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Classical eddy current losses in Soft Magnetic Composites

Article  in  Journal of Applied Physics · March 2013

DOI: 10.1063/1.4795744

16 569

6 authors, including:

Carlo Appino Olivier de la Barrière

INRIM Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica French National Centre for Scientific Research


Fausto Fiorillo M. Lobue

INRIM Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica Ecole normale supérieure de Cachan


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Classical eddy current losses in soft magnetic composites
C. Appino, O. de la Barrière, F. Fiorillo, M. LoBue, F. Mazaleyrat et al.

Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 113, 17A322 (2013); doi: 10.1063/1.4795744

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Classical eddy current losses in soft magnetic composites

C. Appino,1 O. de la Barrière,2,a) F. Fiorillo,1 M. LoBue,2 F. Mazaleyrat,2 and C. Ragusa3
Instituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRIM), Torino, Italy
SATIE, ENS Cachan, CNRS, UniverSud, 61 av du President Wilson, F-94230 Cachan, France
Dipartimento Energia, Politecnico di Torino, Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy
(Presented 15 January 2013; received 2 November 2012; accepted 12 December 2012; published
online 22 March 2013)
This paper deals with the problem of loss evaluation in Soft Magnetic Composites (SMCs),
focusing on the classical loss component. It is known that eddy currents can flow in these granular
materials at two different scales, that of the single particle (microscopic eddy currents) and that of
the specimen cross-section (macroscopic eddy currents), the latter ensuing from imperfect
insulation between particles. It is often argued that this macroscopic loss component can be
calculated considering an equivalent homogeneous material of same bulk resistivity. This
assumption has not found so far clear and general experimental validation. In this paper, we discuss
energy loss experiments in two different SMC materials, obtained using different binder types, and
we verify that a classical macroscopic loss component, the sole size-dependent term, can be
separately identified. It is also put in evidence that, depending on the material, the measured
sample resistivity and the equivalent resistivity entering the calculation of the macroscopic eddy
currents may not be the same. A corrective coefficient is, therefore, introduced and experimentally
identified. This coefficient appears to depend on the material type only. An efficient way to
calculate the macroscopic classical loss in these materials is thus provided. V C 2013 American

Institute of Physics. []

I. INTRODUCTION are negligible. In this paper, this limitation is overcome,

by considering different SMC samples of various sizes and
Soft Magnetic Composites (SMCs) are of interest in
modern electrical engineering applications. Their isotropic
magnetic and thermal behavior provides a clear advantage
for machines with 3D flux paths.1 II. EXPERIMENTAL
The extension of the loss separation concept to SMC
A. Samples
would be suitable to predict the loss in applications, but is not
obvious, because one has to deal with an inhomogeneous The experiments presented in this paper have been car-
granular structure, where eddy currents (e.c.) flow at two dif- ried out on several samples of two SMC materials, herein
ferent scales: the scale of the single particle (microscopic called SMC1 and SMC2, produced from a high purity iron
e.c.), and the scale of the whole sample (macroscopic e.c., due powder ATOMET 1001HP (Ref. 6) provided by Quebec
to intergrain conductivity).2,3 The correspondingly measured Metal Powders (QMPs). The particles in the SMC1 and
bulk resistivity is often considered in the macroscopic eddy SMC2 materials are insulated by means of organic and inor-
current calculations, assuming an equivalent homogeneous ganic binders, respectively. The SMC1 material is heat-
material. It has been suggested that microscopic and macro- treated at low temperature (1 h at 160  C), so as to improve
scopic e.c. can be associated with microscopic and macro- the mechanical properties (e.g., fracture strength) without
scopic classical loss components, respectively.2 Although a damaging the organic insulator.7 A higher-temperature treat-
certain dependence of the total dynamic loss on the bulk resis- ment (1 h at 425  C), as permitted by the inorganic insulator,
tivity has been shown,4 no clear experimental evidence of the is applied to the SMC2 material.7
separation between macroscopic and microscopic classical The samples are delivered as rings with rectangular
losses has been provided so far. At the same time, the assumed cross-section (outside diameter 52.6 mm, inside diameter
link between the measured material resistivity and the macro- 43.8 mm). Three different ring thicknesses have been consid-
scopic e.c. has not been supported by experimental ered: t1 ¼ 5 mm, t2 ¼ 9 mm, and t3 ¼ 13 mm. Type and geom-
observations. etry of each sample are here identified as SMC1-tj (i ¼ 1, 2
It was previously shown5 that loss separation accord- and j ¼ 1, 2, 3). The compaction pressure (600 MPa), permits
ing to STL could be carried out in small and highly resis- one to reach densities in the order of 7100 kg/m3 in all sam-
tive SMC samples, where the macroscopic eddy currents ples and materials. The resistivity of all samples has been
measured, and is shown in Table I. Some dispersion (due to
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: non-perfect reproducibility of the manufacturing process) is observed.

0021-8979/2013/113(17)/17A322/3/$30.00 113, 17A322-1 C 2013 American Institute of Physics


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17A322-2 Appino et al. J. Appl. Phys. 113, 17A322 (2013)

TABLE I Obtained resistivities q for all materials (SMC1 and SMC2) and
thicknesses (t1, t2, and t3).

Axial thickness (mm)

Material t1 ¼ 5 t2 ¼ 9 t3 ¼ 13

SMC1 q ¼ 1590 lX  m q ¼ 911 q ¼ 1170

SMC2 q ¼ 48 q ¼ 43 q ¼ 45


A. Macroscopic eddy currents: evidence and
computation FIG. 2. Measured and calculated energy loss difference DW (sinusoidal
polarization, Jp ¼ 1 T) between the SMC1-t3 and SMC1-t1 samples. The pre-
The magnetic characterization of the ring specimens is dicted DW behavior is obtained from Eq. (3) using the loss coefficient
performed under controlled sinusoidal polarization (peak Q(loss) ¼ 1.
value Jp ¼ 1 T) from DC to 10 kHz. The experiments show
(see Fig. 1 for SMC2, a similar behavior being observed in DW ða;bÞ ¼ W ðaÞ  W ðbÞ ¼ Wclass;MAC ðaÞ  Wclass;MAC ðbÞ : (1)
SMC1) that the specific loss in SMC materials depends on
the material cross-sectional area (i.e., ring thickness). To We can thus generally write for the total specific loss W(Jp, f)
explain this phenomenon, it is often assumed2 that the ¼ Wclass,MAC(Jp, f) þ WMIC(Jp, f). The microscopic part WMIC
observed losses in SMC samples are due to physical effects was previously analyzed in the framework of STL (Ref. 5)
occurring upon two different scales: (a) the microscopic loss, and was shown to be equal to the sum of an hysteresis contri-
due to the e.c. circulating within the individual iron particles; bution, an excess component, and a classical loss term deriv-
(b) the macroscopic classical loss, due to the e.c. flowing ing from the eddy currents circulating within the particles.10
from particle to particle thanks to imperfections in particle It is frequently assumed that the measured material re-
insulation and describing macroscopic patterns. However, no sistivity can be directly used for the macroscopic loss com-
clear experimental evidence for effective role of these eddy putation, assuming an equivalent homogeneous material.2
currents has been provided so far and there is no consensus But the link between sample resistivity and macroscopic
on the underlying assumptions.8,9 classical loss is not obvious, because, as shown in Ref. 10,
In order to single out the contribution to the specific loss percolation due to random contacts between particles plays a
depending on the sample cross-section (WMAC) from the one role in highly compacted samples and interpretation of the
occurring upon the scale of the single particle (the micro- experiments calls for a specific model of conduction by ran-
scopic loss WMIC), the loss difference measured in samples dom contacts.10 A simpler approach is proposed here by
differing only for their size is considered. We thus write, introducing the notion of equivalent resistivity for the loss
considering two sizes (a) and (b): DW(a,b) ¼ W(a)  W(b) q(loss), i.e., the resistivity which would produce, in an homo-
¼ WMAC(a)  WMAC(b). Figs. 2 and 3 show the differences geneous sample, the same macroscopic loss observed in the
DW measured between SMC1-t3 and SMC1-t1, and SMC2-t3 SMC. Due to percolation, q(loss) is expectedly different from
and SMC2-t1, respectively. Similar results are obtained in the measured resistivity q, but we assume that proportional-
other samples. DW linearly depends on frequency, thereby ity exists, so that we can write q(loss) ¼ Q(loss)  q, with Q(loss)
showing that the macroscopic loss contribution is classical in a phenomenological coefficient. It is verified that Q(loss)
nature. depends only on the type of material and can be obtained

FIG. 1. Specific loss in SMC2 samples (inorganic binder) as a function of

frequency, for three different thickness values t1, t2, and t3 (sinusoidal polar- FIG. 3. As in Fig. 2 for the samples SMC2-t3 and SMC2-t1. The theoretical
ization, Jp ¼ 1 T). DW is obtained using Q(loss) ¼ 1.56 in Eq. (3).

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17A322-3 Appino et al. J. Appl. Phys. 113, 17A322 (2013)

comparing two samples with different cross-sectional area. independent of the cross-sectional area in sufficiently big
we consider a ring sample with rectangular cross-section samples. This is an important point in the practical use of
(thickness t, width DR, and cross-sectional area Sc ¼ t  DR) this model. We observe in Figs. 2 and 3 the close behaviors
and obtain the macroscopic classical loss as of the experimental and the so calculated loss differences
DW versus f in the ring samples SMCi-t3 (i ¼ 1 or 2) and
Wclass;MAC ðJp ; f Þ SMCi-t1 (the experimental DW observed at f ¼ 0 being
1 2 1 DR related to the uncertainty associated with the determination
¼ 2p ðlossÞ
Kshape  Sc  Jp2 f ½J=kg; (2) of this quantity for the hysteresis loss component). The coef-
dQ q t
ficient Q(loss) can then be simply obtained, for a given mate-
where the parameter Kshape, which depends only on the rial, from the loss difference measured on two differently
width-to-thickness ratio DR/t, is computed using a finite ele- sized samples, an important result in view of loss prediction
ment method (the skin effect is neglected). Comparing two in practical cores.
samples (a) and (b) of the same material, Eq. (2) can be writ-
ten as
ða;bÞ ðaÞ ðbÞ
DW ¼W W We have put in evidence the link between sample resis-
( ðaÞ ðaÞ ðbÞ ðbÞ
1 Kshape Sc Kshape Sc tivity and macroscopic classical loss in two different classes
¼ 2p2  Jp2 f ½J=kg: of commercial soft magnetic composites. An equivalent re-
QðlossÞ dðaÞ qðaÞ dðbÞ qðbÞ
sistivity for the magnetic losses, taking into account the
(3) effect of random interparticle contacts and percolation, has
been introduced besides the measured resistivity. It is a ma-
B. Validation of the macroscopic loss model terial related quantity, independent of the sample size.
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