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17 Marking scheme: Worksheet (AS)

1 A [1]
2 C [1]
3 B [1]
4 A [1]
5 C [1]
6 a i Alpha-particle (2 neutrons and 2 protons) [1]
ii Electron or β-particle [1]
iii Gamma-radiation of very short wavelength (high-energy photon) [1]
b Alpha-radiation is the most ionising radiation. [1]
c A β-particle is an electron emitted from within the radioactive nucleus. It is not an orbiting
electron. [1]
7 Any two from: [2]
• It travels at the speed of light (3.0 × 108 m s−1) in air or a vacuum.
• It has no charge.
• It is not affected by electric (or magnetic) fields.
• It is a very weak ionising radiation.
• It requires several centimetres of lead (or several metres of concrete) to be stopped.
• It obeys an inverse-square law with distance as it spreads out from a source in air
or a vacuum.
8 a i 84 Po → 42 He + 206
82 Pb [2]
ii 90
38Sr → 0
−1 e + 90
39Y [2]
b One of the neutrons within the nucleus of 38 Sr changes into a proton and an electron
( 01 n → 11 p + −01 e) . [1]
The loss of a neutron and the gain of a proton implies the same total number of nucleons. [1]
9 The nucleon number decreases by 3 × 4 = 12 [1]
So the nucleon number for radon is 90 − 12 = 78 [1]
The proton number decreases by 3 × 2 − 2 × 1 = 4 [1]
So the proton number for radon is 38 − 4 = 34 [1]
10 a i [1] mark for each line, middle line deviated more than top line [3]

ii Both top lines deviated more [1]

Bottom path approaches closer to gold nucleus [1]

iii Initial k.e. of α-particle is greater when faster [1]

More work has to be done in approaching nucleus or more p.e. so closer [1]

17 Marking scheme: Worksheet (AS)

b Most α-particles passed straight through with small deviations. [1]

Only a few α-particles are deviated by more than 90º. [1]
c i 10−14 to 10−15 m [1]
ii 10−10 m [1]
11 a For [4] marks, any four points from:
• a particular nucleus can decay at any time [1]
• count rate or readings fluctuate [1]
• no-one can predict when a nucleus will decay [1]
• each nucleus decays independently of any other [1]
• each nucleus has the same chance of decaying as any other [1]
• the decay of nuclei cannot be affected by external factors [1]
b With higher speeds more water molecules have the energy to escape in evaporation. [1]
The nucleus is unaffected by the movement of the atom as a whole. [1]
c i γ, β, α [1]
ii α, β, γ [1]
iii (γ), β, α [1]
iv α, β, γ [1]

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