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Revision Notes

Class 6 Maths
CHAPTER – 9 - Data Handling
● Data is a group of numbers compiled to provide information.

● Recording data: Data can be gathered from a variety of sources.

● Data is represented as pictures of items in a pictograph. It allows you to

quickly answer queries about the data.

A Pictograph expresses data as images, things, or pieces of objects.

We've also learned how to decipher a pictogram and respond to the
accompanying questions.

● Bar Graph: A pictorial representation of numerical data made up of

equal-width bars (rectangles) of various heights.

Class VI Maths 1

● Data, as we've seen, is a collection of numbers gathered to provide
information. To quickly extract a specific piece of information from a set
of data, the data can be organised in a tabular manner using tally marks.

● We've spoken about how to use a bar diagram or a bar graph to depict
data. In a bar graph, horizontal or vertical bars of uniform width are
drawn with equal space between them. Each bar's length provides the
necessary information.

● We also spoke about how to choose a scale for the graph as part of this.
One unit, for example, equals 100 pupils. We've also gone over how to
read a bar graph. We've seen how different meanings can be made from
the same.

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