

Monitoring and Evaluation
2. Art in Introspection of Life.
- Selfie saying ART IS _______ (Choose your one word: ART IS LIFE for example)
- Also, write in brief. Based on your Final Summative Assessment (Portfolio), what
changes made on your mindset and style in art, if any? 4-5 sentences.

The changes made on my mindset and style that was based on my final summative
assessment portfolio is my choice of colors. Personally, I like colors that are vibrant and bright in
the eyes. However, when we were task to explore different color schemes, I was able to pick
colors that are neutral, plain, yet eye-catching. It was a chance for me to explore different
palettes and dive in to different personalities they possess.

3. Final Message for your Professor. 4-5 sentences.

Bonjour, Sir Jumel! I hope you’ll continue your passion for teaching and law. You are a
very persevering person and I commend you for that. I like that you are very humble. I also admire
how you share the word of the Lord in your class. May you find a soul-resting relationship in the
future. God bless!

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