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Term: Final
Project no. 2
Reflection on the Monologue

Answer: Reflection on the monologue is a process of thoughtful examination

and analysis of a monologue performance. It involves contemplating and
evaluating various elements of the monologue, including its content, structure,
delivery, and impact.
Content: This refers to the subject matter, ideas, themes, and messages conveyed in the
monologue. Reflecting on the content involves considering its depth, relevancy, and
resonance with the intended audience. It requires exploring the underlying meanings and
implications embedded in the words and exploring the emotional, intellectual, or
philosophical aspects conveyed.
Structure: The structure of the monologue refers to its organization, coherence, and flow. It
involves examining how the monologue is structured, such as its introduction, development,
and conclusion. Reflecting on the structure involves assessing whether the monologue has a
clear and logical progression, whether it effectively engages the audience, and whether it
maintains their attention throughout.
Delivery: Delivery encompasses the way the monologue is performed and presented by the
actor. Reflecting on the delivery involves evaluating the actor’s use of voice, body language,
gestures, facial expressions, and timing. It includes considering whether the delivery
effectively conveys the intended emotions, captures the essence of the character or subject,
and creates a compelling and engaging performance.
Impact: Impact refers to the effect the monologue has on the audience. Reflecting on the
impact entails examining the emotional, intellectual, or social response elicited from the
audience. It involves considering whether the monologue provokes thought, evokes
emotions, or prompts a change in perspective or understanding. Reflecting on the impact
also involves assessing whether the monologue successfully communicates its intended
message or purpose.
Self-reflection: In addition to evaluating the monologue from an audience’s perspective,
performers can engage in self-reflection. This involves critically assessing their own
performance, strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Self-reflection allows
performers to gain insights into their own interpretation, presentation style, and connection
with the audience.
Overall, reflection on the monologue is a process that delves into the various elements of
the performance, aiming to deepen understanding, enhance performance skills, and
appreciate the artistic and expressive aspects of the monologue. It encourages critical
thinking and self-awareness, and fosters growth and development for actors and audience
members alike.

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