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Name: Gia Bianca L.

Aguilar Year & Section: BSN 1-A


7. Appeal to authority
1. The force is all around me, as Luke Skywalker indicated.

2. I suppose that granddad wished to be taken by god since he dreamed of being in paradise since a
renowned singer by the name of Aurora once sung that she dreamed of heaven in her sleep and longed
to be taken by god.

8. False dilemma
1. If I don’t do well on my exam, my parents might disown me.

2. If my friend Elizabeth admits her mistake, her boyfriend will think twice about breaking up with her.

9. Bandwagon fallacy
1. It’s appropriate to use that conyo word! It’s famous!

2. Many individuals visit Japan, my family and I will go there in the upcoming month.

10. Appeal to ignorance

1. My friend never responded. Therefore, she has no memory of anything I said.

2. 2. After their chat, Maylene's mother turned her back on her, whilst she forgave her.

11. Circular argument
1. Since she follows a healthy diet, my mother often prepares leafy greens.

2. I have a good rhythm and harmony because I'm a good singer.

12. Sunk cost fallacy

1. Using the new toaster every day is reasonable because my parents paid for it.

2. Since I pay monthly fees, using up all the data on my WiFi plan description is appropriate.

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