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Persuasive Speech

It can be said that a persuasive speech is an engaging and inspiring talk you give to an
audience that needs to understand the issues you are talking about and the processes you are
criticizing or praising. It can be specified that the main goal is to ensure that the listeners understand
the importance of the subject to be dealt with and how it can be involved in our daily life.
We must keep in mind that when writing an excellent and convincing speech, it must be to
follow a plan or clear steps to move the crowd. First of all, it takes a lot of reading and research. In the
case of writing a speech on a controversial topic, the research is the most crucial part as you need to
sound like an educated expert who has enough knowledge to influence others. In addition, you need to
learn about the audience and choose the right language and style to write a speech that provides real
value and can be successfully received. On the other hand, brainstorming helps a lot to get interesting
ideas flowing, to plan and, at the same time, to focus on the topic. After brainstorming to get good
ideas, it's time to write.
Following the structure of a proper persuasive speech, begin your introduction with a
compelling quote, image, video, or story that grabs attention. Apart from this, knowing our purpose in
writing a persuasive speech would be another important step. In this way, the audience will be able to
identify the problem or issue from the beginning and remain focused on listening until the end. It
could be said that everything starts with crafting an informative thesis statement that tells people what
they are about to hear, the reason for writing this persuasive speech, and also suggests a solution to
the problem.
Another step would be to find the right and relevant sources such as magazines, official
documents, books, and studies. It must be remembered that the objective of persuasive speeches is to
influence. This means that successful writing is not based only on what you feel and think, rather it
must be supported by logical evidence and facts that support your claims and views, and there's the
section on counter arguments that add value to persuasive speeches because it shows you've done
good research.
At the end, the conclusion of a persuasive speech should end with a call to action, I mean, you
want the audience to make a move. Therefore, restate your statement and reinforce your points by
restating the logical evidence you have provided.
Finally, some good advice to help you once you have written your speech would be to
practice the performance, this in order to eradicate the nerves. You can read it in front of a few friends
and family and listen to their honest feedback and highlight certain areas for improvement. You can
also practice in front of a mirror and keep an eye out for correct body language which can have a
significant effect on the success of your persuasive speech.

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