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Name: ___________________________________________________ Subject: ____________________

Grade: _______ Div.: _______ Date: ______________

Unit 1: Plants

1. The figure below shows a cell from layer of a leaf: Study it carefully and answer the following

(a) Name the features labelled C and D.

(b) Name the process carried out by the
(c) Explain why all animal life depends on
this process.
(d) Why plants are green in colour.

2. A plant with variegated leaves has the starch removed
from its leaves by placing it in a dark cupboard for 48 hours.
Black paper is then fixed on one leaf as shown and the plant
is exposed to light. After 24 hours, which part of the leaf
contains starch?


3. Study the experimental diagram and answer the questions that follow:

(a) Why did seeds not germinate in test tube C?

(b) What do seeds need to germinate?

(c) What are the different ways that temperature could affect seed germination?


(d) Explain why seeds germinated in test tube E


4. The drawing represents a vertical section through a leaf x 200


Palisade Mesophyll cell

Spongy Mesophyll cells

(a) Name the parts indicated below and state characteristic features of each.
A: ______________________________________________________________________________
B: ______________________________________________________________________________
C: _____________________________________________________________________________
D: ______________________________________________________________________________
(b) Which organelle in the palisade mesophyll cell is responsible for converting sunlight into
(c) What is the function of part C?
(d) State how A, B, C and D features help to promote the process of photosynthesis?


5. The diagram given below refers to an experiment in which the apparatus was set up with the light
source 10cm away from the plant. After 15 minutes the number of bubbles evolved per
minute from the cut stem was recorded. The light source was moved to 20 cm away from
the plant, left for 15 minutes and the number of bubbles evolved per minute was again recorded.
The experiment was repeated with the light just at distances of 40, 60, 80 and 100 cm away from
the plant. The results obtained were recorded on the graph. Choose the correct answer from the

(a) Calculate the rate of photosynthesis when the distance of the plant from the light source is:

(i) 20cm= ___________________ (ii) 50cm= ___________________

(b) The gas produced by the plant during the experiment was
(i) Helium (iii) Carbon dioxide
(ii) Oxygen

(iv) Nitrogen

(c) The gas collected comes due to the breakdown of

(i) Glucose
(ii) Starch
(iii) ATP
(iv) Water

(d) If sodium bicarbonate is added to the water, the rate of bubble formation
(i) Increases because more respiration occurs
(ii) Increases because more photosynthesis occurs
(iii) Decreases because respiration decreases
(iv) Increases because gas becomes less soluble



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