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Are you a procrastinator or a planner?

Are you a procrastinator or a planner? That is the question.

Personally, I am a planner. I get a sense of what needs to be done,
break it down into task and plan it out so that I can do it before the
deadline. I think that is largely due to the fact that being dyslexic, I
need time to review. But that is certainly not true for everyone. In
fact, Miles Bess exposes that up to 95% of people consider
themselves to be procrastinators. That’s huge! I had no idea.

So let’s talk about this…

Do you wait till the late minute to do things or do you plan ahead?

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Procrastinator= penunda Planner= perencana
Get a sense= memahami Sense= nalar
Dyslexic= gangguan memori Break it down= memecahnya
Due to= disebabkan Review= meninjau
Expose= mengungkapkan Huge= luar biasa
Consider= menganggap driven= didorong

1. Why do you think so many people procrastinate?
2. What are the pros and cons of procrastination?
3. What famous documents were made last minute?
4. Can you explain ‘task-driven’ and ‘deadline driven’?
5. What are some of your procrastination ‘go-to’s’ (e.g. video
games, eating, surfing internet, shopping, etc.)
Go-to = lakukan
6. What advice would you give the procrastinator?
7. What advice would you give the planner?

Procrastinate (Verb)
Procrastination (Noun)
Procrastinator (Person)

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