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Bishop’s College
First Term Examination - 2020
Grade 14 Subject Biology – II Time 3 hours
Prepared By - Mrs. G. Siriwardena Medium - English Index No.
Translated By - Mrs. M. Pieris Date - 2020-03-

Structured Essay
Answer all questions.

01. (A) (i) State four important characteristics of water to maintain life.

(ii) Give the names (according to the number of carbons) for each
Erythrose - _________________________________________________
Ribulose - _________________________________________________

(iii) (a) Mention two types of electron microscopes?


(b) What is the major advantage of using transmission electron microscope

over scanning electron microscope?

(iv) State the compounds included in cell walls of following organisms?

E coli - _______________________________________________
Penicillium - _______________________________________________

(v) Draw and labell the cross section structure of the basal body of eukaryotic

(vi) Mention one difference between prokaryotic flagellum and eukaryotic


(vii) Mention the most abundant cell organelle present in human sperm?


(i) Name the process shown as A, B and C.

A - _____________________________________________________
B - _____________________________________________________
C - _____________________________________________________

(ii) Where do process A, B and C occur in the living cell.
A - _____________________________________________________
B - _____________________________________________________
C - _____________________________________________________

(iii) Name the two products formed from glucose in animal cell in the absence of

(iv) What is meant by respiratory quotient (RQ)


(v) Arrange the biomolecules carbohydrates, fats and proteins according to their
RQ value. (ascending order)

(vi) Mention the nitrogenous compound formed in aerobic respiration of


(c) (i) What are conidia?


(ii) Which phylum of kingdom fungi in produce comidia.


(iii) Name the other type of spore found in phylum B (ii) and state the function.
Type of spore Function
_________________________ _________________________________

(iv) Indicate which of the plants A - E, exhibit the characteristics given below.
A - Poganatum B - Nephrolepis C - Selaginella
D - Cycas E - Angiosperm
(a) Autotrophic gametophyte ______________________________
(b) Bi flagellated male sperms ______________________________
(c) Heterospory ______________________________
(d) Spores dispersed by wind ______________________________

(02) (A) (i) An organism with two antennae, segmented body and jointed legs could be
observed from a home garden.
(a) Mention the domain, kingdom and phylum which this organism
belongs to
Domain ____________________________________________
Kingdom ____________________________________________
Phylum ____________________________________________

(b) Give one adaptation which might be showed by the organisms to

prevent desiccation.

(c) Mention the type of blood circulatory system of this organism.


(ii) State four characteristic features which could be seen only in phylum

(iii) State two characteristics features of organisms belong to class osteichthyes.


(iv) State three ways how reptilians adapt toe terestrial environment.

(B) (i) (a) State five passive transport mechanism occur in plants?

(b) Out of them which transport mechanism is used for long distance

(ii) (a) What is water potential?


(b) What are the units use to measure water potential?


(iii) Plants show some adaptations in order to reduce transpiration. State two
such adaptations.

(iv) State two differences between transpiration and guttation.



(i) (a) Identify the above diagram.


(b) Name the structures indicated by following letters.

P - _____________________________________
Q - _____________________________________
R - _____________________________________
S - _____________________________________

(c) Descrive the structure of R tissue when it is matured.


(d) How does it relate to its function.


(ii) State two secondary tissues formed from following meristems.

1. Vascular cambium - __________________________________
2. Cork cambium - ____________________________________

(03) (A) (i) What is meant by heterotrophic nutrition?

(ii) State two nutritional mechanisms of animals and mention one example, one
animal's adaptation for each.
(a) mechanism - __________________________________________
example - __________________________________________
adaptation - __________________________________________

(b) mechanism - __________________________________________

example - __________________________________________
adaptation - __________________________________________

(iii) Mention the three types of cells present in gastric glands.


(iv) State two vitamins synthesized by colon with the aid of microorganisms.

(v) In which forms the digested products of fats are absorbed in man.

(vi) In which forms absorbed digested products of fats are transported in human

(vii) State two water soluble vitamins and their deficiency symptoms.
water soluble vitamin deficiency symptom
________________________ ________________________________
________________________ ________________________________

(B) (i) What is the importance of coordination in an organism.

(ii) State two differences between the nervous and endocrine coordination.

(iii) (a) What are neurotransmitters.


(b) Give one example for neurotransmitter?


(iv) Mention the parts that make bain stem?


(v) (a) Name 2 parts in human bain that are related with reflex actions?

(b) State the function of corpus callosum in human brain?


(vi) (a) What is meant by adaptive immunity?


(b) State how human skin acts against foreign invasive agents.


(i) Name the given diagram.


(ii) Label the part A - D.

A ________________________ B _____________________________
C ________________________ D _____________________________

(iii) (a) State 3 unique features of bone labelled as "A".


(b) Mention how bone "A" has positioned to bear the body weight?

(iv) Mention the disorders explained by following symptoms.
(a) The bodies of adjacent vertebrae are separated by invertebral discs

(b) Reduction of bone density


(v) What is the bone articulation with the bone B and C at ankle joint.

(04) (A) (i) What is the charge of DNA molecule?


(ii) Give one reason for your answer (i)


(iii) What is the monomer of DNA?


(iv) Mention three components of monomer you mentioned in (iii)


(v) State two features of DNA that are important to act as genetic material of

(vi) What is the unit located on DNA molecule responsible to determine a

definite character of an organism.

(B) (i) Define following terms.
(a) Allele

(b) Heterocygote

(ii) What is a test cross?


(iii) State whether following features are dominant or recessive.

(a) Dimples -
(b) Straight thumb -

(iv) Following is a pedigree prepared related with the inheritence of rolling

ability of the tounge of man (Rolling ability of tongue is a dominant trait (R)
while homozgyous recessive are unable to roll the tounge) (r)

(a) Which character bearing people are indicated being shaded in above

(b) State the genotypes of following people.
A _____________________ B ________________________
C _____________________ H ________________________

(C) (i) What is DNA replication?


(ii) Mention 2 functions of heterochromatin?


(iii) Give one enzyme responsible for following functions

(a) Unwind the double helix

(b) Bind to exposed single stranded DNA to prevent re-pairing of the

separated DNA strands.

(c) Add deoxyribonucleotides to the 3 end of primer.


(iv) Fill the blanks.

Electrophoresis is a technique that separates DNA molecules according to
their ______________________________ _______________ molecules
move slowly _____________________ molecules move faster in agarose
ge. The separated DNA can be stained with ______________________ and
can be risalised by exposing to _____________________

(v) Mention two types of gene mutations.



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