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These answers are prepared by Catholic Junior College Chemistry Department.

No parts of this may be

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GCE ‘A’ Level H2 Chemistry Nov 2018 Paper 1 Suggested Solutions

Disclaimer: Solutions, comments, allocation of topics and level of questions (K/U: knowledge
with understanding, H: handling information, A/E: application and evaluation) are suggested.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


Qn: Suggested Worked Solution Comments

1 Concept: Atomic Structure
ch arg e
Recall: angle of deflection  of particle
K/U mass

Since electron has the same charge as proton, but a smaller

mass, thus it has a larger angle of deflection.
Since electron is negatively charged, it will be attracted to the
positively charged electric field. The proton is positively charged,
it will be attracted to the negatively charged electric field.
Ans D
2 Concept: Chemical Bonding

H Both AlCl3 and Al2Cl6 have covalent bonds.

Since Cl has a lone pair of electrons, it can donate its lone pair of
electrons to Al to form a dative bond.
Ans D
3 Concept: Chemical Bonding

Ans D
Qn: Suggested Worked Solution Comments
4 Concept: Chemical Energetics

H All reactions involved removing 1 mole of electrons from the same

number of electrons. However, based on the number of protons:
Cs>Xe>I. Thus, energy required to removed 1 mole of electron:
Cs+ > Xe > I⎺

Ans B
5 Concept: Mole Concept

K/U Option A is too vague as the compound may contain more than
1 type of atoms.

Option B is incorrect as it should be:

average mass of 1 atom of lithium-7

the mass of one atom of carbon-12

Option D is incorrect as it should be:

average mass of 1 atom of E

the mass of one atom of carbon-12

Ans C

6 Concept: Atomic Radius

H A larger atomic radius is based on 2 factors:

1) Small Nuclear charge (no. of protons)
2) High Shielding effect

Since Rb has a stronger shielding effect (1 more shell) than K and

Br, and has a smaller number of protons compared to In, it will have
the largest atomic radius.

Ans D
7 Concept: Gaseous state

H Pressure of oxygen = 1 x 5 = 0.2 bar
Percentage of oxygen in tank = 4
x 100% = 5%

Ans C
8 Concept: Chemical Energetics You need to be familiar
with your definitions.
K/U Based on the chemical equations,
Option A should be 1ΔHolattice energy (Al2O3(s))
Option B should be 2ΔHoneutralisation
Option D should be 8ΔHoformation (SO2(g))
Ans C
Qn: Suggested Worked Solution Comments
9 Concept: Chemical Energetics

H Recall bond energy is the energy required to break one mole of a

covalent bond between two atoms in the gaseous state under
standard conditions of 298 K and 1 bar.

Since the enthalpy change of combustion of methane involves 2

moles of water, we need to consider H2O(l) → H2O (g)

CH4(g) + 2 O2(g) CO2(g) + 2H2O(l)
4(410) 2(496)

C(g) + 4H(g)+4O(g) 4(460)

4(410)+2(496) = -890 + 2ΔHvap(H2O) + 2(805) + 4(460)

ΔHvap(H2O) = +36kJ mol⎺1

Ans C
10 Concept: Redox

A/E I2 + HNO3 → IxOy (not balanced)

(Students need not know the above reaction)

I xO y + I⎺ → I2
No. of moles 0.001 0.01 0.006
Mol ratio 1 10 6

⸫ IxOy + 10I ⎺ → 6I2

By balancing I atoms, x=2

⸫ I2Oy + 10I ⎺ → 6I2

From the oxidation state of I

I xO y + I⎺ → I2
2(+5) 10 ( ̶ 1) 6(0)
+10 -10 0

Thus, the oxidation number of I in IxOy = +5

Ans B
Qn: Suggested Worked Solution Comments
11 Concept: Kinetics

H Options A is incorrect as rate=k[NO2].

Option D is incorrect as rate=k[NO][CO]
Option B is incorrect as the overall equation is
2NO2 +CO → O+CO2 + 2NO

Ans C
12 Concept: Kinetics

K/U Options A and B are incorrect as there rate=0 when [H2O2] = 0.

Option D is correct. The rate increases as [H2O2] increases up to a
maximum rate. At the maximum rate, all the enzyme active sites
are occupied by substrate (H2O2) molecules. Thus, it plateau off.

Ans D
13 Concept: Periodic Table

H Only Al3+ and Mg2+ can undergo hydrolysis.

MgSO4(s) + 6H2O  [Mg(H2O)6]2+(aq) + SO42–(aq)

[Mg(H2O)5(OH)]+(aq) + H+(aq)

Al2(SO4)3(s) + 6H2O  2[Al(H2O)6]3+(aq) + 3SO42–(aq)

↑↓ hydrolysis
2[Al(H2O)5(OH)]2+ + 2H+
Since both Al2(SO4)3 and MgSO4 has the same concentration,
Al2(SO4)3 will give a higher concentration of H+ and thus gives the
most acidic solution.

Ans A
14 Concept: Chemistry of Aqueous solution

H Water is neutral regardless of temperature, thus [H+]=[OH⎺].

As the temperature increases, Kw increases.
Since Kw = [H+] [OH–], thus [H+] increases as temperature
increases, giving a lower pH.

Ans A
15 Concept: Chemistry of Aqueous solution
Since the solution needs to be maintained at about 10, the solution
H must be a basic buffer which consist of a weak base and its
conjugate acid. Thus, the only possible solution is option A.

Options B does not contain a conjugate base of ammonia.

Option C does not contain a conjugate pair.
Option D only contains strong acid.

Ans A
Qn: Suggested Worked Solution Comments
16 Concept: Energetics Part II

H Since AgCl dissolves in dil. NH3 whereas AgBr is only soluble in

conc. NH3,

1 (G1 + G2 ) < (G3 + G4 ) is true since the dissolving of AgCl in
NH3(aq) is more spontaneous than that of AgBr (more positive
G results in less spontaneous reaction.)
2 G2 = G4 is true as the reaction is the same where the water
ligands are displaced by NH3 ligands
3 G2 < G4 is not true since the reaction is the same
4 G1 < G3 is true as AgCl is more soluble in dil. NH3

Ans A ( 1,2 and 4)

17 Concept: Electrochemistry Part I

H H2O2 can function as both an oxidising agent and a reducing agent

depending on the other species it is reacting with.

When H2O2 reacts with KI, I- will be oxidized to I2 and hence the
solution will turn brown. Since I- is oxidized, H2O2 will be reduced
to water and hence no effervescence will be seen. Effervescence
of O2 will only be seen if H2O2 is oxidized in the reaction.

Ans B
18 Concept: Introduction to Transition Elements

K/U Formula of the complex formed is [Cu(NH3)4(H2O)2]2+SO42- and the

description of the complex is a dark blue solution.

Option B is incorrect as the coordination number of NH3 ligands

with Cu2+ cannot be 6.

Option C is incorrect as Cu(OH)2(H2O)4 should be a pale blue ppt.

Option D is incorrect as Cu+ does not allow d-d* electronic

transition therefore it will not appear as a pale blue solution.

Ans A
19 Concept: Introduction to Transition Elements

H A is not correct as Cu2+ is reduced to Cu+ in CuCl2 – hence it is a

redox reaction.

B is not correct as Zn is oxidized to Zn2+ while Cu2+ is reduced,

hence it is as redox reaction.

C is correct as Cr in purple chromium(III) sulfate is at an oxidation

state of +3 which is the same as Cr in [Cr(H2O)5SO4]+. Therefore
the colour change is purely due to ligand exchange only.
Qn: Suggested Worked Solution Comments

D is not correct as Iron (II) is oxidized to Iron (III), hence making

this a redox reaction.

Ans C

20 Concept: Introduction to Transition Elements

K/U Comparing calcium and vanadium, relative atomic mass

increases and atomic volume decreases due to smaller atomic
radius in vanadium. This results in closer packing of atoms which
leads to more no. of atoms per unit volume. Hence vanadium has
a higher density compared to calcium.

1 does not explain for the difference in density as a greater

shielding effect will lead to a larger atomic radius.
2 is true but it does not explain for the difference in density.
3 explain for the difference in density since greater attraction to
nucleus results in smaller atomic radius.

Ans D
21 Concept: Introduction to organic chemistry

K/U A carbocation is a species with a positive charge on C.

Therefore [CH3CO]+ and [(CH3)3C]+ are carbocations.

A is not correct as [CH3OH]+ does not contain a positively charged

C. The + is on O.

B is not correct as the + of [(CH3)4N]+ is on N instead of C.

D is not correct due to the reasons above.

Ans C
22 Concept: Carbonyl compounds
Tollens’ reagent will oxidize aldehyde functional group to
carboxylic acid.

Out of the 4 molecules, only A contains an aldehyde functional

B contains two ketone groups, C contains 1 ketone, 2 ether
functional group and 1 alkene, D contains 1 ketone, 1 ether and 1
enol (a C with C=C and attached to OH) group.

Ans A
Qn: Suggested Worked Solution Comments
23 Concept: Introduction to organic chemistry
H A molecule can rotate plane polarised light when it contains a chiral
centre without any internal plane of symmetry.

All molecules 1,2,3 and 4 contains chiral centre but 3 and 4

contains an internal plane of symmetry. Therefore only 1 and 2 are
able to rotate plane polarised light.

Ans B (1 and 2 only)

24 Concept: Hydroxy, carboxylic acid, ester reaction with NaOH

NaOH reacts with acidic groups such as phenol and carboxylic acid
and also hydrolyses ester functional group. As shown in the picture
above, 6 moles of NaOH will react with 1 mole of rosmarinic acid.

25 Concept: Halogen derivatives (Nucleophilic substitution

H mechanism)

(Note: Qn stated chloroalkane but bromoalkane is used as the

examples in the mechanisms below)

SN2 mechanism:
Qn: Suggested Worked Solution Comments

SN1 mechanism:

1 is correct since the rear side attack causes the inversion of

2 is correct since a chiral chloroalkane undergoes nucleophilic
substitution with NaOH, racemisation will occur.
3 is true as in SN1 mechanism, there will be carbocation produced
and the alkyl groups will stabilise the carbocation intermediate.

Ans: A (1,2 and 3 are correct)

26 Concept: Chemical bonding and acidity

2-hydroxybenzoic acid is more acidic than 4-hydroxybenzoic acid

as the OH group and CO2H group are closer in 2-hydroxybenzoic
acid thus internal hydrogen bonding can be formed. The internal
hydrogen bonding is able to stabilise the conjugate base (benzoate
ion) and hence make 2-hydroxybenzoic acid is more acidic than 4-
hydroxybenzoic acid.

Ans: B
27 Concept: Reducing agent (alkene, carboxylic acid)

Alkene functional group can only be reduced to alkane using H2 +

Ni while only LiAlH4 can reduce carboxylic acid to primary alcohol.
Option 2 is wrong as alkene cannot be reduced by LiAlH4.
Option 3 is wrong as carboxylic acid cannot be reduced by H2 + Ni

Ans: B (1 and 4)
Qn: Suggested Worked Solution Comments
28 Concept: Hydrolysis of ester (Carboxylic acid and derivatives)
When the ester bond is hydrolysed, the C-O single bond is broken.

Ans: C
29 Concept: Hydrolysis of amide (Carboxylic acid and
H derivatives)

When the amide bond is hydrolysed, the C-N single bond is broken
and carboxylic acid formed will react with NaOH in an acid-base
reaction to form the carboxylate salt and amine will also be formed.

Ans: D
30 Concept: Hydrolysis of amide (Nitrogen compounds)
H Four fragments given:

1 2

3 4
In partial hydrolysis, the peptide bonds (amide bonds will be
broken). Identify the R groups of each amino acid to check if the
options given produces the same dipeptide fragments given in the

Option A is wrong as fragment 3 cannot be produced

Option B is wrong as fragment 2 and 3 cannot be produced
Option C is wrong as fragment 3 cannot be produced

From molecule D, fragments 3,2,1 and 4 can be produced (from

left to right)

Ans: D
zThese answers are prepared by Catholic Junior College Chemistry Department. No parts of this may be
reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the college.

2018 A Level Paper 2 Suggested Solutions and Comments

Disclaimer: Solutions, comments, allocation of topics and level of questions (K/U: knowledge
with understanding, H: handling information, A/E: application and evaluation) are suggested.

Q1 (a) to (c) Chemical Bonding, (a) Atomic Structure Comments

a(i) Name for shapes need to

similarity difference be precise, ‘circular’ or
K/U 1s and 2s spherical in shape 2s is larger in size ‘figure-of-eight’ are not
orbital compared to 1s acceptable.

2s and 2p both are in the 2nd shell and 2s is spherical but

orbital have the same principal 2p is dumb-bell
quantum number of 2 shaped

a(ii) Shape of Phosgene molecule is trigonal planar, as carbon has

K/U 3 bond pair of electrons and no lone pair of electrons, and
based on Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion theory, the
angle to minimise electron pair repulsion in order to maximize
stability would be 120o, giving a trigonal planar shape.

a(iii)  bond, Overlap for sigma bond

Head-on overlap between sp2 hybrid orbital of carbon and p should be substantial and
K/U orbital of chlorine. not just a single point.

pi bond involved 2 region
of overlap

 bond
Side-way overlap between p orbital of carbon and p orbital of
b(i) The electronegativity of an element measures the relative Do not mix this up with
tendency of its atom to attract the shared electron pair in a explanations related to
A/E covalent bond. The higher the electronegativity values, the electron affinity, which is
stronger the attraction. Electronegativity decreases down a attraction between
group and increases across a period. electrons (not shared
electrons in covalent
bond) and gaseous atoms
to form gaseous anions
b(ii) Phosgene is made up of atoms with different electronegativities,
and based on the shape, there should be a net dipole moment, You MUST explain clearly
H hence it is a polar molecule. This leads to permanent dipole– how pd-pd and id-id
permanent dipole attraction between molecules. arises.

Furthermore, there are instantaneous dipole–induced dipole

attractions between molecules, as electrons are constantly
moving in any molecule and at any moment the electron density
can be unsymmetrical, resulting in an instantaneous dipole. This
dipole then induce a dipole in neighbouring molecules.

c(i) Note that given RNCO, N

is bonded to both R and C,
H while C is bonded to both
N and O.

c(ii) Consider the N=C  bonds
should break, forming
A/E alternating N-C bonds,
similar to addition
polymerisation. Also, the
CH3-N  bonds should
remain, as it is stronger
 and less reactive than 

Furthermore there is not

clue of no net dipole, so
the dipole moments must
cancel out.
c(iii) The instantaneous dipole–induced dipole attractions In consideration of A is
between non-polar molecules of A is much stronger than the non-polar, the IMF ought
A/E permanent dipole–permanent dipole attraction between to be id-id.
CH3NCO molecules, as A has 3 times more electrons and a
larger electron cloud than CH3NCO. Thus more energy is
needed to overcome the instantaneous dipole–induced dipole
attractions between molecules of A, resulting in higher melting
and boiling point that are above room temperature.
Q2 (a) to (f) Chemical Equilibrium, (d) gaseous state, Comments
(f) Energetics, relating Gibbs Free energy to equilibrium.
a Dynamic equilibrium refers to a reversible reaction in which the Note the term dynamic
forward rate of reaction is equal to the reverse rate of reaction, and remember to refer to
K/U and the concentrations of the reactants and the products remain rate of reactions.

b (𝑃𝑁𝑂 )2
Kp =
(𝑃𝑁2 )(𝑃𝑂2 )
c When temperature increases, Kp increases, indicating the
position of equilibrium shifts right. The system will counteract the
A/E increase in temperature through favouring the endothermic
reaction as head is absorbed, hence the forward reaction must
be endothermic and has a positive sign.

d(i) When volume increases, partial pressures will decrease, since Need to refer to no change
pV = nRT, and nRT is constant, pressure is inversely in composition, due to
proportional to volume. stoichiometry of the
A/E chemical equation (i.e. 2
According to Le Chatelier’s Principle, the system will counteract moles of gas react to give
the change to increase the pressure by forming more gaseous 2 moles of gas).
molecules, however, as the number moles of gaseous reactants
is the same as the moles of gaseous products, the position of
equilibrium will not shift. This will result in no change in the
amount of N2, O2 and NO, and the composition of the mixture
remains the same.
d(ii) Kp remains unchanged as it is only affected by change in
e A catalyst increases equally the rate of both the forward and
backward reaction, by providing an alternate reaction path with
H lower activation energy. Hence, equilibrium is reached at a
faster rate. But it has no effect on the position of equilibrium, as
it does not affect amount of products and reactants at

f(i) G should be a large positive value at 298K. Note: G = -RT ln K, and

should be about
A/E (It can be deduced from a very small Kp that the reaction should +85.5 kJ mol-1 (note that
be a largely non-spontaneous, thus a large positive G can be the given Kp represents
expected.) forming 2 mole of NO)
f(ii) Ratio of [products]/[reactants] should be greater than 1, since G = -RT ln K can be
G is negative suggesting that the reaction is spontaneous and used to prove that K is a
A/E position of equilibrium lies to the right, resulting in more products large value.
than reactants.
Q3 (a) & (b) Halogenoalkanes, (b) Intro to Organics (Isomerism, Comments
drawing skeletal formula, and naming)
a(i) Nucleophilic Substitution


a(ii) Boil a small amount of B with NaOH(aq) for a few minutes, then Need to identify
cool the mixture and acidify with dilute HNO3 (aq). Add AgNO3 chloroalkane and not just
K/U solution and a white precipitate of AgCl will form, confirming that any halogenoalkane,
it is chloroalkane. hence the colour of the
final ppt is important.

Also note the order of

which the reagents are
b(i) Ethanolic NaOH, heat under reflux
b(ii) Note skeletal is required.

H Naming of F need to be
clear with position of
double bond.
D: cis-but-2-ene E: trans-but-2-ene

F: but-1-ene

b(iii) D and E has the same structural formula but different spatial Restricted rotation must
arrangement of atoms, because of the restricted rotation of C=C be stated, as it is a key
H double bond due to the  bond and each C atom of the C=C criteria for cis-trans
double bond has 2 different substituents bonded to it. While for isomerism.
F, it is a different structural formula from D and E, thus exhibits
constitutional isomerism instead.
Q4 (a) to (c) Alkylbenzene (electrophilic substitution), Comments
(a), forming Phenylamine, Intro to Organic (isomerism and
molecular formula)

a(i) Step 1: Step 1 cannot be dilute

Concentrated H2SO4, Concentrated HNO3, heat under reflux acids. Temp must
K/U be >60oC.
Step 2:
Concentrated HCl, Sn, heat under reflux Step 2 cannot be LiAlH4.

a(ii) 4[H] is required for the

organic product, and 8[H]
H is required for removal of
4O from reactant.

a(iii) Positional isomerism, which is a type of constitutional isomerism, Same molecular formula
Constitutional isomers have the same molecular formula but must be stated.
A/E different structural formula. In addition for positional isomers,
there are same functional groups, but different position for the
functional groups (NCO).

a(iv) C9H6N2O2
b(i) CH3 is an activating group that is electron donating and is also Weaker responses answered
2,4 directing, while for H, the incoming SO3H group is at the 3 using details which could be
H position with respect to CH3, hence least likely to form.. taken from the Data Booklet
instead of providing an
b(ii) This may be due to steric hindrance of CH3 group, as the CH3 Weaker responses
group may have electrostatic repulsion with the large incoming suggested that repulsion
A/E SO3H+ group. occurred between the two
c(i) Displayed structure
needs to be shown for
H electrophile and

c(ii) Benzene contains a ring of delocalised  electrons which leads

to extra stability (resonance stability), hence to maintain the
K/U stability of benzene, it would not undergo addition reaction
which will lead to breaking the ring of delocalised  electrons
and giving less stable products due to loss of resonance

c(ii) Methylbenzene would be the most reactive, followed by Explanations need to be

benzene, followed by K which is the least reactive. As methyl is complete, describing
K/U an electron-donating group, it increases the electron density on clearly the reasons for
the benzene ring, activating the benzene ring by and results in difference in reactivity of K
greater reactivity towards electrophile. While the COCH3 is and methylbenzene.
electron-withdrawing, resulting in the benzene ring becoming
less electron rich and less reactive towards electrophile.
Q5 (a) Electrochemistry, (b) Atomic structure, Catalyst, MCS, Comments
(c) MCS, Gaseous State
a(i) The external voltage of +1.45V must be greater than Ecell, hence Avoid confusion between
there is flow of electrons, as the solution is saturated potassium between the terms Ecell (of
H chloride, the chloride concentration should be much larger than this setup and Eocell (under
the standard condition of 1 mol dm-3. At the same time, the O2 standard conditions and
present would also be less than the standard condition of 1 bar. calculated with given
Hence the Ecell may be lower than the 1.45V at standard values).
a(ii) This is a reduction reaction, as oxygen is reduced from 0
oxidation state in O2 to -2 oxidation state in H2O
a(iii) Electron should flow to
platinum electrode
K/U (electrons used in
reaction) from power
supply, and then from
silver electrode (electrons
produced from oxidation of

a(iv) In one minute at current of 0.85A, Note the information of

A/E Q = It = 0.85 x 60 = 51C [1] “per minute” can be used
to calculate charge flow
number moles of electrons = 51/96500 = 5.285 x 10-4 mol [1] and hence number of
electrons transferred in
Number of moles of O2 = number moles of electrons ÷ 4 one minute. And final step
= 5.285 x 10-4 ÷ 4 = 1.321 x 10-4 mol [1] of multipy by Avogadro
constant is required due
Rate of reaction = 1.321 x 10-4 x 6.02 x 1023 to question stating “in
= 7.954 x 1019 molecules”.
= 7.95 x 1019 molecules per minute (3 s.f.) [1]

a(v) It should be negative as there is a decrease in disorder due to

A/E decrease in number of moles of gas (one mole of oxygen
reacted and no gas is formed), hence decrease in entropy.

a(vi) This is to ensure the distribution of oxygen in the sample is

A/E homogenous and there is consistent diffusion of oxygen through
the membrane.
a(vii) Silver electrode needs to be cleaned as the silver chloride white
K/U solid is formed on it.
a(viii) This is to provide the a large excess of chloride ions, which is
A/E used up in the reaction, thus ensuring the reaction in equation 1
will continue to occur for measurements to be made.

Ecell will be less positive if lower concentration of potassium

chloride is used, as the reduction potential of AgCl + e– ⇌ Cl–
+ Ag will become more positive than – 0.22V, as decrease in
concentration of Cl– will result in position of equilibrium to shift
b(i) Maganese exhibits variable oxidation states of +2 and +3 in
K/U these reactions, acting as homogenous catalyst.

b(ii) 1s22s22p63s23p63d4
b(iii) ½ O2 ≡I2≡ 2S2O32- hence O2 ≡ 2I2 ≡ 4S2O32- Note the correct mole ratio
and also not forget the last
H Amount of S2O32- reacted = × 0.0100 = 1.12 x 10-4 mol [1] step of calculating
Amount of O2 in 100cm3 = 1.12 x 10-4 ÷ 4 = 2.80 x 10-5 mol [1]
[O2] in sample = 2.80 x 10-5 ÷ = 2.80 x 10-4 mol dm-3 [1]

c(i) Mass of O2 in 1dm3 at 25°C = 8.24 mg Note the conversion of mg

to gram and also use of Mr
H Mass of O2 in 1dm3 at 35°C = 6.93 mg rather than Ar.
Mass of O2 that has escaped = 8.24 – 6.93 =1.31 mg [1]

1.31 × 10−3
Amount of O2 that has escaped = 16 ×2

= 4.09 x 10-5 mol (3 s.f.) [1]

c(ii) pV = nRT, Gas volume is not 2dm3

Also note the SI units for
H Partial Pressure of O2 that has escaped from water temperature, volume, and
(4.09 × 10−5 )(8.31)(273+35)
= = 104.8 Pa = 0.105 kPa[1] pressure and finally
1 × 10−3
convert to kPa in 1 d.p. as
Partial Pressure of O2 in due to original 1 dm3 of O2 = 103.4 kPa required.

Pressure of O2 in Y at at 35°C = 103.4+ 0.105 = 103.5 kPa [1]

c(iii) As the container already has an atmosphere of pure O2, less O2

should escape from the water when warmed, as compared to
A/E that calculated in c(i), considering the equilibrium of
O2(aq) O2(g)
These answers are prepared by Catholic Junior College Chemistry Department. No parts of this may be
reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the college.

2018 A Level Paper 3 Suggested Solutions and Comments

Disclaimer: Solutions, comments, allocation of topics and level of questions (K/U: knowledge
with understanding, H: handling information, A/E: application and evaluation) are suggested.

Q1 (a) Periodic Table (b) Chemistry of Aqueous solution (c) Comments

Hydroxy compounds; carboxylic acids; nitrogen
compounds (d) nitrogen compounds (e) carbonyl

a The thermal stability of group 2 carbonates increases down the State the trend and then
K/U group. explain.

Down the group, the size of cation increases, thus charge

density decreases, leading to lower polarising power of the
cation. As a result, the CO32- ion is polarised to a smaller extent.

b (i) 2NH4(C8H6NO3) + CaCO3  Ca(C8H6NO3)2 + (NH4)2CO3


b (ii) Ca(C8H6NO3)2(s) ⇌ Ca2+(aq) + 2 C8H6NO3–(aq)

H Let the solubility of Ca(C8H6NO3)2 be x mol dm-3
Ksp = [Ca2+] [C8H6NO3–]2
Since [C8H6NO3–] = 2 [Ca(C8H6NO3)2],
[Ca2+] = x and [C8H6NO3–] = 2x
1.75 x 10–5 = (x) (2x) 2
x = 1.63 × 10–2 mol dm–3,
therefore solubility = 1.63 × 10–2 mol dm–3
Concentration of Ca(C8H6NO3)2
= 1.63 × 10–2 x {40.1+2[8(12.0)+6(1.0)+14.0+3(16.0)]}
= 6.02 g dm-3
c Use acidified K2Cr2O7
H instead of acidified KMnO4
in the first step so that
ethanedioic acid produced
will not undergo
dehydration to give CO2
and H2O.

d Amides are neutral as the lone pair of electrons on nitrogen

K/U atom is delocalised into the electron withdrawing C=O group,
making it less available to accept a proton.
e (i) Nucleophilic addition To include all the
H necessary details such as
lone pair of electrons,
fast/slow, partial charges,
curly arrows.

e (ii) The C=C of 1,3-butadiene is electron rich, disfavouring

A/E approach of a nucleophile, hence there is no addition reaction.

Due to steric hindrance from the bulky substituents attached to

the carbonyl carbon, disfavouring approach of a nucleophile to
the carbonyl carbon, hence there is no addition reaction and B
is not produced.

Due to the conjugated system ( ) and the

electron withdrawing C=O group (since oxygen atom is an
electronegative atom), it favors the addition on the electron
deficient carbon of the alkene to form product C.

Q2 (a)(i) Redox (ii) Energetics (iii) Chemical equilibria/ Comments

Chemistry of aqueous solution
(b)(i) electrochemistry (ii) and (iii) Chemical bonding
a (i) Oxidation number of Carbon in
H CH4: ‒4
HCN: +2

Oxidation number of Nitrogen in

NH3: ‒3
HCN: ‒3

Oxidation number of O in
O2: 0
H2O: ‒2
a (ii) Energy required to break bonds:
H 8(C-H) = 8(410) = 3280 kJ mol‒1
6(N-H) = 6(390) = 2340 kJ mol‒1
3(O=O) = 3(496) = 1488 kJ mol‒1

Energy released from bond formation:

2(H-C) = 2(410) = 820 kJ mol‒1
2(C≡N) = 2(890) = 1780 kJ mol‒1
12 (H-O) = 12(460) = 5520 kJ mo‒1

Enthalpy change = [3290 + 2340 + 1488] – [820 + 1780 + 5520]

= -1002 kJ mol‒1
a (iii) [H  ][CN  ] Note the relationship
H Ka = between pH and [H+].
[1010 ][CN  ]
7.2 x 10-10 =
[CN  ]
= 7.2
b (i) Eocell>0 for the reaction to occur Take note that the reaction
H needs to occur in acidic
Thus, Eored > +0.37V solution. Thus, there
should be no OH- present
H2O2 + 2H+ + 2e- 2H2O Eo = +1.77V
in the overall equation.
Eocell = +1.77-0.37 = 1.40V

H2O2 + 2HCN  2H2O + C2N2

b (ii)
Hybridisation of C: sp
b (iii) The bond in the cyanogen molecule is polar since the more
H electronegative nitrogen atom will pull the electron density
away from carbon.
Since the molecule is linear and symmetrical, the polarity
cancels out and there is no net dipole moment. Thus, the
molecule is non polar.
c (i) SN2 Nucleophilic Substitution Clue given is ‘bimolecular
K/U reactions’.

c (ii) Water is in large excess. Hence, the order of reaction with Clue in question is ‘excess
H respect to water is pseudo-zero order. Thus, rate=k[ClCN] of water’.
Hence the units of k2 is s-1.
c (iii) H2O is a nucleophile as it has a lone pair of electrons.
c (iv) rate = k[ClCN][OH-]
c (v) Since the solution is at pH10.0, pOH = 14.0‒10.0 = 4.0
H [OH‒]= 10‒4 mol dm‒3

For reaction 2: rate = (5.1x10‒7)( )
For reaction 3: rate = (4.2)( )[OH‒]= (4.2)(0.01)[10‒4]

(5.1x10 7)(0.01)
Ratio = = 1.21 x 10-3
d 1. Using a measuring cylinder, add 100cm3 of deionized
A/E water to a 250cm3 conical flask.

2. Using a measuring cylinder, add 0.010mol of ClCN into

the same conical flask. Start the stopwatch and swirl the
mixture thoroughly to mix its content.

3. Using a measuring cylinder, add 50.0cm3 of ice-cold water

to a second 250cm3 conical flask.

4. After 5 minutes, transfer a 10.0cm3 aliquot (portion) of the

reaction mixture using a pipette. Immediately transfer this
aliquot into the second conical flask and vigorously swirl
the mixture.

5. Add 2-3 drops of methyl orange into the conical flask into
the second conical flask. Titrate the pipetted solution with
0.01 mol dm-3 of NaOH until the indicator changes from
red to orange.

6. Repeat steps 1-5, at 4 different timed intervals, 10min, 15

min, 20 min and 25 min.

7. The titrated values will determine the [HCl] present left in

the reaction mixture. Using the titrated values, plot a graph
of volume of acid against time.

Volume of NaOH ∝ [HCl] [HCl]

¾ cf
½ cf

t1 t2 time
Determine the time , t1, for 50% of the HCl formed. This will give
the half life of the reaction.
ln 2
k2 =
e Electrophilic addition Cannot simply state that
H isomer D follows the
Markovnikov’s rule. But,
explanation should be
based on the stability of
the carbocation.

Isomer D was formed as its intermediate is a secondary

carbocation which is better stabilised since it is attached 2
electron donating alkyl groups compared to isomer E which has
a primary carbocation.

Q3 Comments
a (i) A Lewis base is an electron pair donor. Try to use the simplest
K/U amine or a primary amine
CH3NH2 + H2O ⇌ CH3NH3+ + OH‒ for the uation.

a (ii) In order of increasing basicity:

K/U CH3NH2 < (CH3)2NH < (CH3)3N

Methyl (alkyl) group is an electron-donating group and it

increases the availability of the lone pair of electrons on the N
atom to be donated to the proton (H+) from water.

Therefore, the higher the number of methyl groups present, the

more basic the amine is. Hence. trimethylamine is the strongest
base because it contains the highest number of methyl groups.

b (i) [𝐶𝐻3 𝐶𝐻2 𝑁𝐻3+ ][𝑂𝐻 − ]

H Kb =
[𝐶𝐻3 𝐶𝐻2 𝑁𝐻2 ]

b (ii) Ethylamine is a stronger base and has a higher Kb value than

K/U ammonia because the electron donating ethyl group increases
the electron density on the N atom, making the lone pair of
electrons on N atom more available to accept a proton than
Both phenylamine and 4-chlorophenylamine are much weaker
bases than ammonia and ethylamine and have much lower Kb
values because of the delocalisation of the lone pair of electrons
on N atom into the benzene ring and are less available to attract
a proton.

Between phenylamine and 4-chlorophenylamine, 4-

chlorophenylamine is a weaker base of the presence of the
electron-withdrawing Cl atom that further decreases the
availability of the lone pair of electrons on N atom to attract a

c (i) [Cu(H2O)6]2+ + 4NH3  [Cu(NH3)4]2+ + 6H2O

K/U Blue Deep Blue

Ligand displacement (exchange) reaction

c (ii) [CuNH3]4]2+ + 2en  [Cu(en)2]2+ + 4NH3
K/U Deep Blue Purple
Ethane-1.2-diamine is a bidentate ligand and it replaces the
monodentate NH3 ligand in the reaction.
D Pentane is non polar. Least amount of energy is required to Both propanoic acid and
K/U overcome the weakest instantaneous dipole-induced dipole butylamine can form one
forces of attractions between pentane molecules. Hence its intermolecular hydrogen
melting point is the lowest. bonding per molecule on
average. Hence,
Both butylamine and propanoic acid are polar molecules and extensiveness of
contain the stronger intermolecular hydrogen bonding. Larger intermolecular hydrogen
amount of energy is required to overcome the stronger bonding is the same for
hydrogen bonding between propanoic acid molecules as both of them.
compared to weaker hydrogen bonding between butylamine
molecules since O is more electronegative than N. Leading to a
higher melting point for propanoic acid than butylamine.

Glycine is an ionic solid and there is strong electrostatic forces

of attractions exist between the oppositely charged groups of
the zwitterions. Hence most energy is required to break the
strongest ionic bonds and glycine has the highest melting point.
Q4 Comments
a (i) F2 (g) + 2 e- ⇌ 2 F- (aq) Eo = +2.87 V
K/U Cl2 (g) + 2 e- ⇌ 2 Cl- (aq) Eo = +1.36 V
Br2 (l) + 2 e- ⇌ 2 Br- (aq) Eo = +1.07 V
I2 (s) + 2 e- ⇌ 2 I- (aq) Eo = +0.54 V

The oxidising power of the halogens decreases down the group,

resulting in decreasing Eo values from F2 to I2.

a (ii) Chlorine can displace bromine in a solution containing bromide.

Cl2 (aq) + 2 Br- (aq)  2 Cl- (aq) + Br2 (aq)
b (i) MgCl2 dissolves in water with slight hydrolysis to give a slightly acidic
K/U solution of pH 6.5.
MgCl2(s) + 6H2O(l)  [Mg(H2O)6]2+(aq) + 2Cl–(aq)
[Mg(H2O)6]2+(aq) ⇌ [Mg(H2O)5OH]+(aq) + H+(aq)

AlCl3 dissolves in water and undergoes partial hydrolysis to give an acidic

solution of pH 3.
AlCl2(s) + 6H2O(l)  [Al(H2O)6]3+(aq) + 3Cl–(aq)
[Al(H2O)6]3+(aq) ⇌ [Al(H2O)5OH]2+(aq) + H+(aq)
SiCl4 is a simple
SiCl4 dissolves vigorously in water to given an acidic solution of pH 2 molecule and
with the evolution of HCl gas. does not have
SiCl4(s) + 2H2O(l)  SiO2(s) + 4HCl(g) giant covelent
b (ii) MgCl2 is a giant ionic structure and contains a highly charged Mg2+ ion
K/U which undergoes hydrolysis in water.

SiCl4 is a simple molecule which readily hydrolyses in water.

c (i) [𝐻𝑋𝑂][𝑋 − ][𝐻 + ]
Kc = mol2 dm‒6
H [𝑋2 ]

c (ii) [𝐼𝑂 − ][𝐼 − ]

Kc =
H [𝐼2 ][𝑂𝐻 − ]2

I2 + 2OH‒ ⇌ IO‒ + I‒ + H2O

Initial conc. 0.10 0.50 0 0

Change in –9.7 x 10‒2 –0.194 +9.7 x 10‒2 +9.7 x 10‒2

Equilibrium 0.003 0.306 0.0970 0.0970

Kc = = 33.5 mol‒1 dm‒3
d (i) Structure of major product: Note

2 extra chiral centres are formed.

d (ii) KCl is a giant ionic structure containing very strong ionic bonds between
K/U K+ and Cl- ions. Hence the ionic bonds are not easily broken and KCl is
not volatile.

d (iii) 12(16)
% by mass of O = x 100% = 70.1%
H 2(12)+2(1)+12(16)+4(14)

d (iv)

7 11
(s) + C (s)  CO2 (g) + H2O (g) + 2N2 (g)
2 2
d (v) There is an increase in disorder.
K/U Gaseous products are formed from solid reactants.

There are 4 more moles of products formed as compared to reactants.

Q5 (a) Transition Elements (b) Electrochemistry (c) Alkenes (d) Comments
Nucleophilic Substitution of CN- vs Nucleophilic Addition of
HCN, Nitrile Hydrolysis, Oxidation of Alcohol
a (i) Due to the presence of ligands, the valence d orbitals split into Be clear on the details of
K/U two different energy levels with a small energy gap. When an this process.
electron in the lower energy level absorbs light from the visible
light region of the electromagnetic spectrum, it undergoes d-d*
electronic transition. The colour of the light not absorbed is seen
as the colour of the complex.
a (ii) V3+: [Ar] 3d2 Question is referring to
H V5+: [Ar] vanadium in the +3 and
+5 oxidation states, so
In order for d-d* electronic transition to occur, the valence d give the electronic
configuration of the two
subshell must be partially filled, such as in V3+, so that there is a
corresponding vanadium
vacancy in the upper energy level for the electron which absorbs
ions, not Na+.
light to fill. There are no d electrons in V5+ to undergo such a
b (i) As pH increases, [H+] decreases. As H+ is on the left hand side in Note that at pH 7, [H+] =
A/E both half-equations, the positions of equilibrium for both half- 10-7 mol dm-3, far below
equations will shift to the left when [H+] decreases, thus making Eo the 1 mol dm-3 stated in
less positive. However, VO3-/VO2+ will experience a greater standard conditions, so
[H+] is said to have
decrease in Eo because there are 4 H+ in the equation as compared
to 2 H+ for VO2+/VO2+. Hence, the oxidising power of VO3-
decreases more than VO2+, and so VO2+ is the more powerful
oxidant at pH 7.
b (ii) The products are VO2+ and SO42- (and H2O). Since VO3- undergoes
H 2 VO3- + SO2 + 4 H+  2 VO2+ + SO42- + 2H2O reduction (as the
oxidizing agent), SO2 is
oxidized. Look for the
half-equation in the Data
Booklet, with SO2 on the
right hand side (oxidation
proceeds in  direction).
c (i) CH3COCO2H Possible functional
H groups after oxidation by
KMnO4 are ketone &
carboxylic acid, and
maybe tertiary alcohol
(no primary/secondary
alcohol, no aldehyde, and
no C=C since oxidative
cleavage of C=C would
have occurred).
c (ii) For a 6-membered ring,
A/E molecule F needs to join
at the ketone group of G
instead of the adjacent
carboxylic acid.

Molecule F can be
“joined back” to molecule
G in two orientations (see
the different positions of
the methyl group
belonging to F).

c (iii) C10H20O Question is asking for the

H molecular formula, so it
(Note that with hydrogen/nickel, alkene groups will be reduced to alkane doesn’t matter which
and aldehyde group to primary alcohol. “Excess” hints to you that more structure of safranal you
than 1 functional group has reacted.) start off from.
d (i) J is neutral, meaning that it has no carboxylic acid group nor amine Structural elucidation
K/U group. deductions of functional
J does not react with 2,4-DNPH, meaning that it has no aldehyde group present, just asked
nor ketone group. in a different way.
J does not react with bromine water, meaning that it has no alkene
J reacts with sodium metal, meaning that it has an alcohol group.
d (ii) H: NCCH2C(CH3)2CHO For J to have a nitrogen
A/E J: NCCH2C(CH3)2CH(OH)CN atom but no amine group
K: HO2CCH2C(CH3)2CH(OH)CO2H would mean that it is
either an amide or a
nitrile. However, since it
has an alcohol group and
only one oxygen atom, it
can’t also have an amide
group. Therefore, J is a
d (iii) Step 1: KCN (ethanolic), heat under reflux nitrile.
K/U Step 3: HCl(aq) or H2SO4(aq), heat under reflux Thus, in steps 1 & 2, the
Step 4: KMnO4(aq), H2SO4(aq), heat under reflux –Br group is substituted
by a nitrile group, and the
aldehyde group is
reduced to an alcohol
Acid hydrolysis has to
take place in step 3 and
not step 4, since the
conditions for oxidising
the alcohol to a ketone
(acidified KMnO4 or
acidified K2Cr2O7) would
also hydrolyse the nitrile
(making step 4
These answers are prepared by Catholic Junior College Chemistry Department. No parts of this may be
reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the college.

2018 A Level Paper 4 Suggested Solutions and Comments

Disclaimer: Solutions, comments, allocation of topics and level of questions (K/U: knowledge
with understanding, H: handling information, A/E: application and evaluation) are suggested.

Q1 (a) Qualitative Analysis (QA), (b) & (d) Energetics Comments

(Calorimetry), (c) Transition Elements (Complexation)

(a) Expt VFA1 Vwater t 1/t lg(1/t) lg(VFA1) When taking

logarithm of a
/ cm3 / cm3 /s / s-1
physical quantity,
1 25.00 0.0 27.6 0.362 ‒1.44 1.40 no units need to
be given.
2 22.50 2.5 30.6 0.0327 ‒1.49 1.35

3 20.00 5.0 35.5 0.0282 ‒1.55 1.30

4 17.50 7.5 40.7 0.0246 ‒1.61 1.24

5 15.00 10.0 48.6 0.0206 ‒1.69 1.18

[table of data with correct headers and units, 1]

[data for all 5 experiments is recorded, 1]
[value of t given to 0.1 s and value of Vwater given to 1 d.p., 1]
[correct choice of Vwater to give same total volume for all solutions, 1]
(b)(i) Ensure that
plotted points
take up more
than half the
graph paper in
both directions.

[appropriate linear scale, 1]

[accurately plot all points to within ½ small square, 1]
[most appropriate best-fit line, 1]
When plotted in Excel, the graph looks like this:
-1.40 lg (VFA1)
1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45

y = 1.1135x - 2.9955


lg (1/t) -1.55




(b)(ii) −1.420−(−1.685) Ensure that the

Gradient = 1.415−1.180
= 1.13 (3 s.f.) points chosen for
gradient = 1.13 gradient span
order = 1 more than 3 large
[points chosen for gradient clearly shown either on graph or in working squares in both
for (b)(ii), and span more than 3 large squares in both directions, 1] directions.
[correct calculation of gradient and value presented to 3 s.f., 1]
[correct conclusion of order of reaction, 1]
(c) effect on t: it will increase

explanation: Rate is directly proportional to concentration of thiosulfate.

Residual water in the conical flask will dilute the reaction mixture,
decreasing the concentration of thiosulfate, hence decreasing the rate of
reaction. Since rate is inversely proportional to time, t will increase.
[1, with explanation]
(d) Amount of solid sulphur produced by the time when the solution first
becomes opaque. [1]

(e)(i) 8 S2O32-  S8 + 8 SO32- [1]

(e)(ii) H+ ions act as a catalyst. This can be seen from H+ being a reactant in
step 1 and regenerated as a product in step 7. [1]
Q2 (a)redox titration of Cu2+ with I-, (b) Mole concept and stoichiometry Comments
(Calculation of % by mass) (c) Calculation of ratio of reagent,
(d)explanation of observations
ai Titration results:
Expt 1 2

Final burette reading/cm 3 25.00 24.90

Initial burette reading/cm 3 0.00 0.00

Volume of FA 1 used/cm 3 25.00 24.90

Selected titre √ √

[1 for correct table header with units]

[1 correct recording of readings in 2 dp]
[1 for two consistent readings]
aii 25.00+24.90
Suitable volume of FA 1 = = 24.95 cm3 [1]
b 24.95
No. of moles of S2O32- used = × 0.1 = 2.495 x 10-3
Using equations 2,3 and 4,
≡ I2 ≡ I3- ≡ 2Cu2+
No. of moles of Cu2+ in 25cm3 =2.495 x 10-3
No. of moles of Cu2+ in 1 dm3 = 1000/25 x 2.495 x 10-3
= 0.0998 [1]
Mass of Cu in 1 dm = 0.0998 (63.5)
= 6.337
= 6.34g (to 3 sf) [1]

% by mass of Cu in the alloy =11.54 × 100%
= 54.9% [1]
ci From equation 2,
I- ≡ 2Cu2+
Min. amt of I- = 2 x 2.495 x 10-3
= 4.99 x10-3
Amt of I- added =1000 x 0.5
= 0.01 [1 for both correct amt calculated]
Ratio of amt of I- added : min. amt of I- required
0.01 : 4.99 x10-3
2:1 [1]

[3 for accuracy]
ii The two different chemical processes that uses iodide ion are Redox
reaction (equation 2) and solvation of I2 (equation 3). [1]
di When Na2CO3 is added, blue ppt of CuCO3 was formed. [1]
Na2CO3 (aq) + Cu2+ (aq)  CuCO3(s)+ 2Na+(aq)
When CH3CO2H was added, it reacts with the CuCO3 ppt to form a
soluble salt, causing the ppt to dissolve. [1]
CuCO3(s) + 2CH3CO2H (aq) Cu(CH3CO2)2 (aq) + H2O (l) + CO2 (g)
ii According to the expt in question 1, the H+ present reacts with S2O32- to
produce sulfur, therefore, more S2O32- would be required to react with the
Cu2+ pipetted, causing the titre value to be higher. [1]

Q3 (a), (b) & (c) Inorganic Qualitative Analysis (QA) Comments

(d) Redox reactions involving Copper

a(i) White precipitate soluble in excess aqueous sodium hydroxide.

a(i) White precipitate soluble in excess aqueous ammonia.
2. [1] for both observations
a(ii) Cream precipitate (FA 4) dissolves to give a dark blue solution
(filtrate) in aqueous ammonia. [1]

Upon adding dilute sulfuric acid, a white precipitate in brown

solution is formed. Brown colour of solution is discharged in
excess dilute sulfuric acid, leaving a white precipitate. [1]
a(iii) Metal: Zinc
Evidence: Zn2+ forms a white precipitate of Zn(OH)2 in alkalis
and upon adding excess alkali, the white precipitate forms a
soluble complex, either [Zn(OH)4]2- or [Zn(NH3)4]2+. [1]

Zn2+(aq) + 2OH-(aq) → Zn(OH)2(s)
White ppt

In excess aq NaOH:
Zn(OH)2(s) + 2OH-(aq) →[Zn(OH)4]2-(aq)
White ppt colourless solution

In excess aq NH3:
Zn(OH)2(s) + NH3(aq) → [Zn(NH3)4]2+(aq) + 2OH-(aq)
White ppt colourless solution
a(iv) CuI undergoes disproportionation to form Cu2+ which forms
[Cu(NH3)4]2+, hence giving a dark blue solution with aqueous

Upon adding dilute sulfuric acid, the complex NH3 is removed

and [Cu(H2O)6]2+ is formed. Cu2+ immediately undergoes a
redox reaction with the I- present to re-form the white CuI
precipitate and brown I2 solution.
b A blue solution with pinkish-brown residue is obtained. [1]
c Light blue precipitate insoluble in excess aqueous sodium
1. hydroxide. [1]
C Light blue precipitate soluble in excess aqueous ammonia to
2. give a dark blue solution. [1]
d(i) Cu2O + H2SO4  Cu + CuSO4 + H2O [1]
d(ii) Cu+ in Cu2O undergoes disproportionation to form Cu and Cu2+

Eocell = +0.52 – (+0.15) = +0.37 V [1, with calculations]

Q4 Planning (P) – Determination of a value for an enthalpy change of Comments

reaction using a graphical method.
a Calculation of quantities of chemicals used to ensure an excess of zinc Similar to CJC
2017 JC1 WS8
H+ 150 and 2017 A level
Amount of CuSO4 in 150cm3 =1000 × 1 = 0.150 mol
A/E Q1(d).
No. of moles of Zn in 10g = = 0.1529 mol

As Zn and CuSO4 reacts 1:1, if 50cm3 (0.05 mol) of CuSO4 reacts with 5g
(0.07645 mol) of Zn, zinc will be in excess.

Plan including details of apparatus, procedure and measurements

1. Fill up a 50.00 cm3 burette with 0.100 mol dm-3 CuSO4 and measure
out exactly 50.00 cm3 of CuSO4 into a clean and dry Styrofoam cup.
Place this cup inside a second Styrofoam cup, which is placed in a
250 cm3 glass beaker.
2. Weigh accurately about 5.0 g of powdered zinc using a clean dry
weighing bottle and an electronic weighing balance, and note the
mass as m1.

3. Start the stopwatch.

4. Stir gently and measure the temperature of the CuSO4 using a clean
and dry thermometer, every half minute and record your readings.
5. At exactly 3 minutes, add the weighed sample to the CuSO4 in the
Styrofoam cup.
6. Stir the mixture thoroughly and continue to record the temperature
every half minutefrom 3½ minutes to 10 minutes (or longer until a
steady decrease in temperature has been achieved).
7. Weigh the emptied weighing bottle and note the mass as m2.
8. The mass of zinc transferred in will be m1 – m2, and should be more
than 0.05 x 65.4 = 3.27g for it to be excess.
Record the temperature readings and time in the table as below

Time / Temperature Time / Temperature

min / oC min / oC
0 27.0 5½
½ 27.0 6
1 27.0 6½
1½ 27.0 7
2 27.0 7½
2½ 27.0 8
3 8½
3½ 9
4 9½
4½ 10

In order to ensure an accurate and reliable results for ∆T max,

- firstly, the temperature before addition of zinc should be fairly

consistent to reflect an accurate initial temperature,
- secondly, the time at which the zinc is added must be accurately
- thirdly, there must be enough readings (5 or more) when the
temperature of the solution starts to decrease to ensure that a
best-fit straight line can be drawn and extrapolated, which
contributes to both reliability and accuracy,
- finally the scale of the graph must be suitable, so that the graph
occupies as much as the grid as possible, in order for the most
precise reading possible for temperature at 3 minutes and hence
results in greater accuracy of the ∆T max.
b(i) Similar to CJC
2017 JC1 WS8
K/U T2 and 2017 A level

x x
x x
x x x
x x
T1 x x x x x

b(ii) Draw two best-fit straight lines, the first taking into account the points
before the zinc was added and the second taking into account the points
K/U after the reaction had finished (temperature starts decreasing).

Extrapolate both lines to 3 minutes and the difference in the readings, T2

– T1 is ∆T max.

b(iii) q = mc∆Tmax
= 50 (4.18)∆Tmax (units in J)
−q −50 (4.18)∆Tmax
∆Hreaction = Amount of CuSO = 50
4 ×1

= – 4180 x ∆Tmax (units in J mol-1)

b(iv) Heat loss to surrounding is accounted for [1] when the graphical method Identical concept
K/U is used but not accounted (or assumed to be negligible) when direct to 2017 A level
method is used, hence the total heat evolved for the reaction will be more P4 Q1(d)(iii)
accurately determined by the graphical method.

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