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When we as students have a better awareness of context, we are better able to

appreciate the narrative of the human experience. The study of history helps
pupils become more literate and gives them the ability to comprehend the world
in which they live.
 I am a very inquisitive person, I love hearing facts and trivia especially
when it talks about “beginnings of something” but in order to do that, we
need to validate those presented ideas first before showing it to the world
that those are legitimate. Legitimacy of these historical events are vital
contributions to our own identity.
 It gives the readers the ability to examine the parties that causes historical
contradictions. In my experience, I’ve dealt various sources coming from
the internet about different documents and some are not reliable enough
that they invalidate a particular event just because there were jeopardy in
the analyzing/authoring processes. For example, in the 15 th century
Magellan gave the order for a Mass to be held on March 31, 1521, which
was Easter Sunday. The Andalusian chaplain of the fleet, Father Pedro
Valderrama, was the sole priest present at the time and served as the
celebrant of the Mass. The First Holy Mass, which was held near the
shores of the island, is considered to be the event that inaugurated the
practice of Roman Catholicism in the Philippines. But the problem was,
there were tons of claims about where it really happened but no definite
document could ever say about the “where”. Still, people continued writing
2. The very problem why this nation-state cannot progress is because the country
continues to justify corruption. Corruption disproportionately affects the poor and
most vulnerable, raising expenses and limiting access to services such as health,
education, and justice. Corruption is a type of dishonesty or a criminal offense
committed by a person or organization in a position of authority in order to obtain
illegal benefits or abuse power for personal gain. History had helped us
comprehend that this issue had grown prevalent in the country, and history had
shown us facts demonstrating that the country had always confronted this issue.
It was historical literacy that taught us how to vote for the right individuals in the
appropriate positions. It was also through this that we decided who to
congratulate and who to impeach.
3. Readings in Philippine History is a study of Philippine history through the
perspective of selected primary materials from various periods, including analysis
and interpretations. Because of this training, I was able to recognize that the truth
should always be the lighthouse, no matter how crooked it was in history or how
much better it was. As a young adult, I would benefit from learning how to
validate information and be vigilant about the society in which I live.

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