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I. Discuss both views and give your opinion

1. Introduction:
S1 – paraphrase the topic
There is a debate over whether X or Y…
People debate over whether …
People dispute about …
It is/has been argued that whether…
People face dilemma of whether to do X or Y…
Some people believe that…, however, others…

S2 – tate your view/opinion

2. BP1 – Show the view that you do not support by using distancing
Some people think/believe/say/argue/state that…
Supporters/Advocates/Proponents of this view think that…
According to some people, …
Provide arguments with explanations and give examples if that is possible

3. BP2 – Show the view that you support by using transition

However/Nevertheless, I believe that…
Provide arguments with explanations and give examples if that is possible

4. Conclusion – Restate arguments and do not forget to show your view

Sample essays:
Some people believe that having instant messaging apps (like, for example, WhatsApp and
Viber) on our smartphones has improved our communication. Others feel that it has only
damaged the way that we communicate.
Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.
With the commercial advent of the Internet and mobile phones in the late 1990's, instant
messaging apps have achieved increasing prevalence in our society (Paraphrase). However,
while some believe that they allow us to communicate better, I agree with those who feel that
they have harmed our interpersonal communication (Opinion).
On the one hand, being able to send messages instantly between smartphones has advanced
our communication in certain respects (1st argument). The greatest benefit of instant
messaging is its cost, with most apps allowing messages to be sent for free when connected to
Wi-Fi. Consequently, people are able to send a much higher volume of messages today than in
the past (Explanation + Result). Moreover, as instant messaging is a silent form of
communication, it allows people to remain contactable at all times (2nd argument). It your
phone rings in a lecture hall or theatre, it is impossible to answer, but you can still send and
receive texts without causing a disturbance (Explanation with example).
However, I believe that there are more arguments to suggest that instant messaging has
negatively impacted our communication (Transition). One issue is that people tend to favor
writing short texts over real face-to-face conversations (1st argument). Although it may be
possible to carry out a conversation in message form alone, I would argue that the quality of
this conversation would be far lower than one conducted in person. Even worse, short written
messages can easily be misconstrued and, as a result, real meaning may be lost or twisted
(Explanation). However, in my opinion, the most damaging aspect of instant messaging is the
impact it is having on our written skills (2nd argument). Texts use mind-boggling combinations of
letters and numbers to convey meaning, and these abbreviations are having a detrimental
impact on the language skills of young people today, who are often unable to spell or form
grammatically correct sentences (Explanation).
To sum up, although it is undeniable that instant messaging is a cheap way to communicate, it
has led to a whole generation being less able to express themselves clearly (Restate
arguments). Therefore, I believe that apps like Viber and WhatsApp do not represent an
advance in communication but a hindrance (Your opinion).
Some people think governments should spend more money on providing faster means of public
transport. However, others think money should be spent on important priorities for public transport
(e.g. cost, environment). Discuss both views and give your opinion.
People have different views regarding how governments should allocate their budgets for public
transport. While many people think that more money should be spent on reducing the cost and
protecting the environment, I would argue that it is best to offer high-speed modes of transport.
On the one hand, there are a number of reasons why some people favor the idea of having less
expensive, environmentally friendly means of public transport. Firstly, when fares are reduced, more
people may be encouraged to use trains or buses instead of their private vehicles. This might lead to
traffic jams in metropolises being mitigated. Secondly, since many countries have struggled to
combat air pollution, it seems reasonable to make public transport more eco-friendly. This could be
done by improving technology that helps create fuel-efficient forms of public transport which release
less gas emissions into the atmosphere.
However, government funding would be better spent on providing faster means of public transport.
The principal reason why many people shy away from buses or trains is that they are fairly slow. If
this problem is solved, these means of transport may attract more people and become the option of
their choice. Furthermore, the attempt to reduce the cost of public transport or make it more
environment-friendly is rather irrelevant. This is because the fare is already affordable for everyone,
generally, compared to other types of transport, and by using public transport, people have already
made a great contribution to environmental protection.
In conclusion, although some people believe lowering the cost and making public transport more
eco-friendly is a good decision, I believe that people would benefit the most from faster modes of
public transport.
II. Problem/Cause/Solution essays
1.Problem/Solution essay
Intro – Paraphrase the topic
Mention that there are some problems caused by this trend and some possible solutions to

B1 – Write about problems:

Argument 1 and its explanation

Argument 2 and its explanation

B2 – Write about solutions:

Transition sentence showing that solutions are available to apply

Argument 1 and its explanation (you can provide examples as well)

Argument 2 and its explanation (you can provide examples as well)

Conclusion – Restate the problems and show their solutions again

Note: you can write 1 argument in B1 and 1 argument in B2;

you can write 2 arguments in B1 and 2 arguments in B2

2.Cause/Solution essay
Intro – Paraphrase the topic
Mention that there are some reasons causing a particular situation and some possible
solutions to them

B1 – Write about causes:

Argument 1 and its explanation

Argument 2 and its explanation

B2 – Write about solutions:

Transition sentence showing that solutions are available to apply

Argument 1 and its explanation (you can provide examples as well)

Argument 2 and its explanation (you can provide examples as well)

Conclusion – Restate the causes and show their solutions again

Note: you can write 1 argument in B1 and 1 argument in B2;

you can write 2 arguments in B1 and 2 arguments in B2


Causes Solutions
The first reason for……. To deal with a problem
The main reason for…… To tackle a problem
The prime reason/the primary reason….. To solve a problem
The principal reason/cause for….. To address a problem
The underlying cause of/for……. To find a solution for a problem
The root cause of/for……… To take measures to solve a problem
Another reason/cause for…… To remedy a situation
One of the reasons/causes for… To find a remedy for a situation
One of the causes… To overcome a difficulty
The reason is that… To resolve an issue
Because/Since… To find a resolution for an issue
Due to this/Because of/Owing to… One possible solution
As a result/Lead to the problem/Can attribute to… To overcome/deal with/handle the
situation/Resolve the issue
Mitigate the problem/Notable way to solve
Can be implemented/Steps can be
taken/Measures can be taken

Sample essays:


The crime rate in urban areas is usually much higher than in rural areas. Why is this? What can be
done address the problem of city crime?

(Paraphrase) The probability of being a victim of crime is much higher in cities than in smaller towns or
villages. (Causes – mention them) This trend is mainly due to the anonymity of urban spaces and the
prevalence of poverty in inner-city areas. (Solutions – just say that they exist) However, there is a range
of measures that could be implemented to resolve the issue of city crime.

Causes (Cause 1) One of the reasons for the low crime rate in rural centres is their stronger sense of
community. (Explanation + result) In small towns, the likelihood of people knowing their neighbours is
very high and, as a result of these stronger community links, people are both less likely to commit a
crime and more likely to be arrested if they do. (Cause 2) Another cause is the potential financial return
of a crime, which is much higher in major cities than small towns. (Explanation + comparison) Compare,
for example, the amount of money a thief would make from robbing a major urban supermarket as
opposed to a local convenience store. (Cause 3) However, it is probably the vast gap between the rich
and poor in cities that triggers most urban crime. (Explanation) When people living in poverty live in
close proximity to the wealthiest members of a society, it is no wonder that crime occurs.

Solutions (Transition) There are a number of ways to lower the urban crime rate. (Solution 1) Firstly, the
government should invest in community policing. (Explanation) If people see the same police officers
every day, not only will it foster a sense of togetherness in the public, but it will also make criminals fear
being recognized for a crime. (Solution 2) Another way to tackle inner-city crime, however, would be to
narrow the gap in the standard of living between all city dwellers through tax reform, which would
reduce people's motivation for committing a crime. (Explanation) Although I concede that this would be
a difficult task, it is interesting that crime is less of a problem in Scandinavian cities than American ones,
which must surely be the outcome of their much fairer social welfare system. In conclusion, (causes) the
lack of community in urban areas and the wide gap between rich and poor both lead urban areas to
suffer more from crime than rural ones. (Solution) Only when governments are able to ensure that
everybody living in a city has the same wealth and opportunities, will this situation be remedied.

P.S. If you are asked to write Causes/Problems/Solutions, you should write 3 separate paragraphs for
each of them!! (1-causes; 2- problems; 3 – solutions)

Sea levels are continuing to rise at alarming rates as a result of global warming. What problems are
associated with this and what are some possible solutions?

Introduction - Climate change is among the principal dangers facing people this century and ocean
levels are increasing dramatically. This essay will first suggest that the biggest problem caused by this
phenomenon is the flooding of homes and then submit building flood protection as the most viable

Paragraph 1 - The foremost problem caused by sea levels creeping up is the flooding of peoples’
residences. Millions of people all over the world live in coastal areas and if the sea rises by even a few
feet, they will be inundated with water and lose their property. Shelter is one of the most basic of
human needs and widespread flooding would cause millions of people to become homeless, not to
mention losing all of their possessions. The devastation brought about by this was clear for all to see
during the 2011 Tsunami in Japan, in which millions of people were displaced.

Paragraph 2 - A possible solution to this problem would be to build flood barriers. Flood defenses, such
as dikes, dams and floodgates, could be built along coasts and waterways, thereby stopping the water
reaching populated areas. The Netherlands is one of the most populated areas in the world and also one
of the most vulnerable to flooding and they have successfully employed various flood defense systems.
Conclusion - To conclude, stemming the rising tides caused by increasing global temperatures is one of
the foremost challenges we face and it will ultimately lead to many of the worlds’ cities being left
underwater, but a possible solution could be to utilize the flood prevention techniques already used by
countries like Holland.

III. Positive/Negative development

Completely positive development:
Intro – Paraphrase the topic and state that you support the positives (I think/believe that this is a
positive/welcome development leading to/causing important benefits)

B1 – Show the first positive argument and explain it (you can use Examples/Concessions/Good
results to support your idea)

B2 – Show the second positive argument and explain it (you can use Examples/Concessions/Good
results to support your idea)

Conclusion – Restate positive arguments and show your view

Completely negative development:

Intro – Paraphrase the topic and state that you support the negatives (I think/believe that this is a
negative development leading to/causing important harms/detriments)
B1 – Show the first negative argument and explain it (you can use Examples/Concessions/Bad
results to support your idea)

B2 – Show the second negative argument and explain it (you can use Examples/Concessions/Bad
results to support your idea)

Conclusion – Restate negative arguments and show your view

Mostly positive development:

Intro – Paraphrase the topic and show your opinion (Even though/Although I
accept/concede/acknowledge that it has some negatives aspects, I am mostly of the opinion that it
definitely leads to positive changes)

B1 – State that there are some negative sides

Show the 1 st negative argument and explain it (you can provide examples as well)

Show the 2 nd negative argument and explain it (you can provide examples as well)

B2 – State that you mostly believe that it is a positive trend

Show the 1st positive argument and explain it (you can provide examples as well)

Show the 2nd positive argument and explain it (you can provide examples as well)

Conclusion – Restate both negative and positive arguments;

Show your view again (Therefore, I believe that people should continue doing so / I
think that this is a positive development)

Note: You can write 1 argument in B1 and 2 arguments in B2;

You can write 2 arguments in B1 and 3 arguments in B2;

You can write 2 argumnts in B2 and 2 arguments in B2. In this case, you should:

weaken one of the arguments (the 2nd one) in B1 or compare at least one the arguments from
B2 with one of arguments from B1 (this comparison should be given in B2)

Mostly negative development:

Intro – Paraphrase the topic and show your opinion (Even though/Although I
accept/concede/acknowledge that it has some positive aspects, I am mostly of the opinion that it
definitely leads to negative changes)

B1 – State that there are some positive sides

Show the 1 st positive argument and explain it (you can provide examples as well)

Show the 2 nd positive argument and explain it (you can provide e;;;;;;;;;;;xamples as well)

B2 – State that you mostly believe that it is a positive trend

Show the 1st negative argument and explain it (you can provide examples as well)
Show the 2nd negative argument and explain it (you can provide examples as well)

Conclusion – Restate both positive and negative arguments;

Show your view again (Therefore, I believe that people should avoid doing so / I
think that this is a negative development)

Note: You can write 1 argument in B1 and 2 arguments in B2;

You can write 2 arguments in B1 and 3 arguments in B2;

You can write 2 arguments in B2 and 2 arguments in B2. In this case, you should:

weaken one of the arguments (the 2nd one) in B1 or compare at least one the arguments from
B2 with one of arguments from B1 (this comparison should be given in B2)


For positive sides:

Welcome development

Good/beneficial sides


Positive (s)

It has a beneficial effect/impact on…../It can have a beneficial effect/impact on…./It can affect …….
positively/in a positive way

For negative sides:

Negative development


Harmful/detrimental sides


It has a detrimental/negative effect/impact on…../It can have a detrimental/negative effect/impact

on…../It can affect ……. negatively/in a negative way

Sample essays:

Most people today own a smart phone. Is this a positive or negative development?

(Paraphrase) Mobile phones are ubiquitous in modern society no longer being seen as a luxury, but as a
necessity. (Opinion) However, I believe that this trend has had a wholly positive impact on society for
two reasons.

(Argument 1 - positive) Firstly, smart phones allow workers to be more productive now than in the past.
(Concession - negative) While some might argue that no longer having a definite line between work and
home can be a problem, (explanation-strengthen the idea) I would say that it is a small price to pay for
always being contactable. (Explanation) Smart phones are essentially small computers, and being able
to receive emails, organize meetings, and access documents from one portable device has transformed
the way that people do business.

(Argument 2 - positive) Another positive result of smart phones has been the improvement in
communication between governments and individuals. (Explanation – Contrast) In the past, gaining
access to government services required people physically going to an office and filling out forms by
hand. Today, however, almost all services are accessible online via an app. (Further Explanation with
example) In addition, many governments are taking advantage of the fact that most of their citizens use
social media, and using applications like Twitter and Facebook to spread information in times of crisis,
such as in a flood or during a terrorist attacks; thus, helping to save lives.

In conclusion, (join 2 arguments with “not only… but also…) not only has the spread in smart phones
resulted in people being more productive, but it has also led to a better exchange of information
between governments and citizens (Opinion) Therefore, I believe that it is a wholly positive


In some countries, many more people are choosing to live alone nowadays than in the past. Is it a
positive or negative trend?

It has become far more normal for people to live alone these days, particularly in large cities in the
developed world. While there might be some benefits gained by people from living alone, I believe that
it is mostly a negative trend.

The rise in one-person households can be seen as positive for both personal and broader economic
reasons. On an individual level, people you choose to live alone may become more independent and
self-reliant than those who live with family members. A young adult who lives alone, for example, will
need to learn to cook, clean, pay bills and manage his or her budget, all of which are valuable life skills;
an increase in the number of such individuals can certainly be seen as a positive development. From an
economic perspective, the trend towards living alone will result in a greater demand for housing. This is
likely to benefit the construction industry, estate agent and a whole host of other companies that rely
on homeowners to buy their products or services.

However, I believe that drawbacks of living alone are more important. Firstly, rather than the positive
feeling of increased independence (comparison with the 1st argument from B1), people who live alone
may experience feeling of loneliness, isolation and worry. They miss out on the emotional support and
daily conversation that family or flatmates can provide, and they must bear the weight of all household
bills and responsibilities; in this sense, perhaps the trend towards living alone is a negative one.
Secondly, from the financial point of view, a rise in demand for housing is likely to push up property
prices and rents. While this may benefit some businesses (comparison with the 2nd argument from B1),
the general population, including those who live alone, will be faced with rising living costs.

In conclusion, although there are some positive sides of living alone, I opine that it mostly leads to
negative consequences.
IV. Agree/Disagree essays

Completely agree:

Intro – Paraphrase the topic and show your view

B1 – Show the first agree argument and explain it (You can use concession to support your idea)
B2 – Show the second agree argument and explain it (You can use concession to support your

Conclusion – Restate your arguments and show your view

Note: Concession should be used at least in one of the paragraphs

Completely disagree:

Intro – Paraphrase the topic and show your view

B1 – Show the first disagree argument and explain it (You can use concession to support your

B2 – Show the second disagree argument and explain it (You can use concession to support your

Conclusion – Restate your arguments and show your view

Note: Concession should be used at least in one of the paragraphs

Mostly agree:

Intro – Paraphrase the topic and show your view

B1 – Show the 1st disagree argument and explain it (you can provide examples as well)
Show the 2 nd disagree argument and explain it (you can provide examples as well)

P.s. you can write either 1 or 2 arguments here

B2 – Transition sentence where you should show your view again

Show the 1st agree argument and explain it (you can provide examples as well)

Show the 2nd agree argument and explain it (you can provide examples as well)

Conclusion – Restate your arguments and show your view again

Mostly disagree:

Intro – Paraphrase the topic and show your view

B1 – Show the 1st agree argument and explain it (you can provide examples as well)
Show the 2 nd agree argument and explain it (you can provide examples as well)

P.s. you can write either 1 or 2 arguments here

B2 – Transition sentence where you should show your view again

Show the 1st disagree argument and explain it (you can provide examples as well)

Show the 2nd disagree argument and explain it (you can provide examples as well)

Conclusion – Restate your arguments and show your view again

Sample essays:


Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school
programs (for example working for a charity, improving the neighborhood or teaching sports to younger
children). To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Completely agree

What lessons should be included in school curriculum has always been a matter of dispute. Today, it is a
popular belief that students attending high school should volunteer in the community as part of their
schooling. I strongly agree with this notion as volunteer work can bring benefits to the young .

When completing compulsory work activities with charitable organizations or community organizations,
students gain skills that they can add to their resumes and use in future jobs. Working out in the real
world quickly teaches young people the importance of time management, clear communication and
teamwork. Employers like McDonald’s restaurants, who provide many young people with their first
paying jobs, look for volunteer work on resumes as evidence of having developed some relevant work
skills. Although students are not paid for their time ( concession), they are building valuable abilities for
future employment.

Perhaps even more importantly, when students volunteer, they are more likely to realize that their
actions have a positive impact on the world around them. Often the problems of our world can seem
overwhelming but if young learners are given the opportunity to help others, even in a small way, they
will see that they can make a difference. In schools that have been running these programs, there has
been an incredible boost in student morale and the community has benefitted from the talent and time
that young people have contributed to the many programs that need support. It is true that studying for
academics is time-consuming and students already have a lot to do in a day ( concession), but if we teach
them how to step up and help others, we create a better future for us all.

In conclusion, it is a great idea to have unpaid community service as part of a high school program
because it will help the next generation prepare for employment and it will build a caring community
that is willing and able to make our world a better place.

mostly agree
Advances in science and technology and other areas of society in the last 100 years have
transformed the way we live. There is no better time to be alive than now.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Over the last century, science and technology have been responsible for major transitions in the way
people around the globe live. Some people would argue that life has never been better. Although in
a few specific contexts, advances in technology have had a negative impact on quality of life, I am of
the opinion that by and large, the present day is the best time to live.
Admittedly, in some places and situations, science and technology advances have contributed to
decreases in standards of living. Less than a decade ago, Syria was a thriving, relatively prosperous
country. However, due to the use of modern weaponry coupled with political and religious
intolerance, relatively few Syrians would think that there has never been a better time to be alive.
Also, changes in society due to automation have made life worse for many people. This can be seen
in the United States where regional towns have lost manufacturing jobs, which has led to mass
unemployment, an opiate crisis and the election of Donald Trump.
However, in general, it is undeniable that science and technology have made modern life much
better than in the past. A good example of this can be seen in the way vaccines have impacted the
world. It was only around half a century ago that diseases like polio and measles devastated the
lives of many millions of people. Now, polio has been eradicated and measles is mostly only seen in
populations suffering extreme poverty. Another example can be seen in the increase in literacy and
education levels around the world. Now almost all children have access to incredible amounts of
information through the internet, a fact which is no doubt contributing to the increase in average
incomes globally.
In conclusion, while life in the present day is not better in every country and region, when viewed as
a whole, the quality of life for the vast majority is much better than it has ever been in the past.

V. Best wat essay

“Best way” essay show a good way to do something. However, they give you the question “To what
extent do you agree or disagree?” X is the best / good way to do something. Do you agree?

*Signal Words of best way essays: - Best, most, most important, least, worst, main, crucial, the only, key

If you agree with the suggested way:

Intro – Paraphrase the topic and show your view

B1 – show the 1st reason why the suggested way is the best/worst one and explain it (you
should support it with concessions or contrasts)

B2 – show the 2nd reason why the suggested way is the best/worst one and explain it (you
should support it with concessions or contrasts)

Conclusion – restate your view again

If you disagree with the suggested way:

Intro – Paraphrase the topic and show your view

B1 – show why the suggested way can be considered as the best one (provide arguments and
explain them)

B2 – show the alternative way which is better (provide arguments and explain them)

Note: you should compare the way that you choose with the one suggested by IELTS

Conclusion – restate your view again

Sample essay:


The best way to learn a foreign language is self-study online. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Here: Agree with online

(Paraphrase) Thanks to new technology, there are many more methods of available to second language
learners today than in the past. (Opinion) However, I would agree that using the Internet to self-study is
the best for three reasons.

(Argument 1) Firstly, self-education enables people to study at a time and place that is convenient for
them, which means they are more likely to study on a regular basis. (Concession – group classes)
Although I acknowledge that for many people making commitment to a group class is the only way that
they can motivate themselves to study, (explanation / weaken) many students find that after the initial
few weeks they start skipping class because the promise of regular attendance is too much. (Further
explanation / online) Online self-study, however, offers students full flexibility in their learning
timetable and as the key to learning a foreign language is regular study, they are, thus, more likely to

(Argument 2) Another factor is the low cost of online study. (Concession – free watching/listening)
Although it could be argued that students can also watch foreign TV programmes or listen to music in
other language for free, (explanation / weaken) these materials are designed more for entertainment
than language instruction. (Explanation) Many websites, however, offer high-level language learning
content for free. (Further explanation) I believe that this is particularly important for students at
beginner level who may just want to have a free taste of the language before they commit to a full paid
course. Moreover, even courses that require a payment work out to be more cost-effective over time
than other types of lessons.

(Argument 3) Finally, self-study gives you full control over your learning because you are able to choose
your own curriculum and decide how quickly to move through it. (Explanation / contrast) In contrast, in
a classroom environment you have to move at the pace of the whole group, which may be too fast or
too slow for your needs. (Explanation / comparison) Moreover, although many argue that the biggest
missing element in an online course is a teacher to guide your learning, I would say that most educators
give only the same narrow range of content to all their students, rarely creating courses that are totally
tailored to an individual student's needs. (Result) As a result, you benefit very little from having a real-
life teacher rather than a Virtual one in terms of guidance, but lose a lot in terms of control.

(Restate arguments + opinion) In short, I agree that computer-based self-study is the best way to
acquire a second language as it allows students to study what they want, where they want, when they
want and, as a result, they are much more likely to keep up a sustained learning effort.


Topic: The most important factor in job satisfaction is salary. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Most adults spend 40 hours a week at work, so it is important that they have a good sense of job
satisfaction. However, while I agree that money is definitely one factor in how satisfied people are with
their jobs, I definitely don’t think is the most important.

One the one hand, it is clear that money is a key reason why people choose to work in a particular
profession. For the majority of the population, the only way to be financially independent is to have a
job and, as a result, people often choose to work in fields with high salaries in order to support
themselves. Moreover, any employee in any field would expect to receive the industry standard
payment for the work that they do. I expect that if one employee found out that they were earning less
than their colleagues, their level of job satisfaction would decrease dramatically as a result.

However, although money is an important element of any job, there are other many more important
factors that lead to job satisfaction. Having friendly, reliable colleagues, for example, can impact our
feelings towards work in a major way. Many office jobs can be monotonous and repetitive, and, as a
result, having a good relationship with coworkers can sometimes be the only reason why people choose
to remain in a position. Conversely, no amount of money would be enough to keep an employee in an
office where they felt isolated or bullied. Secondly, the work itself has to be a major factor, with people
needing to believe that the job they do is interesting and meaningful in some way. Having daily tasks
that you think are rewarding can go much further in raising satisfaction levels than salary alone. Take
teachers or nurses for example, they earn relatively little, but would still score highly on the job-
satisfaction because they generally feel that their jobs have a positive impact on other people’s lives.

In short, there are a number of factors that dictate how happy a person is at work, but money is only
one of them. In fact, I would argue that fellow staff and the work itself are both more important than
salary alone.

VI. Advantage/Disadvantage essay (Classic - No opinion)

Questions: What are advantages and disadvantages? / Discuss advantages and disadvantages

Intro – Paraphrase the topic

Show that there are some advantages and disadvantages of this trend

B1 – Show 1 or 2 advantage arguments, explain and support them

B2 – Show 1 or 2 disadvantage arguments, explain and support them

Conclusion – Restate your arguments

Sample essay:


In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high
school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people
who decided to do this.

Introduction -Before embarking on college many young people are advised that a year working or
travelling may be a good option. This essay will suggest that saving money is the biggest advantage of
this and a reduced motivation to study is the primary disadvantage.
Paragraph 1 - Third level education is very expensive and lots of students decide to work for 12 months
and save up money before they begin their studies. This allows them to pay for their living costs, tuition
fees and accommodation and focus on their studies, rather than struggle financially or have to get a part
time job on top of their academic work. The Times recently reported that the average student at a UK
university requires over $12,000 per annum just to survive and many drop out because they cannot
afford to stay.

Paragraph 2 - Despite these advantages, many students often get used to working or travelling and
don’t want to return to a life of study after a year off. This short term view can cause some to bypass
university altogether and go straight into a job that is beneath their capabilities or may not offer the
same prospects their future career might have done. For instance, a recent survey by the British
Government found that 26% of students who take a gap-year never enter tertiary education.

Conclusion - In conclusion, taking a break from studies can be advantageous if it allows people to gather
up savings, however, they should also be careful that it does not lead to disillusionment with education


Computers are becoming an essential part of school lessons. Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of this.

With the improvements made in artificial intelligence, it is almost impossible to imagine even one part
of life without the involvement of state-of-the-art technical gadgets. Currently, technology is widely
used at education facilities, especially at schools. Teaching children by the help of technology leads to
both positives and negatives for these young learners.

On the one hand, technology is useful when it is used as a means of easy access to a range of subjects
and education materials. In order to study lessons or prepare for upcoming exams, pupils usually
purchase books or go to libraries. However, computer technology eliminates these needs enabling
learners to study without leaving home, which is less time-consuming. Google is a prime example,
because it allows pupils to easily search for whatever they are looking for quickly and accurately.
Secondly, even if a pupil has to miss a class due to illness or other problems, they can still attend the
class by the help technology. Lessons can be recorded or broadcast live so that students would not fall
behind with the topics.

On the other hand, technological devices can distract school children. While using computers, many
children tend to visit online game websites to play different games, which seems more interesting for
them. Doing so usually ends up being less attentive towards lessons and low results from exams. Use of
technology in education can also cause health problems. It is known that the rays of computer screen is
increasingly dangerous if one utilize it for long hours. Considering that each lesson usually lasts for over
45 minutes, spending 4 or 5 of such lessons in front of devices can in turn result in eyesight problems.
Even worse, this may lead to sedentary lifestyle as children enter into comfort zone and usually sit
without doing any activities.

In short, technology assists children in terms of finance and time, but it also causes distraction and
diseases. That is why the use of technology should be supervised by both teachers and parents.
Some useful vocabulary
1.Advantages: 2. Disadvantages:

Benefits Drawbacks

Beneficial sides Negative or harmful sides

Upsides Downsides

Positives Negatives


VII. Outweigh essays

1.Advantages prevail over disadvantages:

Intro – Paraphrase the topic

Show your position and mention that advantages of a particular trend outweigh its

B1 – Accept that there are some disadvantages (Admittedly, I concede/accept/admit that……….)

Show the 1st disadvantage and explain it (you can provide examples as well)

Show the 2nd disadvantage and explain it (you can provide examples as well)

B2 – Transition sentence showing that you believe there are more advantages (On the other
hand/However/Nevertheless, I believe/think/think that the advantages are more significant than the

Show the 1st advantage, explain and support it (you can provide examples as well)

Show the 2nd advantage, explain and support it (you can provide examples as well)

Note: you can write 1 argument in B1 and 2 arguments in B2;

you can write 2 arguments in B1 and 3 arguments in B2;

you can write 2 arguments in B2 and 2 arguments in B2. In this case, you should:

weaken one of the arguments (the 2nd one) in B1 or compare at least one the arguments from
B2 with one of arguments from B1 (this comparison should be given in B2)

Conclusion – Restate the advantages and disadvantages;

Show your view again about which side outweighs

Some useful phrases for such essays:

The advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages linked/associated with it;

Despite some drawbacks of this, the benefits are still more significant;
Despite some problems likely to be faced, we still gain more than we lose from doing so.

Sample essays:


It is a common aspiration among people to run their own business, rather than work for an employer.
Do you think the advantages outweigh disadvantages?

It is commonly seen that people are willing to start and run their own business, instead of pursuing a job
at a company. In my opinion, despite the fact that (although/while there are) some difficulties can be a
real burden for business owners, the benefits of running a business outweigh the problems associated
with it.

Admittedly, there are a number of disadvantages to owning a business. Firstly, starting your own
business generally requires an initial investment in the sense that the owner of a business might need to
invest in machineries and buildings to start a business. However, the problem is that everyone is not
affluent enough to invest a large amount of money or that they would be in need of taking a loan from
banks. Secondly, running a business always involves a certain amount of risk. There is no fixed monthly
income from a business; it could even incur losses if it is not managed appropriately. As a result of
mismanagement and improper monitoring, a business can result in undesirable problems in the future,
such as bank loans or debts to other people.

Nevertheless, despite the disadvantages mentioned above, I believe there are a lot more significant
advantages to owning a business. One of the obvious benefits is that the business owner has complete
authority over any decision related to the business. For instance, a restaurant owner can take the
decision to open a new branch to expand the business whenever required. In comparison, most of the
employees working in a company do not have much say in the functioning of the company. Another
advantage of owning is a business is that business owners can increase their revenues and profits
manifold when the business grows. In other words, people can earn more by running a successful
business. Finally, a successful business enables a person to have a flexible schedule, meaning that one is
always able to take a vacation or a day off whenever needed. This in turn lessens the stress of work and
leads to more harmonious and peaceful life for businesspersons.

In conclusion, while there are minor disadvantages to running a business, I believe the benefits are
greater than the problems associated with it.


Travelling into space was only a dream into the mid-20th century, yet already space programmes are
being scaled back. However, despite its danger and expense, I still believe that the benefits we gain
from going into space outweigh the drawbacks.

On the one hand, I concede that travelling into space is incredibly costly. Training and educating
astronauts, building shuttles, and developing technology for space missions all cost a substantial amount
of money. It could be argued that that spending billions on space travel is not ethical when there is still
hunger, illness and poverty on our planet. Another downside is the physical danger that astronauts are
exposed to. Many accidents over the years have resulted in their injury or death, and even those who
return safely to earth have serious on-going health problems after spending long periods in zero gravity.
However, although the downsides to space exploration are a real concern, I feel that there are many
more reasons for us to continue space programmes than to stop them. Firstly, space travel has paved
the way for a lot of advanced technology, with hundreds of products that we use today being originally
designed for use in space. For example, neither the GPS systems used by our mobile phones nor the
Teflon in our frying pans would exist without space programmes. Moreover, space exploration offer
solutions to many current and future world problems. Thanks to space exploration, scientists today can
accurately predict weather patterns and natural disasters, which undoubtedly saves lives. In addition,
with the earth's growing population and the threat of climate change, finding a planet that could
support human life might be the only way to ensure the survival of the human race, which I believe is
worth any cost (comparison with the 1st argument from B1).

To conclude, although I admit that space programmes are very costly, the current and future benefits
that we receive from them are invaluable. Therefore, I agree that the advantages of space exploration
outweigh the disadvantages.

VIII. Direct question essays

Intro – Paraphrase the topic and answer the question

B1 – the 1st argument with explanation

B2 – the 2nd argument with explanation

Conclusion – Restate your arguments again

Note: you can write 2 arguments in B1 and 2 arguments in B2 as well;

your opinion might be required as well depending on the question in such essays

Sample essay:

Every year the world becomes more and more dependent on technology. What do you think will be the
most important technological developments in the next 100 years?

(Paraphrase) Technology today plays a fundamental role in human life and continues to evolve at a fast
pace. (Opinion + giving brief arguments briefly) I believe that over the next century, the most
significant technological growth will be in the areas of artificial intelligence and nanotechnology.

(General sentence) Nanotechnology will probably play a major role in our lives in a number of ways.
(Argument 1 – energy) First, the ability to change matter at the atom level will give us the opportunity
to solve the current energy crisis. (Explanation – example) For example, it could allow us to produce
solar cells cheaply and on a large scale, which would stop the use of environmentally damaging fossil
fuels. (Argument 2 – medicine) Nanotechnology might also transform the medical industry.
(Explanation – example / if condition) If we are able to intervene on our biology at the molecular level,
then we have every chance of overcoming serious diseases like Alzheimer’s or cancer. (Argument 3 –
clothes) Moreover, even clothes will be changed by nanotechnology, (explanation) with new fabrics
being developed which are resistant to stains and, therefore, never need to be cleaned.
(Argument) The most significant area of development, however, will be artificial intelligence.
(Explanation – example) Smart cars will drastically reduce traffic accidents, as they will be able to
communicate to one another, warning about potential dangerous situations ahead on the road. (Further
explanation) Furthermore, there is every possibility that in the next century mankind could find a way to
implant artificial intelligence directly into the cortex of the human brain. (Possible result) Fusing humans
and computers together in one tightly coupled cognitive unit would see productivity levels skyrocket,
with augmented humans having instant access to powerful calculating tools, and total memory recall. In
my view, this technology would mark the beginning of a new stage in the development of mankind.
(Summarise ideas + opinion) In conclusion, although the number of technological changes in the world
over the next century will be vast, in my opinion, the most important will very possibly be the
integration of humans and computers, and the ability to manipulate our material world.

*Double-question essays

Intro – Paraphrase the topic and mention answers to both questions

B1 – answer the 1 st question with arguments and explanations

B2 – answer the 2nd question with arguments and explanations

Conclusion – Restate your arguments again

Sample essay:

Happiness is considered very important in life. Why is it difficult to define? What factors are important in
achieving happiness?

This question requires you to write an answer for each question in one Paragraph.

Introduction - It is no doubt true that the majority of people would like to be happy in their lives. While
the personal nature of happiness makes it difficult to describe, there do seem to be some common
needs that we all share with regard to experiencing or achieving happiness.

Paragraph 1 - Happiness is difficult to define because it means something different to each individual
person. Nobody can fully understand or experience another person’s feelings, and we all have our own
particular passions from which we take pleasure. Some people, for example, derive a sense of
satisfaction from earning money or achieving success, whereas for others, health and family are much
more important. At the same time, a range of other feelings, from excitement to peacefulness, may be
associated with the idea of happiness, and the same person may therefore feel happy in a variety of
different ways.

Paragraph 2 - Although it seems almost impossible to give a precise definition of happiness, most people
would agree that there are some basic preconditions to achieving it. Firstly, it is hard for a person to be
happy if he or she does not have a safe place to live and enough food to eat. Our basic survival needs
must surely be met before we can lead a pleasant life. Secondly, the greatest joy in life is usually found
in shared experiences with family and friends, and it is rare to find a person who is content to live in
complete isolation. Other key factors could be individual freedom and a sense of purpose in life.

Conclusion - In conclusion, happiness is difficult to define because it is particular to each individual, but I
believe that our basic needs for shelter, food and company need to be fulfilled before we can
experience it.

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