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Faculty of Internal Medicine

Liberia College of Physicians and Surgeons

April 6th, 2023
The Head,
Imaging Department,
John F. Kennedy Medical Center
Monrovia, Liberia
Dear Sir,
I am writing to introduce Dr. Catherine Griggs Daywhea who is a 3rd year resident in internal
medicine. As part of her residency training in internal medicine, she is expected to undergo a
one month training in your department.
The curriculum requires her to acquire basic skills in: Chest X-ray interpretation, basic
principles of CT scan and interpretation of brain, chest and abdominal CT scans, principles of
ultrasound and interpretation of basic abdominal and cardiac ultrasound scans, MRI principles
and interpretation of images.
She is expected to start the posting on April 6th, 2023 and end May 5th, 2023.
Thank you for usual cooperation.
Yours Sincerely,

Dr. Muhammad Awwal Abdullahi

Acting Chair, Department of Internal Medicine,
JFK Memorial Medical Center.

1. Dr. Catherine Griggs Daywhea
2. Chief Resident, Internal Medicine
3. Residency Training coordinator, LCPS

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