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Your Task :

Watch the following videos :
Observe :

1. What are the media (classroom setting, and or teacher used) available in the class?
2. Do the media attract students' attention? Why? Please give the example for your rationales.


1. Matilda - First Day in Class.

 The teacher is evaluating learning by reminding students of the previous lesson
(cognitive) . The type of media used in the learning is non-technical media, such as
picture books. Each student has been provided with a picture book, making it easier
for them to repeat the previous lesson. In addition, the media is very affective
because the size of the picture book is rather large and the colors and pictures in the
book are very clear.
 As previously explained, the media used by the teacher is quite interesting. besides
how the teacher gives full attention to the students. The teacher uses the word
invitation in the interrogative sentence "would anyone like to demonstrate?" This
sentence can trigger the interest of the students to participate in the learning. In
addition, the teacher also gives praise sentences such as "Excellent, amazing and
etc" so that students feel appreciated for their efforts to answer questions. In that
way, learning in the classroom will be much more interesting.
2. Matilda - Classroom Scene
 In the classroom, there are many learning media, such as posters, colored art
projects, crayons and even pets. This type of media is Non-technical media. By
using colorful media, it is clear that the teacher's teaching target is children. With
the size of the learning media that is large enough, it will be clearer for students to
see the pictures on the learning media so that the media is very effectively used in
the classroom. In this scene, the situation in the classroom does not allow students
to learn comfortably. The teacher's attitude was cruel enough to make the
classroom atmosphere very tense. In addition to effective learning media, the
nature and attitude of the teacher is also very influential in creating a good and
interesting learning atmosphere.
 The newt in the glass can also be a learning media, where when the teacher
mentions the name of the animal as a snake, the students respond that it is not a
snake but it is a newt. The students were quite interested in the presence of these
animals in the classroom, but the classroom situation could not be used as an
example for good and fun learning.
3. Lockhart Classroom | Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secret.
 The scene shows a class with various objects in it. as for the learning media
contained in the class are non-technical media and non-projected media, such as:
notebooks, pens, pictures or photos, and also question paper. In addition, the
learning has a psychomotor aspect, when the teacher shows a creature in a cage and
takes it out, the students must rely on their skills to be able to control the creature.
 The media used by the teacher in this scene is enough to attract the attention of
students, such as text to be answered on paper. With a clear voice and clear
instructions from the teacher, students can quickly respond and provide answers
written on paper. After that, the teacher turned the students' attention to a cage
containing small creatures and very interesting for students.
4. Teaching Foreign Language Library Clip.
 In the last video is Japanese class. the teacher gives a lot of media, non-technical
media such as paper, whiteboard, flash card, photos, poster map of Japan. As for
the necessities that must be prepared when you want to travel to Japan, namely
tickets, passports, swimming trunks, cameras, pants and fans. In addition to
preparation in the form of objects that must be prepared, students are also taught
various knowledge related to locations on maps in Japan. The teacher provides
various activities using these learning media, one of which is Flash cards and photos
for pairing activities for listening conversation skills and making connections. It is
useful for their cognitive and psychomotor aspects. Such as holding a short
conversation, testing their understanding of the location, as well as places or famous
buildings at the locations listed on the map. students can categorize using colored
flash cards such as purple for the beach or the sea.
 Students attention.
With the existence of various kinds of activities in the classroom and the way the
teacher conveys the material being taught clearly with a firm voice, the learning in
the classroom is very interesting for the students. for example: when they answer a
question, the teacher will give applause and praise sentences such as "very good", in
addition, when they come forward to choose a colored card, they are asked to
choose a number that is stuck on the wall and answer the question on the card. the.
they can ring the bell on the table and answer the question. These activities are very
fun and can be easily understood by students. The students were very enthusiastic
about participating in the learning.

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