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Engagement Bait: Rating Clarifications – 03.15.

Rating Tips
 Double check before you click: It is very easy to mis-click the wrong rating accidentally when working fast.
Mis-clicks can significantly impact the quality of data on the project. Please take extra care when submitting
each rating.

 Remember - posts can display multiple engagement tactics: For example, a post can ask users to both like and
comment the content.

Please see below for feedback on some examples

Thank you for your ongoing efforts on Engagement Baiting Post Labelling

Post content Engagement type Where Call for help?

Does not bait for None of the above Not call for help

The questions in the

composer box and the
attachment do not mean
to get replies. They are
introducing the video.
Comment baiting In the attachment Not call for help
Share baiting
Friend tag baiting

The video baits for

comments by posing a
direct question, and then
asks to share the post and
tag a friend.

Comment baiting In the composer box Call for help

Share baiting
The post uses baiting to
raise money for a hospice.
Like baiting In the composer box Not call for help
Share baiting In The Attachment
Comment baiting
Friend tag baiting

The post uses baiting in

both the composer box
and the video.

Share baiting In the composer box Not call for help

Vote baiting In the composer box Not call for help

In The Attachment
The post asks users to
choose which movie they
think will win ‘Best
Picture’ in the comments.
This is Vote baiting, and it
is taking place in the
composer box and the
Comment baiting In the composer box Not call for help
In the attachment
The post baits for
comments in the
composer box and the
attachment, but the video
provides enough context
for the link, so there is no
Link baiting here.

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